Testing Fate

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Testing Fate Page 8

by Belinda Boring

  “That’s what I was thinking. I’d completely forgotten about that whole incident. Just goes to show he truly wasn’t the one for me. I can’t imagine not being able to remember the man I love, my soul mate. That kind of love becomes deeply ingrained.” I let out a weary sigh. “Nope, Gabriel was just a passing infatuation. I stand by my choice.”

  “I’m proud of you, sweetheart. I know it’s not an easy thing to pass over. Many would have succumbed to the offer, opting for the quickest way, regardless of who they hurt in the process. It shows real character and integrity.” He affectionately tousled my hair before cupping the side of my face. “Any idea when the next test is scheduled?”

  I placed my hand over his and smiled. “No, but hopefully I won’t have to wait too long. I feel really confident at the moment.” A yawn abruptly surfaced. “And really tired. I guess being under a trance is exhausting work.” Standing from the couch, I stretched out my body, twisting at the waist.

  “You hungry?” Devlin rose up off the couch and moved toward the small kitchen area. “I made up a plate for you, just in case.” He produced a covered dish that revealed assorted meats, salad, and a bread roll. Even from where I was standing, it smelled delicious.

  “I think I’m going to have a shower first, and then go to bed.” Approaching the kitchen, I gave Devlin a quick hug before swiping the roll from the plate. “I’ll take this just in case, though.”

  “Okay, I’m going to stay up a little longer and read, so holler if you need anything, okay?” Putting the food away, Devlin was already focused on the tall bookcase filled with different shaped books. Knowing him, he’d lose track of time once he found something interesting.

  “I will. Love you,” I answered, as another yawn appeared. Leaving the room, I wasted no time in rinsing away the day’s adventures under the pounding jets of hot water. A shower was exactly what I needed, the luxurious steam relaxing me. By the time I crawled into bed, it didn’t take long to fall asleep.

  I found myself lying on sun-heated rocks, beside a beautiful waterfall. Lush green foliage hung heavy from high branches and the constant splashing from falling droplets created the perfect ambience. Skimming my fingertips through the crystal clear water, it was the right temperature for a swim, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. I was in heaven.

  I’d never been to this secluded haven before. Surrounded by tall trees and low bushes, streams of sunlight fell on my body, making it tingle with warmth. I felt so good, peaceful, and I closed my eyes. I could hear the leisurely scamper from woodland creatures, busy going about their day. Singing softly to myself, my thoughts wandered in and out, never focusing on one thing.

  A twig snapped nearby, but I ignored it. I was all alone and didn’t sense any immediate danger—it was simply an animal getting too close.

  “I wondered if I’d find you here.” A masculine voice stirred my awareness.

  Sitting up, I found myself looking at a stranger, the gorgeous stranger from before. He was tall, with a muscular frame and the most stunning blue eyes I’d ever seen. He was peering down with a smile that said he was happy to stumble across me.

  “Do you know where ‘here’ is?” I asked, reluctantly standing and bringing my contented sunbathing to an end. I tugged my t-shirt down to cover my bare stomach and pulled on the hem of my shorts. I hadn’t been naked, but the way the guy’s focus seemed to be soaking in my appearance, I felt that way. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel threatened.

  “It’s our place.” He grinned, taking a step closer. He raised his arm to brush his fingers through the hanging branches and pulled off a few leaves. Inhaling the fragrance for a moment, he let them fall to the ground and glanced around. “We like to come here and be alone.”

  I followed his gaze and nodded. It did fit the description as a place for an intimate getaway. “We come here?” I studied his face, but still didn’t recognize him. This turn in the dream made no sense, but I wasn’t going to fight against it. I was here, with a man who looked on me with desire, in a place that was nothing short of heaven.

  “We do.” He didn’t add anything more to his response. With a wink, he moved toward the water’s edge and crouched to test the temperature. “Perfect. Shall we?” He extended his hand and when I stared back at him curiously, he laughed. “I’ll go first.”

  Stripping off his shirt, my eyes feasted on his hard muscles and contoured ridges. He was tanned, showing he’d spent many hours out in the sun. I gave a soft, appreciative sigh. He dove into the pool, swimming below the surface until he reached the other side.

  “Are you going to join me?” Liquid cascaded off him as he stood and my mouth felt suddenly dry. I quickly slipped out of my clothes, leaving just my bra and panties on, before carefully jumping in. The water glided over my skin and I smiled at how good it felt.

  I dipped under the surface, sleeking my hair back. “Is it strange that I don’t know who you are?” I kept a close eye on him as he started swimming toward me. “I feel like I should.”

  “You will. In time,” he answered cryptically, and disappeared beneath the water.

  I scanned the area, wanting to see where he was and shrieked when I felt his hand grab my leg, tugging on it. Fingers grazed up my thighs before he vanished again. His touch was so familiar—everything was and I was determined to understand.

  “What’s your name?” I coaxed as he emerged a few feet away, a large grin on his face. “I’m Darcy.”

  “I know who you are.” He grinned.

  “But I don’t know who you are.” I was getting tired of being evaded. My dream had gone from something relaxing to exciting to frustrating.

  He stopped moving and locked eyes with me. Heat blazed from within him. “You know me as many things: best friend, partner, lover.” The water parted about him as he strode toward me with definite purpose.

  The descriptions struck a chord with my heart. Yes, he was. But still, I couldn’t I remember his name.

  “Does it matter?” He traced the side of my cheek tenderly, tilting my chin so he could study me. When I nodded, he parted his lip to speak. “Very well, my name is . . .”

  His mouth moved and somehow I missed it. Seeing my confusion, he spoke again, but no matter how many times he uttered it, I heard nothing.

  Something drew his attention away. An awareness and then sorrow filled his features. Leaning in, he brushed his lips over mine in the sweetest kiss. It was barely a caress—more like a whispered declaration, and it sent a shiver through me.

  I stared deep into those blue eyes and wanted to weep when he slowly faded away, leaving me alone again. A cold breeze caused goosebumps over my skin and the sun ducked behind a cloud. The once magical haven was now empty and void of enjoyment. He was gone and my heart ached. Touching my lips, I tried to hold on to the sensation he’d created with his kiss, I missed him already.

  I slowly opened my eyes and found myself snuggled deep under the bedcovers. I was back in the suite, and what seemed so tangible in my dreams lacked the clarity of reality. I groaned against my pillow.

  My body still coursed with emotions—a strong longing the most prominent. Light peeked through the slightly parted curtains, telling me morning was here. I was tempted to go back to sleep so I could find him again, but I could hear Devlin moving about in the other room.

  “No more sleeping for you, Darcy,” I murmured, slipping out of bed and padding across to the bathroom for a shower. It wouldn’t do me any good to fixate on the man from my dreams with more tests in my future.

  Standing under the streaming hot water, I gave one last thought to the paradise of my dream, before focusing on the new day.

  Chapter Ten

  I didn’t know what Devlin was cooking in the kitchen, but the second I left the bedroom, the most delicious aroma hit me. A quick breath told me bacon was definitely on the menu, along with something cooking in the toaster.

  “I’ve forgotten how much I love hanging out with you.” I grinned, sitting on the vacant stool
at the counter. I peered forward at the crackling frying pan and nodded. It was just as I thought, bacon strips and a fluffy heap of scrambled eggs. The toaster popped behind Devlin, revealing two perfectly browned slices of bread. I was going to dine well this morning.

  “I know you just love me for my cooking.” He teased and placed a clean plate with silverware in front of me. “And they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!”

  He began dishing out breakfast and the first mouthful resulted in a loud moan of satisfaction. “I would totally marry you if I didn’t think I’d gain a thousand pounds from your spoiling me. These are amazing!” Flavor exploded in my mouth, eliciting another happy groan.

  I took a small sip on the orange juice by my plate. “Wow, freshly squeezed too! I’m in love, Devlin!” I laughed as I placed my hand over my heart. “Thank you for this.”

  “You’re welcome. Did you sleep well?” he casually asked, resting back on the counter.

  Images from my dream swept through my mind—blue eyes and heartfelt smile lingered. “I did. So much that I didn’t want to wake up.” Devlin cocked his eyebrows and I shook my head at him. “And no, I don’t want to share.” I could feel my cheeks flush with heat.

  His throaty chuckle told me he had a pretty good idea why and I continued eating, while he poured himself a glass of juice.

  “Oh gosh, you still drink that stuff?” I pointed at the half empty tomato juice bottle. “You do know that I haven’t been able to stomach it since your prank. You’ve emotionally scarred me for life!” I didn’t bother hiding my revulsion, that day forever embedded into my memory.

  “You deserved it and you know it. Besides, I thought it was hilarious.” I wanted to wipe the smug grin off his face.

  “Jerk,” I muttered under my breath, glaring as he took a long drink. It all seemed so familiar, even now.

  I first met Devlin when I was about ten years old. I’d heard a lot about him, whispered conversations about the vampire Enforcer and I’d seen, firsthand, how the pack swooned over him. So, when my mother invited me to come with her one afternoon when she visited Vivien, I jumped at the opportunity. I’d overheard her telling my father she needed to meet with her friend and the Enforcer, so it was my chance.

  I’d never really seen a vampire up-close before. My parents kept me sheltered from pack business, ushering me into my room whenever we had visitors. I took great care with what I wore and brushed my long brown hair until it shone. I wanted to make an impression, to know if he was as dangerous as the gossip said he was.

  Disappointment crashed over me when he wasn’t there to greet us at the door. Vivien swept me up into her embrace as I craned my neck to see if I could spot him. I was told to head on outside to check out the garden, and as I passed by the parlor doors, I spotted him. He was every bit as handsome as I’d imagined.

  So that’s the vampire Enforcer, I smiled. He was busy studying the frames over the room’s fireplace and I gasped when he looked up. His red eyes were definitely something new, and when our eyes briefly met, he nodded. I was instantly intrigued.

  “I won’t be too long, Darcy. As soon as it’s time for refreshments, I’ll send someone out for you and you can visit.” My interest had caught the attention of my mother.

  That was the longest hour of my young life. I usually enjoyed roaming through Vivien’s estate, discovering all the new flowers she had planted for the different seasons. I especially loved exploring the herb patch she had, trying to guess what she used each one for. Sometimes one of Vivien’s coven members would walk with me and tell me stories but today I was all alone. It made each minute drag by endlessly.

  I practically ran back into the large manor when I was heard my name being called. There were a million and one questions swirling around in my mind, and each one involved Devlin. Everyone was seated around the guest dining table and my excitement was almost palpable at sitting directly opposite him.

  “Darcy, this is Devlin.” My mother introduced us and my young heart fluttered at his beautiful smile.

  “Pleased to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you,” I gushed, blushing when everyone laughed at my enthusiasm.

  “Well, I hope it’s all good.” Devlin winked.

  “Oh yes, you’re pretty famous.” A sharp glare from my mother silenced me.

  Our small conversation was drawn away by the serving of food and I sat in fascination, listening to the snippets of discussion. I didn’t understand a lot of what was being said, but I loved the way Devlin’s voice sounded. My crush was developing as each moment passed.

  I couldn’t stop staring, watching the way he talked with his hands and the fact I’d yet to see him take a bite from his plate. When the servers were in front of him, he’d helped himself to the thinly sliced roast beef. He’d even poured some thick brown gravy over it, but it remained untouched.

  “Don’t you like your food?” I asked when I couldn’t stand the suspense any longer. He’d pushed it around a few times and at one point even cut a small portion off. Earlier, when Anne and I had talked about my meeting him, we’d debated over whether vampires ate. I didn’t want to go home without this vital piece of information.

  “Darcy!” My mother exclaimed, briskly shaking her head.

  “It’s okay, Lynn.” Devlin intervened. “I’m sure the food is delicious. I guess I don’t have much of an appetite right now.” I took it as code for ‘this isn’t my preferred meal’ and barely concealed my cringe when his gaze rested briefly on my neck.

  My shudder wasn’t missed by his observant eye and he chuckled softly as he beckoned for the nearby staff member. He whispered something into the person’s ear before they hurried away. He gave me a cheeky wink and I felt my face flush. I could definitely understand now why he seemed to have a legion of swooning followers. He was a flirt.

  “Your mother tells me you’ve never met a vampire before. I’m flattered to be your first.” His hand played with the empty wine glass in front of him, rolling the stem between his fingertips. He looked so relaxed, while I was a bundle of nervous energy. He broke eye contact with me long enough to offer a ‘thank you’, when the server returned with his request.

  I gasped out loud, my eyes wide, horrified. The server gave me a curious glance before continuing to pour Devlin a drink, a very red, very thick liquid that I just knew was blood. Reality hit me hard. I was sitting at the table with a vampire. One that was now draining his glass in one long, gulp. He didn’t even sip it. One moment his glass was full and now it rested back on the table, a few droplets left inside.

  My heart pounded in my ears. My throat was instantly dry and I couldn’t get rid of my sweaty palms. I let out a strangled groan when the server poured Devlin another. I couldn’t tear my focus away from the way he tipped back the glass, his throat moving as he swallowed, or the flick of his tongue capturing a stray droplet. He enjoyed every last bit of the drink and I was confused when the table suddenly burst into laughter.

  “Was that really necessary?” Vivien chuckled, my mother joining in. I stared at them, and then back at Devlin, who was now wearing a large grin.

  “You do know you’ve probably traumatized her. Look!” It was then that I realized how rigidly I’d been sitting, my hands wrapped protectively around my neck. “Honey, it’s okay.”

  “You’re fine with him drinking blood in front of you?” My question only made everyone explode into more hilarity.

  “You best answer, Devlin,” Vivien deferred, shaking her head and gesturing toward me. “You’ve terrified her.”

  I stared at him and caught his regret. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. See?” He held up the glass and slanted it toward me. “It looks like blood, but it’s really tomato juice. I was just teasing and didn’t mean to shock you.” He came around the table and kneeled down beside me. “Can you forgive me?”

  I’ll never forget the sight of seeing a strong vampire at my feet, earnestly looking up and apologizing. “So it was just a joke?” I whispered. />
  “It was and a poor one at that. I sometimes forget not everyone gets my humor.” He took hold of my hand and kissed the back. “To make up for it, I’ll owe you one favor of your choice. Deal?”

  The suggestion definitely appealed to my young heart. I could just imagine seeing Tommy’s face the next time he tried to bully me and Devlin showing up to defend me. I really liked the idea and I grinned.

  “Deal!” I giggled loudly now, the shock wearing off. “It really was funny, though. I was trying to think of ways to convince you my blood wouldn’t taste good.”

  “What, a sweet girl like you? Oh I don’t know . . .” He squeezed my fingers when I tried to pull away. “Darcy, I don’t ever drink from those I consider friends. We are friends, aren’t we?”

  I dropped his hand and stuck it out to shake. “You bet.”

  “Something tells me this will be one of my favorite friendships. Thank you for forgiving a foolish vampire.” He smiled and I answered him by throwing my arms around his neck. He encircled his large arms around my small body and an accord was struck.

  Our relationship would grow stronger and stronger after that day, becoming one of the most influential and cherished for both of us.

  “You know, I never did claim that favor you promised.” I laughed, a fork full of egg hovering above my mouth. “So you still owe me. I wonder what I could make you do. Something to equal the pain and suffering you caused me.” I dropped the utensil and placed my hand over my heart. “Forever wounded, Devlin. To this day!”

  He tossed a crumpled napkin at me and I easily dodged it. “You don’t think this is enough?”

  “Heck no,” I exclaimed. Picking up the last piece of bacon, I chewed on it thoughtfully. “Don’t worry. I’ll try not to make you squirm . . . much.”

  He rolled his eyes at me, draining the glass before putting it in the stainless steel sink. “Still as dramatic as the first day I met you. Glad to see some things never change.”


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