Evolution: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 3)

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Evolution: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 3) Page 12

by Sarah Noffke

  Julianna could hear…something…in the way he spoke. His tone had shifted and became almost distant. He seemed to retreat inside himself a bit—a reaction she knew quite well herself—and she saw a shadow in his eyes, possibly a memory of sorts. “You’re talking like you know this from experience,” she finally said.

  Eddie snapped his fingers to get Harley’s attention, but this time the dog stayed in front of Julianna, his tongue hanging out of his mouth and eyes looking expectantly up at her.

  “Maybe I do and didn’t get a chance to say goodbye, or maybe I’m okay, or I messed up,” said Eddie, walking over. He paused when he was right in front of Julianna, a strange seriousness on his usually-smiling face.

  She twitched from the emotion in his eyes and how it plainly spoke of something more. Something deeper than anything she’d ever seen from him. She knew it was pain, the sort that lingers for a lifetime and doesn’t let you go.

  Slowly he leaned down and grabbed the bone. Then he straightened and threw it, but Harley didn’t go after it. Instead he stayed there and stared up at Julianna the same way Eddie was staring.

  “Are you referring to a girl? One who you let walk away?” asked Julianna.

  Eddie shook his head with a tragic look in his eyes. “No, nothing like that. I’m referring to my parents.”

  Julianna swallowed, her throat tight. “And now you regret not dealing with things before it was too late, is that right?”

  “I regret thinking there would always be time to go back and fix everything,” said Eddie, his eyes skipping to the poor dog still sitting at their feet.

  Eddie smiled abruptly and was suddenly his former self again, a joyful expression filling his bright face. He bent down over Harley, patting the dog’s head. “One of these days she’ll give you what you want,” he said, looking up at Julianna. “Don’t give up on her just yet.”


  The door to the hangar opened, and both Lars and Knox entered.

  Julianna turned around to face them. A bandage was wrapped around Knox’s arm where he’d been shot. That kid hadn’t complained about it at all, which made Julianna like him even more.

  I believe you and the Captain just had a moment, said Pip.

  I don’t know what you mean.

  I have a transcript of the conversation. Would you like me to run back through it for you?

  I don’t think that’s necessary.

  You should ask him more about his parents, Pip encouraged her.

  If he wants to talk about them, he will.

  Oh, right, wait for other people to open up first. No outward attempts on your part at deepening relationships.

  Pip, are you trying to get under my skin?

  The AI laughed in her head. Under your skin! Good one, and no, I’m simply trying to point out that relationships are a two-way street.

  I can’t believe you’re lecturing me on relationships. I’ll be perfectly fine without your input on the subject.

  That’s too bad then. I found a quiz from Cosmopolitan, a magazine from Earth. It’s old, but I think the results would hold up. The quiz is entitled, “What’s Your Relationship Style?”

  This conversation is not happening.

  I assure you that it is. I took the quiz and got “Clingy Codependent.” I think my results are a bit flawed, based on my situation with you.

  Julianna burst out laughing, which gained the attention of the three men who were busy discussing the logistics of the mission.

  The quiz classified you as a “Distant Heartbreaker.” I took the quiz for you, based on how I suspected you’d answer. I calculated an eighty-five percent probability that I was correct. Would you like to take the quiz yourself to verify?

  Hell no, I do not, and neither should you, Pip. Those quizzes are terrible.

  Let me know if you change your mind. I also found many other useful quizzes like, “Does Your Hookup Want to be Your Boyfriend?” and “What’s Your Ideal Sex Position?” For obvious reasons I couldn’t complete the quizzes myself.

  Oh, gross. You have way too much free time on your hands if you’re taking quizzes from women’s magazines, Pip. We really ought to find you something more productive to do.

  Pip laughed again. “Time on my hands.” Hands…that’s funny, Julianna.

  Eddie cleared his throat to get Julianna’s attention. “Based on the distant look on your face, I’m guessing you’re having a conversation with your favorite AI.”

  “I can hear you,” said ArchAngel from overhead, butting into the conversation. “Honestly, there are too many AIs coming and going in my ship.”

  Eddie frowned. “Aw, Archie… You know you’re my main squeeze, babe!”

  “Apology accepted, Captain Teach,” said ArchAngel, “but please, no nicknames for me.”

  Julianna couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, we’re done. He’s apparently lost his damn mind and needs to be completely rebooted.”

  “Lost my mind.” Another good one, said Pip.

  “Are you up to speed?” Julianna asked Knox and Lars.

  They both agreed with a nod.

  "Based on what happened last time in Gun Barrel, we think having you and Lars, join us will be smart. We don't want to get cornered again and be outnumbered," said Juilianna.

  “I’m up for a mission,” said Lars.

  “All right, then let’s suit up and get going,” commanded Julianna.

  Deck Twelve, Onyx Station, Paladin System

  Eddie grinned when he saw his team.

  Knox and Lars were already dressed, wearing the uniforms of Onyx Station’s utility personnel crew. Thanks to the Federation’s control of this station, acquiring them had been a simple task.

  Julianna pulled the blazer on over her crisp white shirt. She looked different in slacks and a button-up blouse. Different in a good way, Eddie observed. She fastened a badge to the lapel of her jacket, straightening it.

  “Stop staring,” Julianna threatened when she caught him watching her.

  He jerked his head down and bent over, pretending his shoe was untied. “I wasn’t staring.”

  “If you think I look different dressed in civilian clothes, you need to look in the mirror,” said Julianna.

  “I can only imagine that I look a little stiff in this suit.” Eddie straightened and smoothed his slacks.

  “You definitely don’t look like yourself, which is the point. If I can hardly recognize you, then the Brotherhood who might be hiding and waiting for us, won’t notice you,” said Julianna.

  “You really think that the Brotherhood would be so brave as to come onto Onyx Station?” asked Knox.

  Lars nodded, leaning on a mop he’d snagged. “The Brotherhood shouldn’t be underestimated. I have no difficulty believing they could sneak onto this station if ordered to.”

  “There’s so much going on here that it’s not hard to get away with stuff,” said Eddie. “Look at this Deacon Flick guy. This scoundrel is hiding right under our noses here.”

  Julianna picked up a clipboard that carried a stack of papers pinned together at the top. “All right, you guys, get into position. Teach and I will be right behind you. Comms on, everyone.”

  Knox and Lars saluted the Commander before leaving the room they’d secured for prep, which was a back room in the maintenance sector.

  When the two had been gone for a minute Eddie said, “Gunner? Carnivore? Do you copy?”

  “Affirmative,” they said in unison over the comm.

  “Keep your eyes open for suspicious people. Don’t draw attention to yourself, and abandon position if you’re identified. The last thing we need is any of this reflecting back on the Federation,” said Julianna.

  “Copy,” said Lars.

  Eddie buttoned his suit jacket, trying to look important. He read Julianna’s badge. “Ms. Donaldson, are you ready to embark on our census work for the station?”

  Julianna smiled slightly. “Yes, Mr. Petersen. Let’s go count heads.”

  The two str
olled through the corridor of Deck Twelve with their chins held high. Beings of many races brushed by, most taking no notice of them in their official navy-blue suits. Both scanned the crowd as they passed for anyone who might be a Brotherhood soldier or Trid accomplice.

  At a second-hand appliance store Eddie paused and put his back to the shop. On the other side was a laundromat. The lower deck was full of these rundown enterprises, and riff-raff to match.

  Eddie pointed to the laundromat. “Sally, you want to take the laundromat? I’m overdue for a break.”

  Julianna pursed her lips, obviously not approving of how Eddie slacked off even when undercover. “Sure, Billy.”

  She entered the laundromat and started talking to the clerk at once, and Eddie surveyed the area around the second-hand appliance shop. Working around the passersby in front of it was Lars, pushing a mop. He kept his eyes down and was doing a great job of looking like a dejected custodian trying to work as people dirtied the floors behind him.

  Knox had set up a ladder just in front of the next shop, and he opened a tool box to remove a bulb. People gave him space, not wanting to bump into the tall ladder.

  Julianna returned with her clipboard clutched to her chest. “All done, Billy.” She pointed at the second-hand retail shop. “Why don’t we take this next one together?”

  “Sounds good, Sal,” said Eddie, sweeping his arm out to present the way to Julianna.

  Unimpressed, she trotted off. Knox started climbing the ladder when they entered the store. A bell hummed marking their arrival, and an old woman with curly gray hair looked up from a tablet. Her eyes roamed over their suits and she pursed her lips.

  “What do you want?” she asked impatiently. The shop was lined with shelves that held dusty old appliances, things Eddie hadn’t seen in years and some he’d never run into before. The counter in front of her was glass, and was filled with odds and ends like toasters and old phones.

  “Just a moment of your time, Ma’am. We’re with the census department,” said Eddie.

  “I know who you’re with. You say ‘census,’ but you mean ‘taxes.’ You just want to count us so we have to pay you,” said the woman sternly.

  Julianna raised her brow. “I didn’t realize you had stopped using Onyx Station’s infrastructure and were existing without any of its conveniences,” said Julianna, a sharp tone in her voice.

  Eddie gave her a warning look. “What I think my partner here was trying to say is, taxes ensure that you have the things you need.”

  The old woman narrowed her gray eyes at Julianna, wrinkles splaying around her tight mouth. “I don’t think that was what she was trying to say.”

  Julianna cleared her throat and lifted her clipboard. “Can you confirm how many people work in this establishment?”

  “Two,” the woman said, sounding impatient.

  “Names of Onyx residents, please?” Julianna pretended to be reading off the paper.

  “Betsy McGuire and Deacon Flick. I work for him,” said the woman.

  “Yes, that confirms what we have here. I just need to have you, Betsy, sign here.” Julianna handed the woman the clipboard and pointed to a line, handing her a pen.

  With the same sour attitude as before, the woman took the pen and scratched her signature.

  “And now we just need Mr. Flick’s signature as well,” said Julianna.

  “Deacon is in the back working with some new customers,” said the old woman. “I’ll take the form back there.”

  Julianna shook her head. “We have to witness the signing.”

  “Can we go back there and get Mr. Flick’s signature?” asked Eddie, trying to see what was in the rooms behind the counter. The place was so cluttered it was hard to see much of anything.

  “I’m afraid you can’t. It’s a new client, and they’ve asked for privacy. Whatever they want repaired, they didn’t even want me seeing it,” said the woman, still sounding annoyed.

  “I can’t imagine that,” muttered Julianna.

  “Did you say there was a client?” asked Eddie. He glanced at Julianna, motioning with his eyes at the back room and hoping she took the hint.

  Julianna turned her head to the side. Her eyes widened after a quick second of listening. “There’s a struggle happening. We’re going in.” She shot around the old woman and sprinted for the back, with Eddie right behind her.

  “Copy that,” said Lars over the comm.

  “You can’t go back there,” the woman yelled after them.

  “Stay on alert,” said Eddie to the two in position.

  The back was dark and lined tightly with shelving. A single light shined over a main workstation, which was near the farthest wall. Slumped over one of the desks was a gray-haired man wearing a thick sweater, blood puddling under his mouth.

  Julianna pulled her gun from her waistband, eyes alert, and Eddie did the same.

  She backed up, scanning the darkened space, and with one hand she felt for Deacon Flick’s pulse. After a moment, her gaze connected with Eddie and she shook her head. He was dead.

  Felix had beaten them to it again.

  Eddie began to open his mouth to speak, when suddenly something rustled behind the farthest shelf. Whoever had killed Deacon Flick was still there.


  Deck Twelve, Onyx Station, Paladin System

  Lars tightened his fingers around the mop in his hands as he stared around the busy lane. There were many races filing by. He felt awful that he was profiling, looking for Trid and Kezzin, but the fact remained that those were the races who would be working for the Brotherhood.

  Knox shot him a tentative look from his position at the top of the ladder, from which he could see farther and spot any oncoming attacks. He pressed his chin into his chest and over the comm he said, “Carnivore, I’ve identified three Brotherhood soldiers at your three o’clock, approaching fast.”

  Lars pressed his boot down on the mop head and yanked the handle off as a loud commotion broke out down the lane. The crowd parted as the three Brotherhood soldiers pushed through, their gazes focused on the appliance store. They had to have been alerted to Julianna and Eddie’s presence, so their people were in there.

  Knox started down the ladder, still holding the bulb he’d changed out—or pretended to.

  The Brotherhood soldiers charged, taking no notice of either Knox or Lars, and when they were next to the ladder Knox dropped the bulb. It shattered on the ground, and they jumped backward. They looked up, disgust written on their faces.

  “Hey there!” yelled one of the soldiers.

  “Oops,” said Knox, holding up his hands.

  The soldiers started forward again, and Knox picked up the toolbox balanced on the top of the ladder and turned it upside down. Tools rained from above, knocking two of the soldiers on the head, and they stumbled away.

  “You!” yelled the one who was still standing.

  “Oops,” said Knox again, a coy look on his face.

  Lars almost laughed. He liked this Knox character.

  The soldier charged for the ladder, but Lars raised the handle that had been connected to the mop and slammed it across the male’s chest, knocking him back.

  The other soldiers had recovered and scrambled to their feet so Lars tried his best to intimidate them, brandishing the handle and spinning it through his hands like a baton. This gave the soldiers pause, but only for a moment. They whipped out guns, which made everyone nearby panic and retreat immediately. The authorities would be called now. They needed to get out of there before this caused too much attention.

  Lar swung the staff at the soldiers again, and when they jumped backward he brought the handle down hard to knock the gun out of one of the males’ hands.

  Knox clambered to the ground to go after the gun, but the Brotherhood soldier dove for the ladder and knocked it over. Knox fell straight to the ground, a crack punctuating his landing.

  Lars dropped the handle and pulled his own gun from where it was str
apped to his ankle, aiming it at the solider with the gun, who by this time had swung around and aimed at him. The other solider was trapped under the ladder, and was scrambling to get out. Knox lay on the ground, grimacing as he reached for the gun only inches away. He got to it just in time, aiming it in turn at each of his opponents.

  “Put it down,” Lars ordered the Brotherhood soldier in front of him. There was a real fear in the male’s eyes as he looked at his pinned buddy and then back at Lars. Then he sprinted straight down the lane, quickly getting lost in the crowd of onlookers, and Lars lowered his weapon, cursing beneath his breath.


  Julianna wordlessly motioned to the right side of the shelves.

  Eddie nodded, going to the left. They were almost to the shelf when it rocked forward an inch and then back, then crashed to the floor in front of them. Eddie shot backward out of the trajectory of the objects flying from the shelf as dust exploded and covered the room in a cloud. He lifted his gun, but couldn’t see much through the haze.

  “What’s going on?” yelled the old woman.

  Someone grabbed Eddie around his neck from behind and he grasped the arms, falling to his knees and flipping the large Brotherhood soldier over his back and straight to the ground. From the sound of it, Julianna was battling someone too.

  The guy pushed to his feet and ran for the exit.

  “We’ve got a runner,” said Eddie over the comm.

  “Two down out here,” returned Lars.

  Julianna fired and something fell to the ground.

  Eddie sprinted after the fleeing soldier and when he was almost to the door at the front of the shop he dove and caught the Kezzin around the waist. The soldier fell hard, Eddie on his back.

  The old woman screamed somewhere behind them, then picked up an appliance and threw it at them. The Kezzin rolled over, kicking at Eddie as he tried to get to his feet.

  “Bad people! No!” yelled the woman from the side of the shop. When she picked up a toaster and launched it at them Eddie ducked, shielding his face with his arm.


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