Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf

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Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf Page 1

by Kryssie Fortune

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Loose Id Titles by Kryssie Fortune

  Kryssie Fortune

  Scattered Siblings 3:


  Kryssie Fortune

  Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf

  Copyright © November 2014 by Kryssie Fortune

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  eISBN 9781623006440

  Editor: Kierstin Cherry

  Cover Artist: Dar Albert

  Published in the United States of America

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 806

  San Francisco CA 94104-0806

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * *

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.


  For Alan. He puts up with my writing madness and even checks my manuscripts for me. Greater love hath no man.

  Chapter One

  Who’d have thought that deep rumbling noise Joel made could be so sexy? When he caged Ellie with his body, her nipples ached, and liquid honey filled her cunt. Her legs trembled, and her pussy throbbed with sensual need. Shyly, she looped her arms around his neck and glanced around the cliff top. Whitby Abbey towered over them, and waves lapped at the harbor below. The town was just coming to life, and no tourists had ventured up there yet. Glad they were alone, she stepped still closer, and let Joel’s body warm her.

  Two years back, when the Elves still imprisoned her, they’d have punished her for seeking even a temporary comfort. Today Joel held her as if she was precious and perfect. His cologne reminded her of fresh mountain streams or hoarfrost shimmering in dawn’s first light. His hair felt soft and silky as she twirled the ends around her fingers.

  Joel growled again. The sound vibrated through her body, sending shock waves of pleasure exploding through her. She’d never felt so alive or so eager as when his lips brushed her ear. Every touch of his hand, even the way his breath tickled as it flowed over her neck, was a new delight for her to savor.

  For someone who’d been abused in terrible ways, her body thrummed with carnal desires. The heat Joel sparked inside her shattered the barriers she’d erected to block out her six months of sexual slavery. Two years of easy acceptance from Joel’s squadron of Lykae soldiers had helped rebuild her confidence.

  She’d loved Joel from the start. He’d led the rescue party that freed her from sexual slavery and held her while the drugs the Elves had tipped down her throat had worn off. After the sex-potions wore off and Ellie was safe, he’d kept his distance.

  Now, he wanted her as much as she wanted him, if the way his cock bulged beneath his pants was anything to go by. They didn’t have a future, but this interlude with Joel—and it could never be more—would finally put her past behind her.

  This one-sided-love thing sucked. She’d dreamed of so much more, but maybe just once she could have meaningless sex with Joel. Afterward she’d still need to move on.

  Other Lykae males had tried to date her, but her stupid heart demanded she save herself for Joel. If only he didn’t have eyes of the same clear blue as the turquoise beads in his hair, maybe she wouldn’t have hurt so badly. Add in his sculpted cheekbones and dirty blond hair that was striped with a dozen different shades of brown, and she was lost. Damn, he’s as handsome as he is…lickable.

  Today she set out to reclaim the life she’d lived before she knew about Elves and Lykae, but moving on hurt. This morning she’d fled the otherworld, but leaving Joel behind had etched cracks in her heart. They ran deeper than the scars Broken Nose had carved in her cheek.

  Not that Joel ever wanted her before today.

  Ellie leaned into him and wrapped one leg around his calf. Her lips parted, and he moved closer, a fraction of an inch at a time, giving her the chance to turn away and refuse him. Not that she would. She’d dreamed of his lips on hers or his hands on her breasts, and today her secret fantasies were coming true.

  Determined not to let the moment pass, she went up on tiptoe and buried her hands in his hair. He moved closer until his lips hovered over hers.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  He took control, dominating her, demanding everything—and she gave it willingly. His lips were firm against hers, possessive and masterful. His kiss sent shivers of excitement down her spine. When his tongue tangled with hers, she ran her soft, military-style trainer up and down his calf. With a soft sigh, she arched her back and thrust her breasts forward in invitation.

  Joel groaned and kissed his way down her neck. She breathed in quick, sharp gasps. Again Ellie curled her fingers in his hair, tugging gently.

  He slid his hands under her T-shirt and rubbed his thumbs over her nipples. She moaned as if he’d hotwired her sex drive. Maybe he had, but she wasn’t complaining. He stared into her eyes, patient, giving her chance to deny him. Instead, she nodded slightly, then shuddered with delight as he trailed his fingers around her midriff. And there went her bra. She hadn’t even realized he’d unfastened it, and now it lay at her feet along with the regulation black-and-turquoise T-shirt she didn’t remember shedding.

  She felt vulnerable, making out on the cliff, breasts bared, but these moments with Joel were precious—memories that would sustain her as she rebuilt her life. His warriors’ hands felt rough against her soft skin. She loved the new sensations he woke inside her. Heat rolled through her, simmering and warming her blood.

  With Joel, she’d learn how sex should be. She
’d forget the way the Elves had forced her to perform sex acts for their pleasure, and move on. She wanted that more than anything. If only Joel would stop moving in slow motion. He was clearly willing to stop if his touch brought back too many bad memories, and she loved him all the more for it. But… Damn it. He’s killing me with kindness.

  Ellie wanted a fierce loving she’d remember all her life. Instead he gave her a leisurely seduction that drove her crazy. She shivered when he tongued her left nipple. He stroked and caressed the other between his finger and thumb. His touch fired her up, made her blaze with sensual hunger. She’d never needed anyone this way. Even without the Elves’ nymphomaniac potions, her body burned for Joel.

  Here on Whitby cliff top, he carried her into a world of sensation and animalistic pleasure. If she’d been a Lykae, she’d have howled with delight. Her nipples peaked, and the damp heat spread through her cunt.

  Ecstasy, this stolen liaison with Joel Blackheart was pure ecstasy. Addictive too. The taste of his lips and the hard planes of her body as he pressed against her gave her a tantalizing glimpse of things she could never fully possess.

  It didn’t matter that their love all flowed from her to him. She needed him to show her how great sex could be. With Joel, she could replace all her bad memories with something honest and good. When her hand brushed against his cock, it pulsed. For a moment she hesitated, then closed her hand around it. Big. So big. Lykae are definitely better hung than Elves.

  “More,” she whispered. “I need more.”

  Joel looked around, checking their surroundings.

  Doesn’t he want to be seen with me? No one else ventured up to Whitby Abbey at this time of year. It was still early by Lykae military standards, and by their standards, it was almost time for a midmorning snack. I wish he’d snack on me.

  He gathered her in his arms and leaped the high barrier enclosing the abbey grounds. Somehow she managed to scoop up her clothes. She had to leave her kit bag, but there was no one here to rifle through it. Then she relaxed and enjoyed being in the arms of the man she loved. Despite the way she nestled against his chest, he landed with feral grace. Ellie grinned, glad he’d found somewhere private.

  She was going to have sex—not the soul-shaming, force-you kind. This would be sex tinged with respect and kindness, something she’d never experienced before. Deep down she longed for soul-shattering sex, the sort that melded two people into one, but it couldn’t be. Not when he didn’t love her.

  She’d always been able to pretend things were the way she wanted, not the way they were. For now, she’d pretend they were together forever, and accept anything Joel offered. Mated? Me and a Lykae alpha. So not happening but…

  “Dreaming,” her mother had called it between mouthfuls of gin.

  Joel sniffed the air, tilted his head, and listened. Seagulls screeched, and way at the bottom of the cliff, fishermen joked as they landed their catch. Ellie could barely hear them, but she’d lay odds Joel could distinguish every word. Once he decided the area was secure, he laid her on a mossy bank. She watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as his hungry gaze swept over her.

  Come on, Joel. Fuck me, please.

  She lay, leg bent at the knee, hair mussed, and lips swollen from his kiss. Her nipples beaded as Joel’s tongue made slow, sensual strokes against hers. Everything inside her cried out for him to lick her breasts, or better still, her pussy.

  He stared at her the way a starving gourmet would salivate over his best ever feast. She’d kill to have him look at her that way every day.

  See? Dreaming again.

  Joel rolled each of her nipples in turn between his thumb and forefinger. Nothing had ever felt this good, or left her so desperate for more. She squirmed beneath him, her panties already damp with her desire.

  He lowered his head to her breasts, and between long, leisurely licks that made her thighs quiver, he asked, “Are you sure about this? I’ll stop if you want.”

  “Want you inside me.” She panted and unfastened her waistband. When she lifted her hips, he pulled her Lykae military-issue trousers over her thighs. Somehow her panties came with them. Tricksy, adorable wolf. Her hand shook as she fumbled at the leather thong holding up his pants.

  Joel grinned, pulled off his military shirt, and kicked off his pants. Once they were both naked, he bent closer and took possession of her lips. Their kiss was endless, their passion igniting.

  Sweet sensation consumed her. Her pussy throbbed in anticipation, and her throat dried. Her fingers curled until her nails dug into her palms. Nervous but excited, she relaxed her hand and reached for his cock. It felt hot and hard, and her fingers didn’t quite close around it.

  He growled and thrust into her fist.

  Her feelings consumed her. This ardor was too much, her need too great. She took quick, shallow breaths as she stared at his high cheekbones and kissable lips. When she looked into his eyes, she thought she’d drown.

  There he went with that wolfy growling thing again. He’d never done that before, at least not for her, but she could listen to it all day. Forever maybe. His grin was wicked, lascivious, and…adorable. When he tongued each of her nipples in turn, she whimpered.

  He scooted down her body and rasped his tongue over her clit. Delicious friction had her circling her hips and scrunching her fingers in his hair. Her pleasured whimpers made him lick harder.

  Another sweep of his tongue, another touch of his lips on her clit, and her first-ever willing orgasm rocked though her. The Elves’ potions had made her writhe and beg, but nothing about drug-induced satisfaction compared to the pleasures Joel showed her. Eyes closed, she felt as though she floated through starry skies. Her toes curled, and her womb clenched as she screamed her satisfaction.

  JOEL UNDERSTOOD that Ellie needed slow, careful loving, but both his natural wolf and the primal creature that lived inside him clamored for him to fuck her hard. He half expected her to clamp her thighs together and tell him, No way.

  Instead she’d welcomed him with hungry kisses, pleasured moans, and open legs. Now that he had her naked, he loved how her sweet juices glistened around her clit. His natural wolf, the one similar to the earthly lupine species, yipped and demanded her on all fours as he took her from behind. His primal wolf, the savage, eight-foot beast that lived for the violent destruction of anything that threatened his pack, howled its approval.

  Instead he put the power firmly in her hands. “Do you need to be on top?”

  She shook her head and wrapped her legs tighter around his thighs. He loved the feel of her bare heels on his flesh. Determined to make this good for her, he massaged her clit with one hand and teased one of her nipples with the other.

  Ellie ground her hips against him, trapping his hand as she whispered, “Don’t make me beg. Not after the way the Elves treated me.”

  He remembered the night, two years ago, when they’d found her. The Elves had drugged her up with their turn-you-into-a-nymphomaniac potions and left her burning for sexual fulfillment. She’d have done anything, fucked anybody, just to ease her magically induced needs.

  Once she’d realized Joel’s cock was staying in his trousers, she’d kicked, scratched and head butted—anything to break free of his platonic hold on her body. Finally she’d screeched abuse like a fishwife, demanding he let her go fuck somebody…anybody.

  Instead he’d kept his arms around her, trapping her against his chest as he’d murmured comforting words. Afterward she’d been so ashamed that she’d struggled to look at him or his men. He never wanted her to feel that bad again. He eased his hand from her breasts and took his weight on his elbows. “No begging. Not with me.”

  The thrill of the chase still pumped adrenaline though him. A natural-born hunter, he took easily to tracking. He’d captured Ellie, and now this big bad wolf would devour her, and he’d start with her cunt. She was his to fuck. He felt as excited as a randy schoolboy screwing his teenage dream.

  She was hot, wet, and surprisingl
y tight as he inched his cock inside her. When he thrust deeper, her head thrashed, spreading strands of her black hair over the soft green moss.

  Ellie looked beautiful, with her lips swollen from his kiss and desire shining in her eyes. How she’d turned into a smoking-hot sex-bomb was beyond him. If he didn’t fuck her hard and fast, he’d die of frustration.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He hungered to suck on her nipples until she writhed and called out his name. Her pussy pulsed around his cock, and her hips writhed, inviting him deeper. He’d meant to take her slowly, but his need overwhelmed him. He surged inside her, filling her completely. Whimpers of pleasure escaped her as she orgasmed again.

  His acute Lykae hearing picked up the way her heart beat in rhythm with his. He scented her satisfaction along with her banked-up desires. He’d never known a woman could smell of sea air and hyacinths, but her feminine essence delighted him.

  Another thrust, so deep his balls slammed against her cunt, and he felt her pussy clench. Pleasure, hedonistic and joyous, built within him, and he forgot everything except the woman writhing beneath him.

  Her pussy fit around his cock like a velvet glove. He could lose himself in a woman as wonderful as her. Pressure built in his cock. He groaned, determined to love her gently, but he knew how Vesuvius felt just minutes before it blew its top and buried Pompeii. Sexual heat flowed through his blood and fogged his brain. He needed. He wanted. And he took.

  Ellie moaned, her head thrashing as she came over and over, her hot honey coating his cock. He tensed as orgasm shuddered through him, hot, sweet release that burned and soothed. Sperm shot from his dick. He yelled out in satisfaction, scaring the seagulls as they ventured too close. Some flew up into the abbey ruins while others swooped down toward the fishing boats in the harbor. Finally he and Ellie lay, still connected, each lost in the afterglow of mind-blowing sex.

  Eventually Joel stroked her unscarred cheek. “I hear you gave your replacement a cheesecake facial.”


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