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Reaper Dreaming: A Reaper Novel

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by Christie Palmer

  Reaper Dreaming

  Christie Palmer

  Copyright 2016 © Christie Palmer, Jinx Fantasy Fiction

  Distributed by Smashwords

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  Jinx Fantasy Fiction LLC

  Salt Lake City, UT

  Cover Design by: Jaycee DeLorenzo of Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs

  Ebook formatting by

  ISBN: 978-0-9885557-9-2

  First Edition October 2016

  Other Books By Christie Palmer

  Shadow Play (a Tracker Novel)

  Lost In Time (a Fallen Novel)

  Reaper Mine (A Reaper Novel)


  For my husband, I couldn’t have the hero’s in my books without you. Love means nothing without your constant presence. Thank you for everything you do!


  Table of Contents

  Other Books By Christie Palmer


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Epilogue 1

  Epilogue 2


  About Christie

  Chapter 1

  “What exactly makes you think you have something Dante wants?” the shadowed figure asked.

  “Trust me. He will want this. Just get me in front of him.” James twitched and looked around. His nerves were getting the better of him and, to top it off, his breathing had become difficult. James scratched at his chest, wishing the whole thing was just over and done with. “I’m not going to explain it to some lackey. Now can you get me an audience with Dante or not?”

  “I can.”

  “Then, let’s get this done.” James looked around again. This wasn’t the best part of town. And he still had to go back and pick up the package.

  “Do you have it with you?” the figure asked.

  “Do I look like an idiot?” James asked. His breathing was getting worse, and he coughed. James jammed his hands into his pockets. He didn’t want this thing to think it was making him nervous.

  “You don’t want to know what I think you look like,” the cloaked figure told him.

  “Fuck you, man.” For the first time since using the Reaper Call, James really looked at who had answered. “What are you anyway?” James demanded.

  “It’s not important. What is important however, is whatever you think you have that Dante may want. Lead me to it.” James didn’t necessarily want to lead this thing back to his apartment. But he didn’t think he had a choice either. Checking his watch he knew one thing, time was running out. He needed money and he needed it fast. The money sharks were giving him until ten-thirty tomorrow morning to get the ten grand he owed them or they would bust both his knees. They weren’t kidding this time. Besides the money, he needed for his next fix was riding him hard. The itch was getting bad and getting his medicine was more important than anything else.

  Lailah would kill him for sure this time. James was in deep, and he didn’t know if he could dig himself out this time. He only hoped to beg for forgiveness when all this shit blew over. Lailah had forgiven him in the past and they had history. He was counting on it meaning something. It’s all James had. He doubted it would mean anything but the gold he expected Dante would give him for Lailah would pay off his debt and get him his drugs. Maybe even set him and Lailah up for a couple of months, and they both needed it. What could Dante do with her after all? She was just a Touched soul by the Angels. Dante would hold her for the Angels and then they would buy her back. It was an easy score. “I’ll bring it back here in an hour,” James said turning to leave.

  “I’m not leaving and coming back. You will lead me to it, and we will go back to the Infernos now. This is your one and only chance,” the thing said. He left no room for argument. James knew the tone well, and you didn’t argue with whatever this dude was. Didn’t mean he wouldn’t try.

  “Are you kidding me? Dante will be very displeased if he loses out on this,” James argued his point.

  A bark of dry laughter echoed out from the dark recesses of the hooded cowl. “You are mistaken if you think Dante gives a shit for what you offer him. So take the opportunity now or walk away. I care not, at all, and neither does Dante.”

  James’ mind reeled. He had no other options and this piece of shit knew it. “Fine, follow me.”

  “If you think I will traipse through the streets of this city with you, you’re mistaken.” The thing reached forward with a gloved hand, grabbing ahold of James. “Think about where you want to be and take a deep breath. This could be uncomfortable.”

  James thought about his apartment and took a deep breath. Fire surrounded him. He would have let out a scream but just as fast as the fire surrounded him it was gone and James fell, ass down in his living room. Arms and legs flailing.

  Gasping for air, James coughed, “What the fu… What the…” James kept coughing.

  “I explained it could be uncomfortable,” the thing said. “You’re unharmed. Where is this item?” He asked looking around.

  James pointed down the hall.

  * * *

  Hunter looked down the dark hallway and swallowed past the urge to break the disgusting man in half. Treachery swarmed around the Guardian and Hunter wanted nothing to do with James, except for throwing him into a pit in the ninth level of the Infernos. However, Hunter would first need to get whatever James was betraying and turn it over to Dante. Then the bastard and his warped, dark soul belonged to Hunter. The thought brought the first real smile to Hunter since he had been sent to answer the Reaper Call by Dante. Hunter checked a couple of doors but found nothing interesting.

  James finally pushed past Hunter. “Last door, dumbass.” Hunter would enjoy making James scream.

  Hunter followed him into the last room and stopped short. “Who is she?” Hunter demanded.

  “None of your business,” James spat.

  Hunter grabbed the Guardian and pinned him up against the wall. “Who is she?” Hunter growled.

  James sputtered, his eyes nearly bugging out of his skull from the pressure Hunter put on his windpipe. “I’m not telling you. She belongs to me. I will only speak with Dante about her.”

  It took everything Hunter had not to shake the answers out of James. Dante was many things, but the ruler of the Infernos did not peddle in the flesh trade. Why did the scum of the world think just because he ruled the Infernos he did shit like this? Hunter stuffed his inclination
to kill the Guardian right here and now down until Dante had his say. Hunter had been sent to answer the Reaper Call and that was what he would do. So few people used the damn thing anymore. Hunter reminded himself it wasn’t his place to judge James, yet. Although Hunter knew where James ultimately would end up. Hunter threw James to the floor and walked over to the bed. The woman looked unharmed. She was beautiful, light skinned with blonde nearly white hair curling around her face. There was something light about her. Hunter couldn’t place her Other side. But she was definitely of the light. Hunter growled and turned back to James.

  “You are her Guardian?” Hunter demanded.

  James had pulled himself to his feet, “I refuse to say anything else. I will only answer to Dante.”

  “You’re an idiot,” Hunter told him. Hunter turned back to the woman and gently picked her up and turned back to James. James argued, but Hunter was done talking with him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Without warning, Hunter Flashed them to the Infernos. James landed on his knees, which Hunter thought was a good place for him.

  Hunter called for an Abda and handed the woman to it. “Stay right here. Don’t allow this piece of shit to move.” He nodded to James who remained on the floor coughing. “I shall be right back.” The Abda nodded.

  Hunter left them and entered Dante’s throne room. Dante sat in his chair on the dais, a slight man you wouldn’t think at first glance as the ruler of the Infernos. It would be your first mistake. You would be lucky if he allowed you a second.

  “Father.” Hunter nodded and waited for Dante to acknowledge him.

  “Hunter, what did you find?” Dante asked, extending his bare feet and crossing them at the ankles. To anyone who didn’t know Dante he would look like a young princeling playing at being a noble. A black button down shirt with the top several buttons undone, and black leather pants with no shoes or socks. He looked like he could have just rolled out of bed. But Hunter didn’t even know if Dante owned a bed. Much less ever slept.

  Hunter shook off those thoughts and answered his father. “A Guardian, drenched in deceit and looking to make a deal.”

  “Really?” Dante asked with one elegantly arched eyebrow. “And just what does this Guardian have he thinks I might want?”

  “He wouldn’t tell me, but I believe I know,” Hunter admitted. “And his soul belongs in Treachery.”

  Dante steepled his fingers under his chin and regarded Hunter closely. “You’ll let me make the decision of course?”

  Hunter inclined his head. “Of course, Father.”

  “Bring him in,” Dante said, waving his hands.

  Hunter turned and returned to James and the Abda. He motioned them to follow him. “Dante will see you now.”

  James looked excited, his eyes brimming with eagerness. Hunter rolled his eyes. James did not understand what awaited him. The fool.

  When they were all standing at the foot of Dante’s dais, Hunter bowed. Noticing James did not, he said, “Dante, this is James; a Guardian from the mortal plane. He wishes to speak with you.”

  “I have something you will want,” James burst out. Hunter shook his head. This was the second point against him. You always waited for Dante to give you permission to speak. Hunter watched Dante closely from beneath his cowl. There was a slight tightening of Dante’s jaw, indicating his displeasure.

  “Really? And that would be?” Dante asked quietly. Three points against James and the Guardian had barely spoken a handful of words. Hunter wished his brothers were here to witness this debacle. They would all get a good laugh when Hunter told them about it later.

  James motioned to the woman the Abda still held. “Lailah, she is very important. Bring her forward you imbecile.”

  If Hunter could have slapped his hand on his forehead this would be the moment. Point four against James. Hunter had to admit, this had to be the most fun he’d had in years. If steam could come out of Dante’s ears, then it would definitely be streaming out at this point.

  “Is there a reason you are insulting my Abda?” Dante asked quietly.

  “Um…” James just looked at Dante, his face turning a pale shade of white. “No?”

  “Then stop,” Dante demanded, his voice still quiet. But the demand was still as powerful as if Dante had bellowed it at the top of his lungs.

  James nodded so violently it looked like he had lost control of his head. It took everything Hunter had not to burst out laughing. There was no way his brothers would believe this when he retold it to them.

  The Abda stepped forward, gliding up the stairs and gently laying the woman at Dante’s feet.

  Dante looked at her, a bored expression on his face. “Who is she?”

  “My guard, of course,” James said with self-importance. “She is very important. Can’t you tell?” And from the frying pan and into the fire. Had he just insulted Dante’s intelligence? Hunter wondered if James continued to insult the ruler of the Infernos if there would be anything left of him to take to Treachery.

  “The Angles assign Guardians to mortals for reasons I care little for. Why would she be important to me?” Dante asked, looking back to James.

  “Can’t you see it?” James asked again. He looked ready to burst with excitement or fear. They were very closely related as far as Hunter was concerned.

  Dante nudged the female with one bare toe, then turned back to James. “No,” he said with a bored expression.

  James sucked in a breath, “She is very important to the Angels.” James practically shouted. “I have been told specifically by them, the Angels I mean, to keep her hidden from the Tribunal at all costs. Especially now, what with the Tribunal going nuts, cataloging all Others. Why would the Angels make a point to keep her safe? She is worth a great deal to the Angels,” James stammered.

  “Interesting,” Dante said. “But still, why should I care? I see nothing in her soul I should care about. She has a light soul. Millions of mortals have a light soul. Nothing at all that interests me. I can grab souls at whim off the mortal plane with light souls.”

  James looked fit to be tied at this point, “Don’t you want what the Angels have?”

  Dante shook his head, “What makes you think that?” Dante turned to Hunter. “What makes him think that?” Then he turned back to James with a bored expression.

  James swore, “I should have sold her to the Tribunal.”

  Dante made a tsk tsk sound. “Ah but you didn’t, did you? And you came here of your very own free will.” Dante turned to Hunter. “He came here of his own free will didn’t he?” Hunter nodded.

  Hunter had been watching James closely, and he saw it. The moment James realized he might have made a horrible decision.

  “If you don’t want her then I will take her and leave,” James said taking a step up the dais to retrieve the female.

  The Abda stopped him by placing a boney hand on his shoulder, shaking his cloaked head.

  James looked up to Dante, “You don’t want to make a deal with me, so I will just take Lailah and leave.”

  “No. I will not be making a deal with you. But we are far from done with you,” Dante said motioning to Hunter.

  James turned to Hunter, who finally removed his cloak, sweeping it off his shoulders. James’ eyes bulged when he saw the man under the cloak. He obviously didn’t expect to see a Hunter there.

  “I am Hunter, the ruler of Treachery.” As Hunter spoke, James blanched. “Your treachery will not go unpunished this day.”

  “You can’t do this. I’m a Guardian. I answer to the Angels alone.” James cried.

  “Oh, of course,” Dante said. Grabbing James’ attention. James stumbled back from the dais and Hunter who now stood over him.

  “Yes,” James screeched.

  “I demand an audience with an Angel,” Dante called out. He was still seated with his feet outstretched, looking relaxed, like this kind of thing happened every day. Hunter had to give it to Dante. He looked as if he was bored, but Hunter knew better. H
e knew Dante was watching and calculating the situation. This was a chess game to the ruler of the Infernos and he never played unless he knew he would win. And at the moment, the ruler of the Infernos was furious, furious at the actions of James. Furious because this was all just a waste of his time. And furious because he had to summon an Angel to the Infernos. Dante’s eyes were sharp and were ready to kill. He called to the Angels now, but it infuriated him to do so. He hated any intervention or basically anything bringing Angels into his domain.

  Hunter crossed his arms over his chest as James frantically looked around the great room.

  There was a great clapping noise and Hunter took a few steps up the dais. Angels liked to have the floor when they had an audience with Dante. Hunter moved so he stood several steps below Dante and off the main floor. He watched as an Angel appeared.

  They were beautiful creatures, Angels. Hunter had to admit it. But they were not the benevolent creatures mortals believed them to be, and they disliked having to come when Dante called. The look this Angel gave as she appeared let everyone know exactly how she felt about being summoned to the Infernos.

  However, when her eyes landed on James she sucked in a horrified breath. “What is the meaning of this?” she demanded. “James, come here.” She motioned for him. James immediately shuffled toward her, his head hung low.

  Dante tsk’d again, “You may want to know exactly why James is here before you welcome him back into the bosom of the Angels.” Dante offered.

  The Angel glared at Dante, “Why have you brought us here?” she demanded.

  “Oh, it wasn’t me. James says he answers to only the Angels. So, I brought one here so he could answer to you.” Dante turned to James. “James, would you like to explain to the compassionate, benevolent Angels how you attempted to trade, no, sell your guard to me today? And when I refused, you said you should have sold her to the Tribunal instead?”

  The Angel sucked in a breath so harsh it took her off her feet. Her wings beat furiously behind her, and she turned a horrified look on James.


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