Dream of Me

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Dream of Me Page 29

by Magenta Phoenix

“If you really wanted to stop me, you should have forgotten your precious human mate.” With a snap of his fingers another torch leapt to life. The light chased the shadows away from one of the pillars to reveal a familiar face.

  “Elena…” His heart jerked as pain shot through his chest, ignoring it he took a step forward.

  Shaking her head furiously, she rushed to her feet. A heavy chain around her ankle prevented her from running to him. “Get out of here!” she yelled desperately.

  Moving towards her, the pain in his chest spread down his body. His muscles locked, causing him to stumble and then fall to his knees. Panting as it became hard to breath, Kieran braced his hands against the hard stones beneath him. His inner beast fought to rush to their mate’s side, but his weakened body refused to move.

  A dark chuckle echoed above him as Zyaid crouched down in front of him. “You were a fool to come here and even more of a fool to come here weak. I never did understand why Garmorian males sacrifice their life force to bind their mates to them. It makes you predicable and easy to destroy.”

  Turning to look over his shoulder at Elena, Zyaid scoffed mockingly, “Had you stayed away, you may have saved your kind and your world. Now you’ve doomed it.” Rising to his feet, Zyaid walked past Kieran as if he posed no threat before turning to his two warriors. “Summon everyone. Tonight I rip this world from its roots and burn it to ash. Then the human world will kneel before my power or will follow all the Garmorian’s to their graves.”

  At the pain of the Malrai Hin, Kieran felt his skin grow cool as he fought to remain conscious. His claws sliced into the stone covered ground in denial at his weakness. He wouldn’t come this far to get his mate and loose her like this.

  Weariness pulled at him as his arms shook effort to hold him upright. With no more strength left, his arms gave out and he fell to the ground. Heavy breaths puffed from between his parted lips as he lifted his eyes toward Elena once more. Tear’s tracked down her pale face as she watched him. She fought against the chain around her ankle as she struggled to reach him.

  I won’t leave you, he silently vowed. The words floated through his mind as he was too weak to utter them. With the last of his strength gone, his eyes slid shut as darkness overcame him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Elena’s heart squeezed painfully inside her chest with dread as Kieran crumbled to the ground. No matter how many times she shouted to him, he remained unresponsive. Suddenly all the air froze in her lungs as Rurik stepped toward Kieran’s still form. Smirking, Rurik drew his sword. Moonlight glowed along the edge of the sharp steel as he raised the blade for a killing stroke.

  Desperate, she screamed out, “Stop! Don’t do it. Please, leave him alone.” Her pleading words only caused Rurik’s grin to widen.

  “It’s too late for begging, human. He will be the first to fall,” Rurik replied with a dark voice. Raising his sword higher, Rurik plunged it down toward Kieran’s heart. Her scream of denial echoed around the courtyard, sounding more like a cry of a wounded animal. Her eyes squeezed shut as tears tracked down the sides of her face. Reluctantly opening her eyes, her breath hitched in her throat at what she saw next. The tip of Rurik’s sword hovered an inch above Kieran’s back. Rurik’s face darkened with tension as he seemed to fight against an unseen force that protected Kieran. Her eyes moved to Zyaid as he stepped closer to Rurik, his flat hand stretched forward as his eyes looked on Rurik with discontent. Elena’s lips parted in shock. Zyaid saved Kieran? Why would he do such a thing?

  “You will not kill him,” Zyaid stated coldly as his power prevented the blade from moving any further.

  “I want his blood!” Rurik seethed. “You will not deny me this.” Even from her vantage point as the words left his mouth, Elena could see Rurik’s eyes flinch with apprehension. Like a rebellious dog; biting at his owner and knowing that a beating would come.

  Slowly Elena could sense a change in the air. A charge of power from beneath Rurik’s blade built until it exploded and shot toward Rurik without mercy. The force of the blast threw Rurik off his feet before he crashed to the ground. His sword struck the ground a short distance away, remaining out of reach.

  “I said you will not kill him,” Zyaid stated firmly. Half turning, his red gaze met Elena’s as the corners of his lips curled upward. “Secure the warrior.” Turning away from the others, he started toward Elena with purpose. The closer he came, Elena found herself backing up until her back pressed against the cold stone pillar behind her. Though she had nowhere else to go, she met his disturbing gaze unflinchingly.

  “Let him go. You have me; why would you need him?” she pleaded. His cold eyes never so much as blinked at her words. After a moment, his shoulders lifted with an uncaring movement.

  “I don’t need him. The only one I need is you.” His lips flattened into a hard line as he continued. “However, you have made it clear you have no desire to help me. Neither of you are worth anything now. It would seem that whether your warrior lives or dies is up to you.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she jerked her face toward her left as two Kelithian warriors dropped Kieran to the hard ground a short distance from her. As they stepped back, thick vines shot from the earth below, coiling around his ankles and wrists, binding him to the ground.

  Rushing towards him, she was silently grateful that the chain around her ankle was long enough to reach him. He was breathing — barely. Laying her hand against his face, she was surprised to find his skin cold and clammy. What had they done to him? Rising to her feet, she stood protectively in front of him as she faced Zyaid once more.

  “What have you done to him?” she hissed out.

  Slowly a smile formed across Zyaid’s thin lips. “Nothing. Your mate has done this to himself.” Before she could question his words, he continued, “So, now I ask you again. What price would you place on the fate of your world, on your kind? Would the life of your mate suffice?”

  Her hands tightened into fists at her sides as her fear instantly turned to anger. “How do I know you aren’t just biding your time before you kill us both anyway? There is no promise you can make that I will ever trust.”

  “True,” he whispered with a slight nod of his head. “But, I gave my vow to Rurik that he could exact his vengeance against your mate once he had delivered you to me. I have other ways of breaking your stubborn spirit. I will get what I want from you; the method is up to you.”

  “Answer me this question: why do you want my world so badly?” Lifting his hand up in gesture to the land around him, he replied, “This is my cage. A cage forced on me and my kind by the Garmorian’s and your kind eons ago. Now, it is time for your people to become the prey they truly are and take their place at the bottom of the chain of power. I plan to restore true order to your world and create a new world in my image.”

  “One thing you forgot about humans, Zyaid; we don’t just lie down against adversaries. Conquering my world will not be as easy as you expect. The Garmorians will stop you and my people will see you dead and all your kind before submitting to you.”

  “Perhaps, but if you refuse to help me, you will watch as your mate is slowly and painfully wiped from this earth. Give me your answer now.”

  Her face heated with anger at his threat. Powerless to do anything else, she yelled out in anger as her chest burned with rage. More than anything she wanted to reach out and scratch his eye out. Zyaid’s smug waiting look reminded her of how defenseless she really was in that moment. The truth was that he was right. Kieran’s life now hung in the balance and it all came down to what answer she gave him now. Could she really hand over the lives of her own kind to this monster? If she didn’t was she strong enough to let go of the man that held her heart. She had the power to save him, only if she would hand over her own world.

  Behind Zyaid, she could see Rurik moving toward them wearing a dark look. Clutched tightly in his hand was his sword. His dark eyes were filled with hate and they focused entirely on Kieran’s still for
m. Time was running out, she had to choose now. In that hopeless moment, she knew Zyaid had won. Releasing a bitter sigh, Elena turned her attention back to Zyaid.

  “I chose him,” she whispered defeated.

  Zyaid’s evil smile widened impossibly further causing the heavy fear in her chest to grow. “I am glad we understand each other now, human.”

  Not one to fully trust anyone simply by their word, she stubbornly added, “I have a condition to agreeing to your terms.”

  Merriment danced in his eyes as Zyaid stepped closer to her. “Do tell me,” his voice mocked as he crowded close to her.

  “No harm is to come to Kieran or me after I do what you want.”

  He scoffed, “I have already promised this.”

  “No. I want you to order everyone under your command, including yourself, that no harm is to befall either of us by you or those you command.”

  “Are you implying that my word isn’t good enough?” he hissed out, angry that the small human had dared to question him.

  Unafraid, Elena shrugged her shoulders. “I am no fool, Zyaid. I know that once you get what you want I will have nothing left to bargain with. Afterwards there will be nothing preventing you from going back on your word unless you command it.”

  Narrowing his eyes at her, the force of his gaze caused her hands to shake with fear. Refusing to back down, she hid her hands behind her back as she met his glare. She would find a way to get Kieran and herself out of this, but they needed to be alive to do it.

  “Listen all!” His voice echoed through the air like thunder in the silence. “I decree that no one shall lay harm to this human or her Garmorian mate. Any that does will perish.” Not bothering to acknowledge Elena for another second, Zyaid spun away before shouting to the few gathering warriors that filled the courtyard.

  “Summon Toric! Summon all the warriors! It is time!”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Pain exploded through his entire body as Kieran forced his way from the darkness that sought to hold him. Wincing against the pain, he reached up to touch his throbbing chest only to discover that he couldn’t lift his hands. Opening his eyes he could see stars blanketing the sky above him until the view were suddenly blocked. He blinked as Elena’s worried face that hovered above him. Relief flooded his chest as he focused on the welcoming sight.

  “Elena…” he breathed out, his hands reached to touch her but again he was unable to move his hands. Glancing down at his hands he saw strong vines coiled around his limbs, shackling him to the earth. His muscles burned as he fought against earthy shackles. With no luck of freedom, he snarled in anger. Next to him, Elena shook her head at him with a look of anger. “You big dummy,” he heard her mumble as she moved a short distance away before settling on the ground.

  Discovering he was able to lift his upper chest off the ground he took in their surroundings. The courtyard was now filling up with more Kelithian warriors. There was no way he was strong enough to get them out on his own. He prayed to the Goddess that Arlen and Dajran would return with reinforcements. Until then, they were on their own.

  Grunting, he fell back against the hard ground, before he turned his attention back to his mate. Sitting with her arms folded over her chest as her teeth bit down into her lower lip. Running his gaze over her, he searched for a sign that she had been hurt. One of the sleeves of her dirt smeared dress was torn, but other than that, she seemed unharmed. Reaching for her through their bond, he was surprised to discover fear filling her entire being. Had Zyaid done something to her?

  Pulling from her mind, he moved to reassure himself that she was alright.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked with deep concern.

  “We have much bigger things to worry about.” she answered, turned to look at him. Kieran found he didn’t like the defeated look that swam within the depths of her eyes. Never should such a look grace her eyes or voice as long as he lived.

  “Don’t fear. I will get you to safety. Cian plans to march on Kelithian land tonight. This will all end,” he promised.

  Lowering her eyes, Elena drew in a shaky breath as she fought against the burning of her eyes. “It may be too late.”

  “No,” he bit out firmly. “I am here and as long as I am I will never allow anything to happen to you,” he vowed.

  Ignoring the warmth that flooded her mind at his words, she shook her head. “You don’t understand, Kieran. I had to make a deal with Zyaid. I agreed to help him cross over into my world.” She held her breath as she waited for what he would say next. Quickly the warmth for her in his eyes faded as he looked at her as if she were a stranger.

  “You lie. I know that you would never do such a thing.”

  “I had to,” she uttered hesitantly.

  Growling in the back of his throat, Kieran glared at her. Anger burned in his belly against the pain of the Malrai Hin. How could she betray her own kind like this? Zyaid was the definition of evil in this world — nothing was worse and to think that his sou’tali willing join with him confused Kieran. What could Zyaid had promised her that would make her betray him, betray his people like this? The thought struck him like a punch to the gut.

  Her home.

  Had she bartered with the evil king in exchange for a way home? He was a fool to believe that she would stay here with him. He was a fool to believe that what he’d sensed in her was love for him. The icy fingers of betrayal dug into his heart as he looked away from her.

  Reaching towards him, Elena moved to touch his arm only to drop her hand as she took in the look of betrayal on his face. Her chest ached as she felt the anger at her decision pouring off of Kieran in waves.

  She rushed to explain, “Kieran, I agreed because—”

  “No need to tell me,” he hissed out, interrupting her. “He gave you what you wanted: a way back to your world. I was a fool to think that you would want stay here with me. Our bond matters little if you could be so easily bought.”

  Flinching at his words, she snapped back at him, “I agreed so that I could spare your life, you jerk!”

  Jerking back around, surprise was written across his face, “What do you mean?”

  Scoffing, Elena crossed her arms over her chest. “Now you care to listen?” she bit out cynically. “Rurik was going to kill you. Zyaid agreed to spare our lives if I do what he wanted. I love you, you idiot! I couldn’t bear the idea of loosing you!”

  Jerking her eyes from him, she pushed down the emotion that sought to weaken her from his earlier words. The retch thought she had betrayed him and his people by saving his life, he could think whatever he liked! She refused to apologize for her decision.

  “Come here,” his voice growled low, drawing her attention. For a moment, she considered being stubborn and ignoring his command. But she grimaced as she found she was already moving towards him without a second thought. Coming to settle beside him, she looked down at him as his eyes searched her face. “Why would you trade your own kind for me? If you had asked he would have taken you home to your world. It’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

  Her brows lowered in disbelief. Reaching down, her hands caressed the side of his face as she bent close to him. “What life would I have in my world if you aren’t in it? I would rather live in this dark world with you than anything else.”

  Lifting up, Kieran covered her downturned lips in a soft kiss. Warmth blossomed within her chest as his lips took hers. All too soon the kiss ended as Kieran jerked away gasping for breath. Laying flat on the ground, he closed his eyes before fixing them back on her.

  “I cannot allow you to go through with what Zyaid wants,” he whispered.

  “Kieran, there is no way for me not to. Look around; there has to be dozens of warriors and only two of us. Unless we get free and fly, I don’t have a choice.”

  Grimacing, Kieran shook his head. Regret began to weigh heavy against him. “I can’t fly us out. I am too weak,” he admitted. Confusion caused Elena’s brows dip, before she could question his words, he hastil
y added, “I know that Cian and the others will come. I will not allow your world to come to harm.”


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