My Werewolf Husband (Domenico and Misty): A Hot BBW Billionaire Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance

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My Werewolf Husband (Domenico and Misty): A Hot BBW Billionaire Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 5

by Marian Tee

  She froze. “I…”

  “Just forget what happened between us,” Domenico said harshly. “It won’t do you any good. I’m not a good man.”

  Unable to help it, Misty whispered, “You are.”

  “No. I’m not. And you want to know why?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “Because right now, I’m going up to fuck my brains out, which according to my father is the only thing I’m good at.” His gaze mocked hers. “Still think I’m a good man?”


  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Misty wished someone had invented selective earphones. That way, she could hear everything but that.

  More! God! More!

  Yes. Oooooh God, yes.

  Aaaah, Domenico, your cock…more. I want your coooooooock—

  She was not new to heartbreak. This wasn’t even the first time Domenico had broken her heart. But even so, it hurt, surprisingly so. Each time she heard a sound coming from the bedroom Domenico had locked himself in with three women – three, my God, three – she died a little.

  She glanced at her watch. 20:44. She still had time left. She only had to talk to him once – had to make him see the truth, no matter how arrogant it may make her seem.

  He needed her. He loved her.



  She looked up, color staining her cheeks when she saw Avery, the sympathy in the other woman’s gaze evident. “H-hey.”

  “The party’s over,” Avery said quietly. “I’ve been asked by Prince Danilo to clear everyone out.” The hope in Misty’s eyes made her wince. “I’m sorry, Misty, but that means everyone…except those…inside.”

  “I see.” Misty glanced at her watch. 18:45. It was strange, but she couldn’t make herself panic at the way time was slipping past her. All she knew was that she needed just one chance to talk to Domenico. Just one chance, and this weird, painful hell would be over.

  “I don’t want to get you in trouble…” Misty sent Avery a look of appeal. “But I really need to talk to him. I promise I won’t cause him any trouble.”

  “You could always come back later—” When Misty was about to protest, Avery said, “When Prince Domenico’s in this mood, it takes him a while to…get out of it.” She cleared her throat, wishing there was an easier way for her to break it to Misty. “He could go at it the whole night, Misty. Do you understand what I mean?”


  Misty swallowed.


  She should have expected that, shouldn’t she?

  Misty mustered up a smile. “I understand. But I still want talk to him. Please, Avery?”

  Avery found herself relenting reluctantly. “All right, but promise me. No hysterics. I warned you about the prince.”


  17:55 hours left.

  She clicked on the side button of her watch, the display switching to show the current time.

  It was one in the morning.

  Inside, the women were still crying, but Misty knew it wasn’t the type that came with tears.

  Lucky them.

  She rubbed her eyes.

  If only she could cry just like that, too, maybe this wouldn’t be so painful.

  Misty closed her eyes, forcing herself to concentrate on the memories. The ones where Domenico knew her. Loved her. Was married to her. She clung hard to those memories, harder every time she heard the women crying in the way she couldn’t cry right now.

  Stubborn, she reminded herself. Didn’t Domenico mention how stubborn she was? She had to be stubborn, had to remember that Domenico didn’t know how much he was hurting her right now.


  Danilo Moretti timed his call perfectly. His father’s routine never changed, and in the mornings he would read the papers right after breakfast. By this time, Danilo knew, Dio would have seen the headlines and would not know what to do.


  “What is it?” Dio’s tone was brusque with suppressed emotion.

  He had read it then, Domenico’s successful negotiation of the most important deal for their business empire. Right now, Dio would be feeling guilty and defensive, and in the past, this meant Dio also had a tendency to say the opposite of what he felt, all to save his stubborn pride.

  Well, not again, Danilo thought. It was time the stupid feud between Domenico and their father was put to rest. They had a traitor in their midst, and even for someone as suspicious as him, that person’s betrayal had come as a surprise.

  To his father, Danilo said, “You’ve read it then?”

  “Yes.” The voice was curt and unyielding.

  “You misjudged him clearly this time, Father. You should have allowed him to explain rather than jumping to conclusions.”

  Dio snapped, “I may have been wrong now, but in the past—”

  “The past is in the past. We’re talking about now – and you were in the wrong.” He paused meaningfully. “Would it kill you to say ‘sorry’, Father? Would you really rather Domenico completely lose all love and respect for you because of your pride?”

  One full minute passed.

  Dio asked finally, “What are you suggesting?”

  Danilo glanced at his watch. Nine in the morning. He knew, from Avery, that Domenico had once again tried to lose himself in a night of debauchery. His twin would probably need an hour or two before he could become coherent. “I’ll accompany you to Domenico’s suite. I’ll make sure you won’t choke on your apology, Father.”

  Dio cursed.

  “You’re welcome, Father.” He sent a text message to Avery. We’ll be there at eleven. Make sure Domenico’s sober.

  “Waiting will just get on my nerves,” Dio said. “Let’s get this over with. I’ll meet you there.”

  Dio ended the call before Danilo could speak. Fuck! If Dio caught sight of Domenico now…and if Domenico woke up with another hangover and a surly temper—

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  Danilo was out of his office in a flash. He had to get to Domenico first.


  Domenico Moretti came out of his room and almost stumbled at a foot stuck out in front of him. He looked down, his scowl disappearing and his furious words dying when he saw exactly what was in his way.

  Misty was seated on the floor, her back against the wall, sleeping. There were dark shadows under her eyes, and her nose appeared red…from crying.

  His chest constricted. Why the fuck did he feel so guilty about her? She was no one. For all he knew, she was just one of the many women who had come to work for his family in order to milk him or one of his brothers for money.

  He forced himself to move.

  He had only taken one step when fingers curled around his ankle.

  He looked back, and Misty was looking up at him, her sleepy eyes filled with shock and apprehension.

  Again, Domenico’s chest constricted, more painfully this time. “Let go.” His voice was rough.

  Reddening at his tone, Misty immediately released him, scrambling to her feet right after. “Y-you’re awake.” It was a silly thing to say, but she couldn’t make herself say what was really on her mind. Were they over then? Had he finished…had he finished fucking his brains out?

  A quick glance on her watch told her it was already eight in the morning. A little over ten hours to make him fall in love with her. Less than half a day. It could happen. It would happen. But this time, her heart wasn’t as convinced as it once was.

  Not when she had looked back and found the door to Domenico’s room slightly ajar, revealing three naked women curled up on the bed—

  Domenico swiftly closed the door when he saw where she was looking. When their eyes met, hers were glassy. There was no measuring the pain in his chest this time. Goddammit, what was happening to him? Why was he feeling like this? It wasn’t like he owed her his fidelity.

  “Why are you still here, Misty?”

  “Because I needed to talk to you.” Her voice was steady, but she couldn’t keep her smile from w
obbling, couldn’t keep herself from blinking to stop her eyes from shedding tears.

  He hated the way she made him feel. It reminded him of the countless times his own father had made him guilty and worthless.

  “Let me guess. You’re hurt about the way I left you?” His lip curled in scorn.

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  His eyes bored through hers.

  “Well, okay, I was hurt, but it doesn’t matter—”

  “Oh, doesn’t it?” His voice became dangerously silky. “Is it because you don’t need me to be sexually faithful? You’re good with sharing me then?” He opened the door. “You’re good with being the fourth?” When she only looked at him, he snarled, “Look at them.”

  Misty shook her head vehemently. “No.”

  “Look at them!”

  “I don’t want to—”

  He held her shoulders. She started to struggle, but he was too strong for her. A second later, and he had forcibly spun her around.

  A silent, broken cry escaped her.

  It had no sound, not the slightest bit, but behind her, Domenico jerked as if he had heard it all the same, her pain reaching him because even if he didn’t remember her in this world, his heart hadn’t forgotten.


  This time, she couldn’t stop staring. She couldn’t stop imagining. She told herself she shouldn’t think of Domenico with them, but it was useless. Their nudity mocked her. Offended her. Tore her apart. Are you really sure Domenico loves you? Are you really sure Domenico would have fallen in love with you if he hadn’t needed you in the first place?

  The tears fell.

  Was that the challenge then? The real challenge?

  In their world, Domenico had worked hard to prove to her he loved her, regardless of whether she would be a help to him. But what if he had only been fooling himself? What if he had only really just gotten used to her?

  Domenico was suddenly blocking her view. His face was white, the pain in his gaze a mirror of what she felt. “I’m sorry,” he said tautly. “I don’t know what made me do that. I’m…sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” She didn’t know what else to say or think. She knew time was running out, knew that now was the time to make him fall in love with her. But somehow, she couldn’t say a word. Somehow, she felt that speaking would make her feel selfish, would force Domenico to fall in love with her again.

  If she used her knowledge of him, of the time she spent with him, Misty knew she could make him fall in love with her again. But would it be right to do it? Would it?

  There was no chance to know the answer to it, not when they heard his father’s voice interrupting them. Again.

  “What the hell is this?”

  Just what he fucking needed, Domenico thought. His father walking in on a scene that screamed orgy. His father, who was the most conservative man in the planet, whose first and only girlfriend was Domenico’s mother.

  Domenico slowly spun around.

  Danilo and Avery were also there. His brother’s face was grim while Avery appeared stricken.

  One look at Dio and Misty knew Domenico’s father was about to say something hurtful, something that Domenico might never forgive him for, not in the mood he was in. Before anyone could speak, she charged at Domenico, swaying and stumbling as she did, like someone on a drug-induced high.

  “Did you have fun with them?” Her voice was slurred, or at least Misty hoped it was.

  Behind her, Avery and Danilo were looking at each other.

  Who the hell is she, he mouthed.

  Misty…or at least I think she’s Misty, she mouthed back. I think seeing Domenico with so many women made her…snap?

  Either way, the two thought it was the worst impression of a drunk they had ever seen.

  Domenico was looking at her like she was crazy. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  She let out what she hoped was a crazy laugh. “I drugged you and these women yesterday. If you think I’m going to let you go to your father and play the prodigal son…” She released another crazy laugh.

  Domenico took a step towards her. “Misty, will you—”

  She quickly took a step back. “Don’t come any closer, or I’m going to upload your video right this minute!” She glared at him, which was the easy part. Glaring made it easier for her not to cry. “If you think you can change overnight, you’re lying to yourself! I’m going to drag you down with me. I’ll make you pay for throwing me out—”


  She whirled around in time to see Dio Moretti bearing down on her, his face coldly contemptuous. But there was something in his eyes—no, she probably was imagining it.

  “I’ve heard enough,” Dio said grimly. “Avery, call security and have this woman escorted out of this building. She’s never to be allowed on any Moretti property again.” His eyes returned to Misty. “I’d like you to know that every room in this building is under CCTV surveillance. Your attempt to blackmail my son was recorded. If you ever attempt to do the same thing to Domenico or any other member of my family, you will be sent to jail. Do you understand?” His voice turned steely. “I protect every precious member of my family, and Domenico is one of them. I will not let anyone – anyone – harm my son.”

  For a moment, Misty couldn’t speak. She knew what those words meant, and a glance at Domenico’s pale face told her he knew it, too. In not so many words, his father was extending an olive branch – an apology for how he had treated Domenico last night.

  “Did you hear me, Miss?”

  She swallowed, finding it hard to get back into character. She took a deep breath then said in a slurred voice, “Fuck you.”

  In less than a minute, security had escorted her to the elevator. Before the doors could close, Avery was there, and she quickly pressed the HOLD button. “Misty, what was that?”

  Misty started to slur her words.

  Avery shook her head. “Stop it. You didn’t fall asleep drinking. You fell asleep waiting for Prince Domenico to come out.”

  “Oh.” When Avery kept looking at her, Misty said helplessly, “What else could I say? We both knew what was going to happen and I just…I just didn’t want to see the same sad look in his eyes again.”

  Avery’s heart broke at the words. She had never met someone as brave as Misty and it shamed her, the way Misty could do such a thing without hesitation. Misty might not have said the words, but anyone with half a brain would know only a woman in love could do something like that.

  “Don’t go,” Avery said. “I can work something out—”

  Misty shook her head. “It’s okay. I’m just happy things will finally work well between Domenico and his father.” She pressed the CLOSE button and the doors slowly shut.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  What was she doing?

  Was she really turning her back on the chance to save herself? To save Domenico?

  But somehow, it didn’t feel right—

  The elevator doors slid open on the 32nd floor, and her eyes widened when she saw the couple coming in. Matteo – he was alive here as well? Matteo had been Domenico’s friend, the one whose murder Domenico wanted to solve, the reason she had taken the jinn’s offer.

  Behind him was Rafaella, the woman who had once turned Misty into a laughingstock among Lyccans, the princess Domenico had originally meant to marry.

  They exchanged a hot passionate kiss before turning to Misty.

  “Good job on saving the bastard’s face like that,” Matteo said.

  Shock robbed her of speech. He was Domenico’s childhood friend in the real world. Did it mean – did it mean he had been playing a role all along?

  At her stunned look, Rafaella laughed. “We saw you through the surveillance cameras, of course. Did you think only the Morettis had access to it? We would never have the balls to meet you right now if we didn’t have access to it. Everyone here can be bought. You just need to know how much they want.” She then asked eagerly, “
Did you mean it about the video though?”

  Misty shook her head slowly. “No. It was a bluff.”

  The two were clearly disappointed. “That’s okay," he told Misty. "At least you got him to trust you. Just lay low for a week and I’ll find a way to bring up your name with Domenico.”

  His hand curved around Rafaella’s waist and he licked her ear, an action that made Misty cringe inwardly. “I told you, babe. Women are his weakness. Always.”

  She laughed. “I believe you now.”

  The two stepped out at the thirteenth floor, which was somehow symbolic. If she had the strength to laugh, Misty would have. About to press the CLOSE button, she stopped in time when someone appeared at the hallway.

  The woman stepped inside the elevator.

  When the doors slid close, Misty absently looked at her companion and froze in shock.

  It was the jinn.

  “Y-you.” Misty rubbed her eyes, but it really was the jinn, and she hadn’t even bothered to dress herself in human clothes. Did it mean that this entire world was under her control?

  “You made me laugh.”

  Misty had?

  “Now, I owe you a favor.”

  The jinn did?

  “Even if you do not win this challenge, I can tell your mate the truth you have discovered. Do you want me to tell him?”

  Misty had hoped she would have another kind of reward, perhaps another option to get out of this world, but a part of her also knew it couldn’t ever be that easy. Trying to ignore the sense of crushing disappointment inside of her, Misty nodded. “I’d…like that.”

  “It is done.” The jinn’s eyes studied her. “You only have…nine hours. Do you think you will win?”

  Misty didn’t answer.

  “You really love him?”

  She nodded.

  “But now, you no longer trust him?”

  She shook her head. “It’s not that. I’m just not sure if…if he really did love me…or he just got used to having me around.”

  When the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, Misty was all alone. Walking out of the building, the first thing she saw was a copter lifting off from the building’s own helipad. It had Moretti Inc. emblazoned on its body and she wondered numbly if Domenico was inside it. If he was—


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