Someone Like You

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Someone Like You Page 7

by Carmen, Andrea

  They were at an open air Italian pizzeria in the Upper East Side. Lucas had sweet talked Margo into allowing Alex for a lunch discussion. While they were in the middle of laughing over something silly, a voice broke into the conversation.

  “Lucas! Baby, is that you?”

  Baby? Alex paused, feeling her heart sink. She turned to see a svelte, blonde woman wearing a long sleeved designer dress she’d seen at Henri Bendel’s a month ago. She looked perfect in it. Alex bit her lower lip. She saw Lucas’ face. It looked peeved. Because of the situation? Was he dating both of them at the same time?

  “Ms. Edwards,” he said, “This is Trekker’s model, Alex Forbes.”

  “Mixing business with pleasure on such a fine Wednesday noon?” she crooned, holding his hand. “How are you Alex?”

  “I’m good,” she said in a small voice.

  “She’s so tiny, Luke,” she side looking at her sideways. “I loved the ads by the way. Say, are you busy this Friday?”

  “I’ll have to check.”

  “All right, I won’t disturb you and your business date,” she said the last word tartly. “See you, babe.”

  As soon as she left, the table was engulfed in awkward silence. Alex was busy staring at the pizza slicer. Lucas’ eyes were far away, across the street, concentrating on a fire hydrant.

  “It’s not…”he began, “It’s not what you think it is.”


  “We aren’t dating.”

  “We aren’t really dating either,” she said in a soft voice.

  Somehow it sounded sad to Lucas. He swallowed some saliva. “She’s…a business associate. Actually her father and my father are business associates.”

  “Okay.” She felt weird. Like she wanted to cry and leave him alone at the table to finish the pizza Margherita on his own. She felt cheated on. But what right did she have to feel this way? It was a business-related lunch date, nothing more. And she felt even more upset.

  Lucas wanted to kick himself if he could. That had not gone well. Jennifer was insistent to have weekly dates with him, even going so far as to asking Charles Conrad if she could borrow him for a few hours. Charles agreed, of course. The building they owned was going to be his in a few weeks. They ‘dated’, but Lucas abhorred every minute of it.

  Finally, she spoke up. “I’d like to go back to work, please.”

  “Uh, sure,” he reached for his phone to call Ben.

  “Don’t bother,” she said as pleasantly as possible. “I’ll just walk. Have a pleasant day, Luke.”

  Lucas frowned remembering their last meeting. He tried to reach out to her, but she wouldn’t respond to his calls or to his emails or to his texts. As much as he hated to admit it, he missed her company. After meeting up with Margo, he headed directly for the Conrad Building, trying to keep himself busy with work. On impulse he reached for the intercom.

  “Alice, would you come in, please.”

  Alice was in his office in a few seconds. “Yes?”

  “If someone’s mad at you, say a girl—what’s the best way to apologize….by way of a gift?”

  “Did Miss Edwards get upset?”

  “Not her,” he said irritably.

  “Which girl is this?”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “I warned you, Lucas Conrad,” she said, wagging her finger at him. “I warned you not to take so much interest-”

  “Alice, isn’t it too late for that? Now help me figure out how to fix things.”

  “For which problem? Dumping Jennifer Edwards or making amends to Alex Forbes?”

  “Alex. It’s all about Alex.”

  “You like her?” Alice teased.

  “Help me, Alice.”

  “The matters of the heart…you’re on your own, sir. I’d love to help but I don’t know Miss Forbes well enough to help you. Are you trying to win her over?”

  “Yes,” he said sheepishly and with a frown.

  Alice sighed. “I’ve never seen you this bothered for a girl. Excuse me.”

  “Alice, you can’t just leave me,” he said as Alice closed the door. He huffed.

  Jesus! How am I going to fix this? Of course I like her; I spend every waking moment just thinking about her…he shook his head. This is probably stress talking. I have duties. Conrad duties. I can’t disappoint Charles…

  He reached for his IPhone.

  “Miss Edwards? Are you free for lunch tomorrow?”

  Chapter Six: Some Silly Realization

  Alex hadn’t seen Luke in a month. Well, twenty-seven days to be exact, since their short and disappointing lunch date. She had been trying to avoid him at all costs. She felt Lucas got the message since Trekker only sent the assistants or the director when she had to do photo shoots and store appearances.

  She was relieved that she didn’t have to face him but at the same time, disconcerted. She didn’t want to think about it, but she missed him. Their random conversations, his little frowns, his vintage shirts…she shook her head as she walked down a grocery aisle, pushing a small cart along. She stocked up on her organic vegetables and fruits. Then she grabbed a bottle of soy milk.

  It was a more or less an idle life she led nowadays. She had more time to paint and draw, more time to exercise, read books and shop for vintage flea market finds. Her tiny studio was filled with canvasses stacked upon one another. A week ago, she had a talk with an owner of an art gallery in the Upper East Side, interested with her paintings and sketches.

  Lucas had suggested she move closer to the Upper East Side once, in an apartment maintained by the Conrad Group but she couldn’t bear to part with her studio.

  She paid for her groceries in cash and carried them in a canvas bag. Her apartment was only 3 blocks away. As she walked up to her block, she saw a familiar car. Her heart thudded. It was a black Lincoln car. Luke’s. Luke was here? No. No.

  The chauffeur got out.

  “Miss Forbes,” Ben said, tipping his cap off to her.

  “Hi Ben. Why are you here?”

  “I have an invitation for you,” he said holding out a monogrammed envelope in cream and gold.

  She took it from him with one hand. “Thank you, Ben…”

  “You should really go. He got something for you.”

  “A what?” she said, close to dropping her groceries. Ben quickly held out a hand to assist her.

  “Here, let me carry that for you Miss Forbes.”

  “I’m fine, Ben.”

  “You’ll be carrying something else far more important,” Ben motioned to the passenger seat. There was a large box on it.

  Her eyes widened as Ben took the groceries from her arms. She didn’t dare look at the box as they walked up for her flat.

  “Sorry Ben,” she said as she unlocked her door. “My flat’s five stories up.”

  “Used to it,” Ben said panting. He placed the groceries on the kitchen counter. Then he tipped his hat again. “Hope to see you this Saturday, Miss Forbes.”

  “Thanks, Ben.”

  She stared at the box again; it was a long box. She inched closer and saw the markings. Oh god, her mind whirled- Ellie Saab. Ellie Saab! Her hands were shaky now. She gingerly opened the box and saw the dress. She drew in a breath. Sure she wasn’t the fashionista type, but she knew what designers were worth spending on—even if she couldn’t afford it. But she had one now.

  It was in baby blue and gold. The gold threads trailed all over the off shoulder dress. It was so beautiful she could have cried. But why? What was this for? She quickly opened the envelope. It was an invitation to a thousand dollar per plate gala for a children’s foundation. Then she saw another envelope tucked under the dress. It was in Luke’s hand writing, in hasty cursive.

  Be ready by seven. I asked Lucia to help you.


  How could she say no to this?

  Should I message him? Thank him? But I’m…I’m not mad. Just hurt. Wait, why would I be hurt? This is strictly a professional invitation, for Tr
ekker and its corporate social responsibility. What shoes would I wear? Jewellery?

  She decided to take a picture and send it to Jason on his mobile phone.

  Seconds later she got a phone call.

  “All right, what the hell is an Ellie Saab doing in your apartment?” he joked.

  “Luke- Lucas Conrad invited me to a gala.”

  “The Children’s Trust this Saturday? Mother’s going, I’m going too. Wonderful!”

  “I have a slight problem-”

  “Hair, makeup? Shoes? Jewellery?”

  “Shoes,” she admitted.

  “Hmm…come to the office tomorrow. I’ll raid our stockroom. Hopefully you’ll have a shoe that fits. Size 7, right?”

  “Yes. Thanks Jason, I feel really lost-”

  “Well, that’s what gay, younger bosses are for!” he said ending the call.

  Alex laughed. She felt a better now, a little shaky still but better. It was probably the most extravagant gift she had ever gotten in her entire life; apart from the little painting room her father had set up for her when she was eight. She felt her disappointment towards Luke soften considerably.

  She didn’t want to admit it, but she felt giddy. Does this mean he really likes me? Wants to date me for real? She toyed with the idea of sending him a message or giving him a call.

  He’s probably busy, she thought.

  And she was right.

  * * * *

  “No,” Lucas flatly said. “I am not going with Jennifer Edwards.”

  Charles Conrad’s mouth turned into a steely line as he sat behind his large oak desk. “And why not?”

  “I already asked someone else.”

  “Your little Trekker model?”

  “Alex. It’s Alex.”

  “Young man, this is important.”

  “To you, not to me. For Pete’s sake, I’m through with her empty tales of shopping and salons and tanning beds.”

  Charles said nothing as he looked at his twenty-five year old youngest son. He looked at his eldest son, next. Michael was calmly smoking a cigarette in his air-conditioned office, loosening his tie as he did.

  Lucas didn’t like it when his father was quiet. It only meant he was planning something.

  “I’ll take Jennifer Edwards,” Michael finally said, stubbing his cigarette out on a potted plant. “I’ll save my beloved brother’s brain from being fried by some inane socialite.”

  Lucas looked up, unable to believe his luck. He saw his brother give a wink at him. Their father said nothing for a while.

  “Get back to work,” Charles finally said.

  His two sons didn’t say anything as they left their father’s office on the eighteenth floor.

  “Where are you going?” Lucas asked Michael.

  “Need another smoke,” he said going up to the building’s rooftop garden. Lucas followed suit. It was a chilly afternoon as they sat on a bench, watching the organic herbs swaying in the winds.

  “Thanks,” Lucas began.

  “What the hell for?” his dark-haired brother said. Michael looked like a younger version of Charles Conrad with a hot temper, a contrast to Lucas who was fairer haired and calmer.

  “Offering to take Jennifer to the gala.”

  “It’s nothing. She’d be a good bang,” he said jokingly. “Want a smoke?”

  “You know I quit years ago. But really, Jennifer will leave you feeling stupid after.”

  “That’s why I saved your ass. You’re smarter than I am. I can probably play around with her. Charles will kill me for it. I won’t make a video scandal, I promise.”

  Both brothers laughed, remembering Michael’s college video scandal with a senior at his Ivy League school. He had been judiciously expelled and sent to Europe to finish college. They had never seen their father so angry.

  “Charles is really getting into our nerves these days,” Michael said, exhaling a cloud of smoke.

  “He’s always getting on your nerves.”

  “I feel he does it on purpose, you know?”

  “You’re just not in good enough terms with him.”

  “Hell, like you are.”

  “I try to be, apparently, nothing’s ever enough.”

  “Oh boo-hoo, sob story for the Conrad heirs,” Michael said sarcastically. “Anyway, I’ll call up Jennifer, tell her I’m interested in dating her and all that, then probably take her back to my room—” he stopped and grinned.

  Lucas laughed. “Jesus, Mike. Stop being such an asshole.”

  “So this Alex… is she special or what?” his brother asked, changing the subject.

  Lucas shrugged. “She’s…interesting.”

  Michael chuckled. “Apart from having a pretty face, she’s interesting too. Nice.”

  “I like her,” Lucas said, standing up from the bench, stretching. “It’s all that matters.”

  “Are you sure you just like her?”

  “What? You’re my shrink now?” Lucas smirked at him. “Anyway, gotta get back to the salt mines. You should really quit smoking.”

  Michael shrugged as he lit another cigarette stick. “Sure, I will. See ya, asshole.”

  Lucas decided to take the stairs all the way to the eighth floor, his mind filled with thoughts of Alex. He liked her, that was all there was to it. She was a great girl. Someone he looked forward to being with- everyday if possible. He had been taking Jennifer Edwards out for lunch or dinner every few days, much to his chagrin, sometimes desperately imagining Alex in her place as she went on and on with her senseless banter.

  “I miss you wearing your glasses,” he suddenly said as they took a breather at the park.

  “My glasses?” she laughed.

  “I have a thing for girls and eye glasses.”

  “Must be a lot of girls,” she mused.

  “Only one,” he laughed and winked. God, did he want to kiss her.

  She blushed.

  He paced around in his office, the mid-afternoon rays of the sun filtering through the glass.

  He had bought the gown as a final effort to win her attention back. If she accepted it, it was a sign. Ben told him she had accepted it. But he hadn’t heard from her. He knew she was upset, he saw the confusion in her eyes the moment Jennifer left them during that lunch date. He had a feeling she was starting to like him. He did everything to make her like him…

  He suddenly couldn’t take the thought that she was ignoring him. Was she doing this intentionally? He remembered little details about her, strangely enough. The way her nose crinkled when she laughed, her wide-eyed stare when he gently forced her into some retail therapy, her little fist punching his arm over a bad joke…

  An impulse came over him.


  Alice came in. “Sir?”

  “I’m off for today. Tell them I’m sick,” he said, hastily stuffing his laptop and other documents into a monogrammed leather bag.

  He saw the look on Alice’s face. “I’m not losing my mind, Alice. Could you call Ben please?”

  A few minutes later, Ben was driving down the streets of Manhattan. Lucas was suddenly nervous. Would she? She should, right? He had never felt this way about anyone, yet. It irritated him, he felt so helpless against the emotions growing inside him.

  An hour later they arrived in front of her apartment.

  “Where’s her flat?” Lucas asked.

  Ben pointed to a lit room with some flowers hanging on the little balcony.

  “I’ll call you later,” Lucas said. “Wish me luck.”

  Ben smiled and tipped his hat. “Best of luck, sir.”

  Lucas pushed a random button. A minute later, an old lady wearing a floral dress and fluffy slippers opened the main door.

  “Who are you?”

  “Good afternoon, ma’am. I’m looking for Alex, Alex Forbes.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not some stalker, are you? I’ll beat you senseless,” Mrs. Jenkins warned.

  “I assure you I am not,” he said, “Luca
s Conrad,” he introduced himself.

  “Of the Conrad Group?” she gasped. “Why, I used to be your grandfather’s secretary! What do you want from Alex?”

  “I need to tell her something,” he said.

  Mrs. Jenkins opened the door wide. “Door 18. By all means, go get her.”

  He smiled and ran up five flights of stairs, his heart pounding all the way. Please, please…he thought to himself. He finally reached the door with the brass number 18 on it. He took a deep breath, trying to collect himself. Then he knocked twice.

  “Who is it?” a muffled voice said.


  Alex’s eyes widened. Did she just hear Luke’s voice? She quickly walked for the door. He heard her fumbling for the locks.

  The door flung open. “Luke! What are you doing here?”

  He did not hesitate to kiss her this time.

  Chapter Seven: We hurt the ones that matter

  “What—” Alex began, breathless. She started to feel light-headed.


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