Incidental Happenstance

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Incidental Happenstance Page 15

by DeSalvo, Kim

  They danced and swayed with the music, and now the guy who’d been trying to dance with Lexi was vying for her attention, as well. She ignored him and kept her focus on Dylan, who was wowing the crowd with his incredibly versatile voice and raw passion for the music. Lexi was working really hard to get his attention, and Tia could see the laugh behind his eyes. He still didn’t know that she’d kept him a secret, or that Lexi had no idea that he was the reason she was in the first row. Soon, though, all would be revealed, and she couldn’t wait to see the look on Lexi’s face when she figured it out.

  When Into the Blue faded off, Dylan stepped up to the mike and addressed the crowd. “Thank you very much Chica-go!” he crooned. “This next song is very special to me,” he said over the crowd noise, “but we’ve never played it live, so bear with me, OK?” The crowd responded as if he’d just agreed to play at their private parties. “Last night, in your beautiful city, a beautiful woman taught me a lesson about moving on,” he continued. He hesitated for just a moment as the crowd quieted. “I haven’t played this song in a very long time and never for an audience—so I might be kind of rusty—but tonight, the time has finally come. This night is for you, Tia, beautiful girl—and for you, Chicago.” He strummed the first notes of I’ll Pull You Up on his guitar, and the crowd went absolutely ballistic.

  He smiled down at Tia, and she returned it with a blown kiss.

  Lexi stood stunned; slack jawed, as the pieces of the puzzle came together in her mind. I met him at Last Stop…his name is Dylan…he’s in a band…he has connections with the management of the venue…he’s only in town a couple days…I’m spending the day with him…I’ll be there before InHap hits the stage…I can just see you dancing right now, trying to get the band’s attention…

  Her jaw remained unhinged as she watched the exchange between her best friend and the man on the stage. Dylan Miller. Their eyes were locked on each other, and he was singing right to her as if no one else existed at the moment—as if there weren’t fifty thousand other people in the stadium. She was stunned, to say the least, and missed most of the song as she watched her friend, obviously hypnotized and rightfully so, at the intimate words being sung right to her. When the song finally ended and Dylan had strummed the last note on his guitar, Lexi watched Tia bow to him, blow a kiss, wipe a tear from her cheek, and mouth a thank you at him. He bowed back to her, and then to the crowd as he soaked up the adulation that was due him after such a spectacular and unexpected performance.

  It took Lexi another moment before she finally regained some of her composure and she was able to comprehend what she’d just seen. Dylan Miller had just sung to her best friend from the stage, and it was a song he’d never sung before in concert. He was her cowboy.

  Tia didn’t see the shove coming, so when Lexi hit her, she bumped into the dancer guy full force. When she turned to face Lexi, she could see the comprehension on her face.

  “What the fuck!?” she yelled. “Dylan Miller?” She paused to catch her breath. “Dylan fucking Miller? That’s who you met last night, are you kidding me??”

  The look on her face was priceless, and Tia was instantly glad she hadn’t told her sooner. She would remember that stunned expression forever, and laugh every time she recalled it. She smiled back sweetly at Lexi and merely shrugged her shoulders.

  “You met Dylan Miller—last night—at that dump, and then you neglected to tell me about it?”

  Tia smiled at her mischievously and tipped her head, raising her eyebrows. “It was just so much more fun watching you discover it for yourself!”

  “You’re such a bitch!” She shoved her again. “I can’t believe you!”

  Tia saw Dylan’s look of concern as he looked down on their exchange and she smiled to reassure him it was OK. “Well,” she said with a sly grin, “I told you he was looking at me!”

  Lexi’s mouth couldn’t seem to remember how to close, but Tia said, “You can yell at me later. Right now, I have an entire InHap concert dedicated to me, and I plan to enjoy it.”

  “Thank you very much,” Dylan said to the crowd with his eyes locked on Tia’s. “I know it’s kind of rusty, but it felt good to get it out.”

  The crowd exploded in another round of adoring applause, and Bo started hammering out the beat for the next number, which began with a long sax intro. Lexi turned back to her, her mouth still hanging open.

  “I can’t believe…”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either,” Tia exploded, unable to keep her calm composure a minute longer and jumping up and down, exclaiming, “He’s such a great guy Lex! He’s open, and honest, and genuine…”

  “You met Dylan Miller. At Last Stop.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “Yeah, I did,” she said, grinning.

  “Holy shit.” She spoke the words slowly, reverently.

  “You can say that again,” Tia teased. “You know, though, it’s really too bad that you absolutely refuse to come out with us after the show, and that nothing I could say would change your mind. Because I wouldn’t want you to feel like a third wheel, or anything, or be stuck with the rest of the band while I get to know my ‘cowboy.’” She pulled the laminated “All Access” pass out of her bag and dangled it in front of Lexi. “I wonder how much I could get for this backstage pass, since you positively won’t be joining us for Bo’s party?” she said with a sardonic grin. “I bet your little dancing partner would pay big bucks for it.” She pulled it out of Lexi’s grab radius. “Think I could get a few hundred bucks? I didn’t get Bo a present, so I could use the money for that…”

  “To hell with that!” she yelled. “Oh my God—you’re diabolical! You obviously knew all along that I would go!” she said, grabbing it from Tia’s hand and turning it over in her hand. “Holy crap,” she said reverently. “All access. This thing is like gold!”

  “It is. And, of course I knew without a doubt that you’d go out with us—I won’t even make you beg on your knees in front of all these people—but for that you’ll owe me big! However,” she added firmly, “I most definitely draw the line at gimmes. That man is mine.”

  “Dylan Miller,” she said, dumbfounded. “Your man. Seriously!”

  Tia’s voice fell when she had to admit out loud what she didn’t want to even think about. “Well, for tonight anyway. They have one more show tomorrow, then he’s finishing up in the US and heading to Europe for the summer. Then he’s going to film a movie in New Zealand.”

  “New Zealand? Could that be any further away?”

  “I don’t think so. Pretty much the other side of the world. So I probably only have tonight.”

  “Oh my God, so are you going to…”

  “I don’t know,” she interrupted. “I’m definitely not that kind of girl---but it’s hot, Lex, really hot between us. He keeps reminding me that he can’t make me any promises, and I know that.” She stopped to take a breath. “But I’ve thought about it, believe me! A lot. And when he kisses me, I have a hard time keeping my control…”

  “Oh my GOD! You kissed him?”

  Tia nodded, her smile taking over her face. “Numerous times,” she added slyly, amused when Lexi’s eyes widened. “But,” she added, “it might hurt more to take it to that level and then have to say goodbye.”

  “Holy shit—how could you not? That would be an amazing level! Oh God, I can’t wait to tell…everyone!”

  Tia grabbed her arms and pulled her close, her tone turning serious. “Absolutely not. You tell no one. NO ONE! Not even Ryan, got it?”

  “You’re kidding, right? You can’t possibly mean that. This is way too good to keep under wraps!”

  “No Lex,” Tia said forcefully. “I do mean it.” Lexi pouted out her lower lip, and Tia continued. “First of all, it’s my story to tell.” Lexi nodded in deference, dropping her eyes. “Second, look at how you reacted. I don’t want everyone and their mothers asking me to get them autographs, tickets, backstage passes, meet and greets for sick kids they k

  Lexi looked at her with chagrin. “How can you possibly expect something like this to be a secret? He just dedicated the show to you in front of 50,000 people! You don’t think there’s anyone here who knows you? Probably half the students you’ve ever had are here tonight.”

  “That isn’t the point. I’m sure I’m not the only Tia in the audience.” She raked her fingers through her hair in frustration. “Hell, there is no point, really. I just know that I probably only have tonight with him, and maybe tomorrow at best. If he walks off and I know I’ll never see him again, then it’ll be different. I’m not even daring to hope for anything more. Once he’s gone,” she choked on the words, “I’ll tell people, and so can you. Until that time, though, it’s my secret; one that I’ve shared with you because you’re my best friend. Plus, I’m letting you come out with us tonight and you get to meet the whole band. But,” she added sternly, “I just want the little bit of time we have together to be just the two of us. And you, for the party.”

  “Aaww, Tia…”

  “You have to swear to me, Lexi Marie.” Tia looked intently into her eyes. “I mean it.”

  “I can’t even tell Ryan?”

  “Not unless you want me to tell him that you tried to force your gimme and not if you want to remain my best friend.” Lexi looked stricken. “Swear to me. Swear it right now.”

  Lexi looked down at the ground and shook her head in defeat. “Damn it, alright. But how am I not going to tell people what I did tonight? This is already so incredibly awesome, and it’s still going to get better.”

  “You’d better think of a way, or it’s not going to get any better. I mean it, Lex. Swear it.”

  Lexi extended her pinkie to Tia and exhaled sharply. “OK, fine. I swear it. But I can tell people on Monday, right?”

  “Probably, but you say nothing to anyone until I give you the OK. That’s the deal.”

  “This is going to be so freaking hard!” She dropped her head and surrendered. “But OK. I swear.”

  They shook pinkies in the old grade school way, and Tia knew that her word was good. She could trust Lexi with her life; in fact had over the past year.

  “Oh, I can’t wait for you to meet him! He’s just so awesome, Lex—he’s not just incredibly sexy and a great performer—he’s a really great guy.”

  “I can’t believe you were just screwing with me this whole time,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief.

  “Yep, pretty much. And it was so worth it to see the look on your face.”

  “You can be a real bitch, Tia.”

  “I know. But you love me.”

  “God help me, I do.” She pulled Tia into a hug. “Welcome back, girlfriend.”

  “It’s good to be back.”

  Chapter 15

  Being at a good rock concert is almost like a spiritual experience—there’s something hypnotic about being part of a huge crowd gathered by the common bond of music. The pounding of the bass, the beat of the drums, and the soulful and passionate singing of talented performers brought people from all walks of life; all ages and colors; into one mass of humanity united for a single purpose—to have fun. InHap was known for its consistent, incredible performances and the loyalty of its fans, and Tia had never gone away from one of their shows without having been blown away. Tonight, however, was different than anything she’d ever experienced before. She was still part of the crowd; screaming, dancing, and singing along to the familiar tunes, but she was part of Dylan, too, and he was part of her. He was in fine form and he was in complete control of the audience—he owned the stage and he knew it, strutting around with his guitar, saying all the right things between songs, varying the set with the right mix of popular songs, standards, ballads, and rousing numbers that had the crowd roaring when he broke into a little shuffle step. He crooned, he growled, he was serious and funny, and the fifty-some thousand fans who had gathered were completely at his mercy.

  Tia was lost in the music, and in the fact that he was doing this show for her. Every one of her selections was on the set list, and Dylan’s mike was right in front of her, so that whenever he was singing, he was singing right to her, meeting her eyes and smiling at her constantly.

  The band visibly enjoyed playing together, and all of them had several solos throughout the set designed to highlight everyone’s musical talents. Each received rousing ovations, but Dylan, as the front man and voice of the band, was the one they’d all really come to see. She felt her heart swell with pride hearing the cheers for him, and watching him humbly accepting the adulation of his fans. Then he’d return to his mike, throw her a smile, and belt out the lyrics. “I hope you’re havin’ a good time tonight, Chicago,” he’d say between numbers. “Tia, I hope you’re havin’ a good time—this one’s for you.”

  Every time his eyes met hers and he sang down at her, she felt the crowd melt away and she was back at Paddy’s, in his arms, his voice next to her ear. Tonight was for her—Dylan had said so more than once in front of the 50,000 that had gathered. But more than that—knowing it—was a feeling she had never even dreamed. She was flooded with so much emotion that she was caught up in the music, and the crowd, and the enormity of it all. She hadn’t felt so good in what seemed forever, and she tried to forget that it was just for one night and live in the moment—this incredible, amazing moment. She checked her emotions and turned to Lexi and they danced; part of the crowd, but separate from it by her connection to the man on the stage.

  It was over two hours later when InHap left the stage for the requisite break before the encore. Two hours of dancing, connecting, and feeling a part of something that Tia sadly thought she’d never feel again. When the band left the stage, Lexi immediately asked, “So do we go back there now?”

  “Not yet. They’re coming back for the encore. Dylan’s going to give me a signal when they’re almost done with the last number. Then we go back to meet them.”

  Lexi was positively giddy. “Then I get to meet them all?”

  Tia nodded. “And Outcast, too. They’re also pretty nice guys.”

  “You met them too? What the hell?”

  “Of course. We all had dinner together.” She smiled at Lexi’s jealous smirk. “And, I saw them play, or at least part of it. I was watching you from backstage when I called you. I have to say, you were positively shameless.”

  Lexi laughed. “I was, wasn’t I?” she smirked. “Wait a minute—so you were watching me, from backstage, while I was panicking that you weren’t going to show? You were here the whole day?”

  “Yep,” Tia replied. “I hung out back stage, and even helped with the sound checks. I actually stood on that stage and sang into those mikes!”

  “I’ll say it again. You can be a real bitch.”

  “And I’ll say it again. You love me anyway.”

  “Sometimes I wonder why, but I do,” she teased, and InHap retook the stage and they continued dancing to the incredible music that surrounded them like a soft blanket.

  When Dylan gave her the nod, she tapped Lexi and they hopped the fence that blocked the front row from the security tunnel. Lexi kept shoving her pass in the guards’ faces as they passed. “All access!” she exclaimed. “Coming through!”

  When they reached the backstage door, Lexi grabbed Tia’s arm and spun her around. “I really can’t believe this! We’re actually going backstage and seriously meeting the band?”

  “I’ve already met them,” Tia reminded her, “and they’re all very cool. Watch out for Bo, though, he’s kind of a flirt.” The guard opened the door for them and they slipped inside. “Come on,” Tia told her. “Maybe you can have a tour later; even though there’s not much to see. We’re going to meet them in the common room since the stage hands will be all over the place at the end of the show checking sound equipment and swapping out instruments for tomorrow.”

  Lexi’s eyes swept from one side to the other, taking it all in. She was still trying to get over the fact that her unassuming frien
d, the schoolteacher, had gotten her here; backstage at an InHap show not only about to meet the band, but to attend Bo Collins’s birthday party at some swanky downtown club. Suddenly she wished that she’d dressed nicer, but when she’d come, she’d been sure that she wouldn’t be going with Tia to hang out with her new boyfriend. She should have had more faith in Tia, she thought. It wouldn’t be like her to hook up with a loser. Tia chose her friends carefully, and Lexi was proud to be among the best. But Dylan Miller? She still couldn’t wrap her mind around that one.

  From the common room they heard the last of the notes fade from the air, and the final, “Thank you! Goodnight Chicago, we’ll be seeing you again tomorrow!” in Dylan’s husky, sexy voice. Lexi was positively giddy, and couldn’t contain her excitement.

  The guys burst into the room, high-fiving each other and mopping their faces with towels. As soon as Tia saw Dylan, she rushed over to him and opened her arms. He put out his hand, palm out, and started, “I’m pretty disgusting right now, you might want to…” But she didn’t care, and wrapped her arms around him, feeling the heat radiating from his body and inhaling the musky scent of his work. “Oh, Dylan,” she whispered. “I don’t know what to say…you are so amazing.”

  He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her up for a kiss. “You liked, it then?” he teased. “I’m so glad.” He lifted her off the ground and found her lips, kissing her slow and deep while Lexi stared, her mouth once again hanging open.

  Bo walked in last after handing off his drum sticks to excited fans, and nearly ran into them. “Damn that’s hot,” he said taking them in. “I think I might need a cold shower after seeing that!”

  Dylan set Tia down and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Bo noticed Lexi then, and his famous grin lit up his face. “Speakin’ of hot,” he mused, taking Lexi’s hand and turning it over to kiss the back of it. “You must be my birthday present.”

  Lexi giggled like a schoolgirl and Tia introduced them. “Oh my God,” she said. “Oh my God. You guys were so awesome! I’m such a big fan; I just love your music! I’m coming to your party,” then she realized she was blathering like an idiot and visibly checked herself.


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