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Courtesan Page 6

by S. C. Daiko

  ‘I’m told you wish to present me at Court. Are you sure?’

  ‘Absolutely. It’s the first step in the many I have planned for you. Talking of which.’ He reaches into his pocket. ‘I have this for you. A gift. There will be more.’

  He pulls out a gold necklace and slips it over my head.

  ‘Thank you.’ I’m stunned. How can this fascinating man be so kind to me? I’m surely not worthy. ‘And you, sir? How fares your work?’

  ‘Well, very well.’ And he holds forth on the new tax system he’s organising. My skin prickles with awareness of him. His white tunic hugs that firm chest, and I long to touch him. But more than that, I long to be possessed by him. To lose all sense of Theodora and be lost in Justinian. Crazy, impetuous, domineering Justinian. Why does he affect me like this? It’s lust. Pure lust. But there’s more to it than that. With each word he speaks, I feel as if I’m being pulled into the swirling maelstrom of his mind. And his ambitions for the Empire are rubbing off on me. I’m ambitious too. Not for myself, but for how I can influence him. Influence him? How the hell do I do that?

  I’m jolted from my thoughts by the feel of his hands on my arms. ‘Did you enjoy my tongue in you this morning, Theodora?’

  His directness floors me and, at first, I don’t know what to say. A simple yes, I suppose, so I say it. ‘Yes.’

  ‘And did you like my cock in your mouth?’

  ‘Yes I did like it, sir.’ And I did. I really did…

  ‘How about licking my balls?’

  I nod. ‘It’s the first time I’ve swallowed a man’s seed.’ And it’s true. I would not agree to do it with any of my patrons, even Gaius.

  ‘Ah, Theo. Of that I’m glad.’

  ‘I liked it when you slapped my nipples, too.’ Inexplicably, I’d burned for him then.

  ‘Good, good. I told you I knew what would please you. It’s time to move up a level in your surrender.’


  ‘I must warn you, and I won’t do this unless you wish it. I’d like to spank you.’

  ‘Spank me?’ Oh, sweet Jesus!

  ‘I think you’ll enjoy it. And if you don’t, just tell me to stop. I’ll do that as soon as you say the word.’

  He points to the low wall separating the terrace from the balcony below. ‘Bend over!’

  Lord, right here? Exhilaration rushes through me. The bricks press against my abdomen. My face is burning and my quim throbs. Part of me wishes to run, the Theo of the Pentapolis part, but the other part, the cheeky Theodora of the theatre, famous for daring to re-enact Leda and the Swan and let a goose peck at her quim, really wants this. Or maybe it’s the other way around…

  Justinian’s arm clamps around my waist, and his hand comes down with a swat. I yelp, even though my tunic and undergarments spare me any harshness. He spanks me again, and then again and again. A prickling warmth spreads across my buttocks. I push against him, leaning into his strength as he lays on more spanks. Every slap is full of promise. A promise of redemption. A promise so powerful and seductive in its beauty that it calls to my soul. I tense for more. I yearn for more.


  Justinian pulls me up, away from the wall. Disappointment washes over me. Then I catch sight of his beautiful face, the dark passion etched across his features – the dark promise. He isn’t done with me yet.

  Without a word, he grabs the hem of my tunic and pulls it up, tossing it onto the wall. My undergarment follows and the breeze chills me. Justinian’s nostrils flare as he cups my buttocks. Gooseflesh lifts across my skin and a fierce heat stokes my quim. His voice is a low growl by my ear. ‘You will surrender to me, Theodora. Become mine.’

  His hand comes down. Pain bursts across my bottom. I jerk and bite back a cry. It hurts. God, how it hurts. Shall I tell him to stop? No, I can take this. I want to take it. The pain makes me feel good, somehow. He brings down another heavy-handed spank. I groan and my sheath clenches. His hand lingers on my buttock a moment, caressing it. Then lifts. Another hard spank. And another, reverberating through me and into me. I writhe against him – against the force of his will and the force of his hand. His arm is like a circle of iron around me, and his hand rains down fire. He grinds his prick against my hip and lands blow after blow. My buttocks are burning. I’m coming apart. Justinian is breaking me in two. Please God, let this spank be the last! Please God, don’t let him stop!

  But then he’s stroking and squeezing my heated flesh. I moan. My arse feels hot and huge, yet I tremble with a desire unlike any I’ve ever felt – a desire for Justinian.

  He presses a kiss to my cheek. ‘Put your hands at your sides, and keep them there until I tell you otherwise.’ Oh God! Squeezing my eyes shut, I force my arms against my hips. He strokes his fingers along my jaw, and brushes his lips over mine. I press up against him, but he pulls back. I lift onto my toes, and still he draws back, giving me only the lightest of kisses. ‘Set your feet apart,’ he says against my lips. I let out a frustrated gasp, but obey.

  He strokes a hand over my breast and down my belly. Oh, sweet Jesus! He reaches between my parted thighs, and strokes over my wet folds. Ah! His other hand lands a sharp swat on my arse. I sway and my legs bend and then straighten as I try to ease my need. My bottom feels hot and sore, but somehow the discomfort increases my desire. Oh God, oh God, oh God. I’m desperate for release, but Justinian isn’t touching my clit, and his fingers aren’t deep enough inside me. I groan and wag my hips wantonly. I can’t help it. As if in answer, he slips in another finger, even as he lays another spank on the underside of my enflamed bottom. My sheath tightens.

  ‘There,’ he murmurs by my ear. ‘Do you see how the pain and the pleasure are connected?’

  I pant and try to thrust my clasping quim more deeply over his fingers.

  ‘Do you see how little there is between one and the other?’ He gives me another quick, lifting slap.

  ‘Yes! Yes!’ I grind against his fingers. Just as I feel my climax cresting, he pulls his hand away and steps before me. I cry out, and my hips sway. I weep with a frustrated desire that’s both mortifying and exciting. My face feels hot beneath my tears. My bottom is sore and tingly. And my cunny lips are wet and heavy with lust.

  Justinian watches me, his eyes shining, his smile a delight. Before I can think what he might do next, he delivers a light slap to each of my nipples. The stinging sensation shoots, like an arrow, directly to my throbbing clit. I shudder and draw back my shoulders as he slaps them again and again. The more he slaps them, the more my nipples throb and darken, and the more juice trickles from my sheath. My knees weaken and my head falls back as I thrust my hot swollen nipples forward. Each slap only makes me crave another. My hips writhe, my quim strains, and my thighs shake, yet I can’t reach my orgasm. It evades me, leaving me suspended on a relentless peak. I groan and arch my back, but then the slaps stop coming and everything is still. Everything except my body. So alive, it hums with want. Dizzy and desperate for release, I straighten my head and meet Justinian’s smouldering gaze.

  ‘Sometimes the most difficult part of surrender is not the pain, Theodora. It’s the need.’ He steps close to me. ‘The rampant desire that can’t be assuaged.’ Pressing his hands over mine, he slowly rubs his erection against my pelvis. ‘For your orgasm is no longer your own. It belongs to me as much as it belongs to you.’ I grind against him, frantic for the feel of his firm flesh. ‘And you will not have it until I say you will have it.’ He steps away from me.

  I drop my head with a sob. My body is pulsing, and my nipples are dark and distended. They tingle with a heat that both tortures and tantalises, echoing the feeling in my punished bottom. My juices trickle down my thighs, and my clit aches.

  ‘This is how I like to see you – hot, flushed, and soundly spanked. Surrender becomes you, sweet Theo.’

  It takes all my strength to lift my head. Justinian leans on the wall facing me, his long legs open and his erection tenting his tunic. My mouth waters and so does my

  ‘You can’t know how beautiful you look.’ He pulls up his tunic and undoes his undergarment, unveiling his thick cock. Reaching in, he lifts out his swollen balls.

  I swallow and my heart misses a beat. His prick is dark red and the head appears purplish and inflated. He’s demonstrated such masterful control up to now, but he’s clearly as desperate for release as I am. ‘Come,’ he says firmly, indicating the floor between his legs. I practically fly to him, but when I settle on my knees and wiggle in an attempt to ease my throbbing clit, Justinian grabs me by my upper arms. ‘No.’ He shakes his head. ‘Knees wide apart.’

  He pinches my right nipple. I gasp and draw back my shoulders. ‘Good.’ Then he sucks on it while teasing and rolling the other nipple between his fingers. His hand now brushes the inside of my thigh. I groan and tilt my hips. If only he would touch between my legs. If only… He releases me and draws slowly back. ‘Oh, God…’ I meet his hard, sultry gaze. ‘Please!’

  Justinian’s jaw clenches. Gripping the thick trunk of his cock, he pushes it toward me. ‘Pay homage to me, and I’ll think about it…’ I dive forward, but then he stays me. I look up at him, my desperation growing.

  He gazes back at me from beneath lowered lids. ‘Keep your hands on your thighs.’ I nod, then take him into my mouth. Desire washes from my quim at the taste and feel of him. I suck his salty fluid, and sweep my tongue across his tip. Sinking more deeply over him, I press firmly against the underside of his prick. With long, slow passes I move up and down, milking rivulets of liquid from his engorged cock.

  He groans and slides his hands into my hair as his hips tilt and push more of his thickness into my mouth. I open for him and take what he gives me. He begins to thrust deep and steady. The head of his prick grinds against the back of my throat. One, two, three thrusts. Then he withdraws and I take a gasping breath. He pushes his cock slowly back into my mouth until it’s completely filled. Holding me to him, he rocks his hips in small, tight motions that manoeuvre more of his heavy prick down my throat, and the sensation, naked on the roof terrace with the breeze on my flesh, brings involuntary shudders so intense I might faint.

  But I don’t faint. My back arches. My clit and my hips jerk. My release rushes toward me. Justinian pulls free. Light-headed, I draw a breath in preparation for him to pull me down again. He’s helping me to my feet. No! I was so close! So, so close! I throw myself into his arms and rub myself desperately against him. I feel his solid shaft, his warm body. ‘Please, not again, sir!’

  ‘You almost climaxed, Theo.’

  ‘My quim aches to be filled.’

  ‘No, Theodora. You must take more punishment.’

  My arse is still glowing. Surely no more!?

  Grabbing me, he spins me around and bends me over the wall once again. My heated breasts burn against the cold stone. He holds me against him and kicks my legs apart as he presses his cock against the small of my back. ‘Yes, again!’ he rasps near my ear. ‘And again and again, if it pleases me, Theo.’ Then he steps to my side and the spanks come hard and fast. I struggle and strain and shriek with each stinging slap. He’s behind me now, pressing against my hot arse. ‘There’s no pleasure for you, but through me, Theodora. You must remember that.’ I moan as he grips my nipples, teasing them between his fingers. ‘Think of nothing but satisfying me, and know that everything you suffer for my pleasure works to bring you that much closer to your own fulfilment.’ He releases my swollen nipples, and I let out a gasp.

  He slides a feathery touch down my arms. ‘I want your body to ache. I want you to feel all the sensation it is capable of. And I want you to experience each punishment and each pleasure with the awareness that it is I who am giving it to you.’ He squeezes my sore buttocks. ‘I am the one, Theodora. I am the only one who can bring you this beautiful, blissful ache.’ His grip tightens on my aching flesh. ‘For it is blissful, isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes. It is truly blissful, sir.’ Even as I long for release, his strict refusal to bow to me comforts some deep part of my soul. And the pain, there’s such satisfaction in that as well.

  ‘I think you love it.’ He kisses the curve of my ear. ‘And you will grow to love it even more, until you can’t do without it.’ His grip on my bottom releases then tightens again. ‘And now, sweet Theo, now that I’ve spanked your pert little arse I want to push my prick into your tight, sweet cunt and fuck you fast and hard. And I won’t stop. Even when my cock is swimming in your juices I won’t stop. Even when you beg me because you can’t take any more I won’t stop.’

  At last!

  Fluid is spilling from his prick. The knob is dark purple and swollen. He pushes me down against the wall and I feel his hardness nudging at my folds. Blood pounds in my ears. He thrusts, hard. His cock feels like an iron rod, and my quim is stretched so tightly around him. He holds my hips and thrusts again, grinding the swollen head of his prick against the tight opening to my womb. And with every thrust my breasts scrape against stone and sparks of pleasure shoot through me. He speaks against my ear, his voice a hoarse whisper. ‘This is what you need, isn’t it?’ He shoves harder. ‘Isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes, sir. Yes!’

  ‘Theo, your cunt is sucking my prick like a hungry mouth. I have more to give you. Tell me you want it.’

  ‘I want all of you. I want to be filled with you. I want to be the perfect sheath for your cock.’

  He pushes into me with great strength. His hips pump and he bears down even harder. I arch my back and meet his thrusts. ‘That’s it, Theodora!’

  ‘Sir! Sir! I’m going to – it’s coming! I can’t stop it!’

  My body erupts. Stars burst behind my eyes. Justinian places his hand over my mouth. ‘Yes, yes,’ he gasps into my ear. ‘Climax!’ He leans on my hip with his free hand as wave after wracking wave of my quivering quim clenches and pulls at his prick. He chokes back a groan and bites into my shoulder. ‘I could give you everything right now,’ he rasps in my ear. ‘If I wanted, I could bury my whole cock in you right now and lose myself. My prick is so fucking hard.’ He’s thrusting into me. ‘But I want you to break for me, again and again.’ His hips pump faster and faster. I moan behind his hand. Wetness drips out of me. Then my sheath is grabbing at him, and he’s pumping, pumping, pumping, pushing me beyond pleasure into such joy that I’m no longer Theo but completely subsumed to him.

  ‘Fuck,’ he groans against my shoulder. With explosive force, his hot seed spasms out of him. It keeps coming and coming – roaring up from his swollen sac and spurting out in thick washes. Then, just when I think he’s spent all he has, I crest again. My quim grips and sucks his prick so diligently that I coax from it a final spurt. My own breathing rasps in my ear. I open my mouth over his chest and taste his skin, salty with both of our sweat.

  Justinian sweeps his arms around me, holding me close. He kisses up my neck, behind my ear, my forehead, my nose, and finally my mouth.

  After helping me dress, he carries me to his room. He spreads me on the bed, peeling off my tunic and drawing out each caress as he traces the curve of my throat, the sweep of my collarbone, and the hollows of my hips. My eyes close.


  I wake to the scratching of a quill on parchment and the dim light of an oil lamp. Justinian is sitting at his desk, his wool robe open to show his bare chest.

  I yawn and sit up. ‘Don’t you ever sleep, sir?’

  He laughs and sets down his quill, his eyes on my nakedness. ‘Not much.’

  I leave the feathered mattress and go to him, sitting my bare backside on a letter to the Bishop of Rome. I tug open his robe to reveal the sparsely scattered hair that tapers to a dark line. ‘I think the Pope can wait.’

  His lips trail along my ribs, stopping to kiss the mole under my left breast. He lifts me onto his lap. ‘I think you’re right.’ He points to a ginger root on the table. ‘Know what this is?’

  I nod. It’s large. Shaped like a hand with swollen fingers.

  ‘We’ll use i
t as a toy, if you like.’

  Intrigued, I watch him take a small knife and cut out one of the “fingers”, carving into the root. He peels the skin off, so that it’s smooth and rounded, then makes a shallow groove at the base. It looks like a prick. ‘Get back on the bed, my sweet.’

  Is he going to fuck me with it? A leather-covered stone dildo was used on me once and I didn’t like it. I shudder.

  ‘I want to start preparing your arse for my cock.’

  ‘Oh.’ I gulp. The ginger is going inside me? There? ‘I’m not sure.’ I remember the last time I was taken from behind and I shudder again.

  ‘You’ll like it, I hope. And if you don’t just tell me to stop.’


  ‘It will take some time for you to be ready for my prick. You know how big I am. This is only a small plug. I’ve ordered Narses to source some bigger roots for us.’

  I blush. Narses knows what his master does to me. Then I remember the eunuch with Menander. Narses is unlikely to be shocked.

  ‘The oil from the ginger will lubricate your arse. Don’t worry!’

  Back on the bed, he gets me to lie on my stomach and I turn to watch him as he rubs his left hand over my buttocks. He transfers the root to that hand, while the fingers of his right hand stroke over my still burning, bruised flesh. I could tell him to stop. And he would, I realise that now. But against all reason I’m intrigued and want to find out what this will be like.

  Justinian presses a finger at the midpoint of my arsehole and I flinch. ‘Relax, my sweet. Let me in.’

  I tense as his finger slides into me.

  ‘Surrender. Keep going. Just like that.’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ I pant.

  He’s concentrating on my arse, his elbow bent at just the right angle to get his finger deep, deep and deeper still.

  My belly clenches, the feeling of invasion so unique. So sensual. So different. He adds another finger and I tighten around it. He pushes higher. ‘One day I’ll fuck you here. I’ll push my cock into your arse, balls deep, and you’ll love it, Theo. You’ll climax so hard. The ginger root will be in your cunt, and your arms and legs bound. It will be wonderful, you’ll break and break and break until you can take no more.’


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