Evolution: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 3)

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Evolution: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 3) Page 16

by Sarah Noffke

The Brotherhood soldiers stayed put, guns directed at the two. Eddie swiveled the tri-rifle to the set on the other side of the room and fired once, the laser stunning three of the soldiers. They fell to the ground, frozen.

  “Drop your weapons,” commanded Eddie, his voice loud and clear.

  The soldiers in the room all lowered their weapons to the ground, and then their hands went up.

  “No, you morons! They’re bluffing,” cried Lytes.

  “We’re not. This base has been surrounded by our forces. It’s too late for you,” said Eddie.

  Lytes slammed his fist on the console in front of him. “That’s impossible!”

  “Ground forces in place,” a voice crackled overhead. It was a field officer, ready to lead the troops into battle. “Marching on enemy in five.”

  Eddie swallowed hard, but his expression was full of confidence. “I assure you it’s very possible,” said Eddie, swiveling the tri-rifle to cover the various males stationed around the room. “Now, you gentlemen are going to go with Lieutenant Malseen here, where you will meet our other forces. Don’t try anything, or he will be forced to shoot. Am I clear?”

  “Stingrays in position,” said a different voice on the radio.

  The males muttered their consent, filing into a line and heading for the exit. After Lars followed the last one out, Eddie turned his full attention to Commander Lytes. Everything had gone to plan so far, but it was going to go to shit unless the commander truly believed they were losing. Come on, Julianna. It’s your turn, Eddie said to himself.

  Omega-line Q-Ship, Nexus, Tangki System

  Julianna hovered the Q-Ship over the eastern hills. She could clearly see the Brotherhood’s base just off the coast, their forces in formation and marching inland right on schedule. The Stingrays lifted off the ground one after the other.

  Julianna’s pulse sped up as the Brotherhood started their attack.

  To the west, the people of Sunex were gathered in their village. Alleira would be on the front line with the switch-box in her hands, and her people had been instructed to retreat if the Brotherhood made it down the hill. There were things worth dying for, but not today. These people needed to resist, but they shouldn’t have to make the ultimate sacrifice—not when they were fighting an army of slaves. Commander Lytes and Felix Castile were the ones who needed to pay for these injustices.

  “Strong Arm to Ghost Squadron. Hold formation. Brotherhood ground forces are on the move. Air forces are circling above,” said Julianna over the comm to her team.

  Her ship was cloaked, allowing her a closer position than the Black Eagles, which were stationed just high enough in the atmosphere to be out of sight. It was crucial that the Brotherhood not know there were outside forces aiding the Sunex people. That would ensure their guard was down, and thus the first attack would be even more startling. The Brotherhood thought they were marching on a defenseless and peaceful people who made pottery and tapestries rather than bombs. The greater their surprise, the stronger the message to Commander Lytes.

  Your blood pressure is rising, said Pip in Julianna’s head.

  Shocking, she replied.

  Aerial footage shows Lieutenant Malseen leading six Brotherhood soldiers from a building I would guess is the Command Center.

  Okay, right on schedule. Now we just need to offer Teach a confidence boost.

  Julianna watched as the long row of Brotherhood soldiers hiked up the hill, carrying their weapons at the ready. They were quickly approaching the first line of mines they’d set up, and when they were fifteen feet from the barrier Julianna held her breath.

  Do it, Alleira, she thought to herself.

  Nothing happened. The Brotherhood advanced, crossed the top of the ridge, and began making their descent.

  Now! Come on, Alleira!

  Julianna had placed the controls in the hands of the leader of the Sunex people, which had seemed like the right thing to do. This was her land to defend, after all.

  The Brotherhood forces moved as one, now only a few feet from the first line of defense. If they got there first, the ruse might be compromised.

  Now! Now! Now! Do it! thought Julianna.

  An explosion bloomed from the ground, sending large plumes of gray smoke into the air. The Brotherhood’s formation broke, the males halting before backing up. Some ran forward, but there was another explosion. And another. And another.

  “Yes! The first mock mines have detonated,” said Julianna over the comm.

  A chorus of cheers answered her.

  “That’s great, Strong Arm,” came a pilot’s voice.

  Lone Wolf, Julianna thought, instantly placing one of the newest recruits.

  The Brotherhood soldiers had scattered now, and many of them were falling back. Some had been scared enough to run forward, afraid the blast was behind them as well. That was a benefit of setting up the mines on the mountain—it was hard to see where the explosions were coming from.

  Another round of explosions rocked the area between the Brotherhood and the Sunex people—and from the sky the explosions appeared lethal, so from the ground they were probably terrifying. However, fireworks could also look quite intimidating if one didn’t know they were meant for mostly show and harmless from a distance. That had been the plan—to make it look as though the Brotherhood were under fire by treacherous bombs when in fact the bombs were all blanks, meant to scare and cause a retreat.

  Julianna pressed her lips together. So far, so good.

  Brotherhood Command Center, Nexus, Tangki System

  “Sir, we’re under heavy fire here!” a voice called over the radio.

  Commander Lytes’ eyes fell on the radio, his expression confused.

  “There are bombs everywhere, and many soldiers are down,” came the voice again.

  “I told you that we had you surrounded. You’ve lost this war, Commander,” said Eddie, hiking up the tri-rifle in his hands.

  Commander Lytes’ hand twitched by his side and he tried to reach for the radio, but a single shake of Eddie’s head stopped him.

  “You will send a message over that radio in just a minute, but you’re going to say exactly what I tell you to,” said Eddie.

  “I don’t have to do a damn thing you tell me,” snarled Commander Lytes.

  Eddie nodded at the tri-rifle and then at the many soldiers still on the ground. “I’m afraid you do. Now, either do everything I say and your soldiers will watch you walk out of here…or you can disobey and they will watch you be dragged out. The one thing that is certain is that your people will see you leave here. The only way to free the Brotherhood is if they know you’re gone.”

  The commander’s sharp teeth were bared as he hissed at Eddie, “I do not take orders from you. I’m in charge here!”

  “The perimeter is completely blocked. There’s no way in or out from on the ground,” said a voice over the radio.

  “It appears you’re not in charge anymore,” said Eddie, a satisfied grin on his face.

  “No response from Commander Lytes,” said a different voice over the radio.

  Eddie and Lytes eyed the radio, both eager to hear what would come across it next.

  “Sending in Stingrays now. Tell the ground forces to retreat,” said a new voice on the wire.


  Lars followed the six Brotherhood soldiers back to the main area where they’d lined up before. It was fairly empty now, almost all of the forces having been sent into the field and the Stingrays into the air.

  The males who remained on the field looked up, questions and bewilderment on their faces at the sight of Brotherhood soldiers with their hands raised.

  Lars surprised himself when his voice shot from his mouth. “Ghost Squadron has the base surrounded. You will not be harmed, but you must stand down. Commander Lytes has been taken into custody. This fight is over.”

  There was a great rustling from the soldiers surrounding the area, and sweat trickled into Lars’ eyes. There was only one of him and dozens
of them, but Eddie’s earlier words from their brief private moment came back to him, seeming extra-important now: “This is a show of intimidation, that is all. The person who says he has the biggest stick will win, whether he actually has it or not.”

  Lars aimed his gun at the row of soldiers in front of him. “All of you will be freed, but you must first surrender. Ghost Squadron doesn’t want to hurt you.”

  “How do we know you’ve taken over our base?” asked one of the six males who had been led from the Command Center.

  That was an excellent question, thought Lars, looking at the sky.

  Omega-line Q-Ship, Nexus, Tangki System

  Mock bombs exploded and the dust got closer to the border of Sunex as some of the Brotherhood soldiers attempted to move around the explosions. Most had retreated, but many were still trying to snake themselves through, fighting for a hold.

  A neat formation of Stingray ships darted down from their holding position.

  “Party time!” said Julianna. “Ghost Squadron, we have approaching enemy ships. Get them to follow you out to sea. I don’t want any ships going down over land. I made a promise to the leader, Alleira.”

  “You got it, Commander,” said several voices over the comm.

  “Lone Wolf and Escrima, I want you two down at the base to provide cover for Carnivore. Something tells me he’s going to need it,” said Julianna, holding her position in the sky. She would drop into battle if needed, but right now she had to watch the action and make the calls. That was the best thing, since Eddie was on the ground going after Commander Lytes.

  Julianna watched as the Black Eagles swooped down and barreled toward the approaching Stingrays. The enemy ships shot at her pilots, but all of them missed the fast moving vehicles. Her crew teased the Stingrays, getting their attention— which was exactly what they wanted. The squadron flew over their heads and toward the sea to get the Brotherhood craft to follow them. With no ships flying this way the forces on the ground were defenseless, harassed by bomb after bomb. However, soon someone would realize that the bombs were fake, and then the people of Sunex would be in real trouble.

  Julianna watched nervously, her hands tight on the controls of the Q-Ship. If it came to real trouble, she’d aid Alleira. It would involve destroying the land, but desperate times called for firepower action.

  Brotherhood Base, Nexus, Tangki System

  Two Black Eagles dropped and hovered at Lars’ back. He pivoted his head just enough to make out their forms.

  Right on time, he thought, and with not a moment to spare.

  The males he held at gunpoint were growing anxious, many with shifty looks in their eyes. Now all of them straightened, many raising their hands to the sky in surrender. It was hard not to comply when one stared at the cannons tacked to the hovering Black Eagles.

  “As I was saying, you’ve been relieved of your orders. Your commander is now in our custody, and all of you are under our protection.” Lars cleared his throat, a strange new buzzing taking over his chest. “You are free from your duty to the Brotherhood, and free to return to Kezza.”

  No one cheered or even moved, but the change of expression on everyone’s faces was palpable. It was like a great weight had fallen off the shoulders of every male in the general vicinity.

  This is going to work, thought Lars. They just needed the last step in the plan to fall into place. Commander Lytes had to be marched into custody.

  The Q-Ship Eddie had cloaked and parked next to the Command Center lifted into the air, a solid form. It hovered there for a moment before landing on the open patch of tarmac that had been occupied by hundreds of Brotherhood soldiers earlier.

  The soldiers held at gunpoint by Lars and the Black Eagles turned to watch the Q-Ship. They were waiting for someone to come out of it, not realizing it had been steered by an AI. No one would exit the ship, its sole purpose being to take Commander Lytes away.

  Omega-line Q-Ship, Nexus, Tangki System

  Julianna watched from the air as the Q-Ship rose above the Brotherhood base, then dropped again. Everything was now in place.

  Yes, the Brotherhood forces were gaining on the Sunex people, but there weren’t many of them, and soon they’d be called back. The Stingrays were far out to sea chasing the Black Eagles.

  Once they had Commander Lytes in custody they’d learn everything they needed to about Felix Castile. Best of all, he’d have lost his footing with the Brotherhood and relinquished his claim to Nexus. Felix would be in an incredibly compromised position.

  Next on their list was to find the armory of weapons Felix stole from the Defiance Trading Company. That would all happen, though, in good time.


  Brotherhood Command Center, Nexus, Tangki System

  “Ground forces have been overrun by bombs. We’re pulling back!” yelled a voice over the radio.

  Commander Lytes’ eyes narrowed in disdain and he ground his fist into the top of the console.

  “This is Flight Control Center. It appears that Brotherhood forces from Base Center have been detained,” said a robotic voice over the radio.

  Commander Lytes’ gaze shifted back and forth as the different voices spilled over the radio, all of them frantic.

  “Air forces taking enemy fire over the water. About to submerge to reconvene and throw off their attacks,” said a different voice.

  Eddie smiled inwardly. They’d planned on the Stingrays using their swim technology, which was exactly why they had been led out over the water. The Stingrays had all sped in that direction, thinking they had the advantage and not realizing they were being led away from the Sunex people. By the time they’d pulled off their fancy underwater synchronization act it would all be over. The Brotherhood would have fully surrendered.

  “It’s too late, like I said before.” Eddie held the tri-rifle up, making sure that Commander Lytes didn’t forget that this weapon was still in play in the negotiation.

  “What do you want from me?” asked the commander, his voice stressed.

  “First I want you to pick up the radio on my command and inform all units that this is finished. Pull back ground and air forces, recalling them to the base. Tell them your command has been overthrown,” said Eddie.

  “And then what?” growled Lytes.

  Eddie smiled, feeling the adrenaline start to wane as the imminent success became reality. “And then we’re going to take a little walk, just the two of us.” He motioned with the gun to the exit. “You’re going to march out in front of your army in handcuffs and board my ship. You won’t be harmed, but from now until your trial you will be a prisoner of the Federation.”

  The commander ground his sharp teeth, a screeching noise coming from his mouth with the movement. “Felix won’t let you get away with this.”

  “Felix isn’t here,” said Eddie with a deep laugh. “Your great and powerful master has left you all alone. He told you to take this planet, but where is he when someone tries to stop you? He wanted you to do his dirty work, then he’d swoop in when everything was safe. Well, imagine his surprise when he learns you’ve failed and you’re our little prisoner! I can just see the look in his eyes.”

  “You underestimate Mr. Castile,” said the commander.

  Eddie tilted his head to the side. “Do I? You’re the one taking orders from me, so I don’t think I do. Now, pick up the radio and announce your defeat. If you try anything funny I’ll shoot you, and then you’ll be dragged out of here in a very undignified manner. And let’s be honest, Lytes—all you have left is your dignity, am I right?”

  The commander snatched up the radio, his eyes two tiny slits, then took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

  Brotherhood Base, Nexus, Tangki System

  Static filled the speakers around the base and then a voice Lars recognized immediately came through. Lytes.

  Everyone tensed as they listened to the message.

  “This is Commander Lytes of the Brotherhood. Our base has been overru
n by the enemy. Our ground forces are down, and our ships are in compromised territory. I have…” there was a pause, and the commander cleared his throat. “It is with regret that I must inform you we have surrendered to enemy forces. I ask that you all stand down. Return to base, and relinquish control to Ghost Squadron. I repeat: ground forces, return to the base. Air forces, do not submerge, return to base. We have been overrun by the enemy.”

  Lars’ hands tightened on his gun as the Brotherhood soldiers before him turned to each other in astonishment. Oh, they’d believed him when the Black Eagles had hovered, reinforcing him, but now reality was setting in. Most had anxious faces, but underneath that Lars thought he recognized another emotion: relief. Every single one of these soldiers knew that this was now someone else’s war, that it was over for them. That the Brotherhood was being disbanded meant something of great value: They would be free to return home.

  Brotherhood Command Center, Nexus, Tangki System

  Eddie waited until Commander Lytes had finished his address and placed the radio transmitter on the console before nodding his approval.

  “Nicely done,” he said. “You know, for a despicable male who abuses his power, you still have some honor left in you.”

  “Your idea of honor and mine are very different,” hissed Lytes.

  Eddie shrugged, enjoying the Kezzin’s display of anger more than he should have.

  “You say ‘pot-ay-to,’ I say ‘pot-ah-to,’” said Eddie with a laugh.

  “Now you expect me to follow you out of here?” asked Commander Lytes, a taunting grin on his face.

  “That’s right,” said Eddie. “Your people will be returning soon and I want them to see you formally surrender to us, not just hear it over the radio.”

  Commander Lytes’ hand was still holding tight to the radio, but Eddie didn’t care. The message had already been communicated, and he could tell from the red light that it wasn’t broadcasting anymore. The commander was just holding onto anything he could, since it was all slipping away. People did the strangest things when they were about to be defeated.


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