Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 32

by Iris Bolling

  “What is it?” JD asked.

  “Her heart rate is increasing,” the nurse replied.

  “What would cause that?” JD asked, very concerned.

  “I don’t know. She may be dreaming and something frightened her.”

  “Tracy.” JD started talking to her and rubbing her forehead. “It’s okay, babe. Whatever it is, I’m here. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you ever again; you don’t have to be frightened. I’ll stay here with you.” He kissed her.

  “She’s settling down,” the nurse smiled as she continued to check the monitor. “Keep talking to her, seems like she wants to come around. People, let’s clear the room.”

  “Brian, get with Al,” JD said calmly. “Let him know what’s happening here. Tell Calvin to make sure things are in place at the office. Then try to get some rest.” JD took off his jacket and shoes. He lay in the bed beside Tracy and began to talk to her. He wanted to assure her that she was not alone. The nurse came in to check Tracy’s vitals. JD never stopped talking. He started speaking to her on their agreement about children. “You know, I’ve been thinking if you really want to show me how much you love me you would have child number six for me. You know, it would be difficult for me to carry a baby for nine months.”

  “What are you talking about?” The nurse smiled.

  JD smiled. “We have an ongoing argument about the number of children we are going to have. I want 12.”

  “Wow!” the nurse responded.

  JD laughed. “Yeah, that’s what she said.”

  “How many did she say?”

  “She agreed to five; but if I have number six, she’ll have the rest.”

  “Now, that seems reasonable. If you have number six I will come and help raise all 12 for free,” the nurse said as she laughed.

  JD smiled at her; she had a very comforting way about her. “Don’t laugh—I may have to hold you to that,” he joked. Tracy squeezed his finger. “Tracy?” JD got up. “Tracy, babe, open your eyes,” he pleaded. The nurse pushed the button to call the station as Tracy opened her eyes.

  “Tracy, babe.” JD smiled. “Hey.” He kissed her face. “It’s so good to see those eyes.” Tracy was still groggy. She gave JD a faint smile.

  The doctor came in. “Tracy, hi, I’m Dr. Shaw. It’s good to see you awake.” Tracy frowned then moaned as a tear ran down her swollen face. “I know you are in a lot of pain, but we are going to take care of that. We wanted you to wake up first. This is going to be a little uncomfortable,” he said, removing the gauze from her face, “but only for a minute.” They removed the ventilator and Tracy moaned from the pain. They gave her an oxygen tube to help with her breathing. The doctor gave an order, and the nurse left and closed the door. “Tracy, I need you to listen and try to concentrate on what I am about to say. I need you to tell me who you want to handle your affairs here. It is very important that we do this.” JD stepped forward. “Stay back, Mr. Harrison, please, she has to say this. Tracy?” Dr. Shaw bent down to her ear.

  “Jeffrey,” she whispered.

  “Okay,” he said. “Is she left-handed or right-handed?” he asked JD.


  “Tracy, can you sign your name here for me?” He held the clipboard and gave her the pen. She signed then dropped her hand.

  JD thanked the doctor.

  “As her designee, you are the only one who can make decisions for her. For the next few days she will be in and out. Once she is not in as much pain, we will ease up on the pain medication. At that time, she will be more aware of her surroundings,” the doctor advised.

  “Thank you for taking this action. This had not crossed my mind and it should have.”

  JD completed the power of attorney form that Tracy had signed.

  “Your mind was on other things, Mr. Harrison. She is going to sleep through the night once the nurse administers the medication. You might try to get some rest yourself. Good night, Mr. Harrison.”

  JD stepped back over to the bed. He looked at Tracy. Her face was clear of the blood now, but it was swollen and badly bruised. But she was still beautiful to him. “It is so good to see you awake.” Tears ran down her face. JD kissed her. “I’m sorry babe, I’m so sorry.”

  The nurse came back into the room and administered the medication.

  JD bent down to Tracy. He held her hand. “I love you more than I would ever be able to show you.” He smiled and kissed her. “I need you with me, Squirt Two; I’m lost without you.” JD waited until she fell asleep, then stepped out of the room.

  Brian was talking with the agent, who was attempting to explain why he stepped away.

  “A woman stopped by the room and indicated she was Tracy’s mother,” Brian advised JD.

  “Where is she now?” JD asked.

  “We don’t know.”

  Gavin came down the hallway. “JD, the jury is back with a verdict. The verdict will be read in Judge Mathew’s courtroom tomorrow at nine.”

  JD looked at Gavin, then back to Brian. Which should he deal with first: Juan or Tracy’s mom? “I’ll be in court in the morning. Just give me a minute here.”

  “It’s been a hell of an emotional day, JD. You sure you want to be there in the morning?”

  “Yes, I want to see Juan Cortez go down. But at the moment, I want to know who was here


  Ashley brought JD a change of clothes. They all tried to get him to go home to get some rest, but he refused. James came by during the night. He sat and talked with JD and Ashley into the wee hours of the morning. When Ashley and James left, JD did not sleep. He sat on the lounge chair in Tracy’s room and watched her. It was killing him to see her like this and to know it all happened because of him. This happened to her because he loved her. He understood when the Eagles came after him, but he could not understand why they would go after Tracy. What made matters worse, even with the warning, they could not do much more than what was done to protect her. How many prosecutors have gone through something like this? He could not be the only one. What can he do to change this, to keep it from happening again?

  JD stood up, walked over to the window, and put his hands in his pockets. He looked down, searching the very depths of his mind to come up with an answer. He could always resign his position with the district attorney’s office. That would only hand a victory to people like Juan Cortez. JD knew this type of retaliation would not be eliminated no matter what he did, but there had to be a way to deter people from causing harm to a family member of an officer of the court. He stepped outside Tracy’s room and called Calvin.

  “How is Tracy doing?” Calvin asked.

  “She is heavily sedated because of the pain. Calvin, they took my baby. How does a man deal with that?” JD cried into the phone.

  Calvin could hear the hurt in JD’s voice, but this was one time Calvin could not console his friend. “Do what you can to get these people off the street for good.”

  “That part I can do. But how do I get Tracy to forgive me for this?”

  “Man, this is not on you; Tracy will be the first one to tell you that. Have you gotten any sleep?”

  “No, just thinking,” JD replied. “I need to know of any laws protecting officers of the court.”

  “I’ll check into that, but I don’t think any exist.”

  JD thought for a moment. “If there is no law covering this, we need to write one.”

  Calvin agreed. “We can start on it right away.”

  “Let’s start with some research. Check with other DA offices across the state, past and present DAs. Let’s see if there is a pattern that needs to be addressed.”

  “The problem with that is our number one research mind is out of commission.”

  JD smiled. “You’re right. Then we go to the next best.”


  On his way to the correctional facility to talk to Al, Brian called Douglas to get information on the shooting. “I’m at your back door, can you get away?” Brian asked.

sp; Douglas checked the lounge area of the club. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  As Douglas got into the car Brian asked, “What in the hell happened?”

  “Cortez’s people knew I was trailing her. They cut me off before I entered the parking lot. Apparently I wasn’t the only one on her. Another car pulled up behind Juan’s people. B, I’m telling you, the man came out shooting. He wasn’t taking any prisoners; he was out to kill. Whoever he was, he saw me get out of the car. After he shot the first guy the other two jumped into the car and pulled off. I went over to Tracy; he nodded, got in his car and followed the other two. He meant for Juan’s men to die.”

  Brian knew instantly it was Tuck. “They were warned; if anything happened to that girl, people would die,” Brian replied. “The man was just keeping his word.”

  Douglas looked over at Brian. “Who in the hell are we dealing with here?” he asked. “Who is this girl JD is involved with?”

  “He’s not just involved with her, man. JD is going to marry this one.”

  Douglas shook his head. “Of all the damn women JD has had, why he want to pick the one with baggage?”

  Brian shrugged his shoulder. “Tracy is worth any shit you have to endure to keep her.” Brian did not mean to say that aloud.

  Doug noticed Brian’s sentiment. “You got a thing for JD’s girl, B?”

  “She’s good people.” He hesitated for a moment. “You know her brother.”

  Doug didn’t miss it. “You did not answer my question, but who is her brother?”

  Brian looked at Douglas. “Al Day.”

  Doug stared at Brian. “I didn’t know Al had a sister.” Douglas thought for a minute. “Are the others involved in this attack dead yet?”

  “One in the hospital; one in jail. And, of course, there is Juan.”

  Doug sat back in the seat. “Well, knowing Al like I do, they will all be dead within the week.”

  Brian pulled into the correctional facility. He met with the warden for a minute then went in to talk to Al.

  Chapter 29

  That morning, some were surprised to see JD enter the courtroom. Before the jury was brought in, Judge Mathews asked JD and the defense attorney to approach the bench.

  “How is she doing, JD?” Judge Mathews asked.

  “She is still heavily sedated. But all indications are good,” he replied.

  “Ms. Vargas, if it is determined in any way that you had any inkling of an idea this was taking place, I will personally have you disbarred.”

  “Your honor, this was never mentioned to me or before me,” Ms. Vargas replied.

  “I pray that is true. Now step back,” Judge Mathews replied.

  “JD, I had no idea, and I am truly sorry,” Ms. Vargas said as they returned to their tables.

  “Bring the jury in,” Judge Mathews said to the bailiff.

  The jurors took their seats. The foreman handed the verdict to the judge. Judge Mathews read the verdict then handed it back. As the foreman read the guilty verdict, JD stared at Juan. Once the verdict was read, Juan turned to JD.

  “Don’t feel so good, do it?” Juan smirked. “Told you not to fuck with my family.”

  JD smiled. “The thing about family: you never know where or when they may show up.” JD turned and walked out of the courtroom.

  JD had thought that if he heard the verdict in person it would give him some satisfaction, but it did not. He was pleased that Juan would be going away for the rest of his life, but it was neither for the rape and murder of Lisa Gonzalez, nor for the brutal beating of Tracy. Calvin, Magna, Dan and Brian were all present for the verdict. But they knew it was a hollow victory.

  “Are you headed back to the hospital?” Dan asked.

  “Yes, I’ll be there until Tracy goes home.”

  “There is something I would like to arrange for her. Do you mind?” Dan asked JD.

  “No, I don’t mind. Dan, will you contact Senator Roth? Ask him to come by to see me at his earliest convenience?”

  “There are reporters on the steps of the courthouse. How do you want to handle it?” Brian asked.

  “Let’s go out back. Calvin, will you handle the reporters?”


  When JD returned to the hospital, Tracy had been moved to a suite. Nurse Gordon was in Tracy’s room, talking to Tracy as if she was awake. “Yes, I tell you, that’s a fine young man you got, girl. I don’t know you, but I sure hope you recognize what you have.”

  “Good morning.” JD smiled at the nurse.

  “Well, good morning to you. Looks like you had a busy morning,” she said, pointing to the TV. The news conference was taking place in front of the courthouse with Calvin and Gavin.

  JD shrugged. “I’m just glad it’s over with. What happened here? Why was Tracy moved?” JD asked as he walked over to the bed.

  “The administrator received a call from the governor himself. He was told to put Ms. Washington in this suite and to make sure every convenience was given to you. Dr. Shaw approved it as long as I came along.”

  JD smiled. “I would have made the same request.”

  The nurse smiled. “You need to get some rest. You are not going to be any good to her in the shape you are in. Here, I made this couch up for you.”

  JD looked around the room. “This was very thoughtful of you. Maybe I will get some rest.”

  “Good, I will make sure you are not disturbed. Dr. Shaw ordered no visitors for the next 24 hours. What do you want to do with the flowers?”

  JD looked around. “What flowers?” Nurse Gordon opened the door to the adjacent room. The room was filled with flowers, balloons and a box with cards in it. “Who in the hell is going to respond to all of those?” he laughed. Then it hit him. “I know just the person to handle that.”

  His laughter was contagious. Nurse Gordon began to laugh. “You are up to something devilish. I can see it in your eyes.”

  JD dialed his cell phone. “Ashley,” he said, still laughing, “can you come up to the hospital and bring Cynthia with you. Oh, and I need to talk to James. Would you give me his number?”

  JD hung up the telephone, still smiling to himself. He went over to the bed, kissed Tracy then removed his suit jacket and shoes. He lay down on the couch and went to sleep.

  A few hours later, Nurse Gordon checked to see if JD was awake. “Mr. Harrison, there are some people here to see you. Are you up to it?”

  JD stretched and looked over at Tracy. “Did she wake up at all?” he asked as he stood up.

  “No, but she is still getting a pretty high dose of pain medicine,” Nurse Gordon replied.

  JD was a little worried that she was still asleep.

  Nurse Gordon noticed his hesitation. “It is best for her to sleep right now. If she was awake, the pain would be unbearable.”

  “All right, let them in.”

  When Cynthia walked in the room, JD turned his head so she would not see him laughing. Nurse Gordon looked on as he tried to make a serious face for the visitors. He walked over to Cynthia and hugged her. “Cynthia, I’m so glad you came. I need your help. Tracy has received several cards and flowers. As you can see, she cannot respond to them. Do you think you could possibly handle them for us? I wouldn’t ask if there weren’t so many things going on. You know they have to be done right. Tracy trusted the way you handle things like this, so I guess I have to trust you, too. Can you handle it?” JD asked with all the sincerity he could muster.

  Cynthia looked at Tracy. “I will have to. Even if Tracy was up and about, I would have to do this for her. Don’t you worry about it; I will have it done in no time. Where are the cards and flowers?” she asked, looking around.

  “Well, it may take a little longer than that,” JD said. “We set up this room for you to work from.” He opened the door. The look on Cynthia’s face was priceless. Ashley and James started laughing. JD stood there with an expression that pleaded for help.

  Cynthia did not blink. “I will get my staff over here r
ight away. This is going to cost, JD,” she replied and then walked in the room.

  JD closed the door behind her and laughed. “I could not resist that.”

  “Tracy is going to get you for doing that to Cynthia,” Ashley said laughing.

  “I think Tracy will forgive me this one time. James, thanks for coming over.”

  “No problem. What do you need?”

  “Let’s take a seat.”

  They sat in an area away from Tracy’s bed. JD did not want her sleep disturbed. “James, Ashley tells me you are almost as good at research as Tracy is. If that is true, I need your help.”

  James did not hesitate. “What do you need looked into?”

  “I need DA’s offices across the state contacted. I need to know, how many DAs have experienced violence against their family or themselves due to a case they were prosecuting.” JD advised.

  James nodded his head. “We may also want to check how many past DAs left the job because of that violence, in addition to any that may have changed their strategy because of said violence.” JD nodded, acknowledging his agreement in the direction James was going.

  “Let’s develop a line of questioning to submit to each office. They can respond anonymously. Some may be hesitant to answer certain questions,” James stated.

  “Can we assure them the information received in the survey will be kept confidential?” JD asked. JD and James continued with the details of the survey.

  Ashley sat next to Tracy. She could not believe this happened to her friend. Tears came down Ashley’s face. Just when things were coming together for her, this had to happen. Ashley had never seen Tracy so happy. She’d lived with Tracy for six years and never once did she ever see her smile from within. Lately, that’s all she saw, an inner peace with Tracy. Even Cynthia had not been able to break Tracy’s confidence these days. Now this.

  “You are going to bounce back and be better than ever Tracy. You will see,” Ashley said. “You know I need you to keep me straight. The office needs your guidance. Monica is acting like she is my boss these days. But I must say she is handling things in our absence. The office has not skipped a beat. If nothing else, we know Monica can handle the business. We might have to give her a raise or a really serious bonus.” Ashley smiled.


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