Mated to the Griffin (Elemental Mates, #5)

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Mated to the Griffin (Elemental Mates, #5) Page 5

by Chant, Zoe

  “Chiara!” someone shouted, the sound echoing through the large cave.

  Shocked, she stopped for a moment. Her heart began racing in her chest as she turned.

  I know that voice...

  And there, coming from a different tunnel than the one she’d just left, Jared appeared.

  How the hell had he made it down here? How had he found her?

  “Careful!” she shouted back. “There’s six of them. They’re close!”

  A heartbeat later, the first of the shadow-eyed men emerged from the tunnel she’d just left. His eyes were completely black. As soon as he saw her, he charged.

  “Hurry!” she yelled as terror made her blood run cold.

  She’d started running as soon as she’d seen the man appear. She was close now, so close...

  The entrance was looming before her, an archway of crystal—and the door stood wide open.

  She had no idea what she’d find inside. But the symbol on the map had been a maze, which was all she needed to know right now.

  Losing their pursuers would be a hell of a lot easier in a maze.

  She was almost there. Just a few more steps.

  She could hear angry cries behind her—and then, the most terrifying sound of all: the angry roar of a dragon.

  Her heart skipped a beat, but she gritted her teeth and forced herself to keep running.

  Then something grabbed her wrist.

  Terror closed around her heart.

  A second later, a strange feeling of warmth washed through her, as if she’d suddenly been enveloped by light. She’d felt that sensation before...

  When she turned her head, she saw that Jared had finally caught up with her. He kept a tight hold on her.

  Together, hand in hand, they raced through the open door while behind them, the terrifying rushing sound of giant wings filled the air.

  Then, with an eerie sound she could feel all the way echoing through her bones, the doors of crystal fell closed behind them.

  All sound died away. She could no longer hear Zane’s wings.

  For the first time since she’d been so rudely awakened, she was safe.

  Chapter Eight: Jared

  Jared was panting. He’d made it just in time.

  Several times, he’d thought he’d gotten lost inside the mountain—but just like a compass, there’d always been the sensation of a tiny light pulling his heart forward. Following it had led him straight to his mate. And just in time, too.

  If he’d hesitated just a little earlier, he’d be trapped outside with the shadow dragon now.

  “You all right?” he asked.

  Chiara wasn’t wounded, as far as he could see.

  Breathlessly, she nodded. And then she was in his arms, hugging him tightly as if she never wanted to let go again.

  “Thank God you’re here!” she gasped. “How did you even find me? I thought I was going to die all alone inside this mountain!”

  “I saw them kidnap you. I followed them. Sorry it took me so long.”

  “Are you crazy? Don’t apologize!” She laughed as she pulled back, shaking her head. “I can’t believe you did that. I’m so glad you’re here. And I’m so sorry I pulled you into this.”

  “I’m here because I want to be,” he said roughly, heat rushing through him at the sensation of her body pressed against his own.

  He fought his arousal down. Now really wasn’t the time. First, they’d have to find a way to escape...

  “So what do we do now? Try to get through the maze?”

  Chiara nodded. “I’ve got the map memorized. And I have absolutely no idea what we’ll find at the end. Hopefully my magic artifact, of course—but maybe also an exit?”

  “I’ll get you out of here,” Jared promised. “Don’t worry about that.”

  “I’m not going to watch while you fight a dragon and his creepy shadow-eyed lackeys.” Chiara shook her head at him, then grabbed his hand. She tugged at him. “Come on. The sooner we get going, the better. Who knows what those people will get up to. I’m not planning to stick around and find out.”

  The crystal was massive—and it seemed reinforced with a strange energy. It shone as if it was filled with light—not reflecting an outside source, but gleaming as if the crystal itself was the source of light.

  It was no dragon magic he’d ever seen. Still, there was definitely a very powerful source of energy behind it.

  A new elemental dragon. It has to be.

  Maybe that was whoever was hiding at the heart of the maze. And since the council of elements had sent him here, Jared assumed that the new dragon would be on their side.

  He can deal with the shadow dragon, if he makes it in.

  Despite his quest to find out what was behind this new addition to the council of elements, right now there was only one thing on Jared’s mind: to protect Chiara, and get her back out alive.

  “Lead the way,” he said, allowing himself to be pulled along.

  He tightened his own fingers around Chiara’s hand, the connection filling him with warmth and relief. He wondered if she could feel it too.

  Having to explain about the mate bond and that he was a shifter was going to be difficult after everything she’d been through.

  But then, once they’d made it to the heart of the maze and she’d found whatever it was she was looking for, she’d realize that she could trust him. And that not all shifters were monsters.

  “It’s incredible,” Chiara breathed as they walked along a path surrounded by gleaming crystal.

  The walls around them went right up to the ceiling of the giant cave—which meant that the shadow dragon couldn’t fly over the maze.

  Of course, it also meant that Jared wouldn’t be able to fly over it either. But he didn’t mind that if it meant that they were safe from dragon attacks from above.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Jared said softly.

  It was true: Sky Home, the seat of the council and the home of the chimera Gareth, was a beautiful, magical place. And Mountain View, the shifter town where he’d grown up, was a gorgeous small town high up in the mountains.

  Both were magical. Both were secret shifter places unknown to humans.

  But they were nothing like this.

  They’d definitely come to the right spot. Jared still had no idea what exactly they’d find, but there was something here. Something—or someone.

  Hopefully someone powerful enough to deal with our dragon friend out there...

  They had to backtrack several times. Even though Chiara had memorized the map, making their way through a real labyrinth of crystal was different.

  Every now and then, they heard a distant, dull roar. Once or twice, the crystal around them chimed as the ground trembled slightly.

  Zane had to be attacking the door.

  Jared clenched his jaw and tightened his fingers around Chiara’s hand.

  She looked at him. The worry in her eyes told him that she’d come to the same conclusion. But she didn’t speak. Instead, she raised her chin, determination in her eyes.

  “Not far now.” In the light of the crystals, her hair seemed to shine as well. “Let’s hope our secret magical artifact comes with an exit, or we’ll be in trouble.”

  “We’ll get out of here, no matter what.” It was hard to resist the temptation to pull her close, to bury his fingers in her hair and kiss her breathless. But there’d be time for that. After they’d made it out alive. “I promise.”

  She gave him a small smile that fanned the need in him. “I know I shouldn’t believe you, but I do. Weird, isn’t it? I don’t even know you. But then, I guess not every guy would put up with aliens and dragons and secret caves.”

  He felt an answering smile tug on his lips and pulled her to a stop after all.

  To hell with carefulness. A second or two would make no difference.

  “You’re worth absolutely any amount of aliens, dragons, and weird servants of Darkness,” he said earnestly—and then he did wh
at he’d been longing for all this time.

  He buried his hands in her hair, feeling the straight, pastel-colored hair fall over his fingers like a silken veil, shining pink and blue and green just like the crystal.

  Her mouth was soft and yielding beneath his as he tasted her with all the hunger he’d tried to keep buried.

  She fit perfectly into his arms, as if she’d been made for this. For a long moment he allowed himself to simply hold her.

  Her scent surrounded him, sweet and floral with something warm beneath—something that made him want to kiss every inch of her skin until she was flushed and trembling all over.

  They couldn’t—not now. Not here, trapped in a maze with a homicidal dragon on the loose.

  But soon—as soon as he’d gotten them out of this place.

  “A good-luck kiss,” he said when their lips finally parted, smiling at her flushed face. “Can’t hurt to use some magic of our own, can it?”

  “That was quite some good luck.” She smiled back, looking dazed and happy, her eyes warm and full of overwhelmed joy.

  She looked good like that. He’d never known this feeling before—but now he knew why all the dragons had gone crazy for their mates almost immediately.

  It was because he’d never felt anything like the golden warmth that was now spreading through him at the sight of her smile. Kissing her, tasting her—that was better than the finest wine.

  And claiming her as his own... He could barely think of it. Even imagining her gorgeous, soft limbs spread out on white sheets was enough to send heat surging through his body.

  He licked suddenly dry lips.

  Later, he promised his griffin. Once we’ve made it to somewhere safe.

  “I think we’ll need luck where we’re going.” Once again he reached up, gently touching the pastel rainbow of her hair, admiring the way it shone in the eerie light coming from the crystals.

  She tilted her head into his touch, her eyes dark and warm. “I’m glad you’re here with me,” she said softly.

  “I’m glad, too.”

  Once more he kissed her, this time almost chastely, a brush of his lips against hers. Then there was the distant roar of an angry dragon again.

  They took a deep breath, then hurried on.

  The maze was huge. It felt like they’d been walking in it for an hour. Jared couldn’t help but feel awed by Chiara, who led them through it as if she knew the labyrinth inside out.

  “I was terrified I’d lose the map.” She laughed softly and shook her head. “I guess I was right; I just didn’t think it would get stolen by a dragon. Still, it’s a good thing I spent all these nights studying the map. I didn’t stop until I could draw a picture of it with my eyes closed—ah! Here we are!”

  Before them, a wall of crystal had appeared.

  It was noticeably thicker than the walls that surrounded them—or maybe it was just that the light shining inside it was stronger.

  At first glance, it looked like any other dead end in the maze. If he’d been alone, Jared would have probably just turned back around as soon as he saw that the path had come to an end.

  Instead, Chiara impatiently pulled him straight towards it.

  “It’s a door,” she said, peering up at the impenetrable wall of crystal. “At least that was the symbol on the map.”

  “Did the map say how to open it?”

  Chiara bit her lip and shook her head. “There was another symbol drawn on it—the magic one. The triangle with the three lights.”

  “Does that mean we need magic to get in?” Jared felt his hopes sink. He might be a shifter—but unlike the elemental dragons, he had no special powers.

  He did have his wings... But for once, those were of no use. The giant door before them reached right up to the roof of the cave, just like the surrounding walls.

  “Maybe,” Chiara said distractedly. “I was thinking that perhaps, it means that only someone who’s searching for the magical artifact will be let inside.”

  “Very Indiana Jones,” Jared murmured, amused. “Or maybe only someone who deserves it?”

  “Which is clearly me.” Chiara stepped forward, a determined look on her face. Then she pressed her flat hand against the door.

  Nothing happened.

  “Open Sesame?” she tried, adding her other hand.

  The door didn’t budge.

  “Here, let me try.” Jared came up to her side. “Maybe what it needs is two. Maybe what it needs is—”

  True Mates, he almost said. He bit the words back at the last moment.

  He still had to explain to Chiara about mates, but now probably wasn’t the best of times.

  Instead, before she could ask a question, he pressed his hand against the crystal, right next to hers.

  For a heartbeat, nothing happened, and he watched as Chiara’s face fell.

  Then, slowly, the light intensified. It came from the crystal door before them. The light was pulsing, changing hues from gold to blue to pink and back again, faster and faster.

  A moment later, the crystal vibrated against their hands. And then the door opened.

  Chapter Nine: Chiara

  Chiara gasped.

  Before her, a crystal cave spread. Everywhere she looked, beautiful translucent pillars reached up towards the sky.

  They still had to be underground, but the cave was filled by so much light that it felt as if they’d stepped right into a sunlit glade.

  Only there were no trees. Or rather, there were trees, but they were made of crystal...

  “There, look!”

  Jared’s voice was awed as he pointed to a pulsing brightness at the end of the cave.

  It almost looked like a fountain of pure light.

  When they moved closer, they saw that it was indeed a fountain. Water fell in graceful arches—and it shone brilliantly, illuminated from within just like the crystal.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she breathed.

  And then she realized where the source of light came from that made the water shine.

  At the heart of the fountain, on a slender pillar of mother-of-pearl, a small artifact was resting.

  The magic artifact. It’s real. It’s really real, and I’ve found it!

  Dazed, she leaned forward, ignoring the water soaking her arms.

  Her fingers were trembling as she reached out for it—but it didn’t vanish as soon as she touched it. Instead, it felt solid. It felt real.

  I really did it!

  Breathless with excitement, she closed her fingers around it. Then she pulled it out of the fountain.

  She couldn’t say what she’d been waiting for. It was the magical artifact she’d sacrificed so much for, so surely something magic should have happened.

  Instead, the artifact rested in her hand, heavy and cool.

  With a frown, she stared at it. It didn’t actually look all that magical, now that she was able to study it.

  It looked like a necklace of heavy gold. On a chain, a round disk rested. It reflected the light beautifully—but there was nothing magic about it that she could see.

  With a frown, she turned it—and then she gasped.

  On the underside of the golden disk, there were more symbols.

  At the center, there was the triangle with the three lines pointing up. Surrounding it, she saw further symbols—some looked like mountains, others like star constellations.

  Narrowing her eyes, she kept twisting and turning the disk—but nothing else happened.

  There was no sudden outburst of magic, no secret revealing itself with a puff of smoke and an explosion of light.

  The medallion was reassuringly heavy in her hand. It had to be real gold. But that was all it was.

  Just a piece of jewelry.

  Desperately, she tried to bite back her tears. Was this what she’d given up her entire life for? Was this what she’d quit her job for, sold her car, spent all of her tiny savings on?

  This was nothing. It wouldn’t convince anyone of anything.
She was exactly where she’d always been—the crazy lunatic who’d seen a werewolf, and who now had a pretty necklace she claimed was magic.

  She knew what her dad would have to say about that.

  “Can I see it?” Jared asked.

  Wordlessly, she handed the necklace over.

  The moment his hands touched the gold, a rumble went through the cave. All around them, the crystal chimed, like the glasses in her cupboard when there was an earthquake.

  Was this an earthquake? Or had the dragon managed to break into the maze at last?

  “I think we really should leave...” She reached out to grab Jared’s arm.

  And then the ground opened up beneath them.

  She screamed as they began to fall.

  All around them, crystal was bursting. The translucent trees she’d so admired were splintering into a thousand glistening pieces. The delicate beauty of the light-filled cave that had seemed so magical to her vanished within seconds.

  Instead, all that was left was a giant, black void the shattered crystal was falling into. It still pulsed faintly with the remnant of the beautiful light—and they were falling into it as well, along with the crystal.

  There was nothing beneath them but darkness now.

  Were they still inside the mountain? Or had they been transported to some terrible, magical place? Somewhere where they would just fall endlessly into an abyss, swallowed by darkness?

  Or maybe the theories about aliens had been right all along, and this was what it felt like to get transported to outer space for alien experiments...

  Suddenly, there was a new sound. At first, Chiara couldn’t place it. It was a loud rushing sound, almost as loud as the thunder of her heartbeat in her ears.

  Then she realized where she’d heard it before. It was the rushing sound of giant wings beating the air.

  The dragon!

  A heartbeat later, she found herself clutched by giant claws.

  She almost felt grateful that Zane had come to kidnap her again—before she realized that below her, Jared still had to be falling to his death.

  She squirmed in the claws, desperately reaching out into the gloom.

  “Jared!” Her terrified voice echoed eerily in the vast darkness below.


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