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Always Have: (Bad Boy Romance)

Page 12

by Claire Kingsley

  I slide the pillow out so her hips turn up a little more and push my tongue inside her.

  “Holy shit,” she breathes.

  I fuck her with my tongue, in and out, sliding it along the top of her opening where she’s sensitive. Her heat builds and she bucks her hips against me. I hold her hips, moving them up and down, my tongue relentless. I want to see how fast I can make her come, so I speed up. She arches her back, her fingers tearing at the sheets. She pants with every thrust of my tongue.

  “Oh fuck, Braxton, yes,” she says in between breaths. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  I feel her pussy throb and clench as she comes. I don’t let up. I want to stretch it out, drive her crazy, keep her coming forever. She calls my name, and I’m so hard that I’m tempted to reach down and jerk off while she finishes—but if I do it right, I think I can get her to come again immediately.

  Her hips slow down and I feel her spasms subsiding. Before it’s over, I push into her clit with the flat of my tongue and start again, flicking it fast.

  “What the fuck?” she breathes.

  Her thighs clench, and I push them open. Her body writhes; she calls out, loud and incoherent. She’s completely losing control. I feel her on the brink of another orgasm, but I can’t stand it anymore. I get up on my knees and rip the pillow out from under her, grab her hips and turn her over, pulling her ass up so she’s on her knees, and press my hand into the middle of her back, pushing her upper body down.

  I hold her hips and thrust into her pussy. I lean my head back and revel in the feel of her. She takes my whole length, as deep as I can go, sheathing me in her perfection. I hold there, tight against her, my cock buried inside her. I’m high as fuck, drunk on her taste, her smell, the feel of her pussy clamping around me.

  “Holy shit, Braxton, fuck me now,” she says.

  I love that I can do this to her, make her hot and desperate. I thrust in and out, pounding her as hard as I dare. I don’t want to hurt her, but she moans and leans into me, grinding her hips against me each time I plunge in.

  The pressure builds, heat rushing to my groin, my balls tightening as they ready to empty into her. It’s been years since I’ve been inside a woman without a condom, and there’s absolutely nothing like the feel of my cock sliding against her bare flesh. I watch her ass, beautiful and round, lifted for me. God, she’s amazing. I can’t get enough of her.

  Her pussy tightens around me. She’s going to come again. I shouldn’t have made her wait this long. I’ll send her over the edge now, and wait to loose my cock in her. Then I can give her a third, and we can come together.

  I lean down to sweep my arm under her ribcage and pull her upper body against me. My chest presses into her back and I reach around to finger her clit. I thrust my cock in, deep, and flick her clit twice. She throws her head back against my shoulder, coming hard. Her pussy clenching around my dick almost unmakes me, but I hold back, rubbing her clit until she finishes.

  I’m so close, but I carefully pull out and turn her on her back. I give her a second to catch her breath, my cock so hard I feel like I could explode right here and come all over her tits.

  She raises her arms over her head and her tits move up and down as she breathes. Her legs are bent and tipped open, as if she doesn’t have the energy to move them anymore.

  “Oh my god, Braxton,” she says, wiping her hand across her forehead. “I don’t even … holy shit.”

  “One more, baby,” I say.

  I get on my knees and drag her closer. I push my cock in and thrust a few times. At first I think she might be too tired to come again. Her eyes are half closed, her lips partially open, and she’s still breathing hard. But I swipe my thumb across her clit while I move in and out, and I feel her body come back to life.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” she says.

  Her eyes meet mine and the fire returns. I massage her clit as I thrust in and out, never looking away from her. I want her to know; I want her to feel everything I’ve felt for more years than I care to count. There aren’t enough words for me to tell her, but I can show her with my body—my hands, my mouth, my cock. I want to show her what she is to me. What she’s always been to me.

  I want her to know this is real.

  “Tell me when, baby girl,” I say. I’m right on the brink, my dick aching with the need to unload in her.

  “I can’t believe…” She pants, bucking her hips. “Oh god, yes. Now, baby. Do it now.”

  I unleash and my cock throbs, pulsing over and over. I spill out into her, coating her, claiming her. My body stiffens and there’s nothing but this wave of agonizing bliss washing over me. I think it’s over, but there’s more, pulse after pulse of ecstasy.

  I slow down as the throbbing subsides. We’re both slick with sweat, breathing hard. Kylie stares at me, those beautiful blue-gray eyes taking me in, her inky dark hair spilling across the bed. Her cheeks are flushed, her lips pink and full. I lean down and brush her hair back from her face. I kiss her mouth, tasting her sweet lips. I kiss her forehead, her cheeks, the base of her jaw just below her ear.

  “Kylie,” I whisper. There’s nothing more. I just want to say her name.


  I lean my forehead gently against hers and smile. My heart wants to burst right out of my chest. She’s the only thing I ever really wanted for myself, and the one thing I didn’t think I would ever have.

  But now, finally, she is mine.

  A couple weeks go by, and Kylie is my world. She goes home long enough to grab some clothes and brings them back to my condo. As far as I’m concerned, we should get rid of her apartment now, but I don’t say it. She’s still a little hesitant, although every night I easily convince her to stay over. I don’t want to be without her.

  I go to my gym and train my clients, but rush home when I’m done, hoping she’ll be back from work. Just seeing her car parked on the street outside makes me smile.

  I wake up every morning with her scent on my sheets, her hair draped across my pillow, and I can’t believe how fucking lucky I am.

  On Friday, I take her out to dinner. I purposefully avoid bringing her to any of our usual places. I don’t want to risk running into Selene unexpectedly. Kylie and I haven’t talked about Selene again, but I don’t have to hear her say it to know she’s nervous about my sister. I want to assure her I’ll handle it, but the truth is, I’m not sure how.

  Selene has always given me the death stare when I show interest in Kylie. Any time I let my guard down and looked at Ky with any sort of honesty—whether it was intentional or not—Selene would tense up and narrow her eyes at me. Sometimes I can almost feel what Selene is feeling—it’s a twin thing, I guess—and when I would flirt with Kylie, I could feel Selene’s anger. I know she’s going to be mad at me for being with Ky. I just need some time to think about what to say to make her understand, and reassure her this doesn’t mean she’s losing Kylie to me. It will be different, but that doesn’t have to be bad.

  I have one client in the morning on Saturday, and when I finish, I have a text from Selene. A wave of nerves twists my gut. Shit. Her garbage disposal is broken and she wants me to come take a look at it. For a second, I think about telling her to get her dickhead boyfriend to come deal with it. But I always take care of Selene’s house when something breaks. I always take care of my sister. It’s what I do.

  Kylie’s having lunch with her dad, and I don’t want to tell Selene anything without Ky being there. I figure Selene has no reason to suspect something, so I put the worry out of my mind. I’ll go to her house and fix her disposal. Kylie and I can talk tonight about what to say to her. I don’t know if Kylie is hesitant to tell her because she’s afraid of Selene’s reaction, or because she doesn’t know if we’re going to last. I hate the thought that she feels that way, but I can’t really blame her. My history doesn’t give her any reason to be confident in my ability to commit to a woman. The only thing I can do is show her.

  And not ju
st by fucking her crazy every night—I need to stay.

  But I don’t even worry about it, because that’s the easy part. I have no intention of going anywhere. Ever.

  I drive over to Selene’s house and let myself in. Although she’s redecorated over the years, it’s still a little strange to be here. It probably always will be. We were kids in this house. Every inch is full of memories. Some are fantastic, particularly the ones with the three of us together. Sliding down the stairs on sheets of cardboard, hiding in the extra bedroom and jumping out to scare the girls, snuggling up on the couch with a tub of popcorn and a movie. Others are harder to face, although the sting has faded to a dull ache as the years have gone by.

  I go to the garage and grab the small red toolbox that belonged to my dad. The rim is rusted and there’s a dent in the side. I can still remember him opening it to find a screwdriver so he could put batteries in our toys on Christmas morning.

  “Selene,” I call out as I walk back to the kitchen with the tools. “Where you at?”

  Her voice is faint, coming from upstairs. “Be down in a minute.”

  I turn on the water and flip the switch to see if the disposal turns on. Nothing. I check the drain, but I don’t find anything jammed in there.

  “Hey,” Selene says.

  “Hey sis,” I say. “What did you do to this thing? Did it just stop working?”

  “I didn’t do anything,” she says. “I don’t even use it that much, but I tried this morning when I was cleaning up, and nothing happened.”

  “Maybe it’s the circuit. I’ll flip the breaker.”

  “I’m sorry, I should have tried that,” she says. “I didn’t even think of it.”

  I shrug. “It’s no big deal.”

  “Hey, have you talked to Kylie?” she says.

  I freeze. Selene’s voice has a conspiratorial undertone, like she has a secret she wants to dangle in front of me. I retreat behind my wall, forcing my expression to stay casual. “Yeah, I guess. Why?”

  “Really? Well maybe you got more out of her than I did,” Selene says. “Did she tell you she broke up with Derek?”

  I hope that’s all the news Selene thinks there is. “Yeah, she told me.”

  “Did she tell you why?” Selene asks, like she already knows the answer, but wants to find out if I know.

  “I don’t know, she just said it wasn’t working,” I say.

  Selene shakes her head. “I’m pretty sure she left him for someone else.”

  I look down at the counter. It is so hard to keep everything from showing on my face. “What makes you say that?”

  She looks up at the ceiling, like she’s thinking it through. “Mostly just a feeling. I talked to her earlier in the week, and she sounded different.”

  “Different, how?”

  “Well, for one thing, I’m pretty sure I called her right after sex. I could hear it in her voice.”

  I search my memory, but I don’t remember Kylie getting a call from Selene, particularly not right after we had sex. Although we’ve probably had more sex in the last week than I did in the entirety of my last relationship, so practically anytime day or night could arguably be “right after sex.”

  I shrug again, making a noncommittal noise, and pretend to be busy searching through the tools.

  “Oh my god,” Selene says.

  My back and shoulders tense, but I keep my eyes on the tools, like I’m bored by Selene’s conversation. “What?”

  “You know something.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say.

  “Braxton,” she says, her voice stern. “Tell me.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. What do I say? “Tell you what?”

  “Tell me what Kylie told you,” she says.

  “Well, if Kylie didn’t tell you, maybe she didn’t want you to know.” Fuck. That was the wrong thing to say.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Nothing, I’m just trying to get you off my back.” I’m panicking. “Yeah, she said she dumped Derek for someone. I think it’s just a fuck fling though. No big deal. That’s probably why she didn’t say anything. She doesn’t want you to think she’s crazy.”

  “So why did she tell you?” Selene asks.

  “I, uh … I saw her. She sucks at lying to my face, so I called her out.”

  Selene drums her fingernails along the counter top. “I guess that makes sense. She is a shitty liar. And I haven’t seen her, so…”

  “See? There you go,” I say. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  “Damn it, I hate it when she keeps things from me,” Selene says. “Oh well. I guess I didn’t tell her about Matthew right away. And after Derek, she deserves to be with someone who can push her buttons.”

  That sounds like something I very much want to hear. “What does that mean?”

  Selene shrugs her shoulders. “He didn’t really do it for her. She told me a while ago that she hadn’t had a real orgasm in ages.”

  I turn back to the sink to hide the wide smile that crosses my face.

  “Sucks for her,” I say. I head toward the garage again. “I’m going to go check that breaker.”

  The circuit was tripped, so I flip it back. I go to the kitchen and turn on the switch. The disposal rumbles.

  “There you go,” I say.

  “Thanks, Brax,” Selene says. “Sorry I made you come over for that.”

  “It’s fine,” I say. “But I gotta get out of here. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  “Where are you off to?” she asks. “Hot date tonight?”

  I just laugh as I walk toward the door. I don’t want to say anything else and dig myself in a deeper hole. Fuck fling? What the hell was I thinking with that one?

  “Bye, Selene.”

  I shut the door behind me. I’ll have to tell Kylie to go along with it until we have a chance to sit down with Selene and tell her what’s really going on. Man, she’s going to have my ass for this.

  I’m not sure if I mean Kylie, or my sister.

  How did I ever live without Braxton?

  Nothing has been the same since he kissed me in that restaurant booth. He saturates my existence, fills every part of me, body and soul. The days before him fade into gray, into nothing. The days since are bright, vibrant. Alive.

  I’m so in love with him. I thought I might be in love a dozen times in the past, but I never was. I never knew what love really felt like until I experienced it with Brax. Now I can’t imagine anything else. I can’t imagine loving anyone else. Ever.

  And I’m scared shitless over it. Because this is Braxton.

  He loves me with fury, fucking me into oblivion, making love to me with desperate tenderness. His kisses melt me, turn my brain to mush. His touch makes me shiver and tremble. When he’s inside me, when we’re as close as two people can possibly get, I don’t want it to end. I want to be connected to him, to have his skin against mine, his breath on my neck. I can’t get enough.

  I haven’t slept at home once since the first night we were together, and I’m starting to wonder if I ever will again. I hate the thought of sleeping alone, without his strong body against me. I drift through my days, a smile rarely off my face. My coworkers comment that something has changed. I shrug and smile, keeping my secret to myself.

  It’s harder to keep it from Selene.

  Why Braxton had to tell her I’m having a fling on the side, I have no idea. He said he panicked. At this point, I’m avoiding Selene—putting her off when she asks to hang out. That’s messed up, and I know it, but I’m not sure what to do about it yet. I wish Braxton had just told her the truth, but he swears it will be fine. He says he’ll take the heat, and he’s sure she’ll understand.

  Then Selene goes out of town with Matthew, so I feel like the pressure is off and I can relax—at least until she gets back.

  Sunday morning, I’m cozied up on Braxton’s couch, eating pancakes. Pancakes are literally my favorite food ever, and his are the best. So
light and fluffy, and slathered in butter. Braxton stands in the kitchen, finishing the last batch. He’s wearing nothing but dark blue boxer briefs, and if we hadn’t just fucked over the side of the couch half an hour ago, I’d probably be going for his cock right now.

  Because, oh my god, his cock is magnificent. It’s fucking magic.

  He grins at me as he flips a pancake, and I realize I’m staring at him. “How’s your breakfast?” he asks.

  “Amazing,” I say. “Almost as amazing as you.”

  His smile widens and he drizzles syrup over his pancakes, then brings his plate to the couch and sits down next to me. “Are you sure they’re good? You aren’t eating.” He raises his eyebrows.

  “I’m distracted by your abs again,” I say.

  He looks down at himself and laughs. “They’re your abs now, baby girl.”

  I shift so I’m facing him and tuck my toes under his leg. “You are so sexy.”

  “God, I love hearing you say that.”

  I watch him take a bite. He licks the syrup from his lips, and I start getting hot between the legs again. “How did I get so lucky?”

  He puts his hand on my foot and squeezes. “I’m the lucky one.” He takes another bite, then looks at me with his head tilted to the side. “Ky, what do you want to do?”


  “No, not today,” he says. “I mean, what do you dream about doing? What’s on your list?”

  “My list?” I take another bite, considering. “Lots of things, I guess. I want to travel. I haven’t been that many places.”

  “Where would you go?”

  “Somewhere tropical would be great. Hawaii or the Caribbean, maybe. There are lots of places in Europe that I think would be amazing to see. And there’s one thing I’ve always dreamed of doing, but…” It seems like such a silly thing, I’m not sure I want to tell him.

  “What?” He nudges my foot. “Tell me.”

  “I’ve always wanted to spend New Year’s Eve in London. I want to stand under Big Ben and watch that huge clock tick over to midnight.”


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