Ample Delights

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Ample Delights Page 7

by Nichelle Gregory

  Their stewardess stopped and offered coffee, which they both accepted.

  Nick took a sip, appreciating the strong brew. In truth, he hadn’t slept that much at all. Being so close to Terrah without being able to caress her had acted as a natural stimulant, keeping him awake for most of the flight.

  A few minutes later, their coffee cups were picked up and the seatbelt warning sign came on, signalling their impending landing.

  “Not long now. How are you during plane landings? Should I be ready to distract you?”

  Terrah laughed. “I’m too excited to freak out right now. We’re finally here! And we have the rest of this day to relax a little before tomorrow’s shoot.”

  Pity. He wouldn’t have minded kissing her until the plane came to a complete stop.

  “I can’t wait to take a nice, long shower.”

  Nick watched Terrah twist a curl around her finger before reaching for her purse.

  Have mercy!

  Terrah in the shower. Her innocent statement sparked his imagination in a hundred different naughty ways.

  Terrah naked and wet…

  Nick cleared his throat. “Will you let me take you to brunch?”

  Her lips curved up as she applied lip gloss. The shimmering, rosy hue made her full lips look even more kissable.


  “Mmm…brunch sounds great.”

  Nick loved Terrah’s smile—so sexy and cute at the same time.

  Soon, the plane touched down and in no time at all they were exiting the aircraft together. They were greeted by four lovely Hawaiian women who placed fragrant leis around their necks before they entered the airport terminal.

  “I can’t believe I’m in Hawaii!”

  Her excitement made him grin.

  “Let’s get our luggage, so we can check into our hotel.”

  He led the way to baggage claim, ignoring the stares and random camera flashes directed at him.

  “You’ve obviously got some major fans here.”

  Nick shrugged. “I’m sure news about the shoot has spread all over the island. Look, the luggage is coming out.”

  “There’s mine.”

  “The brown suitcase with the red tie?”


  “I’ll get it.”

  He left her side, reaching the bag right before it would’ve disappeared on the conveyor belt. His own luggage appeared seconds later.

  “Thanks,” Terrah said, taking the handle from him. “Now to get a taxi.”

  “I’m sure there’s a limo waiting for me.”

  Terrah lifted her head up in acknowledgment. “Right.”

  “Come on.”

  He led the way again, through the busy terminal towards the doors, where a man with his name on a sign stood waiting. The limo driver recognised him instantly, rushing over with a smile to take Terrah’s suitcase.

  “Aloha, Mr Tasso. My name’s Tim. Welcome back to Hawaii.”

  “Thank you, Tim. Just call me Nick, and this is Terrah—she’ll be accompanying me to the hotel.”

  “Of course. Let me take your bags.”

  Tim ushered them through the doors and Nick took in a deep breath of the warm, fresh air as they approached the sleek black limo. Within minutes they were pulling away from the kerb. He pointed out a few buildings to Terrah as they made their way to the hotel, enjoying being the tour guide. Terrah’s enthusiasm was infectious. She listened intently to every bit of information he shared about the island.

  The car finally came to a stop in front of their hotel. They got out of the vehicle and Nick smiled as Terrah gasped.

  “The hotel is beautiful!”

  “It’s one of the finest,” Tim said, taking their luggage out of the trunk. “Enjoy your stay here on the Big Island.”

  Terrah beamed. “Thank you.”

  “Mahalo,” Nick said, tipping the driver as the bellboy took their luggage. He turned to Terrah. “Ready to check in?”


  Nick held open the door to the hotel lobby and Terrah walked through.

  “I love the flowers! Look at those gorgeous blossoms.” She gestured towards the large display of exotic blossoms filling the lobby.

  “They’ll have fresh flowers in your room, too.”

  “You’ve stayed here before?”

  Nick nodded. “I was here last year.”

  “You were on location for a shoot?” Terrah asked as they approached the front desk.


  “Aloha, welcome to Alkii Hotel, Mr Tasso. Your room is ready. I’ll just need to see your ID and a major credit card.”

  Nick handed over the required items, then pocketed his room key as Terrah stepped up to the other clerk, who was ready to check her in.

  “Terrah, Nick, you made it.”

  Nick turned around to see Aidan striding towards them, with his full attention on Terrah.

  “Hello, Aidan.”


  Since when was Terrah on a first-name basis with Aidan Marks?

  “Good to see you, Nick.”

  “How long have you been here?” Nick asked, shaking the other man’s hand.

  Aidan grinned. “Since Saturday. FYI, the shoot has been pushed forward one hour for tomorrow. I want to take full advantage of all the natural light. The spot I’ve picked out is amazing.”

  “I can’t wait to see it.”

  Aidan glanced at his phone, then back at Terrah.

  “Terrah, I’m sure you want to get settled, but can I snatch you away for just a moment?”

  Nick met Terrah’s gaze. “We’ll meet up in about an hour?”

  Aidan smiled at Nick as Terrah nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t stay up too late. I need you at the top of your game tomorrow, pretty boy.”

  “You got it,” Nick said, forcing a grin he didn’t feel.


  He walked away from Aidan and Terrah and headed towards the lift.

  Aidan Marks was a fantastic photographer, but he could be an ass and one thing was certain—he had a thing for Terrah. Nick had picked up on the other man’s attraction to Terrah and he didn’t like it. And he was certain there was a familiarity between the two of them, too.

  Just how well did she know Aidan?

  * * * *

  Terrah tore her gaze from Nick as the doors to the elevator he’d stepped into closed, and gave her full attention to Aidan.

  “I know Michelle told you the theme for the shoot, but the client decided to go with the god and goddesses concept at the last minute. I knew you’d come equipped for anything, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  “Thanks. The concept change won’t be a problem. I look forward to the creative challenge,” Terrah said, mentally cataloguing the makeup she would need for the shoot. She was confident there would be no need to hit a cosmetic store.

  “How was your flight in?”

  “Long, but otherwise uneventful.”

  Not true…so not true! Flashbacks of Nick kissing her on the plane ran through her mind.

  “I saw you walk in with Nick—”

  “We were on the same flight.”

  Aidan lifted one eyebrow. “Oh? Did I just hear dinner plans?”

  “Possibly.” Terrah was slightly annoyed the conversation had turned from business matters and on to her personal life.

  “Well, if you find yourself free…have dinner with me.”

  “Thanks for the invitation, Aidan. I’ll probably just go up to my room and relax. I want to be fresh and inspired for you tomorrow morning.”

  Aidan nodded. “All right, but I do hope we can share a meal together while we’re here on the island.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  “Don’t be late.”

  “Not a chance.”

  She smiled at him before turning on her heel. There was a bellboy already waiting with her luggage as she walked back past the front desk. She followed him to the lift, anxious to shed her tr
avel clothes and freshen up.

  The bellboy held the elevator doors open for her and she stepped inside, suppressing a sigh of frustration.

  She had no intentions of making dinner plans with Aidan. All she could think about was Nick.


  Where was he?

  Her phone vibrated in her purse and she dug for it while the doors to the elevator opened. She followed the bellboy down the hallway and glanced at her cell.

  She had a text message from Nick.

  Room 910 in one hour.

  Her heart raced with excitement. She tipped and thanked the bellhop with a barely contained grin.

  They were on the same floor. She was in room nine-oh-five.

  Pressing her electronic key into the slot, she breathed a sigh of relief as the door to her room swung open. She slipped out of her heels, padded to the window and inhaled the heady scent of flowers. Her room was lovely, the décor evoking a sense of escapism with a taste of the exotic. She had a gorgeous view of the pool and she stood for a moment, staring down at the people lounging and swimming, obviously enjoying the weather and water.

  After stripping out of her clothes, she unzipped her suitcase and extracted her favourite body wash. She pinned up her hair and headed to the bathroom, appreciating the spaciousness and simplistic design of the facility as she turned on the shower. Once the water was at the perfect temperature, she stepped beneath the massaging stream.

  She was more excited about spending time with Nick than she was about the photo shoot that would no doubt advance her career. The fragrant scent of her soap enveloped her as she lathered her skin and rinsed the bubbles away. She turned the water off, stepped out of the shower and mentally selected what to wear while wrapping herself in a big, fluffy towel.

  Something sexy…but not too sexy.

  She blow-dried her hair until the wild, ebony curls were straight enough to pull back into a somewhat tamed ponytail. Satisfied with her ’do, she padded back towards the bed, where her suitcase lay open, and pulled out a deceptively simple, white sundress. The A-line design complemented her generous curves. She loved the plunging cut in the dress that exposed her back, and the straps ensured she wouldn’t be too hot if they dined outside.

  Terrah reached for her perfume oil and smiled as she recalled Nick’s compliment about her favourite scent. She dabbed it on all her pulse points before slipping on her black strapless bra and matching panties. She slid the dress on and shimmied it over her hips before stepping into her new, red, peep-toe heels. Terrah moved to the full-length mirror on the front of the bathroom door. Pivoting, she looked at her reflection from all angles before breaking out into a satisfied smile. The dress was designed to highlight a woman’s body and it was doing its job damn well. Her breasts filled out the top and the material hugged her rounded bottom. The contrasting colour popped against her brown skin.

  Not bad.

  “Too much?” she mused out loud, twirling around one more time.

  No way. She wanted Nick to find her irresistible—as irresistible as she found him.

  Chapter Nine

  Terrah stepped outside her room and headed down the hall towards Nick’s. Her red heels made no sound on the soft carpet as she walked. She squeezed her red clutch purse and tried to ignore the butterflies fluttering in her chest. She stopped in front of the door marked 910, took a deep breath, and smoothed her hands down the sides of her dress one more time before knocking.

  The door swung open much too soon.

  Nick stood before her, freshly shaven and breathtakingly handsome, dressed in white linen pants and a black shirt that clung to his muscled arms.

  “Wow! You look incredible.”

  “Thank you.” Terrah smiled, suddenly breathless and wired. “So do you. Are you ready to go eat?”

  The smile he gave her melted her bones, making it very difficult to stand with poise.

  “Are you?”

  They stared at one another for a second.

  Terrah swallowed hard and nodded. “I’m starved.”

  Her voice was a whisper and she could barely hear herself speak over the wild roar of her thudding heart.

  “So am I.”

  “What do you have a taste for?”

  The answer flashed in his eyes. Nick reached for her, yanked her hard against his body and kissed her. She parted her mouth as he dragged her into his room. The door shut silently behind them and her purse fell to the floor. His arm tightened around her waist, their lips melded and Terrah moaned with need. The force of attraction between them could no longer be denied. She wanted him to take her…make her scream his name as he had promised her she would. Nick shifted his lips from hers and the sound of their hurried breathing filled the room.


  “Don’t tell me to stop.” His voice was ragged and dark as he backed her up towards the bed.

  “I wouldn’t dare.”

  “I want you so bad, Terrah.”

  His words and his hands on her body made her want to show him she felt the same way. She tugged at his shirt, lifting it up over his head as he raised his arms.

  “I want you, too.”

  Nick slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders, and Terrah shivered as it fell to the floor in a soft heap around her feet.

  “Look at you.” His heated gaze swept over her from head to toe. “You’re so damned beautiful. I love your body.”

  “Tell me what you love, Nick.” Terrah reached out to touch his chest as he traced a line across the top of her breasts.

  “These curves. The way you feel in my arms.”

  Terrah moaned as he gripped her hips and kissed her.

  “I want to taste every inch of you. Touch me... Feel how much I want you.”

  She trembled as he took her hand and pressed it against the thin fabric of his pants. The feel of his thick erection beneath her fingers made her wet as she untied the drawstring.

  Nick stepped out of them, pushed his underwear down over his narrow hips and her gaze dipped from his chiselled profile to his cock. He was so hard. She couldn’t resist touching him again, sans clothing.


  Terrah shook her head. “I can’t.” She protested as he moved away from her to go to his suitcase, which was lying on the coffee table by the bed. Her eyes drank in the naked sight of him as he extracted a condom. He ripped it open and returned to her side.

  This was what she wanted. He was what she wanted.

  “Allow me.”

  She took the condom from him, emboldened by his predatory grin. He slipped his fingers around her back to unfasten her bra. The scrap of material fluttered to the floor and Terrah bit her lip when Nick took a small step back to look at her. Every nerve in her body tingled beneath his silent appraisal. With his gaze on her breasts, she felt feverish and spellbound by the darkening hue of his eyes.

  “I’ve wanted to touch you like this since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  A gasp escaped her lips as he cupped the heavy mounds and toyed with her pebbled nipples. She returned the favour by rubbing her palm over the head of his glistening cock.

  “I didn’t believe you at first.” Terrah lifted her damp hand to her face and tasted the wet spot as Nick watched.

  “But you believe me now?”


  In the blink of an eye, he had her wet hand pinned behind her back. He pulled her hair out of its ponytail with his free hand, and Terrah placed her other palm on his hard chest as he kissed her again. She could barely breathe as he crushed her to him, promising her erotic delights with his tongue in a demanding kiss that had them both breathless when he pulled away.

  “No more teasing, Nick.” She centred the condom over the head of his dick and gently sheathed him.

  “Remember what I told you on the plane?” Nick asked, pushing her back on the bed.

  She lay down on top of the comforter and he joined her, moving up between her legs with his cock pressed torturously against
her panty-clad pussy.

  “I remember.”

  He bent his head, and Terrah drew in a sharp breath as his tongue laved one of her taut nipples.

  “What did I say?”

  She stared up at him, unconsciously moving her pelvis against his hard length as he gently suckled on one erect peak.

  “You told me you’d tease me first and make me come.”

  “I”—he sampled the other nipple with his hot mouth—“am a man of my word.”

  Terrah moaned, weaving her fingers through his thick, dark hair as he slid up to kiss the side of her neck.

  “Are you ready for me, Terrah?”

  His warm breath caressed her earlobe.

  “So ready for you…”

  She closed her eyes, enjoying each tactile sensation when Nick abruptly shifted his weight so he was kneeling between her legs. He yanked her bottom closer to his knees and she gasped again. Green eyes held hers and Terrah inhaled sharply when he palmed her wet heat through the sheer fabric of her panties. Terrah’s breath hitched in her throat when he used one of his fingers to push the soft fabric into her slick folds.

  “Nick, please…”

  He stroked her swollen clit through her panties and she gripped the thick comforter beneath them.

  “Please, what?”

  “Please make me come.”

  Nick lifted the wet panties up from her trimmed pussy and ripped through the crotch, exposing her fully. He kept his eyes on her and a shudder coursed through her when his finger delved into her wetness again. Nick caressed her and a soft whimper escaped from her lips. She wanted more. Terrah spread her thighs wider, wanting to make sure he could properly taste her. She cried out when his warm mouth made contact with her drenched flesh. Her fragile control shattered as his tongue flicked over her super-sensitive clit. She loosened her grip on the comforter to press his head into her wetness, undulating her hips with pleasure from his onslaught of kisses on her pussy. Her gasps of pleasure grew louder as he began suckling her clit and penetrating her with his finger.


  Terrah clutched strands of his hair as he added another finger, preparing her for him. He simulated the movement of his cock with long, deep strokes. Faster and faster, his fingers worked in and out of her and Terrah began to whimper. Every cell in her body rushed toward a sweet, cataclysmic end. The array of erotic sensations overwhelmed her and she screamed as she came, trembling with each orgasmic ripple that tore through her. Nick continued lapping at her clit with unerring gentleness and persistence, wrenching every last ounce of pleasure to be had from her.


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