Aftermath (Dividing Line #6)

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Aftermath (Dividing Line #6) Page 14

by Heather Atkinson

  “Riley told me about you. Is he here?” she said, ignoring the hand Rachel had extended to her.

  “His unit recalled him,” replied Ryan impatiently. He didn’t want her here. Lexie was trouble, always had been. “You can come back when he’s on leave.”

  “I want to get to know my new family,” said Lexie, undaunted. She eyed up the surroundings and their belongings with an expert eye. “This is nice but I pictured you in something bigger and more luxurious.”

  “We’re renting this place until our house is finished being built,” replied Rachel, determined to remain pleasant even though Lexie had already got her back up.

  “Building your own home? It’s alright for some.”

  Rachel detected the envy in her tone and was irritated. “We had to rebuild it after it burnt down,” she said coldly.

  “Oh, I didn’t know. Sorry.”

  Rachel thought it was the first genuine thing she’d said.

  “So, where’s the guest room?”

  “There isn’t one. The house is full,” replied Ryan.

  “You always were a bad liar. Where is it?”

  “There’s a very nice hotel in town. You’d be much happier there.”

  “How can I get to know my new family from a hotel? You let Riley stay with you. Am I not good enough?” she said, green eyes filling with hurt.

  “Of course you are,” said Rachel, softening to her. “The guest room is upstairs, second on the left.”

  Ryan gaped at her.

  “Thank you, I’ll go and freshen up. It was a long flight from Dubai.”

  Lexie picked up her suitcase and went upstairs, leaving Rachel and Ryan staring after her. The minute she’d gone Ryan exploded, “what the hell are you doing?”

  “She’s your sister.”

  “She’s a pain in the arse and she’s going to cause us no end of trouble.”

  “You didn’t want Riley to stay with us and now you’ve got a brother you’re really close to. Here’s the chance for you to gain another sister too.” Ryan already had a sister back in Manchester but they rarely spoke as she blamed him for the deaths of Simmy, Adam and Jamie, their brothers murdered by the Maguires. But she was happy to take the money he gave her when she needed it.

  “Lexie isn’t like Riley, she’s devious and enjoys causing trouble,” he said. “Guaranteed she’s going to keep bringing up what happened between us in the past before her dad put a stop to it. She’ll think it’s funny.”

  “You’ve not seen her in years, she might have changed.”

  “People like her never change.”

  “That’s not fair. At least take the time to find out for Riley if no one else. She’s the only member of his side of the family he talks to.”

  “Fine. I’ll try, for him, but if she starts getting up to her usual tricks she’s out on her arse.”

  “You’re doing the right thing,” she said, kissing him.

  Lexie moved away from the top of the stairs where she’d been listening, a smile on her lips. It had been easier than she’d thought.

  After taking a nap then showering and changing her clothes, Lexie descended the stairs and almost fell over two little boys running up and down the hallway throwing a ball at each other.

  “Hello boys,” she smiled.

  Ethan and Aaron stopped their game to stare up at her.

  She knelt before them, a smile playing on her lips. “Aren’t you two handsome little men? Just like your daddy.”

  “Who are you?” frowned Ethan.

  “My name’s Lexie. I’m your auntie.”

  “You’re not our auntie,” said Leah, coming up on Lexie from behind, regarding her with suspicion. She took Aaron’s hand and pulled him towards her, away from the stranger.

  “It’s okay Leah,” said Rachel from the kitchen door. “She’s your dad’s sister.”

  “Why have we never seen her before?” she said, not warming to Lexie, disliking the false smile plastered to her face. It had been different with Riley, she’d taken to him immediately, which just went to show what good judgement she had.

  “We’ve only just found out she’s your dad’s sister. They have the same dad but different mums.”

  “Now I’m here to get to know you all,” said Lexie. “I hope we can be friends sweetheart.”

  Leah just shrugged before taking her brothers’ hands and leading them into the lounge. Rachel was proud of her daughter, she’d seen through Lexie’s shallow exterior immediately.

  “Nice kids,” said Lexie, clearly annoyed at being dismissed like that by a child.

  “Yes they are,” replied Rachel, experiencing a huge swell of motherly pride. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Any white wine going?”

  Rachel glanced at the clock, saw it was just after three in the afternoon but she was determined to be a good hostess and treat Ryan’s sister with respect. “Yes, I think so.”

  Lexie followed her into the kitchen.

  “You said you’ve flown from Dubai?” Rachel asked Lexie as she poured out her drink.

  “Yes, I just love to travel,” she replied, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. “Thanks,” she added when Rachel put the glass of wine before her. “Are you not having one?”

  “A bit early for me. I’ll have one when the kids are in bed.”

  “Glad I’m not a mum, I couldn’t stand being restricted to someone else’s timetable.”

  “It’s worth it,” smiled Rachel, gazing through the kitchen doorway into the lounge where her children were playing together.

  “I still can’t believe Ryan’s a dad. I always thought he was too caught up in himself.”

  “Obviously you don’t know him anymore, he’s a great dad,” said Rachel defensively.

  “Leah’s not his though. That must make things awkward?”

  “Not at all. They adore each other. He’s her dad in every way that matters.” Rachel realised she was scowling and smoothed her face out into a polite smile, but it was too late. Judging by the mirth in Lexie’s eyes she’d already given her the response she wanted. “Do you work Lexie?”

  “No, I don’t need to,” she replied, looking very pleased with herself.

  “I couldn’t do that, I’d go insane,” replied Rachel.

  “Some of us are designed for pleasure,” she purred. Unfortunately Ryan chose that moment to enter the room and Lexie turned her rattlesnake smile on him. “You remember, don’t you Ryan? Oops, sorry. I keep forgetting you’re married.”

  Rachel found her attempt to annoy her amusing. Her relationship with Ryan was far too secure to let this bimbo get in the middle of it.

  “That’s alright Lexie, I know my husband’s forgotten your relationship too.”

  “That’s right,” he smiled, wrapping an arm around Rachel’s shoulders and kissing her. “No one compares to my wife.” He said it looking right at Rachel, but the comment was aimed at Lexie.

  “The woman who tamed Ryan Law,” frowned Lexie. “I wonder how you did it.”

  Ryan finally turned his attention to his sister. “How long are you staying because we’ve got to move house soon.”

  “I can help. I’d love to see your new place.”

  “Oh no, you’re not sinking your claws into us that way,” he countered. “We want you gone before the move. You’ll only get in the way.”

  “Ryan, I’m hurt. I come all this way just for you to tell me I’m not welcome.”

  “I thought you’d come all this way to see Riley?”

  “Yes I did, but I want to get to know you all too so we can be one big happy family.”

  “Since when were you interested in playing happy families?” said Ryan. “All you did was give your parents grief. You only started up with me to annoy your dad.”

  “Not just that,” she said lasciviously.

  “Don’t start.”

  “Start what? I’m just being truthful. We were desperately attracted to each other back then.”

  “Shut it
,” he hissed at her when Leah entered the room. He glanced sideways at Rachel, whose eyes were turning black. “Yes Cupcake?” he said to his daughter.

  “Can I go to the park? I’m bored and Jenna said she’d be there.”

  “Maybe later,” he replied. The park was just behind their house but he didn’t want his kids going anywhere they would be exposed until they knew if Jules was a threat.

  “But it’s really sunny outside and we’ve been stuck in all day. Pleeeeeease.”

  Ryan could never resist a plea from his little girl. “Alright then, but we’ll all go.”

  “I’m not a baby.”

  “I know but Ethan and Aaron have been stuck inside too. We’ll all go,” he told her firmly.

  Leah knew when her dad wouldn’t be swayed. “Fine,” she said before slinking out of the room.

  “She gets more and more like a teenager every day,” said Rachel. “The next thing we know she’ll be playing heavy metal music in her room and sneaking boys in.”

  “Which is why I’ll be keeping a baseball bat behind the door,” said Ryan.

  Jules parked the light blue Suzuki Bandit in a car park on the edge of Newton Abbot. Not the sort of bike she usually went for but that was the point, she didn’t want anyone to know she was in the area. She climbed off the machine and scowled. It was a good solid bike, reliable, popular, but she missed her big chugging Harley, the distinctive rumble of the engine, the sheer power between her thighs. She’d picked the Bandit up from a private sale in Torquay after taking the train down from Manchester. She’d wanted to make her entrance into Ryan and Rachel’s home turf with the anonymity of a bike helmet. Very useful if you didn’t want to be recognised.

  The town was nice, very pretty, the atypical good place to raise kids. She was a city girl herself and this sort of place gave her the willies but it was alright for a visit. If she stayed too long she’d start to go a little crazy. Well, even more so than usual.

  She’d done her research so she knew Rachel and Ryan were staying in rented accommodation until their new house was finished being built, she even had the address. They weren’t hiding, which she thought was stupid after the things they’d done. Stupid or arrogant. Obviously they thought they were untouchable, but no one was.

  Jules slipped into a public toilet to pull on the long blond wig she’d brought with her. A pair of sunglasses completed the disguise. If they weren’t looking for her they wouldn’t have a clue who she was until she was right on top of them. This time she wouldn’t tackle Rachel so directly. She’d underestimated her and got a piece of two by four in the mouth for her mistake. This time she wouldn’t see her coming. The only fly in the ointment was Dane. Why did she have to see him before she left? That had been stupid and weak, not like her at all but he had tried to warn her about the attack on the clubhouse and she’d felt she owed him a goodbye. There was a chance he’d already warned the Laws and if he had it would be so much tougher to get to Rachel. There was also an added risk. Battler and Bruiser - two of the ex-Maguire enforcers - had relocated here too and set up their own security firm. The brothers were not to be fucked with and if she could help it she would go out of her way to avoid them. If Rachel and Ryan were on the alert they would be too, which meant she would not approach Rachel at home, the office or anywhere obvious. Jules had safely stored in her head the address of every property and business the Laws owned in Devon but heading to any of those addresses was risky. Her best bet was to follow Rachel and find her at her most off-guard and vulnerable. Then she would strike.

  Jules strode through town, a smile on her lips. Finally her time had come.


  Lexie sighed, bored as Rachel and Ryan cooed over their brats playing on the park. The smallest one, Aidan, or Adam or whatever his name was went down the slide and they clapped like idiots. Like that was a big deal. She didn’t like standing out here exposed but neither had she wanted to be left alone in the house. Being around Ryan made her feel so much safer, she didn’t think anyone could get the better of him, not even the lunatic who’d pursued her halfway around the world.

  Her hackles rose when she saw a man approaching, tramping across the grass towards the play park and she readied herself to run, then relaxed, careful to keep her sigh of relief quiet when she saw a little girl by his side who yelled out Leah’s name and raced up to her. Obviously the girl’s father. She couldn’t tell Ryan and Rachel what was wrong, she felt sure Ryan would order her to go if he knew what was chasing her. The vain hope that she could seduce him into defending her was slowly being eroded away, he obviously worshipped his wife. Jealousy niggled at the glances that constantly passed between the two of them, how when they were near each other they reached out for each other’s hands and leaned into one another. Not even Lexie could deny it was the real thing between Ryan and Rachel. Still, she had faith in her own charms and was in no doubt that she could weave her old magic around him again and bring him to his knees. She just needed to get Rachel out of the way for a while. Yes he was her half-brother but she was willing to overlook that fact if it meant she stayed alive. If she was really honest with herself the prospect excited her too. There was something to be said for taboo.

  Her opportunity came when they returned to the house a couple of hours later and Rachel announced she was going to take a shower before starting dinner and the kids were doing whatever kids did in the lounge.

  “Can I get a drink?” she asked Ryan sweetly.

  “Help yourself,” he replied without looking up from his work.

  Lexie crinkled up her nose as she watched him. Ryan Law was actually washing vegetables, preparing them for dinner. It was strange to see him so domesticated. What the hell had Rachel done to him?

  “Kids, come and get your drinks,” he bellowed through to the lounge.

  Lexie had to press herself back against the counter when the three children raced into the room. There was a flurry of arms and small hands as they snatched at the drinks he’d placed on the worktop then they rushed out again.

  “Do you like all this domesticity?” she asked him as she poured herself a glass of white wine.

  “Love it,” he replied, rinsing off some carrots.

  “Doesn’t it get boring being tied down to one person and being lumbered babysitting all the time?”

  “Not at all. You wouldn’t understand. It’s grown-up stuff.”

  “When you think back to what we used to get up to…”

  “I don’t.”

  “When you think back,” she continued, “don’t you wish you still had the same freedom to do what you wanted when you wanted? To jet off on holiday or disappear for a couple of days on the spur of the moment?”

  “No,” he said, putting the carrots aside and picking up the potatoes.

  She took a step closer, so her breasts were almost touching his arm. “Remember what we used to do in the back of your car?”

  “Not really,” he replied disinterestedly.

  “You used to love my body, just touching me got you so hot. Don’t you want a body that hasn’t been ruined by childbirth…oh you bastard,” she exclaimed when he stepped to one side and turned the cold tap on full, soaking the front of her t-shirt. She stared down at her sodden clothes, furious. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “You needed some cooling down. Listen you, let’s just get something straight. We’re brother and sister. Even if we weren’t I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot barge pole. Do you think that childish crap we got up to was anything compared to the incredible relationship I have with Rachel? I don’t know what game you’re playing Lexie but I don’t like it. You get one free pass out of respect for our father but you try to come onto me again and I’ll fling you out of this house head first. No one, I repeat no one comes between me and my wife.”

  “Glad to hear it,” said a voice.

  Lexie cringed when Rachel entered the room, her eyes black as pitch as they glared at her.

  “Ryan, what
did she do?”

  “She tried to come onto me for some weird, twisted reason. And another thing Lexie, you swear again when our kids are in the house and you’re out.”

  “I think Ryan has made himself perfectly clear,” Rachel told her icily before being swept into her husband’s arms for a passionate kiss.

  Lexie was forced to retreat upstairs when Rachel moaned into his mouth and he pressed her up against the units, both supposedly having forgotten her presence.

  “If she tries it on with you again I will kill her,” said Rachel after she’d gone.

  “And I won’t stop you,” he smiled, touching her face.

  “I heard what you said about me. It was sweet.”

  “I meant it. No one comes between us,” he said determinedly. “Not skirted highlanders or mad half-sisters. No one.”

  “We won’t let them,” she smiled before they kissed again.

  Lexie sulked into her dinner, picking over the vegetables Ryan had so carefully prepared while Rachel, Ryan and the kids talked and laughed, her dour presence doing nothing to ruin their fun. Lexie scowled when Ryan guffawed at something Rachel said then kissed her hand. They were going out of their way to rub her nose in it. Leah sat beside her - sensing Lexie had done something to annoy her mum and dad - kept ‘accidentally’ nudging her in the ribs every time she cut into her food.

  “Ow,” she exclaimed when Leah’s pointy elbow dug into her ribs for the fifth time.

  “What’s wrong?” sighed Ryan.

  “She keeps hitting me with her elbow,” complained Lexie, rubbing her sore ribs.

  “I do not. She’s sitting too close to me,” retorted Leah.

  “You’re doing it on purpose.”

  “Am not.”

  “Children please,” smiled Rachel. “We’re trying to enjoy a nice family dinner. No falling out or no one will get dessert.”

  Lexie huffed into her food, resenting being spoken to like a child while Leah threw her a smirk.

  Brat, she mouthed at the girl.

  “Mum, Lexie called me a brat,” Leah said loudly.


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