Her Three Wilde Champion Men [Wilde, Nevada 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Her Three Wilde Champion Men [Wilde, Nevada 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Chloe Lang

  Wilde, Nevada 2

  Her Three Wilde Champion Men

  Shelby Taylor is from Wilde. She’s grown up in a poly family. She’s been in the life as a submissive. She’s given up on dating outsiders after a horrific turn of events with a previous boyfriend. Wilde is her home. Always. And since love has eluded her, she’s resigned herself to being a club instructor for those new in the life. Not the future she dreamed of, but she believes this is as good as it will ever be.

  The three Champion brothers—Alex, Justin, and Brandon—are from Elko. Outsiders. They’ve known about Wilde and its craziness since high school. Shelby’s ways are foreign to them, but each brother pursues her on their own.

  When the sexy submissive is accused of two murders, they must face their prejudices about Wilde girls head on.

  Will they choose love and save her? Or will the killer gunning for Shelby send her to an early grave?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: BDSM, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 51,021 words


  Wilde, Nevada 2

  Chloe Lang


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Chloe Lang

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-304-7

  First E-book Publication: July 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  To Lana Lanae. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  Thank you with all my heart.


  Wilde, Nevada 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Brandon Champion sat in the sheriff’s office of Silver County in Wilde, Nevada. His dad, Wayne, sat behind the desk in uniform with his badge on. A gun was on the desk in front of him.

  “Quite impressive, Pop, but it is so weird seeing you like this.” Brandon admired his dad’s drive to go for what he wanted. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you out of scrubs and no stethoscope around your neck.”

  Brandon’s two brothers sat in chairs next to his. Alex was nodding his agreement to his statement. Justin was smiling, per his usual Peter Pan style.

  “You will, boys. This has been a dream come true for me,” their dad said.

  “I’m happy for you, Pop.” Justin stood up and limped to the window. Clearly the injury from his rodeo accident was still giving him more trouble than he would admit. “This is a great town.”

  “Don’t you miss medicine? I know I would.” Alex wore a coat and tie today, unlike his normal doc gear. Made sense, since Alex was the big cheese at the event they were all headed to shortly. “Pop, when the hospital is complete, I know I will need you.”

  “I’ll be happy to pinch-hit for you, son, but nothing full-time.” Sheriff Wayne Champion smiled. “I love this job more than you can imagine. Knowing I can help you from time to time works out great for me. I get the best of both worlds.” He leaned back in his chair. “Besides, Connie appreciates a man in uniform.”

  “Good for you, Pop.” Justin winked.

  “We love it here in Wilde, boys.”

  Connie was their dad’s new wife. She’d swept into his life and brought back the old spark that had been gone since their mother’s death. It was good to see him happy again after all these years.

  “How’s it going with the Mexican cartel case?” Brandon asked. “That was quite a mess you had to clean up.”

  “Always the attorney, aren’t you, Brandon?” His dad grinned and then his face darkened. “That case was a mess. And it’s not cleaned up yet. The word we’re getting is the cartel isn’t happy to have lost Malcolm Winters, who was one of their best money men. Austin Wilde is on their radar now. They sent one hit man to Wilde back then. They might send another, but I’ll be ready.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid.” Brandon believed in his dad but was still worried about the dangers his new profession was bringing him. “You should be carrying golf clubs instead of a gun.”

  “I’m with him on that, Dad,” Alex chimed in, worry showing in his green eyes. “You’re not a spring chicken. Leave this to the younger guys.”

  His dad’s face darkened, but before he could respond, Justin barked, “Don’t bury Dad yet. He’s got more life in him than you two combined. You think you can take him? I know I can’t.”

  “That’s why you’re my favorite boy, Justin,” their dad said with a smirk. “You’ve got it all figured out.”

  They all laughed. Their dad had always pulled each of them aside when they were boys and told them individually that they were his favorite. It was the game they all knew and adored. The bond between them and their father was unbreakable.
  “I don’t think Justin has figured out much, Dad.” Brandon was troubled for his little brother. Of the three brothers, Justin was the dreamer—always. Competing in the rodeo circuit had been his youngest brother’s life since high school.

  “Don’t, bro,” Justin warned. Clearly, he wasn’t ready to talk about the accident or what that meant for his future.

  “We better get to Alex’s ground breaking ceremony, boys. We don’t want the most important of the VIPs to be late, do we?” Their dad looked happy. “I’m very proud of you, son.”

  “Me, too,” Justin said. “I never thought you would’ve become such a bigwig so soon.”

  “I’ll be thirty next month.” Alex shrugged.

  Their dad came around the desk and put his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “That’s young for a doctor and even younger for a new chief of staff.”

  “This is Wilde, Nevada, not Reno or Vegas, Dad.” Alex shook his head. “I think Charly Wynn didn’t have a long list of applicants to choose from.”

  “My understanding is she didn’t take applicants at all. She came to you,” Brandon said. “Impressive.”

  “I was her doctor after she got shot and her lung collapsed.” Alex was downplaying his role in saving Charly Wynn’s life. Hidden in a tree line, her stepbrother had shot her with a rifle right in front of Tobias and Seth Strong. “I think that was my only advantage but enough of one to land me the job.”

  Without Seth’s EMT training and Alex’s skill, Brandon wasn’t sure Charly would’ve made it. “Don’t sell yourself short, Alex.”

  “With the money she’s spending on this hospital, she could’ve had a ton to pick from but she selected you.” Justin looked at Alex. “I think she made the right decision.”

  “She definitely chose the best man for the job,” Brandon added, slapping Alex on the back.

  “Okay. Thanks for the pep talk, fellows.” Alex smiled. “Let’s go. I’m the emcee of this thing.”

  “There’s going to be food, isn’t there?” Justin could eat what three grown men could in a single meal. Always had been able to.

  “Can’t you stop thinking about your gut for one minute?” Alex asked with a laugh.

  God, Brandon loved his brothers and dad. They were his family. They were his friends. With his ex out of the picture, they were all that mattered. “I heard there would be barbeque.”

  * * * *

  Shelby Taylor’s nerves were frazzled, though she was thrilled with what she was witnessing. Her hometown had needed a hospital in the worst way for a very long time. Now they were finally getting one, and even better, the new chief of staff was one of the hottest men she’d ever seen.

  The wind was up. She tried desperately to keep her long blonde hair from blowing into a total mess, wanting to look her best for a certain MD.

  On the temporary stage stood the local dignitaries, including Dr. Alex Champion.

  It was Alex’s damn green eyes. She couldn’t get them out of her head. Or was it his dimples? Maybe. They didn’t make him look boyish or soft at all, but they did make him look devilishly handsome. Perhaps it was his square jaw that kept her from sleeping. All of it, most likely, had been the reason for the unsettled feelings she’d been having. Not something she wanted to deal with right now. She’d already been down the path of dating an outsider. That had ended just like her mother said it would. Badly.

  Alex was talking to Charly Wynn, soon to be Charly Strong, the most prominent of all the people on the stage. Her generous donation of over thirty million dollars, which was matched by federal and state grants for the project, had made this whole thing possible. Last year, Charly had inherited quite the fortune, making her the richest woman in the entire state, which was good for Nevada because of her giving heart. Charly’s men, the six Strong brothers, hemmed her in between them, three on each side in the folding chairs, which Carlotta had provided for the event.

  Alex walked up to the podium. God, he was tall. Six four. He looked so sexy in the suit with a tie that matched the color of his damn eyes. “Thank you for coming to the ground breaking of phase one of Wilde Regional Hospital,” he said in his familiar deep, sexy tone.

  Instantly, her heart began pounding hard in her chest and her skin began to warm all over her body. Not good.

  “We have a lot of people to thank and we’ll be starting shortly.” Pulling the mike out of its cradle, Alex moved back to the bigwigs settling themselves in the chairs on the stage.

  Some Shelby knew, the out-of-towners she didn’t. They were likely part of the state and national representatives hoping to get publicity from this event. Alex had been leading the project since its inception and she’d been drawn to him like a moth to a flame the moment he’d hit town.

  Being Austin’s personal assistant for the past three years, she’d grown accustomed to her boss’s many impromptu conferences, but the meetings that had included Alex of late had unsettled her more than she cared to admit. Alex and Jackson Wilde, the acting attorney for the new hospital, had come to the Wilde Silver Mine offices to meet with Austin a few times. Each visit left her with a strong tingle—brought on by Alex—which didn’t subside for hours after he and Jackson left.

  “…and last but not least, I want to thank Charly Wynn. She made this dream a reality.” Alex’s voice was like hot fudge to her ears, so freaking tempting.

  The crowd applauded.

  Standing next to her, Jessie Wilde, Austin’s wife, asked, “You okay, Shelby?”

  “Fine. Just fine,” she lied, turning toward the woman who had finally hooked the unhookable Austin. Though most people looked at women in the final trimester of pregnancy as beautiful, Shelby never had. Cute was the best she would ever grade mothers-to-be, but Jessie was much more than cute. She was stunning. “Six days left. How do you feel?” Shelby asked her friend. “I bet your five husbands are driving you crazy.”

  Jessie was married not just to Austin but also to his four brothers, too. The five Wilde brothers were descendants of the founders of the town.

  “Changing the subject, I see. Don’t want to talk to me about what’s got you so wound up? Okay. I’ll let you win for now, but don’t think I’m letting you off that easy.” Jessie smiled and patted her belly. “I’m ready for this little Wilde to come out.”

  “You still don’t know the baby’s sex?” she asked.

  “Nope. It’s driving my guys crazy, especially Jackson. But I want to be surprised.”

  Shelby knew how things worked in Wilde. When a woman was married to multiple men, no one dared ask who the biological father was. It just wasn’t done. In fact, most women didn’t want to know themselves, since all the men raised the children together as a team of dads.

  Shelby put her arm around her dear friend, thinking how odd things had turned out. It was less than a year ago when Samantha, Shelby’s closest friend at the time and Jessie’s would-be killer, had died in the Old Wilde Mine.

  She’d had no idea how twisted and disturbed Samantha had been. The side her old confidant had shown Shelby was always upbeat and kind. Sunny, even. The other side? The homicidal maniac side? Dark and deadly. She was glad she’d never seen that part of Sam. Very glad indeed.

  “Any names picked out for either sex?” Shelby had become very close to Jessie over the past year. Their friendship had taken time, but now it was one of the most important relationships she had. Charly, Jessie’s cousin, was a close friend, too.

  “Yes, but I’m not telling.” Jessie put her index finger up to her lips. “It’s a surprise.”

  “You can trust me, Jessie. You know that.”

  “Can I?” Jessie placed her hands on her hips. “Who told Carlotta my due date?” Then her friend stuck out her tongue. “Now the whole town knows.”

  “It wasn’t just me who told, Jess. Maude Strong, your mother-in-law’s sister, was telling anyone and everyone who’d listen.”

  “Wilde isn’t a place anyone can keep a secret for long, is it, Shelby?”

��Not a chance, especially not about a new Wilde baby coming into the world,” she said as her eyes drifted back up to the stage where Alex had been standing. He was no longer up there, but instead was on the ground heading her way. And then he was right in front of her. She stared up at him like a complete idiot. Say something. Anything.

  A shiver shot down her spine as words had suddenly become too much for her. His unblinking green eyes snared her completely. Hints of the boy Alex had been were in his dimples, but in those eyes was something different. Strength. Hunger. Animal. His thick black hair was there, right in front of her, ready for her fingertips. Nervous energy swept through her as his gaze never relaxed off of her. Never. The longer he stared, the more her pulse simmered in her veins.

  “Shelby, I need you.”

  Had she heard him correctly? Or was this only a dream—a very wonderful, wicked dream, which she would beg the gods to never let her wake from.

  Shelby, I need you.

  His words went into her ears, vibrated there for several luscious seconds, rolled down her body, and settled deep into her core. Just looking at him caused a wild heat to spread through her.

  “Okay, Shelby?” Alex had said something in between “I need you” and “Okay,” but she had no clue what it had been.

  Deciding it would be best to not ask him to repeat it, she just nodded.

  His giant hand landed on her shoulder, their first touch. What’s wrong with me? Have I lost my mind? Clearly she had.

  He winked at her, and then he smiled. And God, what a smile it was. She could lose herself completely in those sexy lips that were turned up ever so slightly. Then the smile faded and he cupped her chin. The intimacy was too much, too intense—just right. “Thank you, Shelby.” He turned away and went back to the stage.


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