Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 10

by Iris Bolling

  “Yes. You know the business world. Two young females, trying to run a business. The appearance of impropriety alone could kill us. That’s why I keep my personal and professional lives separate. I’m sure a man of your intelligence understands that.”

  James smiled and stood up. “Hmm, another rejection. I do understand, but I will not concede defeat just yet.”

  Before Tracy could respond, Ashley, Cynthia and Rosaline came through the outer door. “Hey, Tracy.” Ashley burst through the door then stopped when she saw James. “James, hello.”

  “Hey ho, what’s going on?” Cynthia called from behind Ashley. “Oh, excuse me, I didn’t know someone was here,” Cynthia remarked somewhat surprised.

  “Good evening,” Rosaline said.

  “Um, Mr. Brooks, I really don’t know these people,” Ashley joked.

  Cynthia hit Ashley in the back and then extended her hand. “Cynthia Thornton. And you are?”

  “James Brooks.” He shook her hand while smiling. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Rosaline Taylor, and the pleasure is ours,” Rosaline added, extending her hand.

  “Ladies, I was just leaving.” He turned to Tracy. “Ms. Washington, hopefully we will have an opportunity to continue our conversation at a later time.” James smiled.

  “I’ll walk you to the door,” Tracy replied as she stood.

  “Good night, Mr. Brooks,” Ashley said as Tracy and James walked out of the office.

  “I apologize for that.” Tracy smiled.

  “No apology needed. Have a good evening, Tracy.”

  “You too, James.”

  James hoisted an eyebrow. “You see, we are making progress.”

  She smiled and locked the front door.

  “What was James doing here?” Ashley asked from the door.

  “He had one or two questions for me,” Tracy replied. “What are you guys doing here?”

  “Cynthia has a favor to ask.” Ashley hit Cynthia on the shoulder.

  Tracy could see Cynthia was contemplating her question. “Why don’t we all sit down. What do you need, Cynthia?”

  Cynthia inhaled. “Well, Rosaline and I have been talking about starting a business together. You seem to have a knack for putting together good business packages. So we were wondering, if you had the time, would you put one together for us.”

  Tracy rolled her chair back to her file cabinet, opened one of the drawers and pulled out a file. “Here you go. If you need capital, let me know.” Tracy handed the file to Cynthia. The folder read “TNT Event Planning.”

  “How long have you had that?” Ashley asked, smiling at Tracy.

  “Since the day we were in the kitchen talking about putting Rosaline in a restaurant.”

  “Damn, this is good,” Cynthia commented. “I can even follow this.”

  “There’s a building over on Mechanicsville Turnpike that would be perfect for a starter place. It’s large enough to house functions and your offices. Cynthia, you are so good at planning and decorating. You could hook that place up in no time.” Tracy smiled.

  “We could have a grand opening and invite potential clients to a private event,” Cynthia remarked enthusiastically.

  “Girl, with the right people in the place, we may get a few hits,” Rosaline added.

  Ashley sat on the corner of Tracy’s desk. “That was really special, Tracy. Now why was James really here?”

  Tracy smiled. “He asked me out earlier today and I turned him down.”

  Ashley’s mouth fell open. “You are not serious. Why did you turn him down?”

  “’Cause she’s stupid—that’s a fine ass man that just left here,” Cynthia responded.

  Tracy looked up at Cynthia. “Well your gratitude lasted all of five minutes.”

  “Thank you for the plan. I’m sure with your help this will work. But you’re still stupid if you turned that man down.”

  Tracy got up and grabbed her purse. “I’m going home now, ladies. Let me know if you want to look at that building, Cynthia. Ashley, I will see you at home.”

  “Wait, don’t go,” Cynthia pleaded, “I do have some questions about this. Please.”

  “Even from you, that ‘please’ will work. What do you have questions on?”

  Chapter 6

  JD went home, showered and changed before he went to pick up Carolyn. He intended to break things off with Carolyn tonight. After his talk with Calvin, he wasn’t sure what to do. He knew something was happening to him whenever he was around Tracy. He didn’t think it was love, but what would he know? He just knew he had to be honest with Carolyn about his feelings for Tracy. JD knew she would not take this sitting down. Carolyn had plans for him, but he told her from the beginning, he had no interest in politics or a long-lasting relationship with her. He was about to hurt her and he knew it.

  He rang the doorbell. Carolyn opened the door and seductively answered, “Mr. Harrison, it’s so nice of you to come by this evening, kiss kiss.”

  JD stepped inside. “Carolyn, you look wonderful as always,” he replied as he kissed her on her cheek.

  She raised her eyebrow. “That wasn’t quite what I had in mind when I said a kiss.”

  Carolyn clutched his arm and he gently pulled away. “What’s up, JD?”

  “Carolyn, I was planning on us going out, but would you mind very much if we talked here?”

  “Talk?” Carolyn remarked as she walked by him. “No, I don’t mind.”

  He sat and she sat next to him on the couch. “Carolyn,” he began, “I need to tell you about someone I know. I’ve known her for a while but hadn’t seen her until recently.”

  Carolyn sat up. He saw her claws coming out. “An old girlfriend?” Carolyn testily asked.

  “No,” he replied, “I’ve never been involved with her.”

  Carolyn breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, but you feel the need to tell me about her. Why?”

  “Yes,” he paused. “Because I think I might have,” he hesitated, 'feelings’ for her.” He stood up and walked over to the fireplace. “Things are a little crazy right now. I seem to be going through an epiphany or something. I need to tell you about it.”

  Carolyn was experienced in masking her feelings. Hell, she was the daughter of a politician. If someone said Mt. Rushmore had fallen on her Mercedes, you would never know from looking at her that she was upset.

  “JD.” Carolyn smiled and walked over to where he stood. She put her hand on his back. “We said in the beginning if either one of us met that special someone during our journey, the other would step aside. Are you asking me to step aside?” Carolyn was playing the 'I’m not into drama’ card with him at the moment. She would have to explode later.

  “I don’t want to mislead you, Carolyn,” he stated. “The feelings I have for this person are different from anything I have experienced before. I don’t know where it’s going to lead. But I need to find out.”

  “So you are not currently involved with this person?”

  “No, but I want to be.”

  “But does she?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied, unsure of himself.

  A little relieved, Carolyn thought, I still have time to work on him. With that, she did what every woman does when they are trying to hold on to a man: stroke that ego.

  “You are one hell of a man, JD Harrison. Whoever ends up with you will be a very lucky woman.”

  He looked at her, a little stunned at her response.

  Carolyn smiled at his expression. “Did you expect the drama queen to come out?”

  “To be honest, yes.”

  “You and that damn honesty.” She laughed while caressing his biceps. “Believe it or not, I can control the drama.” She stepped away. “With you, I care about the aftermath. Regardless of what our outcome may be, I want to continue to be a friend to you. Someone you can turn to for whatever, whenever.”

  JD turned to look at her, not really believing what he was hearing.

Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m okay. It’s just that I care about you and value your friendship. I would never do anything I thought would jeopardize that.”

  Carolyn knew she had caught him off guard, so she continued. She sat on the bar stool and crossed her legs. “So, tell me about her.”

  JD developed a newfound respect for Carolyn. Either she was playing him and doing a really good job at it, or she really meant what she just said. Or maybe he was in a funk right now. Whatever, he was just glad there was no drama tonight. He had been through enough for one day. Nevertheless, he definitely was not going to tell Carolyn anything about Tracy.

  “No, I don’t think I will do that,” JD replied with a smile as he sat beside her at the bar.

  “You look so tense, JD. Relax. We are both adults and we knew from the beginning what we were getting into. It is sweet that you cared enough to tell me about this person. Thank you.” She ran her hand over the bulge in his pants. “Did I do that?” She seductively smiled up at him.

  He looked down at her and sighed. “Hmm, you were always able to get my attention.”

  “You seem to be in need of some attention.” She squeezed him gently as she kissed his cheek. “Friends don’t leave friends in need,” Carolyn offered. “Whatever you need, JD, whenever.”

  No man in his right mind could ignore a beautiful woman saying something like that to him. What the hell? It’s not like I’m committed to Tracy yet. He kissed Carolyn and began to rub his hands over her thighs.

  Bingo opening; he can’t love her but so much, Carolyn thought as she ran her hands down his body and unbuckled his pants. She shed his pants and briefs from his body and went straight for the kill, taking him into her mouth in one swoop. JD grabbed both sides of the bar in an attempt to brace himself from the feel of her tongue moving against him. The edges of her teeth were gently touching him. As she moved him in and out of her mouth with precision, he felt himself expanding at her touch. He reached for her head to let her know she was approaching the danger zone and pulled her head away just as he felt himself release.

  They both slid to the floor side by side. Carolyn moved to mount him, but he stopped her. He pulled her to the side and held her. “We can’t do that.”

  “I know, I know,” she stated, “no protection.” She hit him in his chest and they laughed. Damn, she thought, will this man ever let his guard down?

  “Are you in love with this person, JD?”

  Rising up on his elbow, he looked down at her. “I don’t know, Carolyn. I don’t know what it is.”

  “Well, take your time and find out. In the meantime, I’ll be here.”

  JD was stunned. This was not the Carolyn he knew. “Let me make sure I have this right. You are going to be here available for me while I try to sort this thing out. Why?”

  “Because I care,” Carolyn replied.

  “And what do you get out of it?”

  “My friend,” she smiled sweetly.

  They talked a little longer, then JD took a shower and left. Carolyn picked up the telephone. “I’m free after all. Do you want to get together?” She paused. “No, I’ll come to you.”

  She hung up the telephone. Okay, JD, she thought, let’s find out who your little love is. Carolyn jumped in the shower, changed her clothes and left.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning Ashley was in the front of the office talking to Monica when JD pulled up. Monica was looking out the front window.

  “There’s that fine brother of yours. I saw him on TV last night talking about the gang activity in North Side.”

  “Yeah, that was taped a couple weeks ago. What’s up, big bro?” Ashley asked as JD entered the office. “What are you doing out and about early this morning?”

  He kissed her on the cheek. “Hey Squirt. Good morning, Monica, you’re looking good this morning.”

  “Not as good as you.” Monica smiled flirtatiously.

  “If I was just a little bit younger, you wouldn’t stand a chance,” JD flirted back.

  “Oh, please, please, don’t let a little thing like age stop you,” Monica said and stepped forward.

  Ashley stepped in between both of them. “Your mom would kill you and JD both, so back off.”

  JD laughed and asked, “Where’s Tracy?”

  “She’s in a meeting with James Brooks,” Ashley replied.

  “From Special Services?” JD questioned.


  “He’s the commissioner over there, isn’t he?”


  “What’s he doing here?”

  “We just signed a contract to revamp his agency.”

  “Impressed”, JD responded, “We’re not moving on up to state contracts now, are we?”

  “Yep, and I closed the deal the other day.”

  “Get out, lil sis, I’m proud of you. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  James and Tracy stepped out of her office. “You are sure I can’t change your mind on my invitation?” James said with a smile.

  “Thank you, Mr. Brooks, but it’s a matter of principle for me,” Tracy replied.

  “I’ll accept that for now, but I will ask again.”

  Tracy looked up and saw JD. Damn, that man looks good early in the morning. Tracy and James walked over.

  “Good morning,” Tracy said to everyone. “Mr. Brooks, this is Monica Scott, our administrative assistant”

  “Hello, Mr. Brooks, we have spoken on the telephone,” Monica responded.

  “It’s nice to meet you in person,” James replied.

  “This is Ashley’s brother, Jeffrey Harrison.”

  “Yes, we have been in each other’s presence, but never officially met.” James extended his hand.

  “It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Brooks,” JD said and extended his hand.

  “I have followed your cases,” James remarked. “I am very impressed with what you have been able to accomplish in some of our neighborhoods.”

  JD shook his hand and replied, “Thank you for that, but we still have a long way to go.”

  “Yes, we do, but you’re young and you have time,” James replied as he patted JD on the shoulder then turned to Tracy. “Ms. Washington, I look forward to speaking with you again.”

  “Thank you for coming by, Mr. Brooks.”

  “James,” he said while smiling at her.

  “You have a good day, sir.” Tracy smiled.

  “Principles, huh? We have to work on that,” he replied and left.

  She closed the door and all eyes were on her as she turned. “What?” Tracy asked.

  “That man was flirting with you, Ms. Tracy,” Monica responded.

  Tracy ignored the comment. “Good morning, Jeffrey.” She smiled and walked towards her office.

  Now, JD wasn’t sure of too many things, but one thing he did know: he did not like James Brooks. “Hello, Tracy,” he managed to say as she walked by. He wasn’t sure what hit him. Could it be jealousy? No, not JD Harrison, jealous? But the sight of Tracy with Brooks did piss him off.

  Ashley watched the scene and laughed to herself. JD is jealous. I would have never thought the day would come that I would see my big brother jealous over a woman. I love this, she thought.

  “Well, JD, are you here to see me or Tracy?” Ashley asked.

  “Both, actually.”

  Tracy stopped and turned. “You need to see me?” she asked, surprised.

  “Yes, just for a moment.”

  “Okay, come on in,” she said and motioned towards the office.

  JD went towards Tracy’s office and said, “Ashley, I’ll be in to talk to you in a minute.”

  “Alright, I’ll be in my office.”

  As the door closed, Monica said, “Damn, my girl has gone from no man in years to two good looking men in one day.”

  Ashley laughed. “Moni, this could get interesting.”


  Tracy sat behind her desk as JD sat in the chair directly in front of her. “What
’s going on, Jeffrey?” she asked.

  “You look nice this morning,” he said with a smile, trying his best not to question her about Brooks, which was what he really wanted to do.

  She blushed and bashfully replied, “Thank you.” He’s just being polite, she told herself, don’t read anything into this, remember your place. “You look pretty good yourself, but you always do.”

  He smiled. “Tracy, I was in court yesterday with Al. He pleaded guilty on all counts and was sentenced yesterday.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “How long?”

  “It’s a sealed case and I can’t say, but he will be away for a long time.”

  Tracy held her head up and forced a smile. “Okay, that’s a wrap, right?”

  JD smiled at her. “Yes, it is. He will be in a federal facility that is actually one of the best we have. He will be comfortable.”

  “Comfortable behind bars—isn’t that a contradiction in itself?”

  “I guess you could look at it that way,” JD replied. “I rather look at it that he’s alive, with a better chance of survival in there than on the streets.”

  Tracy looked up and laid her head back against her chair. “Maybe you’re right, Jeffrey; either way there is nothing I can do about it now.” She exhaled and smiled. “Thank you for all you did to help him and me through this situation.”

  “You are welcome.” JD sat forward, took her hand in his. “Tracy, if you need to get in touch with him for any reason, just let me know and I will arrange it. But remember, for a while we don’t want anyone to know where he is.”

  “Is he in some type of danger?”

  “No, but Al knows things that some people may not want to get out.”

  “I understand,” she said, nodding her head with a sad smile.

  “It’ll be all right,” JD said as he stood and pulled her around the desk. He put her head on his shoulder and held her. Holding her felt like the most natural thing in the world to him. He smiled. “If you need anything, anything at all, even if it’s to talk, call me, okay?”

  Every particle in Tracy’s body was calling for help at that moment. Having him this close to her again, comforting her, felt like everything inside of her was coming alive; she did not want to let go.


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