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Always on My Mind (The Dawson Brothers, #1)

Page 12

by Jessica Mills

  No sooner than I’d started, as if the sounds had summoned him like a beacon on the wind, Kinsey arrived in his old black Cadillac. The dusty ride’s brakes squealed as he stopped out front and he shouted his greeting out and rolled-down his window before he even opened the door.

  “Well you’re sure a sight for sore eyes. I’m glad I had the notion to come out your way at this particular hour.” He motioned to my acoustic and climbed the steps, taking them slow.

  “Yeah, you caught me.” I offered my hand to greet him and he took it into his callused one, gripping it tight.

  His brows furrowed as he took a seat in the rocking chair beside me. “How’s your mama doing?” The old man had known my parents for years, all the way back to high school.

  “The doctor said it’s going to be a long road, but she’s strong and seems to be doing real good. Daddy’s been up there the whole time. We can’t get him away for too long. He came home and got some clothes and rushed right out again. Me and Ted are looking after things, but it feels different without them here.” It was a future where they were dead and I was stuck.

  He took out a handkerchief and wiped his brow. “I bet it’s strange. I don’t think your mama’s been away for this long since they married. Good to hear she’s getting along. She’ll be fine, that one. She’s a tough lady.”

  I rested the guitar on my lap. “Yeah, she’s that. I’m glad you came out and I appreciate you checking on her. I’ll be sure to tell Dad you stopped by when he calls.” I pulled my guitar close and started to strum it again. “You know, I’d like to have my gig back if you haven’t replaced me already.”

  The old man’s lips twitched and curled at the corners. “Well, I guess that would work for me. It’s not the same without you around anyway. Besides, you’ve got too much talent not to use it.”

  “Well, my mama wants me to follow my dreams. I’ve always hoped it would take me places. I guess I’ve always wanted my music to matter. Maybe even change someone’s life.”

  Kinsey reached over and patted my shoulder. “You already have right here in this little town.” A wide smile spread his lips showing his crooked tooth. “Well, I hoped I’d come out here and talk you into coming back, and to my surprise, here you are, guitar in hand. You’ve made my day easier.” My cheeks grew warm. It was nice to have someone like Kinsey, who gave a damn.

  “I’ll be there tomorrow night.” I held out my hand and we shook on that deal.

  Kinsey listened to me play for half an hour and as he drove away I rested my guitar against the porch railing and stood to stretch. I had to get back to work. One could only slack so much around the ranch.

  Before I could take two steps, I heard Kinsey’s horn, and glanced up to wave. That’s when I saw it. Kinsey wasn’t honking for me, but a small car that was kicking up more dust than a desert tornado.

  It can’t be. I didn’t want to allow myself that big of a letdown, but as it got closer, I saw my little green-eyed beauty behind the wheel. I slowly walked down the steps, one at a time, only hesitating a moment before I broke out into a sprint across the yard.

  Sarah skidded to a stop and threw open the door and I didn’t wait for hellos as I pulled her into my arms and crushed my lips to hers. She relaxed in my arms as I deepened the kiss, needing her as close as possible. Her breath quickened as her hands found my hair and I kissed down her neck and leaned down to nuzzle against her. “What are you doing here? Won’t your boss be mad?”

  Her eyes met mine, her head shaking quickly. “I don’t care. I’ll figure it out. I just had to come.” Her warm hands brushed inside my shirt against my back. Then she slipped one to the front and placed it flat against my chest. “I know you can’t worry about singing right now, and that’s fine, but I wanted to come help you around here if you’ll let me.” Tears welled up in her eyes and I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer.

  “Of course I want you here. It’s all I’ve wanted since you left.” She melted against me and I considered how long she’d been on the road. She must have driven at least nine hours if not more. “Did you even sleep after we got off the phone?”

  She let out a long yawn, and rubbed her sleepy eyes. “I tried to, but I tossed and turned. I packed up and headed out about eleven hours ago. I stopped a couple of times.”

  Knowing she’d been that anxious to get back to me swelled my chest with pride, but at the same time I couldn’t help but be disheartened that she’d risked such a long trip back at that late an hour.

  Her hair was flat and her eyes heavy with dark shadows beneath them, and even if she looked more disheveled than I’d ever seen her, she was still my gorgeous girl. “You need to rest.”

  She moaned and sank against me. “I could use a place to lay down for a bit.”

  My cock stiffened against my zipper thinking of her bare sun-kissed skin tucked between my sheets. I scooped her up into my arms, her legs dangling across my elbow, and she nestled quietly against me as I headed into the house. She felt lighter than I remembered and I glanced at her body thinking she’d lost a few pounds that she didn’t have to lose. Guilt about the misunderstanding ached through me and I hoped I didn’t have anything to do with it.

  I took the stairs slowly, trying carefully not to let her feet hit the wall. She cuddled against me and now and then I’d catch her green eyes peering into mine. I rounded the corner and hurried down the hall to my room. I went inside and kicked the door shut behind us, then leaned over to place her on the bed.

  As soon as her back hit the mattress, her arms hitched around my neck and she pulled me down, her lips finding mine in a heated rush. If I didn’t stop her, I’d have to take her, and she was much too tired for the welcome home I’d give her. Home. The word lingered and burned in my mind. Could this ever be her home? I’d never given much thought to where this could lead, beyond a contract, but I liked the idea. I broke the kiss and pulled away. “You need your rest and thanks to my easy morning, I have to work. We have a truck of feed coming in about an hour. I have to unload it.”

  She moaned in protest, and I took her pouty lips with my own, giving her a smile as I pulled away. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  She sat up, cutting her glance up at me. “Fine. I’ll just make myself comfortable.” Her hand slipped up the front of her shirt and she slipped it over her head, revealing her perky breasts that filled out the lacy bra. A bead of sweat formed on my brow as my cock twitched in my pants. She bit her lip and lay back, her brown hair spilling against my pillow as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid the faded denim past her hips and down her legs.

  I glanced at the lace concealing her soft mound and licked my lips. “You’re adorable when you’re trying to seduce me, but I have to go. Trust me, there’s no place I’d rather be than right here beside you. Well, besides inside you.” Her face turned red and she giggled. Ted’s voice sounded from downstairs and I cursed under my breath that he might come upstairs looking for me. “See, they need me.”

  Her hand trailed down my arm. “I need you. But go.” She lifted a shoulder and smiled slyly. “Just think about me lying here in your bed, waiting for you.”

  I belted a laugh. “Oh, I will.” I gave her a quick kiss and headed out, giving her one last look over my shoulder. “Sleep well.”

  Hurrying down the stairs, I gritted my teeth at the long list of things I had to do, and with any luck at all I’d be done before dark. Not only was there a truck of feed, but I had cattle going out and more coming in. There were shots to give and tags to secure on top of everything else. But at least when I was done, I’d come back up to an angel in my bed.

  Ted waited at the bottom of the stairs. “Is that the agent’s car outside?” He gestured a thumb toward the front door.

  “Yeah, she’s going to be staying awhile.” I kept walking knowing he hadn’t followed.

  “You think this is a good time? We can barely take care of this place.” I stopped and turned to see him rake his hand through his hair.

  “She wants to help out. It will be fine.” I threw open the screen door and hurried down the steps toward the barn.

  Ted caught up and followed. “She doesn’t know anything about ranching.” I remembered her first day at the ranch and how hard she tried. She was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. So small and determined with her little heels sinking in the dirt.

  “I’ll teach her. But I’m sure she knows how to cook. Besides, Mama’s garden needs tending, she’ll do just fine.” I went into the barn and found my gloves.

  “You’re gonna tell Daddy.” His eyes met mine as a slow smile crept across his lips. “Might not be too bad having a soft female around here.” He licked his lips.

  My blood raced, but I wasn’t going to let him get to me. “She’s not Ella.”

  “No, she’s so much hotter.” He chuckled as Mason approached.

  “The truck is about ten minutes out now. Where are we going with this feed?”

  Ted nudged my shoulder. “Ask Davey. He’s calling all the shots. He’s even got himself a house guest.”

  Mason’s eyes narrowed. “House guest? Don’t tell me it’s Ella.”

  Ted belted a laugh. “No, it’s that talent agent from Tennessee.” They exchanged a smirk.

  Mason glanced toward the house. “Where is she, and how long is she staying?”

  “She’s in my bed asleep. She drove in overnight. It was a surprise.” The two kicked around at the dirt like they had something they wanted to say. “What?”

  Mason held up his hands. “Nothing. You tell Daddy yet?” Mason was the worst when it came to Daddy. He was always seeking his approval and terrified of disappointing him.

  “Hell, I’m twenty-six years old. I think it’s well past time I bring another woman around. Besides, they didn’t care when Ella was around.”

  Mason rolled his eyes. “None of us cared when Ella was around.” He and Ted laughed as if they shared a special secret. Ella was beautiful on the outside, and if she’d entertained Mason the same way she had Ted, I didn’t want to know.

  “Don’t talk about Ella around Sarah. It’s a sore subject and after what Mama pulled, she owes me this.”

  I walked into the office where Ted and I had already started to organize things to suit us. Our dad would be lost and maybe even a tad angry that we’d ruined his system. He, no doubt, knew where everything was before.

  Mason stood at the door. “You know Mama would put her in the guest room.”

  “If she were here, maybe.” I released a long breath. “Okay, look. I’ll tell Dad as soon as I talk to him. I’m sure he has other things to worry about, but just so you don’t have to feel like it’s a big secret, Mase.”

  He shrugged. “It’s your ass.”

  Ted laughed. “Feel free to bring whoever home while you can. I won’t tell.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, besides, this isn’t a competition to see who can bring home the hottest woman. She came to help out.”

  Mason’s eyes narrowed at Ted. “Who are you thinking about calling? Lauralee Langston?”

  “Yeah, call Lauralee over, that’ll go over so much better with the old man.” I glanced up to see that Ted was not amused. His hard glare burned through me, but as he opened his mouth for rebuttal, a horn blew outside. The truck had arrived.

  Chapter 18


  David’s bed was like a cloud and I roused to find that most of the day had gone while I lay there sleeping. I rolled over and listened to hear if anyone was in the house, or close by. I didn’t hear anyone so I glanced to the bedside table and saw David’s phone. I hadn’t seen a land line outside of a hotel in ages, and I picked it up to see if it actually had a dial tone and smiled when it did. I swallowed hard knowing I had to call Rowena.

  She was expecting me to bring David in and while I hoped that I could convince him, I needed more time. Guilt crept in and settled deep as I thought of David. I’d come to help, sure, but I also had other reasons for showing up on his doorstep. I did care about him, with my whole heart, but if I was going to ever live my own dreams, I needed to convince him to go for his. I dialed Rowena’s office and waited for the tongue lashing she’d surely dish out.

  “This had better be good, Myers.” Her voice was steeped with anger and I imagined her sitting there with those steely eyes and hateful grin.

  I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. I wasn’t going to let her get under my skin. “I had an emergency and I’m in Oklahoma.”

  “You’re sleeping with him.” She clicked her tongue and laughed. “You foolish girl.”

  Determined, I kept my voice strong. “Listen Rowena, I understand your position but I just need more time. Circumstances with David’s mother are bleak and if we can just be a bit compassionate in this time, I’m sure I can get him to come in a few weeks.”

  “If you ruin this with your vagina, you can kiss your job goodbye, but since you caught me in a good mood, I’ll give you two more weeks.” Rowena’s line went silent and I collapsed against the bed.

  I’d do what I had to, but I couldn’t lose my job. Growing up my mother had struggled to support us. Things had been bad at times, especially once when she let a relationship at work cost her the job. I’d always vowed that I’d never let myself get in that position and then I’d done it with Rick. I was lucky Rowena had given me a chance and the insinuation that I could ruin it for a relationship gave me the scratch. David was a huge gamble at this point, but worth it. I was miserable without him back in Tennessee, but had I made the right decision by coming all this way? I refused to be my mother. I had to make this work.

  After a moment of composing myself, I slipped out of the covers and found my clothes. Once I’d dressed and freshened up, I slowly opened his door and peeked out into the hallway. The old farmhouse was beautiful. The hardwood floors were stained dark and the walls were a soft grey. There were rows of pictures on the wall and there was a special section dedicated to David and each of his brothers.

  I smiled seeing David in his graduation gown and continued down the hall to the stairs where more pictures hung. Downstairs the house was quiet and I went to the window and spied David’s brothers at the barn. Shirtless and glistening in the hot sun, they were still working so hard. I wondered when they’d last taken a break. I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. I wondered what they had been eating with their mother hospitalized, and decided to make dinner. I searched the freezer and found a chicken that I started to defrost. I could handle that, but what else to go with it. These men were going to be starved when they came in and it was the least I could do to feed them.

  I found the pantry where rows of mason jars lined the wall. At my feet there was a bin and I peeked inside and found fresh potatoes and another held onions. I grabbed a basket and filled it up with two jars of squash, two green beans, and two onions. I went to the fridge and found celery. My mother had taught me many things, mostly what not to do in life, but the one favor she’d done for me: leaving me at my grandmother’s for Sunday dinners.

  Grams had taught me the way around a kitchen and her specialty was chicken and dumplings. I found a huge pot hanging over the island. It would be plenty big for the task. I took the veggies and chopped them up and then halfway through decided to put on some music. I turned on an old radio and found some happy tunes.

  I prepared the rest of the food while dancing, and once I had the chicken on to boil I found a bowl of peaches near the window. They were gorgeous and plump, but ready to eat. A few more days and they’d spoil. It seemed like such a waste. With another idea buzzing in my head, I searched the pantry and seeing that I had everything I needed, I made up my mind. I was making dessert too.

  I was right in the middle of shaking my ass when I heard footsteps loud over the music. I looked up just in time to see David’s young, gorgeous, shirtless and sweaty brother stop in the doorway. Our eyes met, and we both seemed just as surprised. Embarrassed, I turned the music down. “Sor
ry, I was just making dinner.” He glanced to the stove and a wide smile spread his lips.

  “Smells good.” He shrugged and stared at me like I had three heads.

  “Guess I look foolish dancing around.” He didn’t answer, just kept glancing around like I was crazy. “Did I do something wrong?” I felt silly I couldn’t remember his name. “I’m sorry, which one are you?”

  He shook his head and approached. “I’m Luke, the youngest, and no, you really didn’t. It’s just... well, I’ve never seen anyone else cooking in my mama’s kitchen. Sarah, right?” I nodded.

  “Yeah, David said you’d be staying with us for a while. What are you making?” He approached the stove and lifted the lids giving me a glance as if uncertain.

  “Chicken and dumplings, squash, green beans and peach cobbler for dessert. I hope it’s enough.”

  “Looks all right. My brother is a lucky man.”

  “Are you two close? I mean, with the age difference and all.” He smiled and I didn’t feel so stupid for asking.

  “Yeah, I’d say we’re the closest, actually. He and Ted, well...never mind. And Mason, he’s kind of to himself.” He took a glass from the cupboard and filled it from the tap. Then he turned back to face me. I remembered David telling me about Ted and Ella, but decided to let that one go.

  “Will the others be in soon?” I turned down the fire on the squash.

  He finished his swig of water and filled it again. “Yeah, they are just making sure all the tools are up. I was heading in to the shower when I smelled dinner. For a stupid second I felt like Mama was here.”

  “That’s not stupid. You miss her.” I stirred the green beans and turned the fire down on those as well. “David told me things are busy here. I was hoping he could come with me to Nashville. My boss wants to meet him and offer him a contract, but I know it’s not a good time.”


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