Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 26

by Iris Bolling

  “I don’t think the DA’s office can afford her.” James smiled.

  “You’re right about that,” JD said. “Besides, I like having her to myself, I don’t want to share.”

  “I must say, JD, I’m pleasantly surprised. You two have been hanging in there for a couple months now. Tracy is happy and you appear to be on top of the world. I’m happy to see it,” James acknowledged.

  Gavin approached the table. “Happy to see what?” he asked.

  “JD and Tracy,” Calvin replied.

  “That is surprising.” Gavin smiled. “I didn’t think it would last this long, but I’m glad it has.” He laughed. “The time has given me half a chance with Carolyn.” JD smiled. “You know I would not stand a chance if you were still available,” Gavin said laughing. “There was a time not long ago we all lived vicariously through JD. Every week it was a new woman.”

  “Some weeks it was two or three,” Calvin added. Calvin and Gavin at the same time said, “So many women, so little time.” They laughed. JD laughed with them.

  “That was the motto,” Gavin said.

  “But then he ran across Tracy again.” Calvin smiled pleasantly.

  “You knew Tracy before?” James asked.

  “Yeah,” JD said, sitting back. “We met when she was a sophomore in college.” He smiled. “She was only 19 at the time. I was working with the DA’s office.”

  Calvin and JD at the same time said, “Jailbait.” They laughed.

  “Referring to Tracy that way kept JD’s mind off of her.” Calvin laughed.

  “But you two ended up together anyway.” James smiled. “That’s called fate.”

  “Yes, it is; you can’t mess with that.” Gavin smiled.

  “No, you can’t,” JD said, “and I wouldn’t change anything about it or Tracy. God knows I love that woman.”

  “Here, here. To fate, the past and the future,” James toasted.

  “And the love of a good woman,” JD added.

  Each man had picked up his drink to toast when a voice came from behind them. “What woman would that be, JD?” JD turned to see Vanessa standing behind him.

  “Speaking of the past.” Calvin squirmed.

  JD instinctively looked around for Tracy. He was not going to let her be ambushed by Vanessa or Carolyn again. “She’s out on the balcony,” Vanessa informed him.

  JD, Gavin and James stood. “Vanessa,” JD said.

  She took the seat between Calvin and JD and crossed her legs, exposing her thighs. JD made the introductions around the table.

  James wasn’t sure why, but the friendly mood at the table had changed. He excused himself and went to search for Ashley. Gavin joined James’s retreat and Calvin followed.

  “It seems I cleared the table,” Vanessa confirmed.

  “You usually have that affect on people,” JD said as he took a drink.

  “So you didn’t answer my question: what woman?” Vanessa asked.

  JD smiled. “Did I not make myself clear the other night?”

  Vanessa looked away. “JD, you’ve been with Tracy all of what, six months?” She looked at him. “We were together for damn near two years; this is all I get?”

  JD just raised an eyebrow. “What do you want, Vanessa?”

  “I want you to admit that I was right five years ago.” JD looked around, avoiding the question. “Well, you don’t have to answer. It seems you two made it through the events of last week. That’s good,” she said sincerely. “You two may have the real thing.”

  “And that means something to you?” JD asked sarcastically.

  “Yes, JD, it does; I care about you.”

  That pissed JD off. “You care about me? You come in town with the sole purpose of interrupting my life with Tracy because you care about me? Do me a favor: don’t give a shit about me from now on.”

  JD got up from the table and joined Tracy.

  “Dance with me,” he said, leading her to the dance floor. Ironically, Luther’s “Going out of My Head” was playing. JD laughed as he put his hands around her waist.

  “What’s so funny?” Tracy asked.

  “People have told me I have lost my mind over you, and they are right.” Tracy smiled and JD pulled her closer and whispered, “Have I told you that I am totally in love with you?” He kissed the side of her temple.

  “No, you haven’t told me that, not totally. Did you tell Vanessa that when you were talking?”

  He looked into her eyes, “In no uncertain terms.”

  They continued to dance quietly.

  Later in the evening, Carolyn was introducing people to Gavin’s campaign staff, which included David Holt. As they approached JD’s table, David excused himself and went in the opposite direction. David did not want to have a confrontation with James in front of Carolyn, his candidate’s future wife. As he walked away, David noticed Ashley and Tracy were on the balcony. He looked back to make sure James was still at the table, and then stepped out onto the balcony. “Hello, Ashley,” David said.

  Ashley froze. David walked up. “Do you think we could talk privately?” he asked while sneering at Tracy.

  Ashley stepped back. “No, and why have you been leaving notes on my car?”

  “Why have you been avoiding me? I just wanted a chance to talk to you. We have some unfinished business, Ashley,” David replied, fuming.

  “Any unfinished business you may have with Ashley goes through me,” James insisted from the doorway.

  Ashley walked over to James. “Let’s go, James, this isn’t important,” she pleaded.

  James looked at her. “It is important that David and I talk. You can leave now.”

  “James,” Ashley implored, “it’s not necessary.”

  “Ashley, go with Tracy,” James ordered in a tone that let Ashley know not to question. Tracy took Ashley’s arm and pulled her through the door. James looked at David. He didn’t like this man the first time he met him with Karen. James walked past David over to the balcony. He wanted to find a way to stop the stupidity David had started with Ashley.

  “David, I noticed Karen hasn’t been to work in a week. How is she?” James inquired.

  David stepped forward. He looked James up and down. Then he smirked to himself. This man don’t have shit on me; he can’t handle Ashley, he thought as he took a drink. “Karen’s good,” David replied.

  “I’m glad to hear that. What unfinished business do you think you have with Ashley?” James asked with his back to David.

  David smiled. “That would be between Ashley and me. It’s not your concern.”

  James turned to face the man and laughed to himself. I could choke him, throw him over the balcony and just walk away. “I’m making it my concern, and as such I don’t like it when anyone makes Ashley’s life difficult. You are making her life a little trying and I’m uncomfortable with that. When I’m uncomfortable I have this nasty habit of trying to change things. This means I have to change you or, at the very least, what you’re doing to her. I am a very determined man and usually succeed in things I set out to do. You are now on my list of things to handle.”

  David saw the irritated look on James’s face. “Brooks, I don’t know what Ashley told you, but you seem a little intense. Lighten up, man.” He laughed nervously.

  James smiled and walked up to stand next to David then looked at him. Since James was facing the ballroom, he saw Ashley watching what was taking place on the balcony. James wondered if she was nervous for him or David. “I don’t like you, Holt; never did. Make no mistake about who you are dealing with here. From this moment on, you don’t go near Ashley.”

  “Brooks, I think you got it a little backwards. Ashley still wants me.” David smiled.

  James smiled, but never acknowledged what he said. “If you go anywhere near her again, you’re going to have to deal with me. Now son,” James said as he reached up to knock something off David’s lapel, “if you don’t know, you better ask somebody. This is the only warning I will give.�
�� James stepped away, turned back and smiled. “Tell Karen to take her time. Make sure she’s okay before she returns to work.” James walked back into the ballroom. He sat at the table next to Ashley as if nothing at all had happened.

  Carolyn caught David as he reentered the ballroom. “David, I saw that exchange with James. Is there anything you need to tell me?”

  David smiled. “Everything is fine.”

  “For your sake, I hope you are right. James Brooks is not someone we can afford to have against us. He is heavily involved with the Democratic National Committee and a major contributor.”

  David looked Carolyn over from head to toe. He smiled, then asked, “How in the hell do these old men end up with these fine women? First Ashley with Brooks; now you with Gavin. I wonder; can Gavin handle all your needs?”

  Chapter 23

  The first day of a trial was usually a day of anguish for JD. However, today he was calm and ready. Compared to the last three days, the trial would be tranquil. This Labor Day weekend had been a special one for them. Martha had her annual cookout that Saturday with everyone in attendance, including Uncle Joe. JD invited everyone connected to the Gonzalez case, including Dan and Magna. Cynthia and Rosaline were there just to hang out, not working. Ashley invited James, but he was unable to attend.

  The music was jamming, the food was good and the different conversations were hilarious. Inside the house a few card games were under way. Every now and then you could hear someone yell, “B-town, next.” Outside, grills were at full blast, Uncle Joe at one, Calvin at another. Picnic tables were spread out across the yard. At the corner of the yard, where JD had finished off the flowerbed, was a portable dance floor with lights hanging above.

  The house and yard were full of people when “Candy,” by Cameo, hit the speakers, and everyone headed to the dance floor. With such a crowd on the floor, the deejay continued with one or two additional upbeat songs, until it seemed people would fall out if the tempo did not change soon. When the deejay played, “I Was Made to Love You,” by Gerald Levert, JD got down on one knee and made it official. He asked Tracy to marry him before his friends and family. As he placed the diamond ring on her finger, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, including Brian’s.

  The next day at church, Pastor Smith made the announcement of their engagement during the morning service. He asked JD and Tracy to come to the front of the church. The congregation stood behind them and said a prayer of togetherness. Everyone at that service left with a touch of the spirit in their heart. The Sunday paper had an article about the engagement with a picture of the couple from a previous event.

  Monday was spent answering phone calls about the engagement, or receiving congratulations. Tracy was overwhelmed by the number of calls and stopped answering the telephone. JD could see her nervousness and decided to take her to the Renaissance for dinner, just to get away. They were greeted by a few people who had heard about the engagement. But once they entered JD’s room, the two had alone time. That was Tracy’s first taste of JD’s popularity. He knew a lot of people and a lot of people knew and loved him.

  By Tuesday, JD was actually looking forward to the trial. He asked Tracy to come to court, to see for herself how things would turn out. When they arrived, the steps of the courthouse were crowded with reporters and cameras. Only three cameras from the local stations were allowed in the courtroom. When court was called to order, Tracy, Dan and Magna took a seat right behind JD. Brian sat at the end of the bench next to Tracy. Tracy was excited; she was about to witness Jeffrey’s talents for the first time.

  JD’s presence in a courtroom was impressive. He introduced himself to the jury, then methodically explained the prosecution’s case. He systematically explained how the evidence pointed to Juan. Then he explained the defense’s case and demonstrated each loophole that existed in their theory of corruption. The jury was very attentive and JD made sure not to lose any of them with large words or complicated conclusions. Then, the defense attorney stood and rendered her version of events and how the so-called evidence may have been tainted during the change of possession. After the defense attorney finished, the judge called a 15-minute recess before calling witnesses.

  The courtroom was packed with a mixture of people. Some Tracy recognized from the block party, including Mrs. Gonzalez and Victoria. They all stood as the judge left. JD stepped behind the swing gate and stood next to Tracy, Mrs. Gonzalez and Victoria. He explained his strategy for Juan once they got the convictions on this case. Then he would begin the manslaughter case against Juan as the leader of the gang involved in Lisa’s death.

  Magna, Dan and Calvin were still at the prosecutor’s table as Brian observed the actions of some men in the back of the court. “Mr. Harrison,” one of them called out. JD and Tracy turned toward the voice. Brian immediately stepped in front of JD and pulled out his revolver. Three Hispanic men pulled revolvers out, all pointing towards JD. Brian fired first, hitting one in the shoulder. JD grabbed Tracy, tucked her under him, and fell to the floor as another shot rang out. Magna pulled out her weapon and returned fire at the remaining targets as she pushed Dan and Calvin to the floor. Brian hit another assailant just as a bullet grazed his arm. Magna took the last shooter out.

  At the sound of gunfire officers came from all directions with weapons drawn. Brian went to the floor where JD and Tracy landed. Seeing blood, Calvin yelled out, “Get an ambulance! Now,” he exclaimed.

  JD moved. “Tracy,” he called out. She did not answer. He turned her over and saw blood on her face. He was feeling over her body feverishly to determine if there was any other wound. “Tracy,” he yelled.

  Tracy moaned and reached for her head, which felt like it had been hit with a brick. She looked up at Jeffrey, and then noticed all the confusion in the room. “Jeffrey?” she called.

  “You okay?” He smiled while hugging her.

  As they pulled apart, Tracy saw blood on her hands. “Jeffrey?” she questioned. He did not reply. Tracy looked in Jeffrey’s eyes and saw them beginning to close. She clung to him, holding him upright. “Brian!” she screamed out.

  Brian looked at Tracy and then at her hand and saw the blood. He began removing JD’s jacket exposing the wound in JD’s back. Tracy immediately began to place pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.

  Brian yelled, “Clear the area now. JD! Shit, JD, open your eyes! JD, talk to me, man, give me something,” Brian called to him. JD did not respond. The courtroom was cleared of everyone except officers and those that were injured.

  “Jeffrey, please open your eyes,” Tracy cried, still holding him up, applying pressure to the wound. “Please baby, please open your eyes.” JD closed his hand around her waist but never opened his eyes. She smiled, a little relieved by his movement. “Okay, okay. I’ll take that. It’s going to be okay. I am right here.” She kissed the side of his face. “Right here.”

  Tracy was terrified. Never in her mind did she ever imagine a scene like this. Her heart was pumping so fast she could not catch her breath. The paramedics came in and tried to assess JD’s injury. They tried to move Tracy, but she was not letting go.

  Brian turned to her. “Let go, Tracy.” She looked up at him with tears of fear in her eyes. Brian took her hands from around JD as the paramedics pulled him back. They turned JD over and started working on him.

  After assessing the injuries, the paramedics put him on the gurney, attached an oxygen mask and began moving him out. Brian helped Tracy up, and they all followed the gurney to the ambulance. TV cameras were everywhere; police taped off the area and secured the scene. Brian cleared a path for Tracy and the paramedics, while Calvin and Dan helped with other injured people from the shooting.

  As they put JD in the ambulance, Brian assured Tracy, “We’ll be right behind you.”

  “Okay,” Tracy replied, and she got in.

  Brian started walking towards his vehicle, while calling ahead to the hospital to set up security. When he and Magna reached the Suburban,
he got in the driver’s seat. Magna got in on the passenger’s side. They both took a minute to breathe. She reached for his hand and held it. He squeezed her hand and said, “It’ll be all right,” and pulled off at full speed.

  Tracy prayed and talked to Jeffrey all the way to the hospital. It was only a 10-minute drive, but it seemed like it took forever. When they finally arrived at the hospital emergency room, police officers lined the entrance. JD was not just a DA to them—he was the son of one of their own; he was family.

  Gavin was already there when the ambulance pulled in. “Tracy, all the emergency information has been given to the nurse.” Tracy wasn’t listening. She stayed with Jeffrey as they entered the trauma room. They began to cut Jeffrey’s clothes away.

  Tracy stood there, stunned at the amount of blood she saw. Brian walked up beside her and she grabbed his hand, not taking her eyes off Jeffrey.

  “Why would someone do this to him?” she asked. “Why?”

  Brian could not speak. He always thought of JD as invincible; nothing ever took him down, and this wouldn’t, it couldn’t.

  Calvin came in and stood next to Brian. JD was not going to leave them. They had been together since grade school. JD would never leave them. That was the only thought in Calvin’s mind. He refused to think anything else.

  The nurse walked over. “You all are going to have to leave.”

  Brian pulled out his badge. “Federal agent, ma’am, we’re not leaving.”

  At Next Level Consulting office, the programming on television was interrupted with a special report regarding the shooting. Victoria was being interviewed on the accounts of the events.

  “Ashley, you better see this,” Monica suggested.

  Ashley immediately picked up the phone and called Tracy. Magna answered the phone. “Who is this?” Ashley frantically asked.

  “Agent Rivera. Who is this?”

  “Ashley Harrison. Where are Tracy and JD?”

  “Ashley, we are at MCV hospital. Call your mom and get here as soon as you can.”


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