Dream of Me

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Dream of Me Page 12

by Magenta Phoenix

  “I don’t need his permission! I can do as please,” she bit out, tugging firmly on her captured wrist.

  The second one chuckled behind her, no doubt enjoying watching her fruitless efforts. “Feisty, isn’t she? I think Kieran will have a hard time with this one,” he teased.

  Opening her mouth to tell baldy to shut up, she never got the chance as the man in front of her jerk her to a stop. Looking around him, she watched as from the shadows another warrior stepped towards them. Dressed like the others in dark leather trouser, the warrior ahead of her had long straight hair to his shoulders. Cutting across his thin lips was a deep scar that stood out against his gray skin. Glaring at all of them he spoke.

  “Magnas, Remon, what are you doing with Kieran’s mate?” he demanded, his clawed hand falling to a blade against his hip.

  “Lowen, we found her wondering around, we were merely returning her to him,” the long haired one said.

  Removing his hand from the hilt of his blade, the warrior nodded, “I see, I will take her.” Before either of them could argue, he stepped forward and removed the Garmorian’s hand from her wrist before taking possession of it himself. With tense features, both of the warriors turned and walked stiffly away.

  Once they were out of earshot, Lowen turned to look at her. “It is good to see you are doing better, Lady Elena.”

  Reaching out, she slapped his hand off on her wrist. Taking a step back, she eyed him with suspicion, “Do I know you?”

  Chuckling, he nodded. “I saved your life just the other night. Had I not fired my arrows you would be with the Kelithians most likely.”

  Realization hit her; he was the bowman from the forest that killed one of the Kelithian while injuring the other that tried to harm her. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize you. Thank you for what you did last night. What is your name?”

  “I am called Lowen.”

  Folding her arms over her chest, she looked away from him. “Are you planning to drag me back and lock me in Kieran’s room?” she asked without meeting his gaze.

  “I should. It can be dangerous for an unbound female to wonder around alone. The others were just doing what they were with good intentions.” Sighing, he shook his head. “I will not though. Instead allow me to escort you to where you wish to go.”

  “I don’t need you to follow me around,” she replied through clenched teeth.

  “For my sake, I would worry. Let me just accompany you to where you wish to go and then I promise to leave you alone,” he beseeched, holding out a hand to her.

  “I’m not going to get rid of you people am I?”

  “I can be just as stubborn as you, I fear.”

  Reluctantly she nodded, “Alright, I just wanted to get some air.”

  “This way,” he smiled, pointing behind her. “Follow me; I will take you to the courtyard.”

  Smiling softly at him, she followed behind him as he begun guiding her down the dark, winding corridor. Turning a corner, they came to a stop at an open doorway leading outside. Stopping just in front of the doorway, Lowen motioned for her to precede him. Stepping outside, she turned to look back at him.

  “Thank you… for understanding.”

  Sharply nodding, he gently smiled at her. “No thanks needed. You can find the way back?”

  “Yes.” Without another word, Lowen turned away to disappear in the shadows.

  Turning around, she walked to the center of the courtyard. Around her were several towering trees, with wide, strong branches reaching outward to the sky. Taking in a deep breath of the sweet night air, she closed her eyes. Opening her eyes, she looked around at the high stone walls. Could she really stay here? Even for a short time, she dreaded it. She knew nothing of this world or the creatures of it. She was drawn to Kieran; she was woman enough to admit it. But she was terrified of what he was and the world he’d taken her to.

  Beneath her feet, the ground rumbled and shook. Hold her arms out to her sides, she struggled to balance herself. As quick as it had come, the shaking stopped as all grew quiet around her. What is an earthquake? Did they have earthquakes here? Deciding to return back inside, she turned and moved through the courtyard. Taking a couple steps she jumped back as her bare foot stepped down on something hot. In front of her the grass hissed as smoke began to rise from the ground. Before her eyes the ground turned black as the grass began burning. What was going on?

  Eyes widening, she took a quick step back as the ground begun to roll beneath her again. Abruptly the ground exploded beneath her feet, sending her flying through the air. Landing on her back, she gasped as pain flooded her. What the hell was that?!

  A sound like a roar and a high pitch shriek erupted across the courtyard from her, causing her heart to freeze with fear. Pulling herself up into sitting position, her mouth fell open in a silent scream at what she saw. Standing near the exploded earth was a creature that only could have existed in her nightmares.

  Standing nearly ten feet high was a monstrous creature. Its skin was a mixture of pasty gray, green and brown with clumps of earth growing from its skin. As if it was made of the earth its self. It stood like a gorilla with its weight rested on a pair powerful long arms with long claws and short fat legs. Along its upper arms, shoulders and back were sharp, black spikes nearly a foot long. The face was almost humanoid. It possessed a wide flat nose and two slanted eyes that glared at her while its large mouth opened to reveal large fangs as it snarled at her. Struggling to her feet, she slowly began edging away from the creature.

  Her slow movements were just enough to enrage the creature. Roaring, it slammed it’s mighty, claws against the ground, causing the ground around her to shake with the force of an earthquake. Not wasting a moment, she ran towards the entrance to the keep. The ground rolled and jumped beneath her dashing feet as the creature charged towards her. She was thrown off her feet as the creature swung its strong claw at her. Landing on her side, she rolled over onto her back, wincing with pain.

  Screaming as it drew closer, she crab walked as fast as she could as the creature now loomed over her. Lowering its snarling face closer to her, she cringed back as black ink dripped from its mouth to land on her arm. Gasping in pain, the inky liquid burned her skin like acid. Reaching beside her, she gripped a sharp stone and swung it at the creature’s face. Though her strike did little damage, it stunned the creature just enough for Elena to jump to her feet and run to the doorway.

  “Help!” she screamed as she ran.

  Just as she reached the doorway hot pain burned through her shoulder, shoving her against the stone wall with force. Looking down, she gasped in horror as she saw a black spike skewered through her shoulder. Sliding down the wall, her hands fought to hold her up as her legs gave out. Her wound burned like fire as she fell to her knees. Slowly the creature moved towards her, snarling with rage. Meeting its black eyes, she waited for it to attack again. The creature suddenly jerked back as several warriors swooped down from the sky. Slashing its massive claws at the few warriors that rushed forward, the creature shrieked as its blood was drawn by many swords and claws.

  Closing her eyes against pain Elena fought to draw air into her lungs against the burning pain. A moment later, she felt presence beside her as someone kneeled next to her. Weakly opening her eyes, she saw Lowen. He looked at her with worry. Turning his gaze to her wound, she felt him circle his large hand around thick shaft of the spike.

  “No,” she gasped at the pressure, reaching up to grip his wrist.

  Holding his hand still, Lowen raised his eyes to hers. “Listen to me. It must come out. The Dihma’s spikes carry poison that can kill you if you leave it in too long. I must do this. Be brave.” Letting her hand drop from his, he took it as her compliance. Gripping the spike tightly, Lowen pinched his lips together as he jerked the spike out of her shoulder. Elena screamed in pain as the spike ripped through her shoulder in a quick motion.

  “I am sorry,” Lowen uttered, as he tossed the spike aside. Reaching forward, he grip
ped her hand to press it against the two inch wound. “Hold pressure. I will go and get your mate.”

  Gasping in fear, Elena shook her head as he moved to rise. “The monster…”

  “Tis dead, the patrolling warriors spotted it and raised the alarm. They have killed it; look for yourself.” Doing as he said, she turned her head to look across the courtyard. Beyond the panting warriors, the creature lay still on the charred earth, black blood pooled around its fallen form.

  “You must not move until I return.” Not waiting for her reply, Lowen quickly called upon his wings and took to the sky.

  Grimacing against the pain, Elena pressed her hand against the blistering wound. Blood seeped between she trembling hand as she looked down. Rolling her eyes, she groaned, pressing her head against the stone wall. She was never going to hear the end of this once Kieran found out.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Narrowing his eyes at the scrolls before him, Cian skimmed over the reports of disputes among the lower Garmorian people. Pacing back and forth across his quarters as he read, he concluded that the disputes were nothing that drew any real concern. However, the scrolls from the high ranking lords were piled across his desk, untouched. His nose curled with loathing at the thought of opening a single one.

  He had no desire to look upon the petty complaints of his court. Whatever happened to his people being united and proud? In the last hundred years many of the governing lords under him cared more about their comforts and well being than the lower people that worked to supply those same comforts. The needs of the people of the small villages, those which farmed the land, forged their weapons and goods, and even risked their lives to hunt in the Greenwood when times were desperate had become invisible to the lords. It disgusted him.

  Stopping in front of the raging flames that danced in the wide hearth, he felt his heart become heavy with concern. His people had suffered so much because the council of lords refused to stand together. This couldn’t continue. Something had to be done before more lives were lost. Before he had a chance to dwell on the worries that plagued his mind, a heavy pounding on the door drew his attention. Rolling the scroll up, he placed it upon the black stoned hearth before turning towards the door.

  “Enter,” he commanded. The heavy door of his chamber was pushed open as one of his personal servants entered. Bowing her head respectfully, the old servant remained standing in the doorway.

  “Pardon my interruption, Gu’an. One of your warriors requests a short audience with you.”

  Though for many it wasn’t customary to meet him unless the Li’r had arranged and approved the meeting, Cian always made a point of bending the rules when it came to his warriors. At least they hadn’t forgotten their true honor unlike his advising lords.

  “It is alright, Yira. Send him in.” Without bothering to reply the small woman stepped aside, allowing the warrior in question to enter. Bowing, Yira turned and left, allowing the door to close behind her.

  “Good eve, Kieran. Not to seem rude, but it is a little late in the day for a warrior to request an audience with me, particularly when I am in my private chambers.”

  Rising to his feet, Kieran nodded his head but he refused to shy away from the matter that had brought him here so late. “Forgive me, but this could not wait.”

  Moving to his desk, Cian reached for the dark bottle of Je’ra wine that sat half buried by clutter. Turning back to Kieran, he held up the bottle in offering.

  “Yes,” Kieran nodded toward the offered liquor. After the day he’d had, he would need something stronger than Je’ra wine, but it would do for now. “I’m sure you know my reason for bothering you, Gu’an.”

  Holding up a staying hand, Cian gave his old friend a hard look. “There is no reason to stand on ceremony here, Kieran. I never have asked that you always call me by my title, call me by my name.” Pausing he uncorked the bottle and pouring its contents into two dark goblets. Passing one to Kieran, he lifted his own. “Besides, using my name helps to give me the illusion that I am just a normal warrior like you,” he added with a smirk.

  “Cian,” Kieran began again. “Do you know why I came to see you?” he repeated with a knowing look.

  Tipping back the burning liquor, Cian nodded, “You have begun the Malrai Hin.” Setting his goblet aside he folded his arms over his wide chest with a look of regret. “But there is something else I must discuss with you. Because we have been friends for many years, it saddens me to inform you that another has come to me to petition the right to court your mate.”

  Kieran narrowed his eyes in confusion, “I do not understand.”

  “Come and take a seat.” Walking past him, Cian motioned to the padded seats on either side of the roaring hearth in offering. Taking a seat across from his friend, Kieran felt more edgy as Cian’s look of worry deepened. “Drink first; you may need it before I tell you what I must.” Doing as his Gu’an and friend advised, Kieran winced as the dark liquor burned a trail of fire down to his stomach.

  “What is it?”

  Looking away, Cian focused his concerned gaze on the dancing flames as he spoke, “Li’r informed me of the incident between Rurik and you. Not long after it must have happened, Rurik came to the throne room pleading that I speak with him.”

  Growling low in his throat, Kieran could just imagine the scenario that Rurik had painted for him. “What did he say?”

  Turning back to look at him, Cian tilted his head to the side in thought. “That you attacked him — unprovoked — and that I should deny you the right to claim the human, Elena. He beseeched that I give the human female to him and leave you to suffer the Malrai Hin instead. He also claimed that you were unsuitable for a sou’tali.”

  Snarling, he leaned forward in his chair as his dark eyes glowed with rage. Rurik thought to take his mate from him; he swore he’d see Rurik dead before he stepped aside as Elena’s sou’tali. “That is a lie!” Leaping to his feet, his chest rose and fell rapidly as he glared down at Cian. Already he could feel his beast threatening to emerge to fight for his mate. No one would claim Elena but him and no one would keep him from her. Not Cian and certainly not Rurik. “Her name is Elena and she is mine,” he said darkly, his clawed finger pointing at himself.

  Not the least intimidated by him, Cian shrugged his shoulders carelessly. Resting his chin against his closed fist, Cian regarded his agitated friend. “That may be the case, Kieran. But it doesn’t erase the fact that I have two Garmorian males that wish to claim the same female — regardless that Elena isn’t Garmorian or not, the same laws apply here.”

  Snarling at his words, Kieran paced away with angry strides. He knew all too well what laws Cian was referring to. In the times of old, if two warriors wished to claim the same female — even if she wasn’t their sou’tali, the law stated that no matter the outcome, the female had the last word. In other words, if Elena favored Rurik over him, he’d lose her forever. It didn’t matter that she was his one and only mate. The mere thought left him with a mixture of jumbled emotions. The fear of losing her and the rage that another sought to take what was rightfully his made his blood boil.

  He wouldn’t let anyone take Elena from him; she was his and his alone.

  Turning back to Cian, he clenched his fists at his sides with restrained anger. “What was your answer?”

  Shaking his head, Cian smirked, “What Rurik didn’t realize is according to our laws, the female in question must first agree to the Malrai Hin before permission can be granted. Has she given you the right?”

  Slowly a knowing grin formed on Kieran’s face. His friend was nothing if not wise and sneaky. “She has,” he nodded.

  Leaning back in his seat, Cian clapped his hands together a single time. “Good, may you be victorious in claiming your sou’tali.” Rising to his feet, Cian crossed the room to him with a look of foreboding once more. “But understand this; a second challenger can still attempt to sway your mate. I have a feeling that Rurik will not easily back down.“


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