Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1)

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Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1) Page 14

by Betsy Anne

  I begin to cry, and without a word, Melanie gets out and shoos me into the backseat while she gets into the driver’s seat and buckles her belt.

  “What’s going on? Would someone tell me please? Why are we leaving, we just got here and I want to see Jason!”

  She is genuinely concerned, and more than a little confused. Melanie speaks quietly: “We’ll catch you up when we get back to the house. I think our nails will have to wait for now.” She looks at me with concern, squeezes my hand, and we’re quiet all the way back to the house. She gets out three wine glasses, and clucks her tongue while she looks for a good wine to start us off.

  “Aha! Just the right choice. Will go down nice and smooth.”

  She walks into the living room and passes each of us a glass and fills each to the rim.

  “OK, start talking. I’ve waited long enough,” Colleen says with a huff. I had a good cry on the ride home, so I’m dried up at this point. Melanie glances at me as if to ask, “Want me to tell the story?” I give her a nod, and she begins.

  “Well, I don’t know if you know, but Jason has been traveling a bit to see clients when necessary.”

  Colleen looks a bit sad because she knows Jason and I have always vowed to never be apart for long. Melanie continues, “That part hasn’t been too bad, our Katie here has really stepped up.” She gives me a nod for reassurance.

  “Anyway, about a week or so ago, my husband saw Jason in the airport lounge with a woman.”

  Colleen breaks in, “So? Are you kidding? Kat, Jason would be the last person on Earth to cheat! Please tell me you don’t really think that. He loves you!” She sits next to me and grabs my hands tightly. I know what she’s saying is true.

  “When Chris told me that, he also mentioned that this woman was touching Jason’s arm, and sitting close to him.”

  Colleen looks shocked. She knows Jason as well as anyone, and knows that this behavior would be strange for him to tolerate.

  “When I mentioned it to Katie, I just assumed that it was someone he worked with because he obviously knew her. Katie has never met anyone who fits her description.”

  I choose this opportunity to chime in.

  “The other thing is that I found a receipt from that restaurant with her writing on it. “I really need to talk to you. Lunch? On me.” It was also on Valentine’s Day, Coll. Can you see why I might be suspicious?”

  Colleen, in her way, is processing this information. She isn’t going to throw Jason under the bus; she knows there has to be a good explanation. “Well, we both know that Jason had to know her already, otherwise he wouldn’t have been sitting there with her. Did he mention anyone else he was traveling with? Maybe they knew each other from work and just ran into one another? But why Valentine’s Day? That’s his special day with you.”

  “He told me that morning that one of his players had been injured, and had to be tended to immediately. He was really upset about it. He had even planned something for us that Melanie was in on.”

  “OK, so not a planned thing. See, you have nothing to worry about. Jason is the most loving, dedicated person I know. I’m really shocked at you, Katie, for making such a rash judgment.” She looks as if I’d slapped her. She also gives Melanie a bit of a glare, assuming that she’s fueling the fire.

  “Colleen, the reason I got upset this afternoon, was that the woman coming out of his office fit the mystery woman’s description exactly. She’s obviously not a client, and Jason generally meets with salespeople outside of office hours. He feels it’s not professional to have a waiting room full of patients and sales reps at the same time.”

  Colleen seems lost in thought. She probably feels bad for the comments about the woman and Tom. “I still don’t see it, Kat. Have you discussed this with Jason? It’s not like the two of you to have secrets.”

  “There’s another thing I haven’t mentioned. It’s a little embarrassing, but I’ve been having these dreams.”

  They’re both on the edge of their seats.

  “They are erotic, and explicit. They started before I heard about this woman, but she and Jason are the starring players. Her image gets a bit clearer with every dream I’ve had, and today I felt like I was looking right at the same person when I saw her come out of his office.”

  Melanie’s head pops up. “More than just that one dream you told me about?”

  She thought she knew the whole story. She seems stunned, and so does Colleen.

  “I had one just last night that took place in his office. What can this mean? Am I psychic? Does that mean it’s really happening?”

  I break down again and start sobbing. My two closest friends in the world are immobilized by this information. Melanie speaks first. “I really don’t know what to say. Have you ever had dreams or visions before?”

  “Not that I remember. Maybe. I just don’t know.

  I’ve had a few about the kids that have come true, but I always thought they were a kind of coincidence, like a Mom thing. Have you guys?”

  They both shake their heads. OK, it’s official. Lock me up in the loony bin; I’ve lost all touch with reality. Just then, Colleen shoots up from her seat.

  “Her badge! She was wearing a badge!”

  “What are you talking about?” I’m baffled by her strange reaction.

  “That woman we saw today was wearing a conference badge, probably from the same conference as Tom. She must be a drug rep!”

  She looks so happy with herself. Of course, this only explains what she does for a living, and not why I seem to be having sex dreams about her and my husband. Colleen sees my expression, and decides to clarify. “What I mean is that we can find out who she is, and what her story is. We may even be able to find out why she was at the airport the same day as Jason.”

  She looks at me expectantly. Melanie pipes up as well. “We should go and see if we can find her or her company at the convention. Colleen, aren’t you and Tom staying at the same hotel?”

  “Yes! I even have a badge of my own, so I can roam the floors. There’s a big cocktail hour tonight that I’m skipping. We should go to the hotel and see what we can find out. If she’s an attendee, she’ll be there tonight.”

  I feel like we’re a group of teenage girls trying to spy on a boy. The kids are out tonight, and I haven’t checked in with Jason yet. I shoot him a quick text telling him that our plans have changed, and we’re having dinner in the city, just us girls. He doesn’t have to take us out after all. He responds right away: That’s too bad! I was really hoping to see Colleen. Is she still spending the night?

  I try to keep my reply short. Not sure, I’ll text you later.

  The three of us freshen up, and head back out to my car. We are headed for the Ritz downtown

  Chapter 23


  Something’s up with Katie. I can’t put my finger on it, but her behavior has been strange.

  Dear God, I hope she hasn’t seen my phone.

  Chapter 24


  I feel ridiculous. Here we are, three grown women acting like seventh graders, seventh graders who can drive and order booze. We get to the hotel, and it’s crazy inside. There must be thousands of people at this function. Everyone is nicely dressed, and we look like the decorations committee at the prom. We rush to the elevators, and head up to Colleen and Tom’s room. She called to tell him that we were coming over, and he is thrilled. He tells her he’ll meet us in the lobby later.

  “OK girls, what are we wearing?” She asks as we enter her hotel room. She opens her closet, and I swear there are at least five cocktail gowns hanging.

  “What is all that?” I ask. “How long are you staying?”

  She smiles and says, “You know me, I hate to have the wrong outfit. Poor Tom never questions me anymore. Choose a dress, and I’ll go throw on a little more makeup.”

  Not the plan.

  “I thought maybe you could do all the snooping? First of all, Melanie and I are not fitting into any of yo
ur dresses, and secondly, we don’t have badges. I don’t want to be conspicuous, even though that’s exactly what we are.”

  That thought hits a nerve when I say it out loud. What am I doing? Spying on a woman who is a stranger? I’m not feeling like my best self, as Oprah would say.

  “OK. I’ll go down with Tom and make the rounds. I’ll find out what I can and text you. If you change your mind, those dresses will accommodate your adorable figures.”

  She heads to the bathroom. After she leaves, Melanie and I decide to hit the minibar, hard. We take out all the little bottles, some juice as a mixer, and make some interesting concoctions.

  We may have to crash here on the floor tonight. I hope Tom’s company understands when it gets the bill.

  “You know everything will turn out OK, right?” Melanie asks as sweetly as she can. I know she’s a little jaded when it comes to men, but I think she really believes in what Jason and I have. If he’s cheating on me, then her hope for all other men is gone.

  “I know it will. I feel silly even dragging you girls through this. When it all turn outs to be nothing, we can laugh at my insanity,” I say as lightly as possible, but right now I don’t feel so jolly. We don’t say much else after that; we both just sit on the bed waiting for Colleen to give us some information. After about an hour, I turn on the TV. I can’t stand the waiting. I know there are a lot of people down there; I hope she can find her. Melanie and I are watching a reality show when my phone buzzes with a text. I throw myself at the nightstand to get it. It’s from Colleen: Finally found her. Getting some intel, BRB

  That’s it? Now I do feel like heading down there myself and walking straight up to her and asking just who the hell she is.

  “All right, I’m going down. I can’t stand it anymore,” I huff to Melanie.

  “Do you want me to come, too? I’m sure if I hold my breath I can squeeze into one of those outfits.” Melanie laughs a little, but there’s no way. I throw on a knee-length black dress with small rhinestones around the neckline like a choker. I brush out my hair and twist it up with some bobby pins. I grab a pair of Colleen’s sky-high heels and rush out the door. I couldn’t care less about how I look; I just need to blend in.

  Thankfully, when I enter the lobby, I see Colleen right away. I wave her down and she looks surprised. She quickly comes over to me through the maze of people.

  “What the hell are you doing? Why did you come down? I just started talking to her!” Colleen looks frustrated, and I feel badly.

  “Oh well, I’m here now, and she doesn't know me from Adam so you can introduce me as a colleague of Tom’s if you want.”

  “OK, follow close. This crowd is out of hand.”

  We wander back over to what looks like a row of information booths. The mystery woman is behind one, talking to a man who is very taken by her charms. We hover around until he grudgingly leaves, and Colleen starts back up with her. “Hi! Remember me? This is my husband’s colleague, Becky.”

  She looks over at me, and her face goes white. It looks as if she’s seen a ghost, and the ghost is me. I get a sick feeling in my stomach. Something’s wrong; she knows me. She swallows hard, trying to compose herself, and she offers her hand.

  “Hi, Cynthia Berry with Klineman Pharmaceuticals,” she says so quietly, I can barely hear her over the crowd. Adrenaline spikes in my system, and I suddenly feel empowered.

  “What is it that you do?” I ask with a touch of unintended bitchiness in my voice. She looks taken aback, and excuses herself to go to the ladies room. She runs away from her booth and from us. She heads toward the back of the room, away from the restrooms.

  “Oh my God, what the hell was that?” Colleen looks appalled. “What did you say to her?”

  “Nothing! I just asked her what she does. That’s all. Did you see the look on her face when she saw me? Oh my God, I think I’m going to be sick.”

  I kick off Colleen’s shoes, and sprint toward the elevators. If her room hadn’t been on the eleventh floor, I would have taken the stairs. Mercifully, the elevators are fast, and I run down the hall to her room. I knock once, and Melanie is quick to open the door. I push past her and just make it to the toilet. All that wine and liquor today was probably not the best idea. I’m sweating profusely in this too-tight dress, so I unzip it and let it fall. I need to cool off. I turn on the shower, freezing cold, and hop in wearing my bra and panties. I left the bathroom door open, and I see Melanie standing stock-still. Her mouth is open and her eyes stare. Colleen comes into the room, and closes the bathroom door. I hear her talking to Melanie in a muffled voice.

  I don’t want sympathy right now; I want answers. I turn off the shower, and I’m shivering. I grab a towel, and yank another one off the rack for my hair as I walk out of the bathroom. I’m dripping wet, and freezing. Melanie and Colleen look at me and start to laugh. That was not the entrance I was going for.

  “What?” I scream.

  Melanie is shaking, she’s laughing so hard, and she points to my chest. One of my boobs is exposed, and I see that I grabbed the bathmat instead of a towel. It just covers my stomach, and my lower half is completely bare. I can’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of my situation. It feels good to let it out. Colleen joins in, and the three of us sound like a pack of jackals howling at one other. I dry myself off, not giving a care in the world that I’m stark naked. I put my clothes back on.

  “I’m so sorry about your dress, Coll; I’ll have it cleaned.”

  She waves it off.

  “Are you kidding me? That was worth the price of admission to this freak show!”

  That begins new round of the giggles.

  “OK, I’m good now. I feel better. What’d you find out?” I ask Colleen as I head to the minibar for a Coke this time, much better choice. Colleen crosses her legs as she sits on the bed. Melanie and I instinctively lean in like we’re listening to a ghost story at a sleepover.

  “Well, some pretty interesting things, actually. She’s a sales rep for Klineman Pharmaceuticals, which sell powerful muscle relaxers and pain meds specifically aimed at the athletic industry.”

  That makes me feel a little better. She’s just a salesperson who hounds Jason for his business. Still doesn't explain her actions, though.

  Colleen continues, “I told her I was a spouse of a rep, just waiting for my husband to finish his schmoozing. She seemed to put aside her sales front, and laughed. She is stunning by the way. Holy crap. You should have seen the way the men were staring at her. I’m sure she has no trouble selling her drugs.”

  I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. Colleen sees my expression and immediately returns to her story. “I’m sorry! You know what I mean.”

  “It’s OK Colleen, I have eyes. I saw her. I know she’s gorgeous. Just go on.” I pout.

  “We started chatting. I was trying to get her into girl-talk mode. She’s from Boston, moved here for college and she’s single. That’s when I saw you come into the lobby and excused myself. I don’t know what that expression was on her face was about when you walked up. I had been watching her for a while and never saw her react that way to anyone.”

  I don’t know what to think. Is she an old friend? Business associate? Why would she be so flirty with Jason? I get an idea.

  “Colleen, is Tom still down there?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Do me a favor. Tell him to go to her booth and see if she’s still there. He’s gorgeous. If she’s the flirty type, she’ll make a move on him, especially if she’s trying to sell something.”

  “That’s a great idea! I’ll tell him to hide his badge, and act like a doctor who could be interested in her products.”

  Colleen sends a text to poor unwitting Tom. He’s so good to her he doesn't even question it.

  “OK, let’s see how she does,” she says.

  After about ten minutes, Tom texts Colleen: You seriously want me to talk up this woman? There’s a line of guys panting to get to her table. She’s ho
t, but you’re hotter.

  Colleen laughs. She’s not the least bit jealous. Tom has eyes only for her, just like I thought Jason had for me. She texts him back: Yes! That’s the point! And you’re pretty damned hot yourself.

  We wait again, this time it takes about twenty minutes before he texts Colleen back. Nothing, not even a hair flip. She was professional with me, but not so much with the other men. She was getting plenty of offers, too. I even offered to buy her a drink, to see what that would do. She kindly declined, but no flirting. Am I losing it?

  She must have recognized him as Colleen’s husband from a function the night before. If she didn’t throw herself at him, there’s a reason. This is getting me nowhere, and I’m bone-crushingly exhausted.

  “Melanie, I think we should go. I’m tired.”

  Poor Colleen looks defeated.

  “Can I see you in the morning? Tom has plenty he can do tomorrow, golf and such. We can just hang out.” She has such a look of hope on her face.

  “I’ll call you in the morning and let you know. I’m not sure what’s going on.”

  I don’t mean to sound so depressed, but I can’t help it. I just want to know what’s happening with this woman.

  Chapter 25


  When I get back home, Jason is in his office, reading.

  “Hi, honey, where are your friends? I thought you were going to get back to me?”

  He seems put off. He gets up from his chair and walks toward me. God, even after all this time, when he looks at me like he is right now, I melt. His eyes are dark, he has just a bit of stubble on his face, and he is wearing old jeans and a tight cotton T-shirt. Yikes, he’s hot. He comes to stand right in front of me and is looking down into my face. His look has changed from smolder to concern. I try my best to smile.


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