Colony (Terran Chronicles Book 3)

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Colony (Terran Chronicles Book 3) Page 6

by James Jackson

  Pavel follows Igor into a side room, and sits through a series of short video clips, intermixed with a number of photographs. By the end of the session, his arm pits are sweaty, and his eyes are wide in shock, “Why did you not tell the other committee members?” His voice comes out, nearly in a whisper.

  Igor’s grimaces, then tilts his head toward the majestic room behind them. “I do not trust them all, I fear we have become compromised.”

  Pavel gulps, “But how?”

  Igor puts a hand onto Pavel’s shoulder, “My old friend, the usual way, wealth.”

  Pavel shakes his head, then looks sternly at Igor, “We must warn our allies, but how do we do this without drawing China’s attention to us?”

  Igor sighs, “Well, our allies know some of this already, but not all of it, not the military aspects” He begins to pace the room as he considers whether to share a long held secret. Finally he stops then turns to Pavel, “I have a man at the Australian facility already. Perhaps...” his voice trails off.

  Pavel’s eyebrows raise at the revelation. I can’t believe he trusts me! “I take it the other committee members do not know of this, uh…” Pavel searches for the right word, then failing to, simply states what is on his mind, “hmm, spy?”

  “They do not.” Igor replies. Noticing Pavel’s expression, he knows the man wants more information. Igor grimaces as he realizes that he has opened a proverbial can of worms. With a reluctant sigh, he continues, “He is my liaison to Peter. They have been very innovative and successful in their methods of communication.”

  Pavel’s frown deepens as he asks in disbelief, “Peter... that retired sleeper agent, is our source of information?”

  Igor looks down and begins to pace the room apprehensively. Finally he shares yet another piece of information, “Peter never retired! He was tasked with monitoring Radclyf, which is ironically how they ended up working together on the Terran.”

  Pavel sighs as understanding sinks in, “And this other secret agent is at the Australian facility, and it is he who relays information from Peter directly to you?”

  “Correct,” says Igor flatly, “and since Peter has been gone, this other agent has proven quite resourceful.”

  Pavel grins, “Then all we have to do is give your contact a copy of this,” he states pointing at the now blank screen.

  It is Igor’s turn to frown, “But how do we explain giving him the data?”

  Pavel smiles while his eyes sparkle with excitement, “We don’t!” His smile broadens cheekily, “Let General Walker find a disk on his desk one morning.” He shrugs his shoulders in feigned innocence, “If they share the information, the Chinese won’t be looking at us.”

  Igor nods in agreement, “I know I can trust you. We have been adversaries for as long as I can remember, but your loyalty to the party has never been in doubt.”

  Pavel smiles at Igor, “Comrade, you are correct. I would do anything for Mother Russia, as I believe you would too. Let’s go and make this happen.”


  Parliament House

  Canberra, Australia

  The Australian Prime Minister gazes around the small room, an ante chamber, to the main meeting room of Parliament House. Seeing the last of the invitees arriving, he walks over and closes the door. The dozen men and women in the room are a hand-picked group. As both political parties are present, they all wonder what is going on. Clandestine meetings such as these are a very rare event. Quiet whispers fill the room as curiosity mounts.

  The Prime Minister speaks a single word, “Watch!” He activates a projector, and then switches off the lights.

  For twenty minutes, the group silently watches as images and brief video clips are displayed. A few show a supertanker, the Seawise Giant II, rise up and out of the water. A short video displays an enormously long train hauling vast amounts of raw materials, the underside of the train glows lightly. Another video clip, its image blurred, stuns them all. A trackless tank lifts off the ground, maneuvers all around a massive courtyard, then floats off toward the hills where it settles to the ground. The last picture shocks them the most. It shows the inside of an enormous facility and focuses on an assembly line where hover-tanks are being built. This one picture alone shows almost a dozen in various stages of construction.

  As the presentation comes to a close, the Prime Minister turns the lights back on, and the projector off. He raises his hand, fending off the sudden outbursts of questions. Once the room has fallen silent, he takes a deep breath, then speaks. “This disk appeared on General Walker’s desk at the Australian facility. Clearly, whoever obtained this data wants to remain anonymous.” Glancing around the room, he measures everyone’s demeanor before continuing. “We will keep this to ourselves, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be doing anything about it.

  Debate about what action to take continues on throughout the night, and well into the next day. Finally the group comes to a consensus, and with little ado, the tired politicians retire to get some much needed rest.


  Institute Pasteur

  Paris, France

  Outwardly, the French appear to have withdrawn from the technology race. This could not be further from the truth. Their efforts to replace their lost carrier, and the assistance given to the Chinese, pale in comparison to the resources directed at deciphering the vast amounts of medical data the Gamin provided them.

  A security breach a few years ago by a team of assailants resulted in the Institute Pasteur receiving a complete remodeling. The latest defensive technologies have been employed at this research site. This has been in addition to a large contingent of commandos that now call this collection of buildings, home.

  While virtually every other nation around the world is focusing on various pieces of alien hardware, the medical scientists here are focusing on human anatomy. Not only this, but through the use of various nefarious means, they have plenty of test subjects, Chinese test subjects.

  When they receive word of the suit operator’s actions at the Australian facility, they are not surprised. The lead geneticist, an older imposing man, reviews the latest news with a smile. The Gamin have a very thorough understanding of our anatomy. Not bad for having just discovered us, or did they? This last thought is something that has been bothering him for quite some time. He fiddles with his pen for a few moments while pondering the ramifications of his radical theory. One that he has not made public yet, as there are still a number of inconsistencies that trouble him.

  Chapter Two - Terran Returns


  Starship Terran

  Planetary Orbit


  The starship Terran slows to a halt, the unanticipated space station hovers nearby. As instructed, John has the nose of the ship pointing away from Earth. His fingers are poised over the controls, ready to act at a moment’s notice.

  Cindy takes a deep breath, then contacts the Australian facility once again. “Ground control, starship Terran here. We’re in orbit and await your response.”

  Everyone glances at the speakers on the bridge, they don’t have to wait long. The familiar crackles resound throughout the bridge, the static clears, and is quickly followed by General Walker’s thick American accent. “Walker here, took you a while,” he says with a hint of surprise. He quickly continues on, “Admiral Cindy, I am to debrief you and some of your crew immediately.” He takes an audible breath, “Have John, George, and Olaf, come down with you. George and Olaf will not require their bodysuits.”

  At the mention of Olaf’s name, Cindy feels a pang of sadness. Her voice falters briefly as she responds, “Olaf is not with us General. He was one of many that died during our arduous trek. Do you want my report?”

  After a brief pause the General responds, “Understood, and no. We will debrief in person. It’s quite late here, when can we expect your arrival?”

  Cindy frowns, “Soon General, um, we have a few last minute tasks to perform.”

p; “Very well, signal when you depart, Walker out.”

  With the Terran parked in high orbit, and the ship’s numerous capacitors charged, Cindy feels confident they are ready for whatever awaits them. She stands, stretches, and says, “Okay, let’s find out what’s going on.”

  She gazes around the bridge, “John, George, Joe, you’re with me. Everyone else, stay alert.” She pauses for a few more seconds, “Let’s keep this visit under wraps for as long as we can.” She glances at Peter, and orders, “Assemble the crew in the mess area, and keep everyone away from the main hangar deck. You’re in charge until I get back.”

  Joe frowns in confusion, my name was not mentioned by the General. I wonder why Cindy wants me to go?

  The shuttle trip to the Gamin construction facility is a quiet one, everyone has a lot of questions. George shifts from side to side anxiously. With his bodysuit being left behind on the ship, he feels strangely naked.

  Cindy smiles as she mistakes George’s apprehensiveness, “You should be able to see Lisa and Johnny soon.”

  George tries to relax, but finds he is unable to. Something is very odd that Walker insisted that I be with the first group.

  Joe stares at his laptop, the very last one to have survived the journey. He pulls it close to his body, its repository contains all of his research and findings, apart from his hand written journals. John stares intently at his screens, “It’s night time at the Aussie site,” he informs the others as the shuttle enters the atmosphere.

  Radclyf and Hayato remain on the Terran’s bridge, both have been instructed to watch Edwards. Though Cindy has learned to trust the man, she is unsure of his true loyalties, especially now that they are home.



  Western Australia

  The Terran’s landing craft approaches the facility unannounced, and under the added cover of darkness. John notices the entire site is bathed in a soft glow from numerous lights. He lands the shuttle near the construction cradle, well away from the main buildings. Alert soldiers rush in and aim their weapons at the unexpected intruder. Before they can raise the alarm, the soldiers get word to stand down.

  Cindy leads the men down the shuttle’s ramp, and is surprised when the various weapons aimed at them are not lowered. Three soldiers roughly charge past them and quickly inspect the shuttle’s interior.

  Cindy folds her arms and demands indignantly, “What’s this all about?”

  One of the soldiers steps forward, he slings his rifle over his shoulder and simply states, “You will all come this way.”

  Another soldier walks toward Joe, and silently reaches for his laptop. Joe pulls it closer to his chest, turns away and says with defiance, “This is mine, and I will carry it.”

  The soldier quickly glances at another, then after receiving some unseen gesture, steps back. Joe nervously looks at Cindy, she is standing rebelliously, her arms still folded across her chest.

  A convoy of lights approaches the group, the vehicles’ engines revving loudly. A dark van breaks from the approaching motorcade and parks near them.

  A man wearing a white lab coat steps out, and shakes his head in annoyance. “I am Doctor Nelson,” his English accent is as much of a surprise to them all as was General Walker’s thick American twang. He mentions his name as though it carries some weight, then after an indignant pause, continues, “You were supposed to notify us of your arrival, so that we could follow our quarantine procedures.”

  Nelson sighs in disappointment as he shakes his head, “Every soldier here will now have to spend months in isolation as a precaution, thanks to your carelessness.”

  Cindy raises her eyebrows, her history as head of the biological research facility in Germany comes to mind. A chill runs through her body as she suddenly realizes the doctor is correct. We could be bringing anything back with us. She lowers her head, slightly ashamed at her forgetfulness, “We will comply with your procedures Doctor.”

  Not a moment later, a large white van pulls up in front of them, George, Joe, and John, silently follow Cindy’s lead as she steps inside.

  The trip to an isolated building does not take them long. The long elevator ride downward reminds Cindy once again of her old facility in Germany. The group is then led through a series of massive blast doors, and is finally directed into a spacious and brightly lit room. The escorting soldiers close the door, leaving the four crew members alone.

  George takes note of the central table with its ten chairs arranged around it. Joe, on the other hand, notices the computer screens embedded into the table’s surface, complete with data ports of all imaginable types. John frowns as he examines the white floor, walls, and ceiling.

  A slight hissing sound adds to their uneasiness as air is drawn from the room, the change in air pressure causes their ears to pop. Cindy forces a yawn to alleviate the sensation.

  One of the walls starts to retract upward, and in doing so, reveals a massive window. Behind this window are three men.

  Cindy notices Doctor Nelson, then immediately looks at the doorway, quarantine my arse. She begins to walk to the closed door, but is stopped by the General’s words. “It’s locked, and the room is now functioning under negative pressure containment. I am sure you are familiar with the technique, Admiral.”

  Cindy sighs, she has used the very same methods when holding people. She shakes her head from side to side. I am so stupid. But why are we being held like this? She wonders to herself.

  “So General. What are you really afraid of? Don’t tell me it’s some sort of contamination,” Cindy nods at Nelson, “You have him standing next to you.”

  George tilts his head, glancing at Cindy, perplexed. Suddenly in a flash of insight, he understands all too well what is going on. He lifts his gaze to the windows and smiles, “It’s me they want!”

  Cindy, Joe, and John, all turn to George in bewilderment. Joe stammers, “Um, why you?”

  George grins, “The alien bodysuits, they’re not only operated by thought, but over time, they synchronize with the operator.” He stares directly at the General, and continues, “Okay, so are you going to tell me what happened here? Because I have been using that suit for quite a while now.”

  Nelson whispers to the General, but he forgets that the microphone system is quite efficient, as it carries his fear filled words, “He knows!”

  George frowns in disappointment at Nelson, “Of course I know, I’m not stupid you know!”

  Nelson’s face breaks into a chagrined smile at the play on words, “Of course you’re not.”

  Cindy puts her hands on her hips and states indignantly, “Will someone please tell me what’s going on?”

  Nelson’s grin turns to one of victory, “Oh! Good old George has neglected to say what else the alien suit does?” His grin broadens as he leans closer to the glass between them, “Well, for starters, it enhances synaptic activity. George here,” he says pointing to him accusingly, “has been playing you all for fools for quite a while now, I’m sure.”

  Cindy shakes her head, then takes a deep breath, “George has not been playing anyone General. Indeed, he has saved us all, many times over.”

  George tilts his head in confusion, a frown begins, then deepens on his brow. “I have better memory and feel clear headed, but other than that, what else have you found out about the suit?”

  It is Nelson’s turn to frown in confusion, forcing him to refer to some previously unseen notes. With a deep sigh, he realizes that George may indeed, not fully grasp the implications of wearing the suit for extended times. He whispers quietly to the General before finally answering George. “The suits increase the wearer’s intelligence. I would like to run you all through a series of tests.”

  Cindy grins wolfishly, “If you’re afraid of George, then you’re going to love my report on the spores.”

  Nelsons face drops in alarm, “Spores?”

  Cindy grins again, “Yes! Those who survived have been permanently effected.”
r />   General Walker switches his gaze from Cindy to Nelson, and then back again, until he finally makes a decision. “No one else is to leave that ship until I have had a full debrief.”

  Walker storms out of the room.

  Nelson quickly takes control of the situation, “The computers at the table will run you all through a series of tests, after which, we will begin a thorough medical examination.”

  The minutes stretch into hours, until finally the door opens, admitting a handful of doctors, draped head to toe in protective gear. Nervous eyes stare out from transparent faceplates as the group takes blood samples. All the while, Cindy smiles at the uneasiness of the doctors present. Let them sweat.


  Starship Terran

  Planetary Orbit


  With the minutes crawling by, and no word from Cindy or the others, Peter is becoming concerned. The crew is getting more and more restless as the hours tick by. Finally, Peter has little choice but to take action. Sitting in the Command chair, he activates the ship-wide communications. His strong voice resounds throughout the many speakers. “Attention all crew! Some of you are already aware that Cindy, and a few of the bridge members have left the ship.” With a sigh, he continues, “we have not heard from them since their departure, thus I am ordering all hands to stations. We must be as prepared as we can for any eventuality.”

  Edwards turns in his chair to look at Peter in disapproval. “I should be in charge of this ship! I am the highest ranking member on board.”

  Peter is almost caught off guard by the challenge, but responds confidently, “Do I need to remind you that this is not a military operation?”

  Edward’s sneers back, “Then why does Cindy carry the rank of Admiral?” When Peter fails to immediately respond, Edwards adds sarcastically. “Gotcha!”

  Peter sighs once again, it did not take this impetuous man long to return to his old ways, and after all we have been through together. With genuine disappointment, he responds, “You will get your chance to impress your superiors soon enough, but for now, I am in charge.”


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