CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4)

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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4) Page 7

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "To break the curse of Eternal Life requires the affected individual to either find new love or to receive a kiss from their current or previous lover."

  "Like a true, heartfelt, kiss," I replied.

  "Yes. However, in Lucian's case… it's impossible," Esme acknowledged. "Sia was the only individual he loved and that will never change." Esme shrugged.

  "Doesn't that mean we can't defeat him?" Odion questioned.

  "Lucian may be immortal, but there's plenty of ways to render him harmless," Esme replied and sighed. "That's essentially what had happened in the past and the reason why Lucian's doing everything in his power to kill Celestia."

  "Huh?" Odion and I commented.

  "That makes no sense," Odion admitted. "What does Celestia have to do with anything."

  "Remember we talked about the rainbow wings? Celestia is the next heir to the throne. Do you really think the Council will allow that to happen?" Esme pointed out.

  "No..." I replied. "But what would killing me do? Why does he want to kill me? Isn't he doing exactly what the Council wants?" I questioned.

  Esme smiled then and rose up. "The one thing about Darkness is it plays tricks and deceives people. Lucian had no intention of killing you, Celestia. In fact, he wouldn't be able to. He wanted you to come down here on purpose."


  "He wants us… to find out about the past in regard to Sia and the Princes?" Odion asked.

  "Lucian's ultimate goal is for you all to find out about your pasts," Esme revealed.

  "Pasts?" I repeated the word and it was finally beginning to click in. "Wait… you’re not saying..."

  Esme nodded. "Yes, Celestia. Mother Nature has always chosen her Princes or Princesses first before making the decision to choose the next heir. However, after a certain magician came to the sacred lands and begged for a child, Mother Nature felt sympathy for the woman. After great consideration, she decided to bless the woman with a child. Not just any child, but the reincarnation of the previous Queen, just like she'd reincarnated the previous Princes."

  "My mom..." I trailed off and Esme looked to Odion.

  He seemed even more confused. "Is that why you call me the New Darkness?"

  "Correct. Mother Nature couldn't allow the other Princes to be reborn and leave out the dark element. Dark and Light had always had a close bond, just like Sun and Moon. They were opposite, but they loved one another, and that love is what kept them balanced. Mother Nature created you in Lucian's image but ensured you'd remain calm and have a stronger personality than Lucian. See, Lucian was quiet, and wouldn't let things get to him. That was his problem. People assumed he was a pushover because his personality wasn't as strong as his counterpart, Prince of Light who was quiet but bold and fierce when challenged. You aren't afraid to fight for what you believe in or protect who you care dearly about. Even if it may hurt you or make you look like a bad individual, you’d rather take the burden and work on your terms so others won't be hurt or dragged into problems."

  I squeezed Odion's hand and nodded, agreeing with what Esme said about him. "That's true," I whispered.

  His cheeks grew red, but he squeezed my hand back.

  "BIBO!" Momo replied.

  Odion nodded. "That means we're the reincarnation of the late Queen and her Princes."

  "And Lucian… is helping us?" I confirmed.

  Esme nodded. "Bingo."

  The truth of it all had finally been revealed.

  I wasn't only a Blessed Child, but the reincarnation of Sia Rainbow, the late Queen who carried the rainbow crown and the one who held the hope of this world in her hands.

  "Momo? Are you afraid of water?" I asked, looking at the little familiar as she continued to tremble against my leg.

  "Bi...Bi..." She continued to glare threateningly at the calm water surface of the medium sized fountain bath.

  I secured the black towel around my waist and lowered to my knees to be close to Momo's height as she continued to shiver in her spot.

  "You don't take baths with Odion?"

  "Bi!" She put her hands up first before pointing to her body.

  It took me a moment to try and figure out what she meant.

  "Do you need a bathing suit?" I asked out of curiosity.

  "BIBO!" she replied with a happy expression and began to wave side to side with her hands still up.

  "Guess that means yes." I giggled and closed my eyes.

  Using a bit of magic, I imagined her wearing a little pink suit. After feeling the trickle of magic in the air, I opened my eyes to see my vision manifested on Momo's body.

  She had a cute pink suit that had a black skirt attached. It was slightly big, but you could still see a hint of her oval shaped legs.

  Momo looked at the outfit and pressed her hands onto the pink part of the suit. "BI?"

  "You don't like pink?" I asked.

  She looked back up at me and nodded. Lifting one of her hands she pointed to my left eye. "Bi!"

  "Purple?" I clarified, realizing she was addressing my purple eye.

  "BIBO!" she replied happily.

  I grinned and closed my eyes, imagining the pink color transitioning into a dark purple shade. When finished, I opened my eyes once more and smiled in satisfaction at her pleased expression.

  She began to jump and down. "BiBiBiBi!"

  "I'm glad you like it, Momo. Ready to go into the water?" I asked.

  "BiBo." She began to waddle towards the edge.

  I rose up and ran my hand through my long purple and pink hair and glanced at the large mirror to my left.

  Allowing the towel to fall to the floor, I took an analyzing glance down my body, prepared to find multiple scars from those tendrils that had pierced through my body during my fight with Lucian.

  Biting my lip, I pushed the thought far away, not wanting to focus on those events. All they did was increase my heart rate and remind me of the pain that had pulsed through me.

  I'd called someone for help then… hadn’t I? Who did I ask? I don't think I faced Lucian on my own when the guys were trying to break the barrier. Odion was there. He came when I called for him. It must have been him.

  My gaze lowered to the two bracelets on my left hand; one of black and pink, and the other white and pink.

  They were in one of the hidden pockets of the outfit I'd worn for the Awakening Ceremony and Esme had kept them for safe keeping.

  I felt like they were supposed to be on opposite wrists, but after putting both of them on my right wrist, I felt no different.

  Deciding to leave it on my left wrist was what came to my mind. There must have been a reason for my debate of the placement with these beads, but there was no point in lingering on it.

  Odion said my memories will come back with time. I just have to not think about it.

  My ears picked up a big splash noise, and I turned and saw that Momo had jumped into the bath. I blinked my eyes a few times, waiting for her to come back up, but after thirty seconds, I started to see bubbles rising to the surface.

  Can doll familiars swim? OH SHIT!

  I raced to the fountain bath and jumped in, hoping I wouldn't hit the bottom right away. Plunging into the water, I noticed it was a lot deeper than I expected, and saw Momo was at the bottom looking around.

  Oh Goodness!

  Swimming to where she was, I scooped her up and raced to the top, lifting her up through the surface first, before my head reached broke through as well and I took a deep breath.

  "Momo! You can't swim?!" I exclaimed.

  "Boooooo!" She started to cry, and I sighed.

  Using one hand to keep her out of the water, I used my left hand to help me move to the shallow side of the bath, reaching the tiled ledge and lowering Momo to stand on it.

  Turning her to face me, I stroked her head comfortingly. "I'm sorry, Momo. I didn't realize you couldn’t swim. Are you okay? No water in your lungs? "

  She blinked her swirling eyes and pouted her mouth for a moment.

/>   "Mo-"

  A stream of water hit my face and I needed a second to blink as Momo smiled at me. "BiBo!"

  "Guess that was all of the water," I mumbled. "You didn't tell me you couldn't swim."

  "Bo..." She lifted her hands to the side and began to lean towards the water again.

  "AH!" I quickly stretched my hands out to catch her, and she landed in my arms. Before I could move them, she began to move her body like she was swimming.

  Huh? Maybe Odion lets her wear floaties? Would they even have floaties here? Or maybe a mini float?

  I lifted her up slightly and peered into her face. "Momo, does Odion give you a float to ride on when bathing?"

  "BIBO!" She responded happily, pausing in her movement to give me a smile.

  "You're so adorable," I mumbled and gave her wide smile. "Do you want a little float for yourself?"

  "BiBo!" she replied, and I moved her back to the ledge. She waddled in a circle in anticipation for what I was going to make. "BiBiBiBi."

  I have to asd Odion what Momo's age is. She sometimes acts like she's three or four familiar years. Hmm.

  Shaking my head, I placed the thought in the back of my mind, hoping I'd get to talk to Odion about it later tonight.

  He was currently taking a bath on the third floor of this place, which was where his room was. Esme said she'd give me a tour after I'd taken a long bath to relax my sore, tight muscles.

  I noticed that the entire house seemed to follow the black and purple theme. Even this large shower and bath area were made with black tiles and the ledges were a mixture of black, purple, and hints of white that added a bit of flare. The lights were a light purple, created by flames that turned off once a shifter exited the room.

  Regardless, the room was well lit by the flames and didn't give off a spooky feeling like I'd thought it would.

  I finished creating the Dark Rider float I'd basically imagined and opened my eyes to view the result.

  The float was a perfect mini size to fit Momo, the lower part being circular with a space in the middle so Momo could still feel the water. The top had a unicorn head with a horn that reminded me of a thunderbolt.

  The float was black and the eyes of the unicorn were purple, which was a bit unusual since I imaged Dark Riders to be more black and white, but decided to take into consideration Momo's fondness for purple.

  I turned over to present Momo the float, and she stopped in her waddling to stare at it. After five seconds of staring she squealed and jumped towards that float. "BI!"

  "Wait, Momo!" I let go of the float to catch her again and she looked at me with a confused expression, blinking her swirling eyes at me.

  I sighed in exhaustion and hooked my hands under her arms to place her properly into the float.

  "BiBiBi...BO!" she sang, lifting her hands and smiling brightly at me.

  "There. You can have fun now," I encouraged, and she looked at the unicorn head on the float.

  She wrapped her arms around it, giving it a hug as she began to float. "BiBiBi."

  With a deep sigh, I swam to the left side of the fountain bath, pushing Momo’s float with me. Once I got to a spot where it wasn't too deep but just enough for me to enjoy some soaking time, I let Momo float around.

  Man… if this is what raising kids is like, I feel sorry for my parents.

  Resting my arms on the ledge, I closed my eyes and let my mind begin to process everything that had happened.

  I'm the reincarnation of Sia Rainbow, the daughter of Esme Rainbow. My boyfriends are the Elemental Princes reincarnated, and I'm the future heir chosen to help bring justice and peace to our world once more. Lucian wanted us to know about this and tried to kill me… but somehow knew Odion would save me? Did he hurt me to test me? To make sure I was really the one? What are we going to do about the Council? Maybe Mom or one of my dads would know. I miss them… I miss the guys too. Poor Arielle… I can't reach her.

  I'd asked Esme about why I couldn't reach Arielle but Odion was able to connect with Momo just fine in this world. She explained that the familiar in question would need to enter the Dark World with permission by another familiar to reignite the connection.

  The thickness of dark magic was a big contributor to the lack of our communication, and this particular part was in an area that past shifters had made sure to ward off on multiple occasions.

  It was kind of like how the Dark forest was outside the barrier of Aslan Academy. Esme explained if I went into the forest, I wouldn't be able to communicate with Arielle.

  Even with the explanation, it didn't help me ignore the hollowness in my heart. Momo helped to distract me, but I still worried about my phoenix-harpy familiar.

  If I'd been gone for two and a half weeks, I didn't know if Magnor, Faelia, or even Arielle's boyfriends could keep her from completely freaking out.


  I opened my eyes and saw Momo in front of me, her spiral eyes focused on me "Bi?

  "Huh? Ah… I'm thinking about my familiar. She's in the Light World," I replied, reaching out to pat Momo's head.

  She smiled and began to sing quietly before she raised her hands.


  "Uh… Do I miss Arielle? My familiar?" I questioned, thinking that was what she was saying.

  I was using my gut to help me out here and was pleased when she nodded her head.


  "Yes, I miss her. She doesn't know whether I'm safe or not. I don't want her thinking the worst. It's just hard for me to try and calm down when I know she and my boyfriends are worried about me. I do like it here. I want to learn more about the Dark World… and Odion… but..." I trailed off and lowered my head. "I really miss them and it's getting harder to ignore the hollowness in my heart where my familiar connection was always thrumming away."

  "Bi...Bo..." She gave me a sad look and I shook my head.

  "Aww, Momo. I still care about you. Even if I return, you can come and and play with Arielle and the others. I'm just worried about them, you’ve done an amazing job keeping me company," I praised, not wanting her to feel like her presence wasn’t valued.

  She was adorable and kind, which made sense to me. Her traits were similar to Odion, and I knew that was one of the many reasons they got along, even without knowing much about either of their pasts.

  "BIBO!" she cheered, and my eyes grew wide when she completely vanished with her float.

  "Momo?" I asked and looked around the fountain. "Momo?! Are you playing hide and seek with me? Momo?!" I bit my lip as I searched for her, my gaze darting around the area.

  Oh no! Did I just lose Odion's familiar? He's going to kill me! Oh no! What to do? Let me go ask Esme? Maybe Momo can teleport and likes to play tricks or something?

  I began to move to the shallow end and had reached waist level water when I sensed a large wave of magic. Turning around, I watched Momo materialize in the sky and fall back into the water.

  "BIBO!" she cheered, her float helping her stay on top of the rough waves that manifested from her drop.

  "Momo? Where did you go?!" I called out.

  She pedaled her way to where I stood, looking as proud as ever. "BiBiBi!"

  "Huh?" I asked, trying to figure out why she was singing. She reached my side and looked up at me, lifting her hands up.

  "BiBo!" she encouraged, and I knew she wanted me to lift her up.

  I picked her out of the water to stare at her.

  "Momo, where did you go?"

  "BIBOOOOOO!" she replied, and her body began to change to white as her original white string like hair shifted to purple.

  "Momo, wha- EEP!" I shrieked when a huge gust of wind passed, and the waters began to toss and spiral around.

  "Wha- Momo what are you doing?!" I heard Esme's voice from my right side.

  "Esme?! I think Momo's doing something!" I exclaimed, unsure what to really say standing naked with wind and water swirling around me.


/>   My body froze as a shot of emotions hit me all at once; shock, fear, sadness.

  I cursed under my breath, and my eyes grew wide when a white portal morphed in the ceiling and a very familiar person fell out and straight into the deep end of the pool.

  My jaw went slack, and Momo's glowing body began to dim, returning to her black appearance with white stringed hair.

  "BiBo?" She gave me an innocent look, blinking her eyes in anticipation, but I was speechless.

  "Momo… did you just summon Celestia's familiar?" Esme asked. Momo leaned over to see Esme and began to wiggle in excitement.

  "BiBo! Bibibibibi," she replied.


  My gaze slowly lowered to see Arielle's head pop up from the water. She spat out some water and coughed. "HOW THE BRUREE DID I GO FROM THE LIVING ROOM TO A POOL?!"

  "A… Arielle..." I whispered, and her amber eyes locked onto me. She stilled, her eyes growing wide as they slowly glanced down my body and back up to meet my shocked gaze.

  "M… Mistress, Bru?" she whispered, looking just as baffled as I.

  "BiBo!" Momo lifted her hands, and I had to fight to tug my eyes away to look at her.

  "Momo… you brought Arielle here?"

  "BI!" she replied, reaching up to hug my neck. "BiBiBiBi."

  "Well, that's a first," Esme noted, her voice sounded super close. I glanced to my right to see her standing there with a wide smile.

  "Momo… thank you," I whispered to her, giving her a tight squeeze.

  "BIBO!" She began wiggling in my hold. I pulled back to see her attention was now on Esme, and her hands were lifted in Esme's direction.

  Ah, she wants to greet Esme.

  I passed her over to Esme who gladly took her and returned my gaze back to Arielle who was still in shock.

  "Arielle?" I questioned, noticing the dramatic difference in her human appearance.

  Her hair that was now drenched was in a messy bun and her eyes had dark circles under them.

  Aside from the multiple emotions hitting me through our bond, her energy was really weak like she'd been sick.

  The exhaustion was apparent in her eyes and she looked really pale, compared to her normally tanned skin.

  When she didn't answer, I took a few steps forward into the water, the level reaching just above my breasts.


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