physique of
practical jokes of
on Psycho’s effect on viewers
reading of
on Rear Window
religion of
retirement of
San Francisco loved by
Selznick’s relationship with
seventy-fifth birthday party for
sexuality of
on taking movies seriously
technical skills of
and Thinnes firing
Thom Mount on working with
on 3–D film process
“ticking bomb” theory of
Transatlantic Pictures project of
travel interest of
visual sense of
wardrobe of
wealth of
weight and dieting of
work methods of
in World War I
World War II and
as writer
Hitchcock, Alma Reville
at AFI Hitchcock tribute
and American relocation
The Birds disliked by
birth of
citizenship of
contribution of, to Hitchcock films
cooking skills of
death of
favorite Hitchcock films of
film appearances of
first film jobs of
as Hitchcock’s assistant
Hitchcock’s courtship of
Hitchcock’s marriage proposal to
on Hitchcock’s Mary Rose project
Hitchcock’s tribute to
honeymoon of
illnesses of
at London opening of To Catch a Thief
marriage of
reading of
San Francisco loved by
as screenwriter
and Thinnes firing
Tippi Hedren noticed by
travels of
and The Trouble with Harry
Hitchcock, Ellen Kathleen
Hitchcock, Emma Jane
Hitchcock, Pat
acting career of
on the “Alma test,”
on American relocation
birth of
childhood and youth of
childhood drawing by
education of
family of
father’s relationship with
favorite Hitchcock films of
Ferris wheel story of
Hitchcock’s bequests to
on Hitchcock’s fame
on Lifeboat’s phony diet ad
Hitchcock, William
Hitchcock, William, Jr.
Hitler, Adolf
Hodiak, John
Hogan, Dick
Holden, William
Homolka, Oscar
Houseman, John
House of Dr. Edwardes, The (Beeding)
House of Wax
Hume, Benita
Hunter, Evan
Hunter, Ian
Hunter, Kim
I Confess
plot of
Iles, Francis
Incredible Shrinking Woman, The
Irvine, Robin
Islington Studios
“It Had to Be Murder” (Woolrich)
“It’s a Long Way to Tipperary,”
Iwerks, Ub
Jack the Ripper
Jamaica Inn
plot of
James Bond
Jazz Singer, The
Jeans, Isabel
Jefferson, Thomas
Jepson, Selwyn
Johnny Belinda
Johnson, Joseph MacMillan
Jones, Barry
Jones, Jennifer
Jourdan, Louis
Juno and the Paycock (film)
plot of
Juno and the Paycock (O’Casey)
Kaleidoscope Frenzy
Katz, James C.
Kazan, Elia
Kazanjian, Howard G.
Keen, Malcolm
Kelly, Grace
career-marriage conflict of
in Dial M for Murder
in Rear Window
in To Catch a Thief
Kendall, Henry
Kingsley, Sidney
Kirkbride, Ronald
Kiss Me Kate
Klee, Paul
Knight, Esmond
Knott, Frederick
Kolthoff, Sonja
Konstam, Phyllis
Konstantin, Leopoldine
Korda, Alexander
Krampf, Günther
Krasna, Norman
Kristel, Sylvia
Kruger, Otto
La Bern, Arthur
Lady Vanishes, The
MacGuffin in
plot of
“Lamb to the Slaughter” (Dahl)
Landau, Martin
Landis, Jessie Royce
Landis, John
Lane, Priscilla
Lang, Fritz
Langley, Bryan
on Hitchcock’s technical skills
on Murder! and Mary
on Number 17
Langlois, Henri
Last Laugh, The
Latham, Louise
Laughton, Charles
Laurents, Arthur
Laurie, John
Lawrence, Gertrude
Lee, Canada
Legion of Decency
Lehman, Ernest
as North by Northwest writer
The Short Night project and
Leigh, Janet
at Hitchcock’s knighting ceremony
in Psycho
Leigh, Vivien
as Hitchcock’s ideal Rebecca
Olivier on
Leigh-Hunt, Barbara
Leighton, Margaret
Leslie, Joan
Levy, Benn
Lifeboat (film)
plot of
Life magazine
Life Story of David Lloyd George, The
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindstrom, Peter
Lion, Leon M.
“Listen, Darkling” (Anderson)
Little Friend
Livingston, Jay
Lloyd, Norman
on Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Hitchcock’s break with
on the Hitchcocks’s relationship
in Saboteur
Lockwood, Margaret
Loder, John
Lodger, The (film)
as first true Hitchcock film
plot of
Lodger, The (Lowndes)
Loeb-Leopold murder case
Logan, Joshua
Logan, Nedda
Lombard, Carole
London Film Company
London Film Society
London Walls (Van Druten)
Longden, John
Lord Camber’s Ladies (film)
Loren, Sophia
Lorre, Peter
in M
in The Man Who Knew Too Much (1935)
in Secret Agent
Lost Weekend
LeStrange, Robert
Lubitsch, Ernst
Lukas, Paul
Maccioni, Sirio
McCrea, Joel
McDonell, Gordon
McKinnel, Norman
MacLaine, Shirley
Maclean, Donald
MacPhail, Angus
McQueen, Steve
Malden, Karl
Mander, Miles
Man in the Dark
Manley, Nellie
Mannheim, Lucie
Man Running (Jepson)
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1935)
plot of
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1956)
plot of
Manxman, The (Caine)
Manxman, The (film)
plot of
Marfield, Dwight
Margaret, Princess of England
Marmont, Percy
Marnie (film)
Hitchcock o
n failure of
plot of
Marnie (Graham)
Marsh, Garry
Marshall, Herbert
Marx, Groucho
plot of see Murder!
Mary Rose (Barrie)
Mason, James
Mason, Pamela
Massey, Anna
Mata Hari
Mathers, Jerry
Matthews, Jessie
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maxwell, John
Mayflower Pictures
Melcher, Marty
Méliès, Georges
Memory of the Camps
Menzies, William Cameron
Merson, Mary
M-G-M Studios
Middle of the Night
Miles, Bernard
Miles, Vera
in Psycho
in The Wrong Man
Milland, Ray
Mills, John
Miss Julie
Molière Players
Montagu, Ivor
Montgomery, Robert
Morgan, Sidney
Morley, Robert
Mount, Thom:
on Family Plot filming
on Hitchcock’s final project
on Hitchcock’s studio-bungalow
Mountain Eagle, The
plot of
Mount Rushmore, S.Dak.
Moving Toy Shop, The (Crispin)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
plot of
Munch, Edvard
plot of
Murder on the Orient Express
Murnau, F. W.
Murray, Lyn
Nalder, Reggie
Naldi, Nita
Narcejac, Thomas
Natwick, Mildred
Neame, Ronald
Neill, Roy William
Nesbitt, Cathleen
Newman, Paul
Newton, Robert
Ney, Marie
Nicholson, Jack
No Bail for the Judge
Noble, Peter
No for an Answer (film project)
Noiret, Philippe
North by Northwest
MacGuffin in
plot of
as retelling of 39 Steps
Nos deux Consciences (Anthelme)
MacGuffin in
plot of
Novak, Kim
Novello, Ivor
in Downhill
in The Lodger
Number 13
Number 17 (Farjeon)
Number 17 (film)
MacGuffin in
plot of
use of miniatures in
Nun’s Story, The
O’Casey, Eileen
O’Casey, Sean
O’Connell, Joseph
O’Connell, Mary
O’Connell, Pat Hitchcock see Hitchcock, Pat
O’Hara, Maureen
Olivier, Laurence
Olsen, Christopher
Ondra, Anny
O’Neill, Maire
O’Neill, Norman
On the Waterfront
O’Regan, Kathleen
Ormonde, Czenzi
Oscar awards see Academy Awards
Our Town (Wilder)
Pabst, George W.
Painful Reminder, A
Pajama Game
Palmer, Lilli
Pandora’s Box
Paradine Case, The
plot of
Hitchcock’s departure from
Hitchcock’s first directing job at
Hitchcock’s only money loser at
Islington studios of
Paris riots (1968)
Parker, Cecil
Passionate Adventure, The
Peck, Gregory
in Paradine Case
in Spellbound
Peck, Veronique
Percy, Esme
Perkins, Anthony
Personal History (Sheean)
Petric, Vlada
Philip, Prince of England
Phillpotts, Eden
Piccoli, Michel
Pilbeam, Nova
Pleasure Garden, The
plot of
Pleshette, Suzanne
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pollack, Sydney
Pommer, Erich
Powell, Michael
Power, Tyrone
Price, Dan
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (Allen)
Prude’s Fall, The
black-and-white filming of
budget for
criticism of
plot of
Pudovkin, Vsevolod I.
Quayle, Anthony
“Que Será Será” (Evans and Livingston)
Rainbird Pattern, The (Canning)
Rainier III, prince of Monaco
Rains, Claude
Randolph, Elsie
Raymond, Gene
Reagan, Ronald
Rear Window
Hitchcock on
plot of
restoration of
Rebecca (du Maurier)
Rebecca (film)
plot of
Redford, Robert
Redgrave, Michael
Reinhardt, Max
Reville, Matthew
Revue Studios
Rich and Strange
plot of
Rigby, Edward
Ring, The
plot of
Ritchard, Cyril
Robbins, Richard
Robertson, Peggy
Robin, Dany
Rodin, Auguste
Rogers, Imogene “Kasey,”
see also Elliott, Laura
Roman, Ruth
Romanoff’s restaurant
Romm, May
Ronson Lighters
Roosevelt, Theodore
plot of
Rope’s End (Hamilton)
Rossellini, Roberto
Rostova, Mira
Rouault, Georges
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Rozsa, Miklos
plot of
plot of
Sabrina Fair (Taylor)
Saint, Eva Marie
Saint-Denis, Michel
St. Paul the Apostle Church
Sanders, George
Saville, Victor
Scarlett O’Hara
Schaefer, George J.
Schnell, Georg
Schüfftan shots
Schünzel, Reinhold
“Schwartz-Metterklume Method, The,”
Scream, The (Munch)
Seaton, George
Secret Agent
plot of
Secret Agent, The (Conrad)
Segal, Martin E.
Selznick, Daniel
Selznick, David O.
Hitchcock’s relationship with
Notorious sold by
Rebecca produced by
Spellbound and
Selznick, Irene Mayer
Selznick, Myron
Sergeant York
Shadow of a Doubt
as Hitchcock’s favorite
plot of
Shaffer, Anthony
Shaffer, Peter
Shakespeare, William
Shamley Productions
Shaw, George Bernard
Shayne, Constantine
Sheean, Vincent
Short Night, The (film project)
plot of
Short Night, The (Kirkbride)
Sidney, Sylvia
Sim, Alastair
Simmons, Jean
Simpson, Helen
Sink the Bismarck
Sjöberg, Alf
Skin Game, The (film)
plot of
Skin Game, The (Galsworthy)
Sleuth (Shaffer
Slezak, Walter
So Long at the Fair
Sons and Lovers
Dali dream sequences in
plot of
Selznick as producer of
use of color in
Springer, John
Stafford, Frederick
Stage Fright
plot of
Stannard, Eliot
Stanwyck, Barbara
Stefano, Joseph
Stein, Jules
Steinbeck, John
Sternberg, Josef von
Stevens, Gary
Stewart, James
in The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
in Rear Window
in Rope
in Vertigo
“Storm Cloud Cantata” (Benjamin)
Strangers on a Train (film)
British and American endings of
plot of
Strangers on a Train (Highsmith)
Stuart, John
Stuart, Leslie
Student of Prague, The
Subor, Michel
Summers, Virgil
Sunset Boulevard
plot of
Swerling, Jo
Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare)
Tandy, Jessica
Taylor, Gil
Taylor, Rod
Taylor, Samuel A.
Tearle, Godfrey
Tennyson, Penrose
Tester, Desmond
Tey, Josephine
Thinnes, Roy
39 Steps, The (Buchan)
39 Steps, The (film)
MacGuffin in
plot of
Saboteur and North by Northwest as retellings of
Thomas, Jameson
3—D film process
Three Sisters, The (Chekhov)
To Catch a Thief (Dodge)
To Catch a Thief (film)
London opening of
plot of
Todd, Ann
Todd, Richard
Tomasini, George
Tomlin, Lily
Topaz (film)
alternate endings for
Hitchcock’s war films compared with
plot of
Topaz (Uris)
Torn Curtain
plot of
Townsend, Peter
“Traitor, The” (Maugham)
Transatlantic Pictures
Trevor, Jack
Tripp, June
Tristan und Isolde (Wagner)
Trouble with Harry, The
plot of
Truex, Philip
Truffaut, François
Truman, Ralph
Tschechowa, Olga
UFA (Universum-Film Aktien Gesellschaft)
“Uncle Charlie” (McDonell)
Under Capricorn (Dane and Simpson)
Under Capricorn (film)
plot of
Universal Studios
Hitchcock film shoots at
Hitchcock’s final project at
Hitchcock’s studio-bungalow at
Hitchcock’s TV shows and
Kaleidoscope Frenzy turned down by
Uris, Leon
Utrillo, Maurice
Vachell, H. A.
Valentino, Rudolph
Valli, Alida
Valli, Virginia
Van Druten, John
Vanel, Charles
Ventimiglia, Gaetano di
Vernon, John
Hitchcock’s den modeled after set in
Kim Novak on
It's Only a Movie Page 34