Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 43

by Iris Bolling

  Tracy giggled. “No, I don’t.” JD could feel her body laughing against his chest. “It was not intentional,” she said as she playfully bit his nipple. That sent a ripple through his body as every tired muscle came alive. They relaxed comfortably without speaking, JD caressing Tracy’s back, she caressing his chest. He kissed the top of Tracy’s head. Tracy reached up and kissed the side of his neck. JD could feel the very essence of Tracy beginning to become moist against his stomach. Tracy could feel JD growing firmly against her thigh. Tracy adjusted to allow JD to spring freely through the opening of his pajamas. JD slowly slid Tracy’s body down his body until the tip of him was at her entrance. Tracy moaned at the slight touch. She ran her hands up his chest, caressing his nipples. JD ran his hands up her back then down to her waist.

  His jerking motion let her know he needed to enter her. He pressed her hips down onto his shaft. She widened her legs and he slipped right in. He filled every inch of space within her. Tracy savored the feel of him, not wanting to leave any portion untouched. JD’s hands followed the movement of Tracy’s hips. As her pace increased, so did his. Her breathing began to intensify; as did his. JD held her tighter as he felt her body tensing for her release. The rhythm of their bodies raced together, both reaching for the very highest echelon of ecstasy. At the point of true bliss, Tracy inhaled with a small scream escaping from her lips. JD moaned as he released his expression of love within her.

  They both lay there, hearts pounding with lovemaking juices escaping down their thighs, neither of them able to move. They fell asleep in that position in each other’s arms.

  When Tracy woke the next morning in bed with comforters piled on top of her, she had no recollection of when she got there, how she got there, or why she had so many comforters on her. As Tracy pushed them aside, there was a note lying on the floor. “I wanted to make sure you stayed warm. I’ll see you downstairs.” It was signed, “Me.”

  Tracy smiled, jumped in the shower and dressed quickly. As she came downstairs she could identify all the voices that were penetrating the house.

  “Good morning,” Tracy greeted everyone as she walked over to Jeffrey. She threw her arms around his neck, pulled his head down to her and kissed him as if no one was in the room but the two of them. JD dropped the fork that he was holding, put his arms around her waist and pulled her in. Brian got off the stool, walked around and stood beside them observing.

  “What in the hell are you doing, Brian?” Calvin asked.

  “Don’t disturb me right now, man, I’m taking notes.”

  Tracy broke away from JD.

  “Don’t mind us,” Ashley said, “we just sitting here.”

  Tracy inhaled. “Coffee?” JD handed her his cup. “Thank you,” she said. “What’s on the agenda today, people?” Tracy asked as she sat at the table.

  “We have to do tuxedoes today,” JD replied.

  “We have to meet with Cynthia for final touches,” Ashley said as the doorbell rang.

  Tracy looked at JD and started laughing. “That’s our doorbell.”

  JD looked at her. “Yeah, you want to answer it?” Tracy smacked him on the shoulder. JD smiled and shook his head. He watched her walk across the room. Damn that woman turns me on, JD thought.

  “You want to stop looking at that woman like you are ready to undress her?” Brian said laughing.

  “Hell no,” JD replied.

  “Damn, girl,” Cynthia said as she entered the kitchen. “With everything in, this house is off the chain. Tracy, you have to show me around. But first I have something for you guys.” She put her bag on the table and pulled out invitations. “Since I was coming over, I decided to deliver this in person.” JD took the envelope from Cynthia’s hand.

  “What is it?” Tracy asked.

  JD smiled. “It’s an invitation to Gavin and Carolyn’s engagement party.”


  The next week as Tracy worked in the house, JD worked vigorously to bring the Melvin case to a close. The news of additional bodies being found prompted national news coverage. Requests from the media for interviews with JD intensified. With the wedding and the move into the house, JD was being pulled in several directions. JD agreed to every interview that was held in Virginia. The first and main interview was given to Victoria. The coverage of the one-on-one interview went national, just as they expected. JD executed the interview with tact and finesse. He appeared to be diplomatic with the issue of him taking over the case. Anyone watching the interview had to be captivated with JD’s depiction of the case. It was methodical the way he laid out every step of the evidence found, without revealing any information that could hinder the prosecution of Melvin.

  Once the interview went nationwide, the publicity surrounding the case became fanatical. The morning shows on the major networks invited JD to discuss the case with them. Each of those interviews was handled via satellite from the attorney general’s office with the AG, JD and the original prosecutor. Most of the questions were directed to the attorney general. When asked what prompted the second investigation into the area where the additional bodies were found, the AG deferred the question to JD. JD handled the national media with the same composure as he did the state level. At no point did he ever take credit for the second investigation; he indicated it was a collaborative effort between the Roanoke DA’s office and the Richmond DA’s office. JD’s performance was impressive, to say the least, and it did not go unnoticed.

  The head of the Democratic Governors Association called. He wanted a bio on this charismatic young man handling the national press with such ease. The next call went to Senator Roth from the Senate Majority Leader, Chris Neshak; his question was simply, is this man one of ours? Roth was pleased to receive the call and was ready to give the full rundown on JD Harrison. Senator Neshak decided to give Roth a little help with his plan to get JD into office. He called the local networks in Virginia and asked for all footage on JD Harrison. Once the information was received, Senator Neshak gave the footage to a head reporter at one of the major national networks. They edited different footage and began to air editorials pertaining to JD’s professional career. That footage included the gang reduction efforts, the attack on Tracy and the murder attempt on JD. The public wanted to know more about the young man who would bring Melvin to justice.

  With urging from the DNC, Senator Roth called JD and set up a meeting to revisit the question of him running for office. Roth had to get a commitment from JD, now.

  Senator Roth arrived at JD’s office precisely at 5:30. He knocked on the door while JD was on the telephone with Tracy. JD motioned for Roth to come in. “Babe, I’m not sure what time I’ll get home. Hopefully it will not be too late; wait up for me. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Roth smiled at the conversation. “I used to talk like that, you know,” Roth said laughingly when JD hung up the telephone.

  JD smiled. “I don’t know how she puts up with me, but I thank God every day that she does.”

  Roth took a seat. “JD, the result of the test puts us in a bit of a situation. I will technically be your father in-law.”

  JD thought for a moment. What he was about to say to Roth had to be done tactfully.

  “Senator, I can’t begin to imagine how many emotions you must be dealing with since the results came out. If they had come back inconclusive, I’m not sure I would be marrying Tracy at the end of the month. I never thought once about the situation all this has put you in. I don’t know if you have had a chance to work through all of this.”

  “It has caused me a sleepless night or two,” Roth replied, “but we both agree, neither Tracy nor Carolyn needs to know about this. It will only cause problems for everyone involved.”

  JD sat back in his chair. “You do realize Lena Washington is going to be a problem if she ever puts two and two together. How are you going to handle that?”

  Roth’s plan was to have the report altered. Roth knew JD would not like the plan he had to keep Lena Washington off him, b
ut it was the only way he knew to keep her from using the situation to her advantage. Roth sat up.

  “JD, there are a lot of things I am willing to be accountable for without hesitation. This situation, however, can be detrimental to Carolyn and Tracy. According to you, Lena will use whatever she has at her disposal to get whatever she wants. I am not willing to allow that type of person to have any information that can harm Carolyn. If I have to suppress information to protect her, I will.”

  “So you are keeping the report from Lena.”

  “Yes, and if she happens to come across it, it will reveal nothing.”

  JD understood where Roth was coming from, but it disturbed him that Roth could alter the report. It all seemed dishonest to him. “Are there any documents I have received from you that were altered in any way?” JD asked curiously.

  Roth was a little offended by the question. But he had to remember, JD dealt with issues head on then suffered the consequences.

  “Let me ask you a question, JD. Have you told Tracy about the results of the test?”


  “Why not?” Roth asked.

  “Tracy didn’t have a good childhood. There are a number of issues she is still trying to sort through concerning her mother. To give Tracy another issue with her mom would be cruel.”

  Roth sat back. “What is the difference between you withholding the information and what I am doing?”

  James Brooks walked through the door and addressed both Roth and JD. “You will be altering a legal document because you love your daughter. JD is withholding information because he loves your other daughter. If both of you continue down this path, it will backfire. It always does.”

  JD looked at his watch. He did set the meeting with James, Brian, Calvin and Douglas for 6:30. “Anyone else out there?” JD frowned, concerned someone else may have overheard.

  “No. If you plan to keep this information under wraps I suggest this be the last conversation you two have on the matter. The two of you must agree to let this go. Or at the very least be careful where you hold these conversations,” James advised.

  JD and Roth nodded in agreement. “Making this information public knowledge would not benefit anyone. Do we agree this conversation ends here?” Roth asked. JD nodded in agreement. James took a seat.

  “Are we making a decision tonight on the race?” James asked JD.

  “We are gathering information.”

  “No, son, we are making a decision tonight,” Roth corrected. “JD, you need to be aware of the interest that has surfaced since you took over the Melvin case. I have received calls from the national level concerning you. The question may not need to be publicized, but a decision must be made before we leave here tonight.”

  JD did not intend to go back on his word to Tracy. He promised a decision would not be made before the wedding. “I have a beautiful woman at home who I have to keep happy. She has moved us into a home without my assistance, completed the furnishing of that home without my assistance, and is now planning a wedding without my assistance. I am not going to do anything to upset her before she says ‘I do.’”

  Brian and Douglas walked through the door. Everyone spoke. JD buzzed Calvin, who was still in his office working. As Calvin came into the room he began the roundtable. The information on JD’s professional career was spotless. Calvin did a review on every case JD had ever handled. There was no indication of misconduct, no indication of racial bias, no indication of favoritism until the Day case.

  “What happened with the Day case?” Roth asked.

  Calvin looked at JD. “Al Day is Tracy’s brother. I handled the plea bargain with the AG’s office directly,” JD explained.

  “Was this before or after you became involved with Tracy?” Roth asked.

  JD shrugged. “That depends.”

  “On what?” Roth asked.

  “On what you consider involved,” JD replied.

  “Now is not the time to mince words,” Roth said.

  “I met Tracy when she was a sophomore in college. At the time I was an ADA. It did not seem proper for me to see someone that young, so I kept my distance. When I was assigned the Day case, we reconnected after the conviction and sentencing.”

  Roth thought about it. “Did you do anything in that case you would not have done in any other case?”


  “Then let’s move on.”

  Brian gave his findings. He did a thorough search into JD’s scholastic records and family. “I was able to pull records from the fifth grade through law school. He ranked second in the graduation class behind one Calvin Johnson.” Brian smiled as he turned to Calvin. “Man, I did not know you had it in you.” Calvin looked at JD. “His family is solid with the exception of one or two cousins and Uncle Joe. They have each had an infraction or two with the law.” Brian smiled.

  JD laughed, “What did you get, Doug?” JD asked.

  “The sports career of JD Harrison was honorable. The records are intact, but I did come across a police report at Harmon with the Harrison name connected, but it was sealed. Nothing else. Everyone I spoke with sung your praises on the court and field.”

  “It appears the only issue we will have to address will be Tracy.” James spoke up quickly. “The issue with her family and especially her brother will have to be addressed. From all accounts, this will be the area the opposition will find to be the most vulnerable.” James stood. “Knowing how you feel about Tracy, when anyone tries to attack her, you will react. However, this situation can be handled effectively if you are proactive with it.”

  “How do you mean?” Roth asked.

  “You take it to the media. You put it out front when you announce. Any questions that come up about it, you answer, without hesitation. Remember, you have nothing to hide here. Make a full disclosure of the case with her brother. And remember, in the end you did prosecute the brother of the woman you are marrying.”

  Roth agreed with the assessment James made. They discussed the different scenarios on how the information could be handled with the media.

  Next, they discussed the financial aspects of a campaign. “It could take serious money to run this campaign if you are opposed,” Calvin said.

  “I don’t think money or the opposition will be an issue if you decide to run,” Roth said. “The only thing missing at this point is your commitment.”

  JD stood, put his hands in his pockets and looked downward, searching his mind. Making this move would change his life and Tracy’s as well. JD had no doubt Tracy would support him if he decided to run for attorney general. This move would definitely keep his family out of harms’ way.

  The events of the past year had made JD keenly aware of his vulnerability. Under no circumstances did he want to take a chance on another shooting or attack on Tracy. They planned to start a family soon. Now he had to take the protection of his future children into consideration. After the loss of the baby, the reality of what he did for a living hit home. If JD continued in the role of district attorney, he would be just as involved in cases as before, which would place potential danger on his family. If he ran for AG and won, he would be working in the area he loved, which is the law. It might even afford him the opportunity to help a few people along the way. The two community groups he had started could certainly benefit from his being in office. This might give him a chance to help other localities with gang reduction. He might be able to bring the same level of success he had with the Richmond metro area to other parts of the state.

  JD looked around the room. The men in the room were looking to him as their leader. Senator Roth was there to support him in the political arena, in which he himself would be like a fish on land, completely out of his element. Then there were Brian and Douglas, the two men he knew would protect him and his loved ones against any foe, personal or professional. Then there was Calvin, JD’s childhood friend, now his confidant and most trusted advisor. And James Brooks, one of the most intelligent men he had come in contact w
ith in years. James was someone who had proven to be a good advisor and friend to him and Tracy. With this group of men behind him, JD was sure the advice and support would always be there for him. No one said anything as JD walked the room contemplating his next move.

  “James,” JD asked, “how bad can this get for Tracy?”

  James quietly advised JD, “Tracy is a very private person. Dealing with large groups of people is something she will be the first to tell you she is not good at. I have a different opinion. I believe Tracy has a certain affect on people. She has a way of making someone feel as if he is the most important person in the world when she talks to you. I honestly believe Tracy is your strongest asset. Now Tracy is not a Carolyn Roth, no offense meant, Senator, but Tracy will not play the political wife game. Tracy is going to be who she is, and as things come out about her past, it is going to hurt her.”

  Douglas added, “Tracy is a tough little lady, and she is smart on the street level and professional level. She will be able to handle the press.”

  Brian laughed. “Hell, she will have them eating out of her hands.”

  JD looked at his watch; it was after 10. He called home and put the call on speakerphone. “Hey, babe,” JD said.

  Tracy sounded asleep. “Hey, sweetie, when you coming home?” she yawned into the phone.

  “In a little bit,” JD replied. You sound tired.”

  “I am. If you keep leaving me alone at night I’m going to call Brian to take care of me.”

  Brian cleared his throat. “Hey, Tracy, babe I’m right here. Whatever you need I will be there in 10 minutes.”

  The guys in the room laughed at the expression on JD’s face. “Babe, you are going to get Brian’s ass whipped if you keep that up.”

  “Jeffrey, why do you have me on speaker phone?”

  “We were having a conversation I felt you should be a part of. Before you say anything, let me tell you who is here. Senator Roth, James, Douglas, Calvin and, of course, Brian, who I am about to put out.”


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