Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 38

by Iris Bolling

Tracy thought about the long list of things that needed to be done. “No, I guess it could wait a day or two.”

  “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “It’s okay. What’s the good news?” Tracy asked, really in need of it now.

  “I was able to clear the calendar for the dates you gave me. So tell me, where do you want to go for our honeymoon?”

  Tracy smiled. “Anywhere you are would be just fine for me.”

  JD smiled. “Hey, let’s tell everyone we are going out of town and spend our honeymoon at the new house; uninterrupted, just you and me, for two whole weeks. We could actually start working on our first baby.”

  Tracy smiled at the thought. “It would technically be our second,” she said.

  They were both silent for a moment. JD was still feeling responsible for the attack that caused Tracy to lose the baby. He remembered how she took the news in the hospital. Tracy had had no idea she was pregnant. Telling her she was and then telling her she had lost the baby was the hardest thing he ever had to do in his life. He would have given anything not to have to tell her about it at all. “Tracy, if there was any way I could make that hurt disappear, I would.”

  Tracy did not hold Jeffrey responsible for the loss of their first child. “I’m not asking you to, but I will ask you to let it go, Jeffrey. You will not be able to help me heal from that loss until you heal. The guilt you carry around is going to eat you up alive if you don’t let it go. You can’t let it be an unspoken part of our life. We need to be able to talk about it without it causing either of us to feel any guilt about what happened. Every time I mention it, you go into this apology mode. I don’t need an apology from you; you didn’t cause me to lose our baby. It just was not meant to be. But don’t worry; you still will get five children.”

  JD smiled. “Twelve, a football team.”

  “Okay, but number six is on you.” Tracy laughed.

  JD knew he was a lucky man to have Tracy. “I love you, Tracy,” he said sincerely.

  “I love you, too, Jeffrey.”

  “I’ll see you tonight when I get home,” JD said as he hung up the telephone.


  All the guys were in the house, Douglas, Brian, Calvin and JD. JD was fully prepared for the onslaught of ribbing he was going to get from his friends. “JD, man, I would have never picked you to be the first one to bite the dust,” Douglas said.

  “Me either,” Brian added. “I thought it would be Calvin. Women were always able to control him.”

  “What the hell do you mean by that, B?” Calvin asked.

  “Oh, come on, Calvin, you know women used to whip your ass for fun,” Douglas teased. JD just smiled, knowing they were going to hit him next. “Speaking of whipped, JD, my man,” Douglas said in a joking tone.

  “I knew it was coming.” JD smiled. “Here we go.”

  “You’re breaking up the karma here.”

  “Shit,” Brian laughed, “you got my blessing, man. ’Cause if I had that phat ass, the hell with the karma.”

  “Karma be damned,” Calvin said as he laughed.

  “You got that right.”

  “You really are going to do this?” Douglas asked.

  “You’re damn right, I’m going do it. I should have done it a long time ago,” JD replied.

  “No, man, you weren’t ready then and neither was she. It’s happening when it is supposed to happen,” Calvin said as he took a drink.

  “I just want to make sure it happens,” JD said. “So much has hopped off in the last six months. I don’t want to take a chance on losing her.”

  “I hear that, man,” Brian said, “you two have been through hell and back in a short period of time. But it’s made you stronger.”

  Douglas nodded his head, agreeing with Brian. “At some point in every man’s life you have to take stock. You have to determine what you want from this world. If you know you have met that one to take to the next level, then go for it.”

  “Here, here,” Calvin said, “to the next level.”

  They all picked up their glasses and took a drink. JD was a blessed man to have these three friends. He trusted each of them with his life. He knew if anything were to happen to him, each of them would step up to take care of Tracy and any children they may have.

  JD leaned forward. “Let’s look at the next level,” he said seriously. “How do you guys feel about me running for attorney general?”

  Brian and Douglas looked at each other, then at Calvin. Brian ran his hand around his mouth and down his chin. Douglas sat back in deep thought. “Have you talked to Tracy about this?” Brian asked.

  “It’s been mentioned,” JD replied.

  “She gets first say. That’s how it is should be.” Douglas sat forward. “You know that political game ain’t a joke. They are worse than the shit we deal with on the streets. They will go after your family, dead or alive.” Douglas cautioned.

  “Yeah,” Brian added, “then come after your firstborn.”

  “They will dig up every woman you have ever thought about being with, and you know you have a record, JD. It will not be just about you either; there’s Tracy. Anything that may be in her past will be looked at and scrutinized,” Doug added.

  “Al is going to come out. You do realize that,” Brian added, “maybe Tracy’s family situation.”

  JD hung his head; the last thing he wanted was for Tracy to have to go through anything because of his decision. He stood, put his hands in his pocket, then walked over to the door and looked down. Brian looked at Douglas.

  Douglas went over to JD. “Man, you are one of the best at what you do. It doesn’t matter if it’s in a courtroom or on the house floor; you know your shit. You have always been a leader. This state could use you; there is no doubt about that. I want you to think long and hard about this before you decide. You don’t owe your father your life.” JD looked up. “Hear me out,” Douglas said before JD had a chance to respond. “Your dad was a damn good man—we all know that. We also know you’ve been living your life based on his wishes for you. Now you have to take what he instilled in you and move forward. It has to be what you want, not your dad, mom or Tracy. That political life doesn’t stop when you go home at night. It’s 24/7.”

  Brian got up and stood on the other side of JD. “You could have an affect on a lot of people’s lives, man. It would be good to have an honest-to-goodness good man in office. But you may be the only one. You will have to surround yourself with people you know and trust and even that may not be enough to protect you. Now with all that being said, don’t stop at the AG spot; go for the gusto.”

  “Hell, run for president,” Calvin said.

  Douglas looked up; JD looked around; and Brian said, “Here, here.”

  JD looked at each of them as if they had lost their minds. “President of what?”

  Brian shrugged his shoulders then sat back down. Douglas shook his head then sat back down.

  JD stood there with his hands in his pocket looking at his three friends. It was humbling to think they thought that much of him. “Each of you has lost your damn minds.” He chuckled as he sat back down.

  Calvin smiled; he knew at that moment JD began to take running for AG seriously. Before, JD was asking questions just to satisfy Senator Roth’s curiosity; now that he knew his boys were behind him, it was a go.

  “This is what I need from you. I want each of you to take a part of my life and run it through the mill. Between the three of you, there should be no stone left unturned. I need to know what’s out there and who has it. I’ll get James Brooks to do the same on Tracy.”

  “Why Brooks?” Brian asked.

  “If there’s anything out there I need to know, Tracy should be the one to tell me. If Brooks finds anything, he will be discreet and he will protect Tracy at all costs; even against me.”

  “All right, it’s a go. How much time you giving us?” Douglas asked.

  “I’m not going to make any decisions until after the wedding. So you have unti
l the first of the year,” JD advised.

  Douglas looked at JD. “Man, I am proud as hell of you. You lead the straight life and it’s going to pay off for you. May God’s blessings be upon you, my brother.”

  They all drank to that.

  “I have one question,” Brian said.

  “What’s that, B?” JD asked.

  “Why Calvin got to be the best man?”

  That night when JD got home, Tracy was lying across the bed asleep. He pulled his shoes off and lay beside her. He put his arms around her and pulled her to him. She kissed his cheek and lay on his chest. JD believed in his heart this was what he was meant to do with his life. His only concern was what affect all of this may have on Tracy. He rubbed her back and considered how his decision would affect their marriage, their children or their future. He made a mental note to set up a meeting with Pastor Smith and to call James Brooks to get the ball rolling. “President.” He laughed.

  “Of what?” Tracy asked sleepily.

  “Nothing, babe.” He kissed her forehead. “Nothing at all.”

  Chapter 35

  Tracy arrived at the office around 9:30, which was late for her. She had taken Jeffrey to the airport to catch the chopper to Roanoke. He had seemed so deep in thought this morning. Tracy attributed his quietness to the case.

  “Good morning, people,” she said.

  “Good morning, Ms. Washington,” Heather replied.

  “Hey, Tracy,” Monica said. “Did you see the dresses? They came in last night.”

  Tracy smiled. “No, not yet.”

  Alicia handed Tracy her messages. “Your realtor called. She said it was important.”

  “Thank you,” Tracy said as she headed to her office.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Washington,” Denise called out.

  Tracy stopped. “Yes, Denise?”

  “I was wondering, are you going to be looking for a larger place for us? You know it’s getting a little cramped in here.”

  Tracy raised an eyebrow. “It’s on my list to do.”

  “Well, when you call your realtor back you may want to mention you need a larger building with windows and offices.”

  Tracy looked at Denise rather amused. She knew Denise was right, but it never ceased to amaze her how forward Denise was about things. “Is there anything else?”

  “No, I think that will do it for now.”

  Tracy laughed. “Okay.”

  Tracy went into her office and sat down. It was only 10 in the morning and she was exhausted. Between planning the wedding and arranging for the new house, she was worn out. After all, she’d only been out of the hospital for a few weeks and had been going non-stop ever since.

  “Hey,” Ashley said from the doorway, “you look beat.”

  “Well, thank you and good morning to you.”

  Ashley sat on the sofa in Tracy’s office with her cup of coffee. “I talked to Cynthia this morning. Carolyn Roth is having a Christmas party to announce her engagement.”

  Tracy yawned. “Okay, it’s not tonight, is it?”

  Ashley laughed. “No.”

  “Good,” Tracy replied.

  “What can I do to help, ’cause you’re about to fall out of your chair,” Ashley said, half laughing.

  Tracy smiled as she laid her head on the desk. “I don’t know. I’m too tired to think.”

  “I’ll tell you what, I’ll get with Cynthia and take over the wedding stuff while you handle the house stuff.”

  Tracy yawned. “Okay.”

  Ashley laughed. “What on earth did you and JD do last night?”

  “Nothing,” Tracy said. “I was packing and fell asleep before he came home, I think.”

  Ashley raised an eyebrow. “He did come in last night?”

  “Yeah, it was late, but he came in.”

  “Where was he?” Ashley asked.

  “I don’t know, I didn’t ask,” Tracy said as she sat up.

  Alicia came to the door. “Ms. Cynthia is on line one for you, Ms. Washington.”

  Tracy made a face. “Don’t ever let Cynthia do your wedding; she will run you to death. Let this be a warning.” Alicia laughed.

  Ashley picked up the telephone. “What you need, whoreletta?” Ashley asked laughing.

  “Did you see the dresses?” Cynthia inquired.

  “Yeah, mine came in last night.”

  “Well, mine needs to be adjusted. We all should meet up and try the dresses on together.”

  “Okay, but tonight is not good for me or Tracy. Let’s meet tomorrow,” Ashley suggested.

  “That will work. Where’s Tracy?”

  “Lying on her desk asleep.”

  “Call on line two, Ms. Washington.”

  Tracy looked up at Alicia and exhaled. “Thank you, Alicia.” Alicia smiled and walked out of the office.

  “Look, I got to go,” Ashley told Cynthia, then hung up the telephone.

  Tracy picked up the phone. It was the realtor. The house closing was set for next Friday. If all went well they could move into the house the first of December. Tracy hung up the telephone; she wanted to cry. “What is it now?” Ashley asked.

  “We close on the house next week.”

  “Next week is Thanksgiving.”

  Tracy frowned. “That gives me 10 days to pack up Jeffrey’s place and my stuff at the condo, buy furniture and plan a wedding.” Tracy started whimpering.

  “Okay, okay, don’t panic. I’m the maid of honor with superpowers. First things first.” Ashley picked up the telephone. She called James. “I know we had plans tonight, but Tracy’s in a little bit of trouble and needs my help, so I have to cancel.”

  “That’s fine. I’ve just been handed a project from your brother that I need to get started on. I’ll call you later,” James replied.

  Then Ashley called her mom. “Hi, mom. We need your help at JD’s place. Can you meet us over there in about an hour?”

  “Sure I can,” Martha replied.

  “Thanks, Mom, see you there,” Ashley said as she hung up the telephone. “Okay, now for the best part.” Ashley walked over to the doorway. “Ladies, would you all step in here for a minute?” Everyone came into Tracy’s office. Ashley began. “This is the mission, should you choose to accept it.” Everyone laughed. “I need you guys to hit the web sites; we have to do some serious shopping. We have a four-bedroom house we need to buy furniture for. Any questions?”

  “Yeah,” Denise said, “what’s the limit?”

  Tracy looked at Ashley. “No limit”

  Denise smiled. “Oh, I like this game.”

  “Any help you can give me on this will be appreciated.” Ashley smiled as everyone left the office. “Now, the next call we can make from the car. Let’s go.” While they were in the car, Ashley called Clair, James’s housekeeper. Ashley did not know Clair very well, but she really liked her. Since James had this woman in his home, Ashley knew she had to be trustworthy. “Clair, this is James’s friend, Ashley”

  “Hello, Ms. Ashley. Mr. Brooks is not in,” she stated.

  “Oh, I know, I called for you.” Ashley told Clair the situation and asked if she knew anyone who could handle setting up the house. Not only did Clair have someone to help with the house, but she also gave Ashley someone to help with the moving.

  When Ashley and Tracy reached JD’s place, Martha was just pulling up. “Hey, Mom,” Ashley greeted her. Upon entering the house Ashley instructed Tracy to go to bed.

  “You’ve got to be kidding—there is too much to be done,” Tracy argued.

  “Yes, there is, and we don’t have time for you to have a relapse. Now go take a nap.”

  Tracy looked at Ashley, then at Martha. She was too tired to argue with either of them. “All right, I will take a short nap. Then I will come down to help.” She went upstairs.

  “What’s going on?” Martha asked.

  “Tracy is wearing herself out trying to handle the wedding and the house. And JD is not helping. He’s handling some case in Roanoke,
Tracy said. I arranged for the big things to be packed and moved. Tracy did not want to intrude on JD’s personal stuff so I thought you and I could do it.”

  Martha looked around; boxes were packed and labeled already. “Looks like Tracy got a good start, but we are going to need more boxes. Who is going to pack up Tracy’s stuff?”

  “Mom, Tracy is so organized; her stuff is going to be a breeze. We’ll get JD done, then I’ll start on her.

  Martha and Ashley each took a room. While she was packing up the family room, Martha came across the box of pictures she had given JD that belonged to his father. She smiled as she went through looking at some of them. Martha looked at one picture of her husband James, another man who looked familiar, but she could not place him, and a woman sitting between them. She wondered about the picture for a minute, and then set it aside. She would ask JD about it when he got home.

  By the time Tracy woke up from her nap, Ashley had gone back to the office and Martha was in the kitchen cooking dinner. The majority of the rooms downstairs were boxed up, with the exception of the furniture.

  “Did you have a good nap?” Martha asked.

  Tracy smiled. “Yes, thank you. Boy, you guys really got a lot done. Thank you so much.”

  Martha pointed to a chair. “Sit down, Tracy. Let me talk to you for a minute.” Tracy did as she was told. “Baby, listen to me. You are now a part of a huge family. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Part of being a family is helping each other. There was no way you could have handled packing this house and your place by yourself. Pick up the telephone whenever you need help, that’s what family is for. Okay?”

  Tracy smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good, now eat. When do you expect JD home?”

  “Some time tonight. Where’s Ashley?” Tracy asked.

  “She went back to the office. She said she had to check on furniture or something.”

  Tracy looked at the clock. “I better head back over there.”

  About an hour later JD got home. “Hey, Mom.” He kissed her on the cheek. “What are you doing here?” he asked as he lay his briefcase down.

  “Hi, son. I came over to help Tracy with some packing.” Martha put her hand on her hip and hit JD with the spatula. “Why is she trying to pack this place up by herself?”


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