Aftermath (Dividing Line #6)

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Aftermath (Dividing Line #6) Page 6

by Heather Atkinson

  Bruiser pulled a face.

  “I wouldn’t get ahead of yourself,” Ryan told Amber. “They’ve both been through a lot and I don’t think Beth’s ready.”

  “Course she is, look at her. She’s so happy,” smiled Amber. “And that’s because of Riley.”

  “They’ve had one dance. Don’t marry them off yet,” he warned. Beth did indeed look happy with Riley but he had the horrible feeling she was going to hurt him.

  Rachel’s stomach plummeted when Mikey’s face fell. Ryan’s words had been haunting her all day and she’d thought they might just get through an entire Maguire celebration without anything unpleasant happening. Fat chance.

  “She came, I didn’t think she would,” said Mikey.

  “Who?” replied Rachel.

  “Toni McVay. I only invited her to be polite.”

  “She?” demanded Amber. “The Tony you’ve had all those meetings with is a woman?”

  “I never said she wasn’t.”

  “You hear the name Toni you assume it’s a man. I thought it was Toni with a ‘y’ not an ‘I’.”

  “What does it matter?”

  “Is she pretty?” she frowned.

  “She’s nothing compared to you,” he said in an attempt to placate her.

  Rachel was more concerned with the woman’s surname. “McVay?” she said, glancing at an inscrutable Ryan.

  “Frankie’s sister. She’s in charge of business now,” replied Mikey meaningfully.

  Rachel’s heart sank. She’d been having so much fun too.

  She didn’t need to ask who Toni was. The woman striding across the room towards them exuded the same arrogant self confidence her brother had possessed. Rachel had expected Frankie’s sister to have red hair like his own but hers was jet black, glossy curls piled high on top of her head. Her dress was deep red, floor length and clingy, hugging a voluptuous hour glass figure, revealing plenty of cleavage, the split up the side displaying milky thigh. Amber looked furious that her husband had been alone with this woman.

  “Honestly babe, you’ve nothing to worry about. You’re the only woman for me and Toni wouldn’t look twice at me.”

  “Yeah right, you’re gorgeous.”

  “To you, not to everybody.”

  “She’s old anyway,” said Amber scathingly. “She must be at least forty.”

  “Babe, please don’t start, this is our special day,” said Mikey, getting nervous. The last thing he needed was his wife insulting one of the McVay clan.

  They ceased bickering when Toni was within earshot. She was accompanied by a short tubby man in his mid-fifties.

  “Hello Toni, glad you could make it,” said Mikey pleasantly, kissing her on the cheek, making Amber flush with anger.

  “I had to offer my new business partner my congratulations.” Toni turned to Amber. “And to you Mrs Maguire, what a beautiful bride,” she said, taking her hand and kissing her on the cheek. Toni’s accent was gentler than Frankie’s had been, her voice husky.

  It was unexpected and made Amber blush. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. This is for you,” she said, handing her a white envelope. “A wedding present.”

  “Thank you,” repeated Amber, her anger salved when Toni hardly paid any attention to Mikey.

  Rachel and Ryan were tempted to meld into the crowd but Toni turned to them before they had the chance. “Ryan and Rachel Law. A pleasure to meet you at last. I heard so much about you from my brother.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you too Toni,” replied Rachel, wishing she could return the compliment but Frankie had never once mentioned a sister. “May I say how sorry I am about Frankie.” As she said the words the memory of aiming a gun at this woman’s brother and pulling the trigger returned.

  “It was a shock,” replied Toni. “Things aren’t the same without him.”

  “He was larger than life.” The words sounded hollow, even to Rachel. Toni’s eyes were as black as her own and bored into her. It was then Rachel realised Toni had suspicions about her brother’s death.

  The moment passed and Toni smiled sweetly. “Allow me to introduce my Uncle Tam.”

  The short man looked back at them with suspicious little dark eyes. His square jaw jutted out to the left, thinning black hair combed back off his skull, making him look like a crooked egg.

  “Hello and thanks for coming. You’re very welcome here,” said Mikey, extending his hand to him.

  Tam stared at the extended hand, jaw sliding even further to the left, eyes widening. Mikey had the disconcerting feeling Uncle Tam was debating whether to shake his hand or rip it off and stick it up his arse.

  Toni cleared her throat and Tam’s mouth twisted into a bizarre smile. “You alright there pal? This is a smashing do, by the way.”

  “Thank you Tam. If you’re hungry after your journey there’s a buffet in the next room. Please help yourself.”

  “Aye I will. First I need the cludgy.”

  “The what?”

  “The pisser, the crapper. You know, the bloody bog.”

  “Please Uncle Tam, remember where you are,” sighed Toni.

  “The bathroom is through those doors there,” said Mikey, pointing to a door by the side of the bar.

  Tam mumbled something incoherent to himself before shuffling off, ungainly round little body barrelling a path across the dance floor. Riley just managed to sweep Beth out of his way before he ploughed into them.

  “I do apologise for him,” said Toni. “He doesn’t get out much but he is one of my closest associates and he’s been such a help since Frankie died.” Her eyes settled on Rachel. “I would like to talk with you Rachel, if I may?”

  “What about?” she said, keeping her voice casual.

  “Nothing of importance. Do you like whisky?”

  “I do.”

  “I’ll get the drinks in. I’ll wait for you at the bar.”

  With a confident tilt of the head she strode away, Mikey, Rachel and Ryan watching her go while Amber tore into the envelope.

  “Want me to come with you?” said Ryan.

  “Better not. She just asked for me.”

  They were distracted by a squeal from Amber. “She’s got us tickets to see One Direction next month.”

  While Amber’s back was turned Mikey sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s great Babe,” he said, having to force the words out while Jez hid a smile.

  “I can’t wait.” Amber frowned. “How did she know they were my favourite band? Did you tell her?”

  “No I didn’t. She’s very perceptive.”

  Rachel could tell Mikey wasn’t too pleased with how much Toni McVay knew about his wife.

  “I forgot to mention it earlier. You were dancing with the laird,” Amber excitedly told Rachel.

  “You mean Thane? No, he just works here.”

  “He’s the laird, Thane Gordon. We met him when we booked the wedding. He seemed keen to meet Mikey. His name even means laird.”

  “Just a porter eh?” said Ryan sardonically.

  Rachel smiled up at him, resting her hands on his chest. “So he does have something you don’t. A title.”

  “Yes and I can guess what it is.”

  She smiled and kissed him before heading towards the bar for a conversation with someone she would normally have gone out of her way to avoid.


  Rachel kept the confident, happy smile pinned to her face as she made her way across the room towards Toni, who waited for her at the bar perched on a stool looking elegant. There was absolutely no resemblance to her brother and Rachel wondered if they’d been full brother and sister. Now certainly wasn’t the time to ask because Toni looked all business.

  “I ordered you Macallan Gold. Is that alright?” said Toni.

  “Perfect thank you,” replied Rachel, taking the stool beside her. “So, what can I do for you?”

  “I want to know about the last few days of Frankie’s life.”

  “Surely Mikey told you?”

  “He did but I want to hear it from you.”

  “You want to make sure our stories tally?”

  “I find your honesty refreshing Rachel. I do hope your candour will continue while we have our wee chat.”

  “It will.”

  The barman placed their drinks before them and Toni paid him without taking her eyes off Rachel. “Well?”

  Fortunately they’d all thoroughly discussed their story, going over and over it until it was perfect and they all came out looking innocent of Frankie’s death, so she knew what she was telling Toni would be identical to what Mikey had already told her.

  “Frankie was distracted by Col Sugar. Alex took the opportunity to shoot him. I’m sorry, there was nothing we could do. It was chaos in there. He was on our patch and we should have protected him better. Paul and Jamesie were already dead so no one was watching his back.”

  Toni took a sip of whisky while she mulled over her words. Rachel did the same, forcing herself not to throw it down her neck in one go.

  “I don’t believe you Rachel.”

  “And why not?” she replied calmly, careful to maintain eye contact, although inside she was panicking.

  “My brother wouldn’t have let his guard down, not for a second. No one could have snuck up on him.”

  “You don’t understand what it was like in that barn. It was dark and confusing.”

  “It’s bollocks Rachel. Don’t insult me by continuing with your lie.”

  Rachel got a glimpse of what it was like to look into her own eyes when she was angry. Toni’s black eyes turned even blacker, the colour seeming to take over her entire eye as the rage spread through her body. It was the strangest thing and rather intimidating.

  “Frankie told me he wanted you and Ryan to take over when Alex was dead. My guess is you didn’t want to give up your cosy legit life. I know what my brother was like, he wouldn’t have listened, he would have intimidated you into it with threats, so you neutralised that threat.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” replied Rachel, unaware her eyes were as black as Toni’s.

  Toni smiled. “Don’t get me wrong, you did me a favour. Have you any idea what it was like growing up with Frankie McVay as a brother?”

  “No but I’m curious.”

  “He started cutting body parts off small animals when he was six. He got into his first fight when he was eight. He stabbed my first boyfriend in the arse when he was eleven because he didn’t approve of him. He committed his first murder at fifteen. When he died I went through his house and found twenty three separate human body parts, all carefully preserved, including seven penises. Some of them were mounted on a wall. Pride of place on that wall was my ex husband’s severed head. He disappeared a few days after we divorced. Frankie ruled my life. Anyone he didn’t approve of was frightened off or disappeared. They didn’t have to hurt me to earn his disapproval. If Frankie didn’t like their hairstyle or the way they walked that was enough.”

  “How did you end up taking over from him?” said Rachel, genuinely curious.

  “We had a brother but he died of cancer. Frankie had hoped to bring him in on the business and train him up. So he turned to me instead. I was already second-in-command with as much power as Frankie could ever allow anyone else. I was the next natural leader, it was a smooth takeover.”

  Rachel knew what she was saying. I’m strictly in control, I have a strong crew behind me so don’t fuck with me.

  “Finally I’m free,” said Toni, taking another sip of whisky.

  “I’m glad you’re happy but you’re barking up the wrong tree. Alex killed Frankie and in retaliation we killed Alex. End of story.”

  “I’m never going to get you to admit it, am I?” she said, crossing her legs, causing the dress to slide back, revealing a lot of thigh. “I want you to know there will be no retaliation. Our business with Manchester is too good to spoil with petty warring.”

  “Shouldn’t you have this conversation with Mikey?”

  “I already have but I wanted to talk to you directly too.”


  “Because I really wanted to meet you,” she replied, placing her hand on Rachel’s knee.

  Rachel’s eyebrows went up as she stared at Toni’s wandering hand. “I see.”

  “I know what you’re thinking. I said I was married to a man and I was, but between that loser and Frankie I was put off men for life. I’d heard about your beauty and I’m not disappointed,” continued Toni, her hand sliding higher.

  “I’m very flattered but I’m happily married and entirely heterosexual.”

  Toni leaned forwards to whisper in her ear. “One night with me would change your mind.”

  “You’re very pretty but I’m not attracted to women.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re not curious,” she said, her lips brushing Rachel’s ear. Toni leaned back slightly to look Rachel in the eye, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

  “Sorry. There’s only Ryan for me,” said Rachel, taking a sip of her drink so there was an obstacle between them.

  “What a shame. We could have been great together,” said Toni, letting her hand linger on Rachel’s leg.

  Sensing they were being watched they both turned to see the barman staring at them with his mouth hanging open.

  “What the fuck’s up with your face ya gleekit wee prick?” demanded Toni, her soft seductive voice suddenly dropping into the harsher Glaswegian.

  The man jumped and turned his back, pretending he was very busy tidying up the bar.

  “He might be mingin’ but he’s got pretty eyes, don’t you think?” Toni told Rachel as she studied the barman. “I like eyes. I have a collection of them.”

  Rachel sighed inwardly. Toni was more like her brother than she’d initially thought. “You collect people’s eyes?”

  “Only from people who annoy me. I like studying the different colours. Everyone thinks there’s just blue, green and brown, but they’re wrong. There are so many different shades in between. Eyes are much less messy than hands and heads and penises. Much less blood. I keep them in glasses cases. Ironic, don’t you think?”

  “Very,” replied Rachel flatly.

  “Your eyes are as black as mine. I don’t have a pair of black eyes in my collection. Yet.”

  “I can assure you mine are staying in my head.”

  “They are. I wouldn’t damage such beauty by taking them. Let me know if you change your mind about my offer, I can promise you won’t be disappointed. Now I’m going to enjoy the party,” she said, pecking Rachel on the lips before slipping off her stool and walking onto the dance floor to be immediately surrounded by men asking her to dance. She stalked through them all towards Amber’s female cousin Rachel knew was gay sitting at a table, who smiled up at Toni and pushed out a chair for her to sit down.

  Ryan, Jez and Mikey were by Rachel’s side in an instant.

  “Well?” demanded Ryan.

  “She knows we did Frankie.”

  “You told her?” said Mikey.

  “Course not. She guessed. Naturally I refused to admit it. She said she won’t hold it against us, we did her a favour. Frankie was the brother from hell.”

  “I can believe it,” said Ryan.

  “She said she’d already had this conversation with you Mikey.”

  “She told me she’s relieved he’s gone and she wants nothing to come between our business deal but she never accused me outright of Frankie. Did she say anything else?”

  “Yes. She tried to get me into bed.”

  “You’re quite the belle of the ball,” said Ryan. “So you think everything’s okay?”

  “Yes I do. I think she just wanted to clear the air. Don’t worry about it.” As she spoke she looked across the room at Toni, who raised her glass to her. The most powerful woman in Glasgow knew they’d killed her brother. How could they not worry?

  Riley watched Ryan and Rachel from ac
ross the room. He knew who Toni McVay was and her conversation with Rachel worried him.

  “What do you think that was about?” said Beth, sat beside him. They’d taken a break from the dance floor, both overheated and in need of a drink, but it wasn’t just the exercise making them feel that way. Beth’s body pressed against his for so long, her heat seeping through his clothes to his skin, had driven him crazy. He’d been forced to suggest sitting down for a drink before his body betrayed him.

  “Not sure and I don’t think I want to know,” he replied.

  Beth didn’t want to worry about anything. The adrenaline from the dance and from being in such close proximity to Riley had made her feel so alive, which was heavenly after feeling like she’d died in that warehouse along with Nick. This beautiful, kind man was bringing her back to the land of the living and she gazed at him adoringly, the champagne going to her head.

  He looked back at her and smiled. Wow, she was stunning. “I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

  “Thanks. You look really good in a suit.”

  “I don’t feel good. Actually I’m really uncomfortable. It’s so hot in this bloody thing.”

  “You should take it off.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You should take it off. Want me to help?” she said with a confident smile.

  Riley thought he’d misheard. “What exactly are you saying?”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “I’m saying do you want to go upstairs and take your clothes off with me right now?”

  Riley’s mouth fell open. “Really?”

  “Yes, really Riley,” she smiled. “I want you.”

  He didn’t pause to think about whether this was right for them both, all he knew was that he wanted this woman. Badly. “Alright, if you’re sure?”

  “I am.”

  He took her hand and they both got to their feet, skirting the edge of the dance floor towards the exit, failing to notice Ryan and Rachel watching them.

  “Do you think…,” began Ryan.

  “Yes I do and it’s about time,” replied Rachel. She hoped he put a smile on her best friend’s face.

  Riley and Beth burst through the door of his room, kissing frantically, Beth pushing his jacket off his shoulders while he unzipped the back of her dress.


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