Always on My Mind (The Dawson Brothers, #1)

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Always on My Mind (The Dawson Brothers, #1) Page 23

by Jessica Mills

  My nerves calmed and after a moment he whispered in my ear, “We better go.” I stood and pulled him to his feet, and we left, the quiet moment stretching out for minutes more.


  The clear, soulful sound of David’s voice rang out, filling the studio. I stood behind the glass with the producers at Broken Branch and watched as their faces lit in recognition of David’s talent. They whispered amongst themselves and there were a lot of nods and smiles shared, which was definitely a good sign.

  David looked and sounded like he was made for the setting, and I knew things were going to happen for him when one of the producers, Bob, leaned in and whispered close to my ear. “Where’d you find this guy?”

  I smiled as my heart filled with pride. “Oklahoma, in a little dive bar about ten hours from here.” I thought of the first time I saw him up on Kinsey’s stage singing, owning every note. I’d known I could get him here from the start, but what I didn’t know was how hard and fast I’d fall in love with him.

  “He’s a natural. I haven’t heard smooth tones like that in years. He’s sure got an impressive range.” I nodded in agreement and turned my attention back to David.

  He stood behind the glass, playing and singing his heart out and every now and then he’d glance at me, as if he was tuning everyone else out.

  As he sang his final note, the room erupted around me in praise. David was grinning from ear to ear and his face turned red.

  Bob spoke into the mic so David could hear him. “That’s an impressive first run. I think you’re good to move on to another song.”

  David nodded and began playing his intro and then his voice filled up the room as he sang one of his grandad’s songs. The style was so different from the last, but that only proved how much variety he had in his vocal ability.

  Bob glanced back at me again. “It’s not often we even get a demo that clean on the first try. He’s going to make this an easy afternoon.”

  As he sang, I thought about the cabin and could imagine the two of us there. I’d never even seen the place, but I already had ideas of colors and furniture I wanted to decorate it with. I’d make sure it was filled with things we’d enjoy together. I could see us spending long nights in his personal studio and then we’d retire to the big bed he’d always dreamed of. I’d make sure it was plush and comfy, like a soft cloud beneath us. We’d have it all, and most importantly we’d be able to travel back home, and help his parents with the ranch.

  Home. I’d used the word as if his home were my own. It felt like my own though, I’d gotten so used to the kitchen, cooking up meals for those men, and picking the garden and milking the cow. I’d enjoyed every minute of it, except for the snake. But I’d even live with that little critter if I had to.

  I let out a long breath. I missed the place. I even missed playing cards with his brothers. I hadn’t ever had any brothers or sisters. I hadn’t ever belonged to a family before with my mother shifting me around. The closest thing to a large family was when my grandmother would invite her neighbors over for those Sunday dinners. But I felt like I did now, with the Dawsons.

  The thought of him ever going back home without me, uneased me. I knew right then that I never wanted to be without him again. Not one single day. I wanted more quiet moments like we’d shared in my bedroom. Moments like that when the entire world could go on or stop and it wouldn’t matter, because nothing mattered in that moment except for us.

  The song was over, but I stood stone still as they congratulated him. When he came out of the room, they shook his hand and patted his back, but he bee-lined for me, pulling me into his arms for a tight embrace.

  I love this man. I knew it with my heart and soul.

  I’d been so worried about finding a way to give David his dreams that I didn’t realize he was giving me mine. All I’d ever wanted was a family, a home, and to be loved. David was already proving he would provide that.

  “That’s an impressive first day, David. We’ll get the rest of your papers ready, but you’re off to an amazing start. You have a bright future ahead.” Bob patted his back again and then turned to play back the recordings.

  As we listened together, hand in hand, I realized that for the first time in a long time I felt complete. And as we walked out to the car afterwards, I pulled him to stop and face me. The evening sun was setting, creating a soft glow behind him. “You were amazing.”

  “I was so nervous. I thought I’d sound like an old toad frog.” I laughed at how ridiculous the thought was. There was no way he’d ever sound like that.

  “Do you like Nashville?” He narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on my shoulders. It wasn’t until then that I realized my eyes were filling with tears.

  “Where’s this coming from?” He studied me, his brows pinched tight with concern.

  “Do you want to stay here?” I pressed on, urging him to give me an answer. I needed to know if he wanted to stay in the city or if he was willing to return to the country.

  “I’m happy anywhere as long as I’m with you.” He took my face in his hand and stroked his thumb against my cheek. “What’s the matter, aren’t you happy?”

  “When we’re done here, can we just go home for a bit?” His warm lips pressed against my forehead.

  “Yes, we’re going home now.”

  “No, not here. Oklahoma?” His lips turned up at the corners as the warmth of his arms wrapped around me.

  “I love that you think of there as home. Of course we can, but I’d like to stay at the cabin. I’m not entirely ready to return to the daily grind, but we could have a lot of fun there too. It needs a lot of work if you’re up for it.”

  “I’d like that. Since I quit my job I’ve been thinking. I’m tired of living here in the city and I’d like to settle down somewhere else. I don’t have anything here now, other than Jenn, and we can see her when we visit or better yet, stick her in a guest room for a weekend. She might be a good match for one of your brothers. But not Ted, I think she’d kill Ted in his sleep.” David nodded in agreement and we shared a laugh. “I think it’s kind of exciting that we’re not bound to this place. You heard Richard; we can live wherever and fly in when necessary. I love the sound of that, don’t you?”

  “What I love the sound of is us living together, but sure. Wherever.” He lifted my chin and met my eyes. “I love you, Sarah.”

  “I love you too.”



  “So what’s it like being famous?” Luke nudged me against the fence post where I sat watching Mason work a horse in the round pen.

  “I’m not famous. It’s only been a few months.” The lunch bell brought my head around and it was sure nice hearing it again. It seemed like ages since I’d been home, but it had only been a month. I headed to the house, seeing Sarah on the porch waiting.

  Luke caught up, leaving Mason behind. “You’re going to get me tickets, right?” I’d heard the same thing from Ted and Mason earlier that morning.

  “Yes, but I only get so many so if you’re planning to bring a date, you might be shit out of luck. Ted wanted two and so did Mason.” My brothers were settling down with their ladies and poor Luke had yet to have any luck as far as he’d admitted.

  The crisp fall morning had given way to daytime heat, and Sarah offered me a cold drink as I stepped up on the porch. “Thanks.” I gave her a quick peck as Luke stepped up beside me.

  “Hey, where’s mine?”

  “Fine, here.” I leaned over and kissed my brother’s cheek and he pushed me away, wiping his face.

  “That’s not what I meant.” He punched my arm and went inside.

  Sarah laughed as I put my hand on the small of her back, and then we went into the house where Mama was waiting at the table.

  Sarah went to the kitchen as I took a seat next to Mama who leaned over and lowered her voice. “Would you tell that girl of yours that I’m not an invalid. She wouldn’t let me set the table.”

  “I don’t thi
nk she thinks you’re an invalid, Mama, she’s just trying to give you a break, is all.” Sarah returned to the room and placed the serving spoons on the table next to the food.

  “Thank you, honey.” Mama gave her warmest smile, but it fell as soon as Sarah’s back was turned. “I love her to pieces, Davey, but if she keeps this up I’m going to strangle her.”

  My dad walked in and sat beside her at the head of the table. “Are you still in here pouting, woman? It won’t kill you to take a break. You cooked the meal now let her serve it.”

  Mama minded her manners and I made a mental note to remind Sarah that Mama needed to feel like the queen of her kitchen. As everyone gathered around the table, I was glad to be home seeing them all so happy. Ted had been seeing Lauralee again, finally, and Mason had been rumored to be interested in a girl from a farm across town. Luke teased playfully with Sarah. Those two were like kids with their teasing and I was glad that my little brother thought so much of my girl.

  Mama was doing better and Dad had even started taking it a bit easier allowing Ted to take the reins. He’d even warmed up to the cell phones and allowed Luke to show him how to use one.

  As we passed the food around the table to load our plates, Dad tapped his fork on my plate to get my attention. “So how many shows have you done so far?”

  I glanced at Sarah for a little help and she held up seven fingers and continued passing food around. “Seven, but that was just over a two-week period, we’re just kicking into gear. I’ve been in the studio several times too and we’ve already made two trips back to Nashville.”

  Mama patted my arm. “How’s the cabin project coming along? Are you getting any time to work on it with all the music?”

  I nodded, taking a bite of my food. If I didn’t get to eating those two would keep me busy talking. “Yeah, Sarah’s been a big help and we had a good month to get it livable.”

  “The first two weeks were the hardest,” said Sarah, who was finally fixing her own plate. She’d taken the time to make sure everyone had plenty.

  Mama pushed her food around her plate but finally took a bite. Dad had told me that she didn’t have the appetite she once did and that she wasn’t eating as much these days. I could tell that she’d dropped weight, but the doctor said it was a healthier one than before the surgery, but it was still bad seeing her that way.

  The table went quiet as everyone ate quickly, lunch wasn’t usually so formal, but Mama and Sarah had wanted to do something nice since we were all together again. I took the silence as my cue to finish off my plate.

  Ted was the first to leave the table and I imagined he’d heard enough about my career. According to Luke, he was still bitter and not about the workload he’d had to cover while I was off living my dreams, but the fact that our parents had given me the cabin.

  As much as I hated that it bothered him so much, I was thankful they had given us that place to be together. Sarah and I needed our own place and it had been so amazing watching her there, the work she’d done cleaning and scrubbing, painting, and patching. She’d made it ours, choosing things I’d love and asking me what I wanted. Her ideas were so thoughtful, taking in consideration my style as well as her own and blending it so we both felt at home. I wanted her to be at home there, in my heart it wasn’t just my cabin, it was ours.

  As she cleared my plate and helped Mama in the kitchen, me, Luke, and Dad all went outside, leaving Mason at the table talking on his phone. I imagined it was the girl, Abigail, who he’d introduced us to on the other end. And according to Luke, who’d filled me in on everyone’s business but his own, the two had gotten pretty serious.

  We sat on the porch and Dad kicked his feet up on his stool. “That’s one fine little lady you’ve got there, Davey. I hope your brothers get so lucky.” He turned his gaze to Luke, who turned his head.

  I had a feeling my younger brother had something or someone up his sleeve, but the fact that he wasn’t talking made me wonder if she was the type of girl you’d bring home to Mama. I’d heard he quit seeing Cindy, and all I could think about that was good riddance. Luke could do better. He just needed to look in the right places. He pulled his hat down over his eyes and leaned back in the swing as he hoped to disappear.

  Dad turned back to me. “Your Mama sure thinks a whole lot about Sarah. She goes on and on about her enough.”

  “I’m glad you both like her. She’s been so good to me these past months, I’m sure I couldn’t do any of it without her.”

  “That’s the kind of girl you want to keep around.” My dad’s words brought my head around. It was so good to hear him say that.

  “I agree. She’s very special to me. I love her.”

  “So what are you going to do about it? The two of you can’t go on living in sin for the rest of your lives. You think you’ll ever make an honest woman out of her? She deserves better, that one.”

  “I know she does.” I knew that more than anything. I sometimes wondered why she put up with me, for that alone she deserved so much better.

  “Well, what the hell are you waiting for, son?”

  I grinned. Daddy picked a fine time to grill me about marrying Sarah. There wasn’t anything I’d wanted more lately, but the two of us had been so busy it seemed the opportunity just wasn’t there or it didn’t seem like a good time.

  It wasn’t long after that Sarah and Mama came out to join us on the porch. Mama took her usual place with Daddy and Sarah sat beside me, pulling her hair up to tie it back. Little tendrils hung down, brushing her neck. She was so beautiful. I stared at her and we just smiled at one another for no other reason than we loved each other’s company.

  It was the same way I’d seen my parents look at one another, and I hoped that I would always have the quiet moments with her.

  “I was going over the schedule earlier. You’re going to be in this area around the holidays, so that will work out perfectly. I’m also going to see if we can schedule a mini vacation when we’re on the West Coast between stops. I think it will be the last chance to get out that way for a break for a long while. Most of our stops are back East.”

  She’d poured over that schedule for hours at a time, and I knew she knew it inside and out. “What does the spring look like? Any free time then?” I asked.

  She narrowed her eyes and stared at the sky as if straining to remember. “May’s not too busy. Do you want me to call Richard and put in for some time?”

  “Yeah. We’ll need a few weeks at least. Don’t you think?” I could tell by the set in her brow that she was confused.

  “A few weeks?”

  “Yeah, to get ready for the wedding.” She glanced at Luke who seemed just as confused.

  I had wanted my entire family there for the moment, but Mason and Ted had never been anywhere they were supposed to be when you needed them. I stood and dug the ring out of my pocket and dropped to one knee before her. Her eyes widened as she noticed what I was doing.

  “Yes!” she screamed before I could even ask. She screamed the word and her arms wrapped around me so tight that she nearly pushed me over.

  My parents and Luke were laughing so hard, and Mama had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. “I didn’t get to ask you, yet.”

  She pulled away and cupped my face. “I’m sorry. Do you want to do it over?”

  “I love you, Sarah. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” She buried her face in my neck and whispered against me.


  Luke clapped and Mama and Dad joined in.

  Mason walked out still lost in his phone. “What’s going on?” He glared at me like I’d done something wrong and Mama filled him in on the news.

  He shrugged. “It’s about time.”

  “Do we have to wait until May?” Sarah pulled away and wiped her eyes.

  “You know the schedule. We can do it whenever you want.”

  “Is Christmas too soon? I’ve always wanted a winter wedding.”

  “Mama, I have a feeling
we’ll be home for Christmas, if we can have the wedding here?”

  “Of course.” She wiped her eyes and laid her head on Dad’s arm.

  I stood, helping Sarah to her feet. She admired her ring as tears filled her eyes. “Did you have this in your pocket all day?”

  “Yeah, I was trying to find the right time, but I just couldn’t wait any longer.” I pulled her in close and brushed my lips softly against hers. I couldn’t believe I’d waited this long.

  I took her hand and we excused ourselves and walked out to the barn, I couldn’t wait to get her alone. I had so much I wanted to say and yet I found myself in one of those quiet moments with her. I leaned against the fence and pulled her to me. She gazed up into my eyes, hers still fresh with tears.

  “How long have you known that you wanted to marry me?”

  I remembered the very first time she’d showed up here. Her little heels digging into the dirt and then later when I pulled her up on my horse with me. She was so determined.

  “I knew it the first day when you busted your pretty little ass lifting that bale of hay.”

  A blush rose to her cheeks and I wiped away the last of her tears. “You really knew all the way back then, even though I made a fool of myself?”

  “You were adorable. You’ve made every one of my dreams a reality. Promise me something?” I held her chin in my fingertips, holding her gaze.

  “Anything,” she said, taking my hand.

  “Promise me, you’ll always be mine?”

  She leaned in, giving me a quick kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Always.”

  The End

  Want More?

  Wild as the Wind is book 2 in the Dawson Brother’s stand-alone series.

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