Rise of the Phoenix

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Rise of the Phoenix Page 15

by Jamie McLachlan

  His gaze flicks between my two different-coloured eyes. “Alright. But how do you plan on sneaking past the guards who’ve escorted me here?”

  “I figured you’d have one or two.” My anticipation slips out into a wide grin. “Nothing a little distraction can’t fix. We’ll need—”

  A series of thumps resonate through the room, and the door vibrates beneath the intruder’s force. My heart jumps every time the person’s fist connects with the wood. A lump forms in my throat, and I remind myself the door is locked. No one could come in, even if they wanted to. The tension in my muscles eases, and I turn to face Josephine, prepared to tell her to send the person away. But the voice that pierces through the wood makes me choke on my unspoken words. The melodic tone sends a thrill of anticipation through me, even if his tone is roughened by stern determination.

  “Madame Josephine?” Another knock causes a quake through the door. “It’s Detective Edwards. I suggest you let me in at once.”

  Josephine jolts up from her chair, and her fear stains the air around her. “I’m busy with a client, Detective. It’ll have to wait until I’m finished.”

  “I’m afraid not.” A brief pause before he continues. “Open the door, or I’ll force my way in.”

  Josephine meets my gaze, a questioning tilt to her brows. My head bobs in a quick nod, and I reach into my pocket and retrieve the key. She lifts the metal from my palm, her fingers brushing my skin. Her boots click against the hardwood floor, the sound resounding in my head, reminding me of the rhythmic tick, tock of Keenan’s mind. The sound slows, and time stands still as she unlocks the door. I square my shoulders, reach outward with my mind, and wait for the precise moment to dive into his mental landscape.

  I had promised I’d never use persuasion on him again, but I had never imagined we might find ourselves on opposing sides. And I refuse to throw away my life on a vow I had made in naivety. I bite my lip and focus on the pain, letting it remind me of the sting of betrayal.

  The door swings open.

  I storm into his landscape and mutter a quick command. In my place, you see a redhead, just another concubine.

  The words sear across his mind, flaring bright as it embeds upon a gear. My breath rushes in, scorching my lungs, as I blink and take in the sight of him. Beneath the rim of his bowler hat, his gaze sweeps across the room—his eyes, two green orbs penetrating every inch of space. He lingers on my face, but glances away in dismissal. My heart gallops, a dissonant backdrop to the echo of his footsteps as he circles around the office. His thoughts inform me he’s looking for me. But I can’t tell for what purpose: to help me, or to send me back to prison? If I were to enter his mind to find out, I’d risk exposing myself.

  Rick enters a second later, and I plant the same persuasion in his mind. The command sticks with ease, and I retreat. He may have helped me, but I can’t risk him seeing me. Not until I know where Keenan stands. I lower my chin and try to fade into the background. A mantra whispers in my head, as if the more I say it, the lie in the words will vanish.

  I’m no one. A concubine not worth your notice.

  Josephine repositions her body, placing it in front of mine. “What’s the meaning of this, Detective?”

  Rick nods in greeting. “We’re looking for Moira.”

  “Why?” She turns her gaze back on Keenan. “Shouldn’t she be with you?”

  He fixes on her face with an intensity that causes me to step back. The slight movement catches his attention, and he scrutinizes the features shaded beneath my hat. My body freezes, and my breath catches in my throat. I weave several more persuasions into the air. No one. Look away.

  His eyes dart back to Josephine, dismissing my presence. “Moira escaped prison last night and is now considered a fugitive. I’ve been ordered by the Elite to arrest her. There are constables searching every room in this house as we speak. If you’ve seen her, tell me.”

  A fissure snakes across my heart. So he has come to arrest me, which means he thinks I’m the Phoenix. I clench my jaw and twist the pain into anger. Betrayal, a sharp knife, slices through my skin and stabs straight through my chest. Devin’s whispered words flutter in my head. Trust the people who love you. Keenan had said he loved me. But it was all a lie.

  Josephine shakes her head. “I haven’t seen her.”

  Her answer comes far too quickly and lacks sincerity. Dark tendrils snake out from his chest, yet his expression remains unperturbed. He slides his gaze to Alyssa and Evan before drifting back to Josephine. His suspicion slithers forward, creeping closer, searching for the truth. I try to calm my erratic pulse, willing my body to hold still, even as the urge to run wars within.

  He touches the front of his hat and lowers his head. “If you see her, contact me immediately.”

  She nods. “I will do my best.”

  “In the meantime, we’ll continue searching the building.”

  He leaves with Rick following close behind. His last words send a shiver through me, and urgency weaves a tight knot in my stomach. I can’t sit here and wait until they’re done. I need to leave now before I get caught.

  Josephine senses my thoughts and withdraws her ring of keys, unhooking one. “This unlocks the back door.”

  I squeeze the metal into my fist before slipping it into my pocket. She rushes out of the office without another word and approaches the constables standing in the foyer. With their attention focused on her, I tug on Evan’s sleeve and beckon him to follow.

  Alyssa whispers low enough for only me to hear. “I’ll exit out the front and distract Evan’s guards.”

  She walks past, her skirt brushing mine in passing.

  My grip on his sleeve stiffens. “Do you need to touch a person to affect their emotions?”

  He shakes his head, and I loosen my hold, not bothering to question how he had acquired that particular skill. Most likely through practicing, as Scott had taught me. We slink out of the room and down the hallway, heading for the house’s back door. The constables on the main floor peruse the chambers, oblivious to us. Evan’s fingers slip between mine and squeeze. His excitement gallops into my mind like a hundred horses pounding the earth with their hooves. I unlock the door and peek outside. The silence in front of me contrasts with the noise behind me. I tug, pulling him out into the small alley.

  A hand stops me from locking the door, and Keenan steps out, swinging the door closed behind him. My eyes widen as surprise renders me momentarily frozen. He grasps my arm, yanking me toward his chest. The abrupt pull forces me to release Evan. I tumble into his landscape, surrounding myself with the whirring of the clock. A persuasion rises within, but his whispered command gives me pause.


  My mind insists I persuade him to leave, yet my heart begs for the answers to the questions that slash deep wounds on my skin. Why didn’t he visit me in prison? Why was it so easy for him to believe I’m the Phoenix? Is betrayal inevitable? Or do I keep choosing the wrong people to trust? They blister my tongue, demanding to be spoken.

  My lower lip trembles. “Are you going to arrest me, Detective?”

  “Is that what you think? Who do you think—” His nostrils flare as he inhales a heated breath. “We don’t have time to argue, Moira. You need to come with me.”

  “So you can throw me back in prison?”

  Anger, disappointment, and agony swirl into a whirlwind inside. I try to push him away, but a flash of silver draws my attention to the inside of his coat. His revolver. An idea springs forth. I lean forward, sliding my hands over his vest, and use my words to divert him.

  “What were you going to say before you broke off?”

  When he doesn’t respond, I fall back into his mind, watching the steam rise from the grates below my feet.

  My voice hardens. “I’ll pry the words out of you.”

  His breath caresses my cheek, and a faint image plays along the gears. In the memory, he gives Rick a key, the same one that had helped me flee from prison. The same
one that now rests securely between my breasts. Joy touches my lips, curving the ends upwards. He never visited me because he knew the Phoenix would keep a close eye on him. And he’s right. Icarus most likely was and still is watching him. So Keenan helped me in his own way. The only way he could. I lift onto my toes and press my mouth against his. One last kiss. The taste of him pervades my senses, a bittersweet flavour haunting me. My fingers—feather-light, as if I were never there—stroke the revolver hidden beneath his coat.

  I whisper against his lips. “Thank you.”

  The last of my words fall silent, unable to find the breath to give them life.

  Thank you for believing me. For loving me.

  My guilt claws at my chest, tearing pieces from my heart. I’m not the innocent woman in his mind, and we might never see each other again.

  He tugs at my hips, pulling me closer. “Come with me.”

  “I can’t.” I shake my head, step away from him, and place my hands behind my back. “You’re being watched. If I go with you, we’ll both be imprisoned.”

  “Don’t do anything rash, Moira. I’ll find a way to clear your name.”

  Desperation clings to him, thick black and emerald vines that creep out and try to ensnare me. His hand lifts, reaching for me one last time. The door behind us vibrates as someone tests the lock from the inside, and his gaze darts away from my face. I sprint to Evan’s side and edge toward the street. I wish I could tell Keenan his attempts are futile. My name will forever remain marred, whether or not Icarus is alive or dead. I look back only to find the alley empty.

  When we arrive at the end of the building, Evan peeks at the front door. “Alyssa’s speaking with my guards. We can sneak into the vehicle.”

  I tiptoe closer to him and loop my arm around his. His gaze flicks to the revolver in my hand, yet he keeps his mouth shut. Together, we leave the shadow of the alley. The guards remain preoccupied with Alyssa, not even turning to glance at us once. My pulse pounds against my chest as Evan helps me into the back carriage and sits beside me. The canopy hides us from sight, and we wait in silence. After a few moments, Alyssa appears, her steps quick. She lifts herself up and settles into her seat, clutching the wheel.

  She glances back at us, and her eyes dart to the revolver in my hand. “Where did you get that?”

  I run my thumb over the smooth barrel. “From the detective.”

  Technically, I stole it. But she doesn’t need to know that.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  She starts the engine and turns the vehicle away from the curb. The guards waiting for Evan don’t notice when we drive past. I dip my head lower, hoping the veil from my hat obscures my face. I can’t have anyone recognize me—an unlikely outcome, yet my heart thunders at the prospect. Thoughts of Keenan rush up, and the realization I might never see him again is a hand around my neck. I slip the revolver inside my coat, positioning it underneath my arm, and bury the fear and pain. The weapon digs into my side, a reminder of what I’m about to attempt.

  Evan nudges my leg with his knee. “So the Phoenix is Mr. Hayes?”

  “Yes, but don’t think for one minute he has our best interests in mind. All he wants is power, and now he’s the Chief Elite Member. People like me and you are nothing but pawns in his game.”

  “And he’s the reason you were in jail? Because you discovered his identity?”

  A lie slips into the air. “Yes.”

  I look away and close my eyes. An image burns on the inside of my lids. Mr. Harrison stands before me, his cold and vacant gaze meeting mine with a withered consciousness. His mind was already gone, yet I’m responsible for ending his life. Another crime to add to my list of wrongs. My eyes flare open, and I focus on the hard steel beneath my arm.

  A familiar voice echoes in my head. We did what we had to in order to survive.

  A part of me knows she’s right.

  Evan leans closer, and his leg presses against mine. “But if you kill Mr. Hayes, you’ll be charged with murder.”

  Frustration forces my words out in a rush. “Mr. Hayes has told everyone I’m the Phoenix. I’ll be executed regardless of whether or not I kill him.”

  His curiosity continues to press at my side, purple wisps that float away from his white tunic.

  “So do you plan to run away after?”

  I shift in the seat, and the revolver slips an inch. “I haven’t thought that far ahead.”

  “You should listen to the detective.”

  I shake my head. “If I could, I would. But that’s not possible. As long as Icarus is still alive, there’s no chance the detective will succeed in clearing my name.”

  Reaching beneath my coat, I adjust the weapon and secure it higher. The muscle in my arm aches, but I ignore the pain and look up at Evan. Tension tightens the corners of his eyes and mouth. At first glance, the expression looks like concern for me. But after a closer look, remorse splinters his unease. I search the depths of his eyes, wondering what thoughts lie behind them.

  I lower my voice to a whisper. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  “No.” The apprehension lining his countenance vanishes. “I was thinking life would certainly be dull without you.”

  A smile graces my face, even though I know unspoken words hang in the air between us. We break eye contact, each lost in our own thoughts. Let him keep his secrets. For now. I turn my attention on Icarus. In just a few minutes, I’ll stand on the precipice of potentially losing my life, but the fact doesn’t deter me. He’s betrayed me, and he’s hurt my friends. I can’t let him win. My hand tightens in my lap, forming a fist. Adrenaline rushes forward, quickening my pulse and sending a ripple of excitement through me. But I can’t tell if it’s from fear or confidence.

  A sliver of doubt pricks my skin.

  Am I prepared to die?


  The Legislature building looms before us, a red-bricked façade with large pillars. Statues of the previous Chief Elite Members line the sides of the paved courtyard. A large platform occupies the space on the right. Two wooden beams rise from the stage and connect with another horizontal plank. A single noose hangs from the joist. My hand flies to my throat as invisible fingers tighten around my neck. Today was supposed to be my execution. How did the police notice my escape and so early?

  I tear my gaze away and watch the few citizens walking through the square. “How far is your reach?”

  Evan peeks past the safety of our canopy. “This shouldn’t be a problem. It’s like a wave. I touch a few minds and the rest follow without much effort. What kind of emotion were you thinking of?”


  The word tumbles out without hesitation. The day of Jonathan’s and Daniel’s escape burns in my mind. The crowd outside the station had been affected by a dream weaver, their rage a magnetic pull drawing every officer out of the building. Every constable and person inside the station, including me and Keenan, had been too distracted to notice Jonathan and Daniel flee. A successful plan that fuelled my idea for today. With everyone too busy fighting each other, no one will see when I sneak into the Legislature building.

  He looks at me for a silent moment, but nods. “You want chaos.”

  “I do.” My foot bounces with the potential for danger. “And don’t hold back.”

  His lips quirk upwards. “I won’t.”

  He rests each hand on his knees and focuses on an older gentleman. The man’s cane taps on the stone below his feet every time he steps forward. I squint and wait for a shift in his behaviour. His stick hits the ground, but his foot remains rooted in place. He stands as still as the statues beside him. Beneath the cover of his hat, his face brightens as blood flushes under his skin. His lips tighten, and he storms toward the couple strolling nearby. Words fly from his mouth, yet none of them reach me. His expression alone tells me they’re in the midst of a heated argument.

  I look away from the man to examine Evan, whose eyes settle on another patron amb
ling through the court. Agitation flickers across the gentleman’s face. He tilts his head forward and spit flies from his mouth, annoying the man beside him. Their quarrel escalates to physical violence, and they fall to the ground. Their limbs entwine as they grapple to dominate each other.

  Alyssa’s voice pulls my attention away from the men. “It’s time. Follow me.”

  I nod and rest my hand on top of Evan’s. Irritation pricks my skin, causing my limbs to twitch. What am I doing? Everyone I know has betrayed me. Why did I think I could trust Evan and Alyssa? This is probably another elaborate scheme to imprison me. For all I know, one of them could have warned Icarus in advance. Lies. Nothing but filthy liars. All of them. My lip curls back from my teeth in a snarl as rage rises to blind me. They will never have me.

  Evan yanks his hand away, and the thoughts I had a moment ago fade. He brushes my cheek, and a blanket of calm wraps around me. My plan no longer seems impossible. Determination courses through my veins, drawing out my doubts. I can do this. I will succeed. I blink and glare at Evan, an accusation ready to fly from my mouth. I can’t tell where my thoughts end and where his influence begins. My brow lifts as suspicion takes over. Has he ever used his power on me in the past?

  “I apologize for that.” A reassuring smirk graces his lips. “Good luck.”

  I turn away from him and slip out of the motor vehicle. Keeping my arms close to my sides, I tiptoe around and meet Alyssa. Our eyes briefly connect before we both gaze out at the courtyard. The citizens who aren’t involved stand back and watch with horrified fascination as various disagreements break out around them. Alyssa and I stick close together, clinging to the edges. No one notices us as we tread past them. When we arrive at the Legislature’s steps, my heart gallops ahead of me. My crazy, impulsive idea no longer feels out of reach.

  A young man, pushed backwards by another, knocks into me. The revolver slides from between my arm and falls to the ground. I scramble down onto my knees and reach for the weapon, slipping it back beneath my coat. When I look up, the man lifts his gaze and examines my face.


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