Dream of Me

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Dream of Me Page 22

by Magenta Phoenix

  “There has to be a way. You can’t tell me that it’s not eating at you to find out the real reason why he’s here. I’m sure there has to be a way that you can get close enough.” His brows furrowed as he was deep in thought, then slowly his eyes brightened as the corner of his lips curled.

  “There is one way.”

  She suddenly didn’t like how his eyes looked at her with indication. Whatever he was planning would not be good.

  A wave of suspicion surrounded her senses as she dared to ask, “What is it?”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Cian watched with a tense expression as Zyaid slowly circled the length of his throne room with distaste. He had been more surprised than any of his warriors when Zyaid and his guard had arrived at their gate requesting an audience.

  “How do you live like this?”

  “Just because I’m not surrounded by the source of my greed at every waking moment doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with my stronghold.”

  “How would you know? Savages like your kind never did see the worth of anything around you.”

  Cian’s knuckles cracked as his fist clenched in anger against the arm of his throne. “Why are you here, Zyaid?”

  Zyaid sharply turned to face the raised, stone throne with his lip curling in rage. “I. AM. A. KING!” he snarled. “And you will address me as one!”

  Smirking at Zyaid’s rage, Cian shrugged his shoulders uncaring. “You are no king to me, Zyaid. Within my fortress you have no deviant powers; that means that right now you are no stronger than a human. Keep that in mind when you raise your voice to me!” Cian warned in a thunderous voice.

  Chuckling, Zyaid took a step closer to Cian with dark intent. “Funny you should mention humans, savage king. That is the very reason I’ve come.”

  Cian narrowed his eyes. His lips pressed into a thin line as he leaned forward in his throne. He knew that Zyaid was playing with him, but to what end he didn’t know yet. “Explain.”

  “It has come to my attention that you are in possession of a human female.”

  “Not in my possession. Your spies should keep you better informed.”

  “Set aside your paranoia. As soon as you hand the human over to me — I will take my leave of you and your kind.”

  Cian’s claws curled around the arms of his throne, his teeth gnashed together as he struggled to reign in his anger. He was all too aware of who Zyaid was. He was the false king — the dark immortal king of the Kelithians. He was the very definition of evil for nothing else came even an inch close. He was the sole reason the countless drops of Garmorian blood split over the last century.

  For the last three decades, Zyaid had grown bored with waging war against his people and had left them alone mostly — until the night that Kieran had first dream seemed his mate. Was she what he was after; if so, why? What use would a human female have for a tyrant like Zyaid?

  Cupping his chin in his hand, Cian eyed Zyaid’s waiting expression with curiously. “Why would you want a weak human female?”

  Unfolding himself from his throne, Cian slowly made his way down the steps of the raised platform. Never once did his eyes leave his opponent. Zyaid may seem docile for the most part now, but that could change very quickly with just the uttering of one wrong word. Stepping off the last step, Cian held his arms behind him as his wings twitched under Zyaid’s hateful gaze. Smirking, he walked past him as if he was of no consequence. Taking a couple more steps until he was at the center of the room, the sound of rustling along the rafters above him had his brows rising with amusement.

  Looking back at his adversary, Cian asked in a firm voice, “What would you do with her if I were to hand her over to you?”

  Scoffing, Zyaid took a step forward, his ghostly grin never falling. “Perhaps I don’t think it is in her best interest to be among your kind. My people, as you may know, are closer in resemblance to humans than yours will ever be. She should be with her own kind. What becomes of her once you hand her over to me really isn’t up to you.”

  Cian nodded grimly, “You’re right, it isn’t up to me. However in one aspect you are wrong. She is the mate of one of my warriors, therefore under my protection; in which case, it is not up to me to hand her over to you like a rug.”

  Zyaid’s eyes darkened until they glowed with a crimson hue, mirroring his building rage. “You are making a mistake, savage king. You only exist because I allow it. Hand over the human and I will leave you in peace.”

  Unworried, Cian shrugged his shoulders. “And if I refuse?”

  “I would not advise it.” Each word was slowly uttered, weight heavy with dangerous intent. “How much does that human weigh against the lives of your people?”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Elena’s breath escaped her lungs in a silent gasp as she watched the display below. With Kieran at her back with his arms wrapped around her, they both were hidden among the shadows up on the rafters high above the two arguing sovereigns.

  “How much does that human weigh against the lives of your people?” Her small nails bit into her palm at the harsh words of the Kelithian king.

  This was all about her? It didn’t make any sense. As doubt and fear began swimming through her thoughts, she felt a soothing warmth flood her mind as Kieran’s arms tightened around her waist. Was it their bond? Regardless what it was, she accepted it with a warm smile as she struggled to keep her other anxieties at bay.

  Chills raced up her neck as Kieran’s hot breath feathered against the exposed skin. His voice whispered quietly beside her ear, “Come, I’ve heard enough.” There was no keeping the rough snarl from his hushed tone. Zyaid’s words had enraged him nearly as much as they had frightened her.

  Nodding in silent agreement, she allowed him to lift her into his arms as he gracefully made his way along the stone rafter and back the way they’d come. At the opposite end of the rafter was a narrow passageway leading up to the battlements of the keep. Once they were out in the open air, Kieran slowly allowed her to stand on her own two feet.

  Smiling slightly at him, Elena turned away as her haunting thoughts began to plague her once again. Sensing her thoughts, Kieran reached out, his hand lightly touching her arm with reassurance. “You don’t have to worry. Cian would never allow you to be taken, nor would I,” he vowed.

  “Don’t,” she said softly, turning around to face him.

  The muscles along his jaw tightened as his hand dropped away from her, unsure what he could say to make everything she heard disappear.

  He was surprised with what she did next. He’d expected her to pull away from him, to distance herself. Instead, she closed the space between them, wrapping her arms around his waist as she rested her face over his pounding heart.

  “I can’t think about this right now, Kieran. Today had so much promise and now it feels ruined, let’s not ruin it anymore, alright?”

  Nodding in agreement, his arms tightened around her, squeezing her soft body against his own. Resting his chin against the soft waves of her hair, he whispered, “What can I do to make you feel at ease?”

  Through the strengthening of the Malrai Hin, Kieran was beginning to feel her emotions as his own. He felt her fear pour into his mind like a waterfall of black sludge. The need to reassure her clawed at him.

  Deep inside a rage boiled beyond his control as he recalled the false king’s words. He expected Cian to hand her over without a backward glance simply because they were similar in species? No, he didn’t believe it. Zyaid was scheming. There was something that they were missing, something he wanted or needed Elena for. He would protect her and king or no king; he would kill Zyaid if he laid a hand on her.

  Sighing, Elena inhaled Kieran’s comforting scent. She would give anything to remain in his arms for the rest of time. In his arms, she knew she was safe and loved. Little else mattered after that. “Can you take me to our dream place? I need to be away from this castle and away from everything else,” she pleaded.

  “I have a better place i
n mind.” Leaning away from her, his eyes met hers as she lifted her head from its resting place. She was paler than normal and he knew the cause. He could end the threat to her, but first he needed to care for his mate. “Close your eyes,” he murmured.

  As her obeyed, his lips gently brushed against hers as his arms became like unbreakable bands around her. His wings stretched wide behind him, casting a protective shadow over both of them. With a sharp thrust upward, they shot through the air as he carried her away from the nightmares that plagued her mind.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The moment her feet touched down on the cool grass, Elena opened her eyes. This wasn’t their dream place. Instead they seemed to be in the midst of a dark section of forest land. The trees here were so big and wide that they blocked out all the moonlight above. A short distance away was a dark entrance to the tall mountain in front of them. Instantly her spirits plummeted. Where had he taken her?

  Turning to look at his pleased expression, she tried not to let her displeasure show too much. “Kieran, tell me why we are here.”

  “Come with me.”

  His hand reached down to grip hers in a tender, yet strong hold. She didn’t resist as he began leading her toward the mouth of the cave. As he stepped into the darkness before her, she felt her body instinctively stiffen and refused to let her take another step.

  Coming to a stop as Elena stood at the mouth of the cave unmoving, Kieran’s brows lowered, “What is it?”

  “I… I can’t go in there,” she said, shaking her head slowly.

  "You have nothing to fear," he promised.

  "I don’t want to go into that dark place."

  “Do you see our hands?” His question caught her off guard as he lifted their joined hands up for her to see. “Look how mine covers and holds yours. It protects yours while caressing it and loving it in its own way. That is how I will always be with you. I would never lead you where I couldn’t protect you. However you will need no protection here. Trust me to hold you and lead you for just a while.”

  “I don’t know…” Her eyes darted over his shoulder at the unknown darkness behind him.

  “You asked to forget about everything. I cannot do this for you. I cannot erase what you heard and saw. But what I can do is to show you something. Trust me for a little longer, my heart — my sou’tali.” His dark eyes searched hers beseechingly.

  Biting down on her bottom lip, Elena winced as she reluctantly nodded. Smiling at her acceptance, Kieran took a single step back, waiting while she took the first step inside. As the darkness enveloped all around her, Elena gave her trust fully over to him. She focused on putting one foot in front of the other as he led them through the labyrinth of the mountain.

  The air became cooler around her and she could taste water in the air. Assisting her to duck under a low hanging stone, Kieran lead her into a wide room. Still it was dark as the light of the moon was limited, but there was just enough for her to see that the room continued for a two feet more in front of them until the rest joined with a large dark pool.

  “What is this?” she asked, sliding her free hand up over their joined hands and over his wrist.

  “The cave of lights,” he said with a tone of reverence. Casting her gaze around the nearly dark room once more, Elena could barely cover the disbelief in her voice.

  “What light? I don’t understand. Wait, what are you doing?” she asked as he pulled his hand from hers. A moment later she heard the unmistakable sound of rustling clothes beside her.

  “Take off your clothes, my mate.”

  When she would have argued she bit down on her tongue. Deciding not to worry about what he was actually planning, she did as he said. Lifting the length of her gown from the bottom, she pulled it over her head before sliding her slippers off her feet. Standing naked in the cool air of the cave, she waited.

  Expecting Kieran to reach out and guide her for whatever would come next, she was surprised at the sound of a loud splash a second before a small wave of water hit her feet and shins. Jumping in surprise, she found herself smiling as Kieran’s deep chuckles echoed off the walls around them. In front of her she could hear the sound of him moving through the water in slow strokes. Picturing him in her mind swimming with nothing but the cool water sliding against every hard muscle of his form, she found her mouth watering.

  “Come in.”

  “I can’t see. You’ll have to get out and help me.”

  “No. Just take two steps in front of you and you will be in the water. Trust me.”

  Taking one step forward, she hesitantly took another, her heart leaping as her foot sunk down into the deep pool in front of her. Taking another step, she found herself submerged up over her chest. She couldn’t help smiling to herself as she felt the water behind her ripple with movement as Kieran approached her. Turning around, her hand reached out blindly for him, but encountered only empty air.

  “Where are you?” she asked, her voice echoing around her. As hands gripped her from beneath the water, she squealed as she was lifted up into his arms as Kieran surfaced front below. Gripping her legs, he lifted her up against him, plastering her wet body against his own. Wrapping her legs around his naked hips, Kieran nibbled teasingly at her ear, drawing a giggle from her. Splashing water at him in retaliation, she laughed playfully. “So why is this place called the ‘cave of lights’ anyway?”

  “Look around you.”

  Rolling her eyes at another of his cryptic answers, she complied. At first she still saw nothing but as her eyes looked up she saw that the ceiling of the cave was open to the glittering night sky above. The dark blue and purple sky above her was reflected in the water. Making it appear like she was swimming in the very sky with millions of stars sparkling like diamonds. The cave suddenly seemed brighter around her as the clouds above faded away to reveal more light of the night sky.

  Looking at Kieran, she saw that he practically glowed with content at all the wonder that she was experiencing in that moment. “This is incredible.”

  “You are incredible, Var’da. My life was once like this place, dark and empty, but once you came into my life you brought light to my heart and made my life shine. You complete me like I never dreamed of.”

  Blush stole up her neck at his praise. She didn’t feel all that special. When she would have rebutted his praise, she found herself pausing. His words made her regret all the time she spent fighting him and fighting what they had. It was in that moment that she fell head over heels and all else in love with him.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck she lifted herself higher in his arms, rubbing temptingly against his hard cock. Gasping at her actions, Kieran pulled her closer as he pressed his forehead against hers. Reaching up, her hands feathered against the sides of his face as she looked up at him.

  “Then complete me, Kieran.”

  Any other red blooded man would have immediately jumped at her words and fell over her with overflowing desire, but not Kieran.

  Slowly his arms slid around her slick hips beneath the water’s surface, only to slide along her thighs was unrushed movement. Very carefully he unwrapped her thighs from around his waist to lower her onto her feet. The water flowed over her breasts as she now stood. Looking up at him unsure of what he was doing, she watched as he took a step closer to her.

  Towering over her, his hands reached toward her. One settled around her back, pulling her against his hard frame and allowing her to feel his raging desire beneath the concealing water. Cupping her chin with his free hand, he tilted her head up to meet his gaze. His dark eyes now burned like twin silver flames in the shadows around them.

  Several times his lips parted with heavy pants. Each time she thought he’d say something, but his lips would snap shut as he deeply inhaled through his nose. Closing his eyes, he took a calming breath before opening them once more. His had slid against the line of her jaw, smoothing his thumb against her plumb bottom lip with slow movements.


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