Mega Tits 1

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Mega Tits 1 Page 21

by DrkFetyshNyghts

  She had remembered that night and how he had slid his bony fingers up inside the dress and had found with ease, the crotch of her thong and then had stroked her lips through the thin silk. The shaking, and the trembles associated with old age had acted as a 'vibrator' and she had been pleasured in that way quite unashamedly. Then there were the fitted, tailored trousers that were loose around her legs, and long that concealed the sky scraper heels that she always wore. But then at the same time, the trousers a nice skin tight fit to the hips and the bottom and that just seemed to emphasise her height and her Amazonian status. It didn't seem to matter what she had chosen to wear with those trousers – a stylish silk top or a fitted suit jacket, crop top – whatever she had been able to stop the traffic in them and in the trousers. And the whole outfit had seemed to emphasise what she had thought were ample breasts back in the day. But that was back in the day. Little did she know that these would also be adapted and altered and a form of braces included that would encompass her huge modified mammaries in order to hold them up. Indeed she could not even imagine in her worse nightmare what some of the stuff that she had held dear to herself was going to be used for and made into.

  “Look like the cat has got your tongue, dear.”

  Lucy could not quite believe the words that were coming out of her own mouth – but they were. Her attractive lips were moving and they were forming the words that she was speaking out loud. Any fear of this woman, this freak was dissolving by the second and she was finding herself looking directly at Dorothea. The smile coming across her own face as the ex school bully was turning to her, eyes cast down a little and yet thrusting those breasts out in front of her invitingly – almost like she was 'asking' for permission to speak about her own tits. How funny – this cannot have been happening the way she was imagining it happening but it seemed it was.

  “I'm sorry Lucy, for everything – even our school days. That was my old self – that wasn't the real me. This is the real me. THIS is the real me.”

  Jugsalina spoke as she made the concerted effort to thrust her udders out even more – not that the silktex wasn't doing a good enough job of that as it was. But it was what she had been taught to do at Hooter School and that had been an extension of what Wendy and the twins had started to teach her before Hooter School. This was indeed the real her and now she was being made to be that person. Lucy tilted her head a little like she was a bit sorry for the girl, now a woman who had bullied her and picked on her at school and now – now she didn't know quite what to make of her. Now she was someone, or 'something' that she felt sorry for. And it was true, she was 'something'. The longer she looked this woman, this ex-bully the grotesque surreal tits, the more she thought that she was no longer a woman but a thing. At one time she had looked up to Dorothea, even despite the bullying she had kind of envied her and looked right up to her like she was someone that she wanted to be at some point in her future life. How ironic that all of these years later, here she was in her shop, and the tables completely and utterly turned. The worrying thing though, more worrying than the irony was that she was getting some kind of weird sexual kick out of it. Out of seeing this woman, this thing in front of her like this – all submissive and down-eyed – and then those tits – not really tits at all – what were they all about? Lucy didn't have the answers but what she did know or what she was fast working out was the fact that whatever was going on in the here and now was turning her on – making her clench her thighs – the same way that Dorothea used to clench her thighs all those years ago when she had her pinned to the floor, knees under her arms. Oh yes Lucy remembered those times, remembered them all too well. It was like the smell and the taste and sensation of stale urine squeezed between her teeth from the thong that Dorothea had soaked and saturated. It never left her – she had often woken in a cold sweat in the middle of the night in the years after school as though she had been reliving those times. She sensed a complete and utter changing of the tide and it made her smile. Of course it made her smile. And then there was that smile – that smile of Dorothea – even more what was that all about? That smile? There was a woman obviously going through something traumatic – beyond traumatic and there she was smiling through perfectly glossed lips – smiling like she was feeling all so good about the world, the shit world that she was living in right now. Smiling – that smile, that fucking smile! There was more than 'something' about that smile. Like she was smiling because she had to smile – like she was smiling because she had no choice but to smile. Lucy feelings and emotions kind of veered from the sympathetic for this hugely modified women in front of her, to the angry for what that woman had put her through as a girl. It was as though she was being delivered to her so that some kind of revenge could be exacted.

  “Hmmmm I quite like the new you – the real you. Much better than the old one. But it doesn't look like you need to be any more sorry than you already are sweetie. Although, I am sure if I put my mind to it, I could make you just a little bit more sorry than you think you are right now. And here I see a friend of mine, Wendy has sent me another package. You know, I was with her when she got this stuff from your house. What a lovely house by the way. Shame you are not going to be spending any more time in it. Any more time in it at all that is. Oh don't worry, I didn't know it was YOU who's house we were in – but now it all makes sense.”

  Jugsalina was hearing the words in crystal clear clarity and in stereo through the hearing devices fitted just under her nipple tips. - and in the blink of an eyes she was seeing the scene through tiny invisible cameras that were looking down the expanded grotesque valley between her mammaries. She blinked and her real eyes misted over like she was dead or something. Lucy saw that and tilted her head again – she spoke again but she wasn't really talking to Dorothea, she was more thinking out aloud.

  “What is it about you – what has happened?”

  Just to herself – almost under her breath but not quite. Dorothea's mind trying to absorb what she was hearing through her tits. The shock of seeing Lucy had almost made her knees buckle under her. And then unpacking the clothes and seeing her past in such crystal clear clarity. Seeing those clothes. That was bringing it all back to her in too much reality – these clothes shouldn't be here with her now. They were from her old life. Even though she had used those clothes sometimes for less than savoury reasons – they were from her old life – they had no right to be in the here and now in her new life. It made her spine tingle but she didn't know why. She didn't know why her spine was tingling but in any case she didn't want her spine to tingle not on top of everything else. She had enough sensations and horrors to absorb as it was without her spine sticking its oar into the proceedings. And those clothes -it was like her only link with her old life – her good life and even they had now been sucked into this nightmare. Even something that made her feel good about her old life was now being used to destroy her a little more.

  “And now we have these clothes. I remember seeing you about in some of these things and thinking “yes' I want to be like her. That’s what I like about her. I had even begun to think there was something about me that was wrong, that was all wrong and that somehow, I deserved to be treated by you the way you treated me back then. I had actually begun to blame myself for your bullying of me. And lo and behold all these years later and these clothes turn up again. It’s a dead cert that they won’t fit you like this and there is going to have to be some serious, serious work done on them to make them, fit over.... you. I mean look at you – look at those tits. Yuck they must be so sore so tender. And just how DID you get in with that Wendy. I always said she was a bit odd. But that was confirmed when she started giving me some interesting work to do. I thought she was some kind of nut job who was getting these things made for some oversize mannequin or something....”

  Lucy let her words trail off and then die off. And she looked at Jugsalina, like she was sizing her up – like she was working out which bit to measure up first. And a slight smile came to
her own lips, and then a wider one.

  “We'd better make a start then sweetie – the sooner we get you measured up, and stuff – the sooner we can have you looking like Wendy will approve. Not entirely sure what those little twins will make of it all though.”

  Chapter Two - Dreamland

  The dreams – the dreams were changing. Something was happening. It used to be a slight stirring – like knowing she was asleep, but stirring, and then the eyes would open a bit. Maybe just a little. Flickering at first, then closing again then flickering open again. But slowly, ever so slowly the eyes opening and there it would be – that shard of light. The shard of light just right there and Dorothea aka Jugsalina would know that she was there in that dream world. But things were changing. Now there was no gentle stirring – none of that. Now there was just like a shooting, bolt upright in the bed, sitting there with her eyes wide open – almost pumped out on stalks. It was almost like she had woken up from a dream, or a nightmare, except even in that waking state she was still inside the nightmare. Still inside the dream. She felt awake and aware, and felt like she was in the real world – except that she knew that she wasn't. She knew that she wasn't in the real world because there was that shard of light again. So bright in made her squint. It was pointless her trying to look for the source of that light – she had done that so many times and only succeeded in almost burning off her retinas. There was no point in her trying to see the source of that light at all. But even the shard of light had changed. Up until now, it had been sharp and distinct – a definite column of light that had sharp, sharp and well defined edges. It wasn't like that now though – the edges were flickering, like the flickering of a flame. And they were blurred. The flickering, flame like light worked in tandem to cast eerie moving shadows around the rest of the room. Dorothea had a feeling of utter dread flowing through her – like she knew something bad was about to happen but she didn't know exactly what. It was like she was having premonition of her own dream, or her own future but without seeing the visions. She buried her face in her hands and drew her knees up under her. At least she drew her knees up under her as much as she could and in doing so crushed those huge, huge bangers back into her own chest. It wasn't just that she was kind of having a premonition, or a peek into the future without having any images in her mind to marry them to – but it was like what had occurred before was being enhanced. Like as though what she had been through wasn't bad enough, she was now 'feeling' as though she was being taken into the worst case scenarios. As though what she had suffered just wasn't enough of a 'punishment' for all of her flaunting, and teasing and general bitchiness – now those dreams were working together to take her to a deeper place. She was sitting on the bed with her knees drawn up to her FFF hooters – because in this dream, in this 'rewind' of events that is what size they were. FFF and still growing. That god awful stuff had been injected into her and it was still working. She knew it was still working because she could feel it. Even sitting on the bed, or whatever it was she was sitting on, she could feel the stuff working inside her milk ducts and veins and the deeper breast flesh. That was it about the dreams – they seemed to emphasise everything – make everything seem more acute. Like pain – that was more acute – more sharp. More horrific really. But that was it about the dreams – even though she had been able to 'escape' into those dreams, be herself, be what she wanted to be – even be a bitch if that was what she wanted, which was often, the whole experience of the dreams and what they contained was acute. Her face was still buried in her hands and she was sobbing gently. She was at the point where there was still a hope that she could get out of this – at the point where, if she maybe pleaded and begged with Wendy's better nature then maybe, just maybe she would let her go. In her mind, she was still really in a state that was unbelieving of the situation and predicament that she found herself in. Surely they would let her go – surely that had to let her go? And, she would promise not to tell anyone what they had done to her – or what they were doing to her. She dropped her hands from her tear stained face and looked – as she looked, there they were, Wendy and Hooter Tutor. She was being introduced to her for the first time, that very first time. Before Hooter School and yet still well submerged in the horror that had become her life.

  “Please, please Wendy, please let me go. Please let me go and I promise, I really do promise that I will not tell a soul about what is happening, or what has happened here. It can be like our little secret.”

  It wasn't going exactly as the real life had gone because the dream had taken over. This was another version of it. This was another path being took – slightly different and slightly more, if that was possible, surreal than the one she was on proper. There was a moment of silence that seemed to go on forever and ever and ever. Then there was just the cackling sound of Wendy laughing. She had thrown her little head back and was laughing heartily at what Dorothea had just suggested. At first it was just her laughter that seemed to cackle and shrill up into the darkness of the room and then slide down the walls on all four sides. But that laughter then was joined by that of Hooter Tutor. Hers was a deeper, more refined laugh. A more mature and velvety laugh, but it was heartfelt none-the-less. And somehow it seemed to compliment the laugh of Wendy and then, somewhere up in the heights of that room the two laugh voices seemed to blend and morph into one – and it was that combined, morphed laugh that seemed to grate the nerves, the very nerve endings of anyone who heard it. Dorothea shivered as that laugh, or its effects travelled up and down the core of her spine and then back again. Then it stopped. As soon as that laugh and then the two laughs had blended into one, they stopped and there was another slightly extended pause of silence before this time Hooter Tutor spoke.

  “I can see there is still some more work to do with you yet young lady. It seems to me that you are not quite grasping the gravity, or the enormity of your situation.”

  Dorothea wasn't on the bed any more – she was back in that room at that time of that introduction. She could feel the silktex things up inside her and they were entwining themselves – constricting her insides a little. It was as though they were still getting to know her – still getting to know her intimately. But feeling all of that deep activity going on deep inside her was unsettling. She was sure it was hurting a little and so, despite the fact that she sobbed, she also had that smile painted right across her face. So odd – that smile and yet the tears and the eyes telling of such a deep deep despair. And, she held up her FFF hooters, because, at this time that is what they had been enlarged to. But even that was a lie because the stuff that had been injected into her was still working – she could feel it. She could more than feel it – she could sense it working in the deeper tracts of each of her udders. It was like they were both alive – and there she was with her palms under each of them and uplifting them and displaying them to these two fucking lunatic women. She was playing their game – playing the game and at the same time she was begging and pleading with them to release her and let her go. At the same time as that she was smiling – smiling with all of her heart because she could feel that thing, those things deep inside her moving – making themselves at home. If the smile slipped even for a small fraction of a second, or if she stopped smiling at all, or felt anything less than positive she would feel again what she felt before – that god awful pain inside her. She jiggled her tit meat a little, as though she were using her tits, kind of teasing the two women with them in order to get her own way. Had she never learned? Had she never learned that that was why she was in this position and predicament. This was why she was being made to suffer the way she was suffering – because of how she had conducted her life up until Wendy had taken control of it? Her teasing and jiggling her titties was the reason she was in this big black hole of despair right now. No obviously she hadn't learned – she hadn't learned in any way, or to any extent because she simply smiled wide and lifted those FFFs up higher and higher and as she did that, she gave them a little squeeze from und
er making the flesh swell up over the tops of the globes – making it swell and spill up all enticingly and teasingly. Even as Hooter Tutor was speaking, Dorothea was trying her very best to talk her way out of a position, and basically a way of life that she had no idea about, not yet, not really. And yet the dream, the dreams, they were all so weird, so surreal. Her dreams were taken at different points on the timeline and yet, it was as though in the dreams, there was a deeper knowledge about what had happened in the past and what was going to happen in the future. It was all a part of that dread and feeling of utter despair that she felt. Her dreams working not with her but against her. That had always been the case – that the dreams were conspiring against her, working against her and just wearing her down. But she had never really got that. As far as she was concerned she could immerse in the dreams and she could escape. That was what the dreams had meant to her up to now. A place where she could escape the real world – that utterly bizarre god awful world and simply escape – and a place where she could let the smile fade and die if she wanted to and she wouldn't be punished. Even though she knew all about the silktex stuff in her dreams, and even though that silktex had taken part in some of the dreams before, she had still been in control and she had not needed to worry. Hooter Tutor carried on speaking.

  “There is no way out of this for you – do you not understand that? There is no way that we are all going to become friends, shake hands and then you walk off into the sunset. There is a path for you young lady and you have to walk that path. I cannot tell you that it is a pleasant path that you are going to walk – or be taken on. The plain and simple fact is that it is going to be anything but pleasant. You have spent your life teasing and tormenting others and in general, getting your own way, doing your own thing whilst having little, or scant regard for others – and now it is time that you paid the price. Now is the time that you pay the piper so to speak. Now is the time that all of that sexuality, all of that delicious hooter fodder, all of that mammary flesh is taken in hand and remoulded. Time that you were remoulded. There is no get out clause – or one that will see us coming to an agreement in return for your freedom. Forget freedom Jugs – it ain't gonna happen.”


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