CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4)

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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4) Page 13

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "You okay?" he asked softly. His finger brushed against my cheek. "You're crying."

  "Am I?" I questioned, my eyes coming to a close once more. "I think my dream was sad."

  "Do you remember it?" Odion asked.

  "Not really," I admitted and snuggled closer to him. "It was just sad."

  I felt his hand run through my long hair.

  "I'm sorry it was sad."

  "Hmm. It's okay. It wasn't your fault," I mumbled. "Where's Momo? She missed you."

  "She was awake when I got here. She was quietly watching you and braiding your hair. Or at least trying to. She's with Arielle and the other familiars now."

  "They're watching her?"

  "Ya. I'm tired and would prefer that she gets to have some play time rather than be bored here."

  "Hmm," I replied. "I'd take every advantage of this situation… but… I'm sleepy."

  His chuckle was low, and I felt his lips press against my forehead. "Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

  "You should sleep too."


  "Odion..." I mumbled, but my voice was not giving enough emphasis on his name.

  "Sleep, my Queen," Odion whispered into my ear, and that was the last I heard before I fell back asleep.

  "Celestia, Bru!"

  Hm? What… Arielle… sleeping.

  "Can you check on Odion, Bru? Momo won't stop crying."

  Huh? Why is she crying?

  "I don't know. She keeps crying and calling Odion's name, but she's too tired to teleport back and it's making her fussier. Please, Bru?"

  Okay. Waking up.

  I rolled over to my side and forced my heavy eyelids to open. It took me a second for my eyesight to clear. That's when I picked up the heavy breathing and whimpering.


  Sitting up, I quickly rubbed my eyes and turned to my left to see Odion. Just one look and I was at his side and shaking him firmly to wake up.

  "Odion?! Wake up."

  His face was flushed and drenched in sweat and tears while his chest was soaked with sweat. He was trembling and muttering something incoherent, my ears picking up on please, don't, and I'm sorry, repetitively.

  "Odion." My voice was louder this time and I tightened my grip. "Wake up!" I ordered.

  His eyes snapped open and they looked at me in sheer fear.

  "Odion?" I whispered and removed my hand from his shoulder to reach out for his cheek. "You ok-EEP!"

  I shrieked when I went from hovering above Odion to being pinned under him; his now pure black eyes were locked onto my wide ones and his hands were tightly wrapped around my wrists that were now above my head.

  I gulped and bit my lip to avoid saying a single word as I stared up at Odion who was panting hard.

  The beads of sweat continued to roll down his body and his black eyes showed his distress.

  Arielle… tell Momo to calm down. I woke Odion. I'll handle it from here. I'll talk to you in the morning.

  "Okay, Bru," Arielle replied, and I brought my focus back to Odion.

  "Odion..." I whispered.

  He didn't reply, but his hands tightened around my wrists. I tried not to wince from the pain as I kept still, my gaze never leaving his.

  "Odion," I said again, my voice a lot softer now.

  He blinked a few times, and I knew I was getting through to him. I closed my eyes and felt my left thigh begin to burn, but I paid no mind to it, putting my focus on the heavy cloud of negativity coursing through Odion's chest and back.

  Opening my eyes again, I noticed that I could see everything in that x-ray, black and white vision, and I leaned up and pressed my lips firmly against Odion’s.

  He didn't move, and I wasn't expecting him to kiss me back. My intentions with the kiss were to pull out the negative emotions that were pulsing through him.

  The confusion, agony, pain, and internal turmoil that was making it impossible for him to sleep properly.

  The tightness around my wrists began to loosen and I caught the slow transition of color in his eyes; the pure blackness started to fade as the light purple took its place.

  When his eyes were completely back to normal, they began to fill with tears as they closed halfway and his lips pressed back against mine. I shut my eyes once the last remnants of negativity left Odion's body and flowed into mine, and I allowed the light energy inside me to purify it to do no harm.

  I pulled away and caught my breath, feeling really dizzy and disoriented.

  "Celestia," Odion whispered, and I smiled as I opened my tired eyes.

  "Hey," I replied. "You’re kind of spinning right now, so give me a second… or two." I admitted, waiting for the dizziness to pass. He blinked and realized our position.

  "Shit." He let go of my wrists before he gently pressed a trembling hand on my cheek. "My Queen...sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

  "I know. You were having a… nightmare… I think." I furrowed my brow, feeling completely confused. "I feel a bit disoriented," I admitted.

  He bit his lip and his eyes scanned my body once before he returned his gaze to mine. "Your darkness level is low."

  "Oh." Was all I could manage.

  It was hard to explain how I felt. It was like being confused, but knowing what was going on around you, and your body feeling more sensitive than normal, while the rest of your senses were all over the place.

  My thoughts were just as scattered and a random question popped into my mind. "Why haven't we been more intimate?"

  Odion just stared at me for a good ten seconds before he arched an eyebrow. "From a scale of one to ten, how confused do you feel?" he countered.

  "Eleven because I'm an overachiever and you didn't answer my question. No… don't answer that one yet. You never call me Blessed Love either, like the others. I mean… I like my Queen, but does that mean our bond is broken? Maybe it's not working? Or I'm just horny… that could be it..."

  His cheeks were slightly red, but he reached out for the pillow on my side of the bed and lifted my head up to slide it underneath.

  I gave him a confused look, feeling glad that the dizziness had stopped, but I felt like I was forgetting the important matter at hand.

  Odion moved to sit back on his knees.

  "I'm going to increase your dark magic for a second so you'll understand me better."

  "I understand you, Sexy. You're speaking my language with those lovely abs of yours on display. You know, you should have become a model. Imagine the money you'd make. Oh… I should ask Orion too. Both of you could be twin models. Oh… but then Finn would be jealous and want to join. Then Hunter would start arguing with Finn over something stupid. Theo would look pretty hot in gothic clothes. Oh… No, scratch all of that. I'll ask Cairus and Caio. They wouldn't ask questions, they'll just do it." I rambled, getting lost in my vivid imagination at the possibilities of sexy naked men modeling.

  "Maybe I shouldn't have waited so long. Confused and horny doesn't suit you," he mumbled.

  "I'm not confused, but I am horny and it’s all your fault," I declared, pointing my hand at him. His gaze lingered on my wrist and I glanced at it, noticing how red it was.

  I lowered my hand and stuck out my tongue instead.

  "You were gone for at least two and a half weeks. Left me all alone to take care of our adorable child Momo and couldn't even give me a reward for my amazing motherly skills. Now you're kneeling there like a model out of a magazine, teasing me with those damn abs of yours. If I'm your Queen, you'd be worshipping me with that mouth of yours! No. Actually, I deserve cock! You know how many times I’ve had to satisfy myself cause you were never here?"

  Odion just stared at me as I kept rambling on until he sighed and crawled up and proceeded to shut me up with his lips.

  I immediately kissed him back and shivered when his right hand pressed against my upper thigh and began to grow hot.

  It didn't hurt in the least, only enhancing the satisfying kiss I'd been desperately craving. I wanted Odio
n so bad.

  My body wanted to be one with him and my soul ached for our unity as if there was one last space inside me that only he could fill.

  When we broke the kiss, I was left breathless, but my mind was also clear as day and I frowned.

  "What just happened?"

  "Remember I warned you about your elements needing to be balanced between light and dark? You used far too much of your light magic, which left you confused since you’re still in the Dark World," Odion explained.

  "O..kay? Um… are you okay?" I asked, deciding to tackle the more important issue. "Momo was crying nonstop on the other side and Arielle woke me up to check on you."

  "Ya… I'm okay," he mumbled and glanced away. "Sorry about your wrists."

  His voice was thick with regret, making me lift my wrists and realize they were bruised pretty bad.

  "It's not a big deal. They don't really hurt. I have a high pain tolerance," I replied, feeling unconcerned by them.

  I could easily heal them, but I'd held off since I didn't want to get rid of the dark energy he'd just transferred to me.

  "Sorry..." he mumbled again.

  "Why are you apologizing again? I said it was fine." I gave him a confused look, unsure why he was apologizing once more.

  "Um… you don't recall what you were rambling about?"

  "Uh..." I trailed off, remembering exactly what I'd just said moments ago, and my eyes grew wide. I began to curse and hid my face with my hands as I fell back to the pillow.

  "KILL ME NOW! I didn't say any of that! Nope! That wasn't me, it was my… uh… twin sister! Who possessed me?! Yes, that's it. I can't believe I said that?! Ahhh! I need to disappear. Wait, no. I could just erase his memory about that single moment and no one will know? I didn't pay attention in that class though… I'm DOOMED!" I practically cried.


  "I'm not here. I'm invisible forever."

  "It wasn't that-"

  "It was horrible! I'm not like that I swear! I mean… I'm a bit horny and did masturbate a few times when you weren't here… and did miss you a ton… and feel like you may not want me intimately like the others..." I trailed off when I choked on a sob. "I'm being stupid."

  "You're not being stupid, Celestia." Odion lifted my hands gently from my face to see my heart broken expression as I continued to cry.

  "Here I am crying over the fact we haven't had sex because I'm off doing anything that could hurt you. I know kissing is fine, but other than that, I don't know what's a boundary and what's not. When you kissed me before you left, I thought we'd do more. I wanted to step it up too, so you'd know, but I'm scared of pushing you away. Now I'm crying over it when I should be comforting you after your nightmare… I just feel like I messed up and want a redo," I concluded.

  Odion's gaze softened, and he leaned down to kiss me.

  "That doesn't make you stupid, my Queen. You waited because you thought about me and my past. You didn't push because you wanted both of us to enjoy the moment. There's nothing wrong with our bond. It's fine and there. I just..." He glanced away for a second and continued. "It's hard for me to do… soft sex? I guess that's the term,"

  "Soft sex? You mean… like slow and intimate type?" I asked for clarification. He nodded.

  "Because of what happened… with my Master and all… I get turned on differently, Celestia. I haven't had slow, passionate sex with anyone. I don't know how it feels or if it will even… turn me on enough to cum. I've always had to be the one to please someone and it had to be fast and involve pain. I held back because I didn't want to hurt you… or push you away with my weirdness."

  "Odion… that's not weird. You could have just told me."

  "I don't like talking about it cause it's embarrassing. It's not like I can ask my brother or the others. They barely know me. Aaron isn't helpful either. I want to please you the right way. I want to make love to you, not in haste, but to give you as much pleasure as I can and enjoy it at the same time. I just… was overthinking it and whenever I wanted to make a move, I felt hesitant. I'm sorry."

  He gave me another kiss, this one a lot deeper than the last and I broke it to press my forehead against his.

  "I'm sorry too. I'm still learning, and I want to know more about you. I know your past is hard to talk about, so you don't need to go into details about it. I just want the best for you and I want to learn more about you. Like your hobbies, and what you do on patrol. I know we don't have time with what's going on, but I don't want you thinking I'm not interested in you. Or that you're not enough, because you're more than enough and I'm happy to spend every moment with you."

  I kissed him then and whispered against his lips.

  "I love you, Odion Meadow. You've shown so much kindness before I even knew you! The person I've gotten to watch grow has shown so much love to me during my time in the Dark World. It just proves that no matter what element one is born with, they, too, can be kind, loving, and be loved by others."

  A tear ran down his cheek and he gave me a wide smile, one filled with joy and hope.

  "I love you more, my Queen. More than I ever thought I could love a person. You're the light I wished for years to see at the end of the tunnel. You're the reason I continue to live and breathe."

  He claimed my lips with his own, and his hand slipped into my hair.

  The kiss was slow but filled with intensity, and when I moaned, he let his tongue lick my bottom lip before thrusting it into my mouth.

  Our tongues touched and intertwined, while my body grew hot with arousal that splashed over me. His free hand left my hair and trailed down to my right breast, gently cupping and making me moan at his touch.

  I was so glad that this shirt was the only piece of clothing on my body, something easy to remove and one step less from me enjoying his body pressing against mine.

  His eyes darkened and began to shift to black as I bit his bottom lip, tugging at it slowly.

  "Your eyes are black like mine, my Queen," he whispered, but the level of satisfaction and pride in those words made me grin in delight and kiss him once more.

  I couldn't care less at what was going on with me. My focus was only Odion, enjoying every bit of his presence and hoping to demonstrate how much I loved him.

  We kissed and kissed while my hands took over, running over his bare chest. My nails sank into his hot skin when he released my lips and kissed me hard on the sensitive spot of my neck.

  His hot breath tickled my flesh and contributed to my pulsing pussy that was ready for him.

  "Odion… please," I begged.

  Slow sex was amazing but absolutely torturous when all you wanted was to be filled by your lover's cock and brought over the edge over and over again.

  He must have felt the same way, giving me one last hickey on my neck before he leaned back and worked on removing his boxers.

  I leaned up to give him a teasing kiss and broke it to lift his black shirt off me.

  I lay back down, watching Odion's hooded eyes scan my naked, curvy frame like a work of art while he tossed his boxers somewhere. I couldn't track where because my heated eyes were focused on his length that was erect and made me wet with desire.

  "You're far too beautiful, my Queen." He admired my body, licked his bottom lip, and crawled back to me to press those lips of his against mine.

  He teased my entrance with his fingers, gathering the slickness to prove to both of us how wet and ready I was for him.

  "Fuck me, Odion. Don't you dare hold back," I whispered, my voice almost like a command itself.

  His eyes glistened with approval of my words, and I was rewarded with a fierce kiss while his cock stroked my clit before finally sliding inside, making me gasp.

  He filled me right up and stretched me just slightly, which only made the pleasure and satisfaction that vibrated through me even better.

  He didn't move at first, and I opened my eyes and pressed my forehead against his.

  "If you need to stop, you don't need to say anyth
ing, okay Odion?" I had to make it clear.

  He was doing this for me, but I wouldn't let him deal with his inner demons for my pleasure. He met my eyes and nodded slightly as he brushed his lips against mine.

  "Okay, Blessed Love." He then sealed my lips with his.

  I couldn't enjoy how much hearing those words meant to me because he began to thrust deeply, making us both moan at the intensity.

  I ignored the burning on my right thigh; my body already felt like it was on fire as we began to move faster and his thrusts grew harder.

  My moans and gasps echoed off the hollow walls, while his groans were muffled against my shoulder as he bit and sucked at my flesh and continued hammering into me with his cock.

  Our attempt for "slow sex" did a 180-degree turn as Odion pinned me down against the sheets and held my wrists together possessively. My wrists stung with hints of pain, but it did the complete opposite in combination with sex, only adding to the build-up of pressure.

  "More, Odion!" I begged, and he shifted his position to hit the perfect spot, which made me arch my back and fight his restraint.

  I lifted my legs to wrap around his waist, wanting him so deep that my pussy rubbed against the shaft of his cock.

  "Fuck! Celestia..." He moaned and breathed heavily. Being fucked so hard while also being restrained was going to drive me insane.

  "More. Ah. Yes, yes." My voice was loud and breaths were quick.

  I was approaching my climax and when I opened my eyes to stare into Odion's completely black ones, I could see he was just as close.

  He met my gaze and slammed his mouth onto mine, both of us fighting for dominance.

  "Celestia." He moaned into my mouth and broke the kiss to breathe. "So close, my Queen."

  "I want every drop, Odion. Fill me with everything," I was so close it was taking every nerve in me not to cum.

  My pussy clenched around his cock and I could feel how hard he was.

  "Odion… please!" I cried out, trembling at the urge to cum right there and then.

  Odion tightened his grip on my wrists as he fucked me with haste.

  "Cum, my Queen," he ordered, and I let go of my restraint and screamed in ecstasy, the pleasure exploding through me.


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