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Kytrima_Wrong Side of the Dragon

Page 10

by Rinelle Grey

  Nate did though. He lunged towards his brother, towards the gun he held, trying to push it away from Kytrima. “Don’t shoot,” he said, his voice panicked.

  Despite the danger, Kytrima’s heart sung out.

  He did care about her.

  That knowledge made it easier for her to stand motionless when the weapon went off as it moved. Nate had managed to shift it enough that it didn’t hit her directly, the bullets all crashed into the dirt in front of her. But several of them ricocheted back up with enough force to tear into the flesh on her front legs.

  Pain sliced through her, and Kytrima felt her legs buckle under her. She couldn’t bite back a cry of pain.

  Nate glanced over at her, agony written on his face.

  His brother glared at him and lifted the gun again.

  “Don’t hurt her,” Nate said desperately. “Please?”

  There was anguish on his brother’s face too, as he stared at Nate. Kytrima was almost certain he understood. But it didn’t stop him from saying, “She’s trying to hurt Lyrian and I can’t let her do that.”

  Kytrima braced for the sting, no longer afraid. Nate cared about her. Was willing to fight his brother for her. That was the only thing that mattered. She could take whatever they threw at her so long as she knew that.


  Nate’s heart hammered in his chest. He couldn’t believe Brad had shot Kytrima.

  Well, actually, it had been his fault. He’d been trying to stop him and it had backfired. He had no way of knowing if Brad would have actually shot or not without his intervention.

  But if he didn’t do something, he might find out. Brad was aiming at Kytrima again.

  Nate needed to stop him. Properly this time.

  “Let me take care of it,” he said desperately. He glanced at his brother, then across at Kytrima. Her eyes met his, he could see the pain in them

  And the trust.

  He wasn’t sure what had happened, but somewhere along the line, something had changed.

  Kytrima had found them, but she hadn’t even tried to attack Lyrian. Didn’t Brad see that?

  “I can take care of it,” Nate repeated.

  It wasn’t enough. Brad’s expression didn’t change, remaining stony and firm. And he couldn’t blame his brother. He didn’t know Kytrima like Nate did. He was just protecting his dragon, like Nate wanted to protect his.

  He needed to do more than talk.

  He let go of the gun and headed for Kytrima, hoping against hope that his intuition was right. That she didn’t want to hurt the princess anymore.

  That she didn’t want to hurt him.

  He put his hands up, hoping to indicate that he didn’t want to hurt her either.

  She watched him come, not moving, her eyes whirling with mingled pain and hope. Nate walked up to her, his heart aching at the sight of the large wounds on her front legs. Those had to hurt.

  He winced. “Are you all right?” he asked quietly.

  “My injuries are minimal,” Kytrima’s voice said in his head. “They are not enough to stop me fighting.”

  Nate’s heart skipped a beat. Had he made a mistake? Did she want to fight Lyrian?

  She didn’t move though. Did that mean there was a chance they could solve this without any further injury?

  Nate needed to know. Needed to be certain.

  He needed to convince her not to fight.

  Because he couldn’t bear it if she did. If she attacked Lyrian, he couldn’t stop Brad shooting her. He wouldn’t even try, no matter how much it ripped his heart apart.

  “Don’t do this,” Nate said quietly. “Don’t make me pick a side.”

  “I don’t intend to attack the princess,” Kytrima said, her voice was gentle. “That’s not why I’m here. I meant what I said yesterday. I love you. And I think your brother loves the princess. I will not do anything that might tear them apart.”

  She lowered her head towards him, nudging him gently.

  Nate felt tears prick at the back of his eyes. He wanted to believe her. Wanted to declare his love too. But there was still too much at stake. He couldn’t even begin to think about what this might mean while his brother still held that shotgun.

  While his brother was still afraid she might hurt the one he loved.

  He needed to diffuse this situation, and convince both his brother and the dragon princess that Kytrima wasn’t a threat. It was the only way to keep her safe.

  He pulled back and looked up at Kytrima’s dragon form, too worried to even take in how magnificent it was. He’d have to appreciate her later. “If that’s the case, return to your human form and I might just believe you.”

  For a moment, Kytrima didn’t move, and Nate wondered if she had told him the truth. Did she love him? Was she willing to give up chasing the princess for him?

  He never would have asked it of her, but it was also the only way they could ever be together. He could never support someone who wanted to harm his brother or anyone his brother loved.

  He saw a ripple through her scales, and then she was changing, morphing.

  Then Kytrima stood in front of him again. The Kytrima he knew, in human form.

  Except she was naked.

  Well, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen that before. And hoped to again. Right now though, Nate was more concerned about the blood pouring out of the wounds on her hands and arms.

  He needed to help her heal, but first, they needed to make things right with his brother.


  Kytrima took a deep breath, trying to ignore the stinging in her arms and hands. The bullets hadn’t hit anything serious. They were only flesh wounds, and would heal quickly. With or without the Mesmer.

  She focused on turning and walking towards the princess and Nate’s brother. This was more important than her wounds. If she didn’t get this right, then she and Nate had no chance.

  When Nate reached out and took her hand, it helped push the pain away.

  What did pain matter when she had a chance at what she wanted more than anything else?

  She’d never understood the power of love before. It had eluded her, even while she believed in it. But now she understood.

  She could sense the princess’s defensive wall of magic in front of her and stopped before she ran into it. Nate stopped too, even though he could see nothing.

  “Go on,” Nate urged, giving her a smile.

  Kytrima took a deep breath. This was her chance to impress the princess. And it might be the only one she ever got. She inclined her head, trying to show respect in a way the princess might understand. “Please accept my humble apologies for any trouble I have caused you.”

  The words didn’t quite feel right. They seemed completely inadequate for the mistakes she’d made.

  “What’s going on?” Nate’s brother demanded, looking from Nate to Kytrima then back.

  Nate gave Kytrima’s hand a squeeze, and gave his brother a sheepish grin. “I think I might have fallen in love, bro. These dragons are far too alluring.”

  His brother stared at him in surprise.

  Kytrima held her breath. It was all up to them now. She’d done her best. It would either be good enough, or it wouldn’t.

  She didn’t even want to think about what would happen if it wasn’t.

  “So, what do we do now?” Brad asked. He looked over at Lyrian, and Kytrima did too.

  It was all up to her.

  The princess regarded her thoughtfully for a few moments.

  The Rian dragon was in love with Nate’s brother. She’d understand, wouldn’t she? Kytrima hardly dared hope.

  “I will not stand in the way of two people in love,” Lyrian’s voice said finally, directly into Kytrima’s head. “But even if you have chosen not to attack me, you are still Trima. If you wish to be together, you both must leave and never return.”

  Kytrima’s heart sank. It wasn’t enough.

  Of course it wasn’t. Kytrima was Trima clan. The princess could never tru
st her. Never have her around her. If Nate followed her, he wouldn’t see his brother, or his brother’s family, again.

  Nate loved his brother. Kytrima could see that. She could never ask him to leave.

  But she couldn’t bring herself to either.


  Nate stared at Lyrian, his heart refusing to hear what she’d just said.

  “But…” his voice trailed off.

  He got that Lyrian felt threatened by the other dragon, but Kytrima had done everything in her power to show that she didn’t want to hurt her. Surely the princess could see that?

  Surely this wasn’t it?

  She’s said leave and never come back. Did that include him, if he went with Kytrima? If he and the Trima dragon mated, and Nate was seriously considering it after all this, then did that mean he would never see his brother again? How about his niece?

  He didn’t want to give up his brother, or give up Kytrima. There had to be a way to resolve this.

  He stared over at Brad. “Help me out here.”

  Brad looked as concerned and worried as he did. He was in the middle just as much as Nate was, facing the exact same dilemma—did he lose his brother or the one he loved?

  “Surely there’s a way to sort this out,” Brad said, holding up his hands. “I mean, it’s not like you and I…” He trailed off under the princess’s stony look. She clearly wasn’t convinced.

  Nate looked from one to the other. Did his brother’s words indicate that all wasn’t well between him and the princess?

  Nate had been so sure they were in love.

  Even if they weren’t, that didn’t make it simple. The princess’s voice was gentle as she said, “You are connected to me through Anarian. I doubt there is any possibility of you giving that up.”

  Of course there wasn’t. Nate wouldn’t ask him to either. His heart sank.

  But Brad wasn’t done arguing. “I intend to see her, of course, but I don’t see…”

  “Then that makes you part of Rian clan,” Lyrian interrupted, “Regardless of our relationship. If your brother mates with the Trima dragon, he is part of Trima clan. The two clans do not socialise. We are at war. Do you not understand what that means?”

  Her words sent a jolt through Nate. If he mated with Kytrima?

  Of course, that was where this was leading. He knew that. He wanted it even. But it was still a shock to hear her say it so matter of factly.

  He glanced over at Kytrima, and she was looking as concerned and shell shocked as he was.

  “Of course I do,” Brad said impatiently. “But this war is between dragons, not between my brother and me. I have no intention of socialising with the Trima dragon, and Nate…” he glanced over, then heaved a sigh. “I’m sure Nate can survive without spending time with Anarian.”

  Nate felt a pang of sadness at his brother’s words. While he understood why Brad said it, he regretted the fact he wouldn’t have a chance to get to know his niece. He suspected that if the other dragons he’d met were anything to go by, then she’d be a fun kid.

  But apparently even that wasn’t enough. Lyrian shook her head. “I’m sorry, Brad, but it’s just not possible. No matter how hard you try, information could slip through. I cannot put my clan at risk. You have to make a choice.”

  Her words were filled with sympathy, but Nate was pretty sure that no amount of arguing was going to change her mind. He bit back a sigh.

  Brad had obviously come to the same conclusion. “I’m sorry, Nate…”

  Nate understood. He’d do the same thing in Brad’s shoes. But it still tore his heart apart.

  Kytrima wasn’t quite ready to give up. “There must be some other way,” she said desperately. “Some way Nate and I can be together without him losing his brother.” She looked over at Nate, and he could see the determination in her eyes.

  His heart overflowed with love. It made no difference to her. Surely she knew that he would choose her? But she still wanted to find a way to fix it for him.

  Kytrima turned to Brad and said earnestly, “I know how much he cares about you. He’s done nothing but search for you since he arrived.” She looked at Lyrian. “Please.”

  Nate didn’t hold out much hope of her plea being successful, he couldn’t see anything that could fix this. He and his brother were on opposite sides of a dragon war. How could you resolve that?

  But when he looked at Lyrian, she was looking thoughtful.

  When she spoke though, her mind-voice was hard and ominous. “There is only one way I can see it being possible. Renounce your clan. Give up Trima, and return to Rian clan. Then, maybe, I can trust you.”

  Nate felt his eyes widen.

  He’d been hoping for a solution, but that one hadn’t occurred to him.

  Renounce her clan?

  He’d never met Kytrima’s clan, but from the way she talked about them, he suspected that they were like family. Didn’t Lyrian get how hard giving that up would be? Surely she wouldn’t be willing to leave her own clan? Not just for him.

  He couldn’t ask that of Kytrima. He had no right.

  But Kytrima swallowed, and turned to stare at him.

  He could see it in her eyes. The love she felt for him shone as clearly as a summer’s day. Before he could say anything, she squared her shoulders, and turned back to Lyrian. “Would Rian clan accept me?”

  Nate held his breath, giving Kytrima’s hand a squeeze. His heart was overflowing with love that she was prepared to do this for him. Emotion welled up in him, causing a lump to form in his throat, and no amount of swallowing would budge it.

  This was their last chance. If this failed, it was time for him and Kytrima to leave.

  Now, he knew that he would go with her, no matter what it cost him. She was prepared to give up her own family, doing the same was the least he could do.

  He wasn’t sure where they could go, whether her clan would accept them after she’d let the princess go, but so long as they were together, that was all that mattered.

  There was a sadness to Lyrian’s voice as she answered, “I am all that is left of Rian clan, and I will accept you.”

  Nate could almost hear her heart breaking. Apparently she did know what it meant to lose her clan. He glanced over at Kytrima, wondering if she had known this.

  Clearly she didn’t. She stared at Lyrian in disbelief. “But… don’t you know? Rian clan is alive and well.”

  “What?” Lyrian demanded, her eyes whirling. “Where?”

  Her huge dragon body suddenly shifted and morphed, turning back into a human. A naked human. Nate looked away quickly. Kytrima being naked he could handle, but not his brother’s girlfriend.

  “Where they have always been, at the wave rock,” Kytrima said. She wasn’t bothered by the other dragon’s nakedness. She stared at her solemnly.

  Lyrian wasn’t bothered by being naked either. She had bigger concerns. “That’s not true. I’ve been there, and it was empty. You lie.”

  She took a step towards Kytrima, her eyes burning with anger, and for a moment Nate wondered if he was going to have to step between them again.

  “No, it’s true,” Kytrima insisted. “They returned there after Taurian woke. A few weeks ago.” She hesitated for a moment, then added, “Ultrima made a deal with them. He wouldn’t attack the clan if Taurian married the human woman he was with.”

  “If that’s true, then why did you attack me?” Lyrian demanded. “Did you break this deal?” She glared at Kytrima, as though sure she was lying.

  Kytrima didn’t even flinch. “Waking you and your brothers and sisters wasn’t part of the deal. Ultrima only intended to stop the fight that was costing both dragons lives, not give the Rian clan a free pass to do whatever they wanted.”

  Lyrian stared at her for a long moment, and Nate held his breath. Would she believe Kytrima?

  Lyrian stared at her for a long moment. “That is possible,” she said gruffly. “I haven’t been back to the lair in nearly a year. Taurian’s Mesmer
chamber was disturbed far more recently than that.”

  Nate held his breath. Did this mean that she was accepting Kytrima into the clan?

  “There is only one way to be sure,” Lyrian said finally. “We must go there and see for ourselves.”

  She looked at Kytrima. “What is your name?”

  “Kytrima, Princess,” Kytrima said. Then she paused. “Or I suppose it is Kyrian now…” She stared at Lyrian, waiting for her response.

  Nate was confused for a moment. What did names have to do with anything?

  Then he got it. The second part of the dragon’s name was their clan. Changing her name signified acceptance of changing her clan.

  He was going to have to remember that name change. He suspected it would be important.

  The princess nodded. “Kyrian, you can come with us. If all is as you say, then I welcome you back, sister.”

  Nate hardly dared hope that this was it. That it was all resolved.

  Chapter 19

  Kyrian followed Nate, his brother, and the princess into the house. Her new name and new affiliation felt weird, but… good.

  The idea of giving up her clan made her feel a little guilty, but really, she wasn’t the first to make such a change for love. Ultrima had left Rian clan and formed his own clan. She was just reversing that situation.

  She suspected, or at least hoped, that he would support her in her choice.

  Rian clan seemed like they would. The princess had accepted her back into her clan, had even suggested it herself… She would never have expected that.

  Would anyone in Trima clan believe her if she’d told them?

  “You can wash up and I will find you some clothes,” Princess Lyrian offered. “Once we are dressed, we will go find my clan.”

  Her voice shook with suppressed excitement.

  Kyrian stared down at the still bleeding wounds, and bit back an objection. Now that the adrenaline was leaving her system, the wounds hurt like hell. She was pretty sure at least one of the shotgun pellets was still lodged in there somewhere.

  But she had sustained worse. She would survive. What was important right now was convincing the princess she spoke the truth.

  Once the whole Rian clan had accepted her and her relationship with Nate was assured, then she could really relax. There would be time for healing then.


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