Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 46

by Iris Bolling

  “I believe JD and Tracy could accomplish anything as long as they are together. They feed off each other,” Douglas added.

  “Do you think with guidance and time they could capture the White House?” James asked.

  “What white house?” Ashley curiously asked.

  “The one in Washington,” Calvin answered.

  James sat back and watched the idea of it all going through the minds of JD and Tracy’s friends. If the people at this table did not believe, there was no need going to the public for anything more than the run for attorney general. As he surveyed the room he did not see any doubt in the faces of the people at the table. No one questioned the idea of JD and Tracy being in politics.

  “It’s no secret that some pressure is being put on JD to run for office,” James acknowledged. “If he decides to run, they will need the undying support of all of us at this table to succeed. Tracy is going to need each one of you ladies in her corner when news starts to hit the fan from JD’s past relationships. JD is going to need you guys behind him a hundred percent when questions come up about Tracy’s family,” James continued. “If any of you have the slightest doubt, now is the time to let them know. Once they get into it, there is no turning back.”

  “What about you, James; what’s your position on this?” Brian asked.

  “If JD decides to run, I will resign my position and put all my effort into getting him elected. That’s how much I believe in him.”

  “I can’t quit my job, but I will support Tracy on anything,” Rosaline added.

  “You definitely have me,” Cynthia responded.

  “I’m in for the long haul,” Douglas stated.

  “Brian and I will follow JD to the end,” Calvin replied.

  James looked at Ashley. “Anything that you or JD are a part of, I’m in,” she answered.

  Brian stared at James. “Brooks, let me ask you another question.”

  “What’s the question, Brian?”

  “I have been trying to hit that since high school,” he said pointing to Ashley. How in the hell did you slide up in there?”

  James smiled and looked at Ashley. “I was waiting for a real man, not a little boy,” Ashley responded.

  Doug and Calvin started laughing. “I have told you about asking questions you don’t want the answers to,” Cynthia stated, laughing along.

  “You all seem to be enjoying yourselves.” Everyone turned to see JD and Tracy standing there.

  “’Bout time you two got up,” Brian said.

  “Hey.” Ashley smiled. “Oh, you look much better now,” she said to Tracy.

  Tracy smiled. “Did you guys do this?”

  “We didn’t have anything else to do, so we came over here to hang out.” Doug smiled.

  “Cynthia, if you don’t get that huge Santa out of my front yard, I will cause you serious bodily harm,” Tracy ordered.

  “Can I watch?” Brian laughed.

  Cynthia smiled. “I knew you would just love that. And it blows up automatically when the lights come on. Now, how can you not love that?”

  “Have a seat; I’ll fix you a plate.” Rosaline laughed.

  Tracy inhaled. “Look at the tree! Cynthia, that is wonderful. How did you do that?”

  Cynthia was beaming with pride. “Don’t worry about it. Just remember to call me to do the White House tree when you get there.”

  Tracy frowned. “What?”

  JD handed a plate of food to Tracy then sat next to her. “You guys did a great job. Thank you.”

  “That’s what good friends do; support you when you’re standing and pick you up when you are down,” James offered.

  JD looked around the table. “Seems like you all have been picking us up a lot this year.”

  Tracy nodded. “It has been quite a year. I’m not sure how we would have made it through without each of you beside us. My prayer for the next year is to see each of you back here sitting in this exact spot.” Tracy was beginning to feel emotional again. So to break the mood she added, “Even you, Cynthia.”

  Everyone around the table laughed. “Oh, shut up and eat,” Cynthia said as she walked around the table to Tracy. Cynthia hugged her from behind. “I love you, too, Squirt Two.”

  Ashley and Tracy looked at each other stunned, and then started laughing.

  Chapter 43

  The Wedding

  Saturday, December 31st, was a beautiful day. The only true drama was the threat of snow by early evening, which just happened to be the time the wedding was scheduled. Everything else had fallen right into place. Cynthia made sure the smallest of details were addressed prior to her going to sleep the night before. Even the last minute change to the program was complete. Cynthia left nothing to chance. Looking back on the day, some would say Cynthia had a conversation with God as to what time to let the snow begin. The day was just that perfect for JD and Tracy.

  The bridal party started early with Penne, the hairstylist, and his team of beauticians handling the hair, nails and makeup. The women in this party were naturally beautiful; Penne just took each of them to the next level. Martha and Mrs. Langston were included in the package. To keep everyone relaxed Penne had a caterer prepare breakfast in the lobby of the salon. There were no other appointments set for the day. Only the Harrison-Washington wedding party was allowed. Once Penne was satisfied with each woman’s appearance, they were all allowed to leave.

  The women were stationed at Ashley’s condo; the men were at the house. Cynthia arranged for a full body massage to be given to each of the bridal party members. She didn’t want anyone tense, especially Tracy. Cynthia noticed all morning that Tracy was unexplainably calm, not showing any of the emotions a normal bride would have. There was no nervousness, or edginess. Tracy was just as pleasant and sedate as they come. That concerned Cynthia, but she was ready. Cynthia put a few valiums in her purse before she left home, just in case Tracy began to freak out at the last minute. What Cynthia did not know was that Tracy was the last person she had to be concerned with.

  After the rehearsal dinner the night before, JD and Tracy were forced to go in separate directions. Tracy was sent to Ashley’s condo with the ladies, JD back to the house with the guys. “We are not going to tempt fate,” Cynthia demanded. The men had the bachelor party and the ladies had a talk-a-thon. Both events went on into the wee hours of the morning. All the guys at the house were well over the legal limit for intoxication or just fell asleep. The women were all asleep, with the exception of Tracy and Ashley. Ashley could see Tracy was not going to get any sleep; she seemed to be losing her grip again. Ashley suggested she call JD just to talk for a minute, but before Tracy could dial the number, her cell phone rang.

  “Hey babe. Can you get out?” JD asked.

  Tracy looked around. “I think so. Where are you?” she asked, anxious to see him.


  Tracy smiled. “I’ll be down.”

  Ashley gave Tracy a robe. “It’s cold outside,” she said as she turned over to go to sleep.


  “Yeah, yeah, I’m going to tell Cynthia.”

  As soon as Tracy opened the door, JD grabbed her hand and ran to the car. “Cynthia is going to get you,” she said laughing.

  “She’s going to have to find us first.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere they will never think to look for us.” He smiled as he kissed the back of her hand. JD parked the car in his mother’s driveway, then opened the trunk and pulled out a sleeping bag. He took Tracy by the hand and walked to the back of the house. JD unzipped the sleeping bag, stepped inside, then sat in the lounge chair on the patio. Tracy sat between his legs and lay back against his chest. He wrapped the rest of the bag around his shoulders and Tracy’s body.

  “Did they really think they were going to be able to keep us apart tonight?” JD asked.

  “They sure were trying.” Tracy smiled. He kissed the top of her head. They sat there silent for a
few minutes. “Jeffrey,” Tracy said, “I’m so scared.”

  JD hugged her tight. “I know, that’s why I kidnapped you tonight.”

  Tracy exhaled, releasing tears. JD could feel the tension in her.

  “Tomorrow is just a formality, Trace. The people there will be there to wish us well.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not scared of the people. As long as you are at the other end of the walkway, I can ignore the people.” Tracy hesitated then continued. “I’m afraid I will disappoint you somewhere down the line.”

  He kissed the side of her face. “I’ve lived my entire life trying not to disappoint anyone. It doesn’t work. So I have learned to take it one day at a time, do the best I can then pray for another day to try again if I fail.” JD looked over the yard he used to watch his father working in and prayed his father was watching over him and Tracy tonight. “Are you concerned about me going into politics?”

  Tracy nodded her head. “I’m not sure I’m made for it, Jeffrey. I watched Carolyn at the engagement party. She is awesome. I know Gavin is the person out front, but Carolyn is steering that vessel.”

  JD laughed. “You’re right, and that’s what you do for me.” His tone changed to a serious one. He spoke calmly and thoughtfully. “I have grown in ways that I can’t explain since you came into my life, Trace. I truly believe I can do anything as long as you are with me. You make me better at everything I do.”

  Tracy smiled. “I don’t think there is anything you can’t do, Jeffrey. If you wanted to become governor of the state or president of the good old USA, I truly believe you could do it. And it doesn’t have anything to do with me. It’s just who you are.”

  “I know politics is not something you signed up for, but I would like to try it.” He hesitated and squeezed her tighter. “If you think it would interfere in our life together, I won’t do it. The only thing I will allow to interfere with you and me is our 12 children.”

  “Five, man.” She elbowed him in the stomach. “Five.”

  He laughed. “All right, but we get to start now.”

  Tracy shook her head. “No buddy, you not getting any until tomorrow.” She laughed.

  “You are acting like a wife already. A man can’t get any.” JD looked around the yard and thought about his dad. “My dad told me once if I was patient I would find a girl who would fulfill all my dreams. I hope he can see us here and know that I found that girl. I can’t wait to marry you, Tracy.” Her body relaxed against his. “This time tomorrow you will be Mrs. Jeffrey Harrison.”

  “I think I would like to go by Mrs. JD.” She smiled.

  JD laughed. “That’s the first time you ever called me JD.”

  Tracy pulled his arms tighter around her. “The first day I met you at the apartment, you introduced yourself as Jeffrey. You’ll always be Jeffrey to me.” She yawned.

  JD pushed Tracy’s head back against his shoulders and settled down in the blanket. “Go to sleep. You have to get up in two hours.” Tracy closed her eyes. Surprisingly, within minutes she was asleep.

  JD lay there having a one-sided conversation with God. His first request was to make sure his father knew he had found the girl of his dreams. Then he asked God to guide him in his life with Tracy. “Please give me the wisdom to make her feel loved every day of our life together. Bless us with healthy children, five or 12, your choice. Most importantly, Lord, please let tomorrow be a perfect day for her. If it’s in your power, have Tracy’s mother there. I think she would like that.” JD closed his eyes and fell asleep.


  Cynthia received a call from Brian. Since a number of senators, congressmen and the governor were attending the wedding, federal agents wanted to do a once-over of the church and reception hall within the hour, a matter of national security. Within another hour, Cynthia had received requests from the national networks to allow cameras in the church. Cynthia knew that would freak Tracy out, so she went to JD. “No, this is a private event. Don’t you think five hundred guests are enough?” he replied.

  Cynthia huffed; a part of her job was making sure the best decisions were made with all aspects taken into consideration. “JD, listen, before you give a flat-out no, national coverage of this event could do a world of good for the campaign. Both you and Gavin could benefit from the exposure.”

  JD stopped what he was doing. “Let me think about that for a moment; okay.” He put his finger to his chin and looked upward. “Hell to the no!”

  Cynthia huffed again. “Okay, what about outside of the church across the street. Now think, JD; that is public property. They don’t have to have our permission to be there. They could just catch you two coming out of the church,” Cynthia said, raising an eyebrow to a very reasonable compromise.

  JD thought for a moment. “Across the street from the church. I don’t want any cameras in Tracy’s face.”

  Cynthia smiled. “You got it. Oh, by the way, if Tracy so much as sneezes in the church today, I will kill you with my bare hands.”

  Innocently he replied, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “You damn well do know what I’m talking about. What were you thinking, sleeping out in the cold the night before the wedding? I swear you men just don’t think.”

  He smiled. “Neither one of us was cold.”

  Cynthia threw him a look of disgust. “I’m out. Make sure the guys are at the church by five.”


  Brian and Cynthia met the agents at the church at 2 p.m. Due to the nature of the event and the status of some of the guests, special arrangements had to be made to seat certain dignitaries early, Gavin and Carolyn being two of them. Carolyn called to get a precise time and place they should arrive. Cynthia gave Carolyn the information, and then stared at her cell phone when the call was complete. Brian watched her reaction to the call. “Gavin could not place that call to you. It would be too suspicious.”

  She glared at him. “Excuse you!”

  Brian snickered. “No excuse needed. You were wondering why Gavin didn’t call to get the information.” He walked over to her. “Carolyn always handles social events. If Gavin popped up with the information you just gave her, she would wonder why, thus raising suspicions. Gavin is not a dumb man; he knows what he is doing. The question is, do you?”

  Cynthia put her phone away. “As security, aren’t you supposed to keep everything you hear or see confidential?”

  Brian nodded. “Yeah, why—are you telling anyone?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. When she didn’t respond, he continued. “I didn’t think so. The question is still on the table; do you know what you are doing?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “Because I hate to see an intelligent woman, like you, get caught up in a no-win situation.”

  Cynthia started to say something, but he cut her off. “Gavin is not just marrying Carolyn, he is marrying the state. Neither of them is going to give up that goal. Carolyn didn’t give it up for JD and Gavin is not going to give it up for you. How long do you think it will be before someone gets wind of you and Gavin? Do you think he would jeopardize the campaign for you?”

  Cynthia went into her sister girl bag. “Thank you for your unsolicited account of my life. Now mind your own damn business.”

  “Every time he uses me to contact you, it puts me in a position to have to cover for his ass. That makes it my business. Oh, but, my bad, I thought you deserved better than an hour on Christmas Eve and a five-minute phone call on Christmas Day. But you made yourself clear. I will not speak about it with you again,” Brian shouted as he walked away. The agents walked through the door and Brian went to greet them.

  Cynthia knew he was right; she should not be second to anyone in a man’s eyes. Brian approached with the agents. Cynthia shook the conversation off then got back in business mode. “If you so much as disturb one rose petal, you will not have to be concerned with a terrorist attack—you will have to deal with me.”

  Brian looked at the agent. “Man, you
will have better luck with a terrorist, so don’t mess up the damn church.”

  They did a once-over on the church and strategically placed agents around the grounds. The same was done at the Renaissance.

  By the time Cynthia returned to the house it was time for the wedding party to leave for the church. She wanted all the women at the church by 4 p.m., since they were dressing there. Penne agreed to come in around 5 to do any last minute touch-ups to the hair. Photographers were scheduled for 4:30 to get the before pictures.

  TNT had all employees on this event. Each was equipped with an electronic communication device to have instant access to Cynthia. There were hostesses to handle the VIPs and hostesses assigned to the other guests. No one was going to walk away from this event feeling anything but pleasure at being a part of this couple’s special day.

  “It’s 3:30; the limo is out front, ladies. I need everyone front and center for inspection,” Cynthia yelled through the house.

  “What is she going to do, tag us as she completes her inspection?” Ashley laughed.

  Tracy was sitting in a lounge chair reading a book. “Let’s see what she needs,” she suggested.

  Ashley and Tracy went into the living room where the women were standing at attention in front of Cynthia. Cynthia, with her Bluetooth in her ear, looking like something from Star Trek, was walking the line checking the hair, makeup and nails of Rosaline, Monica, Martha and even Mrs. Langston.

  Tracy laughed. “She has them all standing at attention like soldiers or something.”

  Cynthia scowled at her. “Don’t you defy me, Tracy Washington, soon to be Harrison.”

  “Aye, right, Captain Kirk,” Tracy replied as she tripped while trying to stand at attention.

  Ashley was standing next to Tracy trying not to laugh, but it didn’t work for any of them. All the women began to laugh at the look Cynthia gave Tracy.

  Cynthia joined in. “All right, make sure you have your bags. Let’s get to the car.”

  Tracy hugged her. “Are you okay? You seem a little down.”


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