Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf

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Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf Page 7

by Kryssie Fortune

  Hard as Ellie concentrated, she couldn’t find any more magic inside herself, so she kept walking away from everything she needed to be happy. Her stubborn streak had kept her going through her childhood. It had helped her survive being captured by Elves too. No way would she let Joel’s scorn destroy her. She lifted her head and stiffened her spine.

  A familiar voice called, “Ellie! Ellie? Is that really you?”

  Thank the gods for sending one of her soldier friends. “Pammy, can we talk? Please.”

  Pammy hugged her, then stood back, “Why so glum? Look, my folks have gone ahead to the party, but their place is a just a mile down that path. I arrived late since I’ve been scouring Whitby for my best non-Lykae friend, then she turned up at my place. Let’s share a coffee, and you can tell me what’s wrong.”

  Thanks to Ellie’s military service, jogging a mile at Pamela’s side came easy.

  Ellie edited her tale, carefully leaving out the hot sex and unrequited love stuff. No way would she admit she’d acted as if she were Joel Blackheart’s whore. He’d treated her worse than the Elves—what with his sham concern and his secret fiancée—but she wasn’t the kiss-and-tell sort.

  * * * *

  Joel frowned as he approached the Great Hall. He should be excited to meet Olivia Deerstalker, but he dragged his feet and dawdled, his thoughts fixed on Ellie. He’d no idea how she’d flashed into his bedroom. Elves shouldn't be able to do that. And why here and now? She'd probably come to embarrass him, but she wasn't usually vindictive or mean. He’d already told her that she wasn’t welcome here.

  Every time he saw Ellie lately, he hurt her. There had to be a way to make things better for her, but he couldn’t introduce her to his fiancée. That wouldn’t be right. She’d be heartbroken all over again, and if Olivia Deerstalker found out, she’d be crushed. He’d made a commitment, and he needed to keep it. Meanwhile, he had to find a way to help Ellie build a new life. Normally when he felt bad, he let loose his natural wolf and ran. Tonight, he had a party to attend and his fiancée to meet. He felt reluctant to do either.

  Why do I keep hurting Ellie? Almost, he went back to apologize, but words wouldn’t change what happened between them. He had responsibilities and a fiancée. This one-woman thing sucked.

  He’d sworn to wed Olivia, daughter of the Desert Marauder’s alpha. Earlier he’d asked his father what she was like. Alexander had considered so long, Joel thought he wasn’t going to answer.

  Finally, his father told him. “She’s as lovely as a frozen lake kissed by the sun.”

  Joel wasn’t sure he liked that. He wanted a woman with heat and passion. A woman like Ellie. Not that she was his mate or anything. Then again, neither was this unknown Olivia. He’d wanted a marriage of convenience, and now he was stuck with it. For an alpha wolf, he’d messed up badly.

  Finally he plucked up the courage to go inside and meet his fiancée. The pack partied in force. Couples danced a lively version of the Charleston, but for Lykae the moves were more sensual than comic. Joel’s parents sat, arms around each other, but there was no sign of his newly acquired fiancée. Maybe he wasn’t as late as he’d thought.

  His parents waved him over, and although he managed a smile, he worried about Ellie. Was she crying again? He hated that he’d left her alone and hurting. His inner wolves demanded he go back and claim her, and although he started toward the door, his common sense came to his rescue. He needed to stay here and meet his fiancée.

  Damn, how can I meet my fiancée when I’ve got a cockstand for another woman? He wished he’d been kinder when he told Ellie about his fiancée. Hell, he wished he hadn’t told her at all. Her expression—all big eyes and downturned lips—spoke volumes.

  When she popped up in his bedroom, he hadn’t know what to do, but not letting her close her sexy little mouth around his cock would have been a good start.

  As an alpha, Joel’s duty was to marry. An alliance with the Desert Marauders would strengthen both packs, but it cost him too much. Honestly, it was the worst deal he’d ever made.

  He sipped at the beer his father shoved toward him and surreptitiously checked out the other challengers. Titus leaned against the back wall and scowled if any one made a move toward him. Marcellus looked uncomfortable as he tried to strike up a conversation with one of the unmated females. Like the rest of the pack, she shunned him.

  Lysander danced with an elegant blonde that Joel didn’t recognize. He knew every female member of the Tundra Toughs personally, which meant—Elves’ blood, the bastard’s dancing with my fiancée.

  His father followed his gaze. “Maybe you’ll turn up on time in the future, then you’ll get to dance with Olivia. She’s quite a beauty, but a bit stately for my taste.” He gave his wife a squeeze. “Give me a smoking volcano over an iceberg any day.”

  Joel choked on his beer. Smoking hot? Yeah, that’s my Ellie, but when did she become mine? She isn’t really. My inner wolves have some strange ideas sometimes. He’d been comfortable with their relationship the way it had been, perhaps. How could he admit he had the hots for an Elf? Always, he tried to pretend he was Ellie’s big brother, but he’d always struggled with it. Instead, more times than he could count, he’d imagined her spread naked across his bed.

  He hadn’t wanted to take advantage of her especially since he thought her feelings were more to do with hero worship than sex. For two years, he’d kept his distance, but he’d blown it when he hunted her down and fucked her in Whitby.

  As Grand Marshal of the Lykae forces, Joel’s duty had been to protect Ellie. As the next Tundra Toughs’ alpha, and no way would he lose the tournament, he owed Olivia his loyalty too. He’d never been so conflicted or confused.

  Alpha wolves should be able to stand by their decisions, but abandoning Ellie made his fists clench and the back of his neck sweat. His natural wolf howled to go back and comfort her. His primal wolf wanted violence and blood. That, or to fuck Ellie.

  He’d already offended his fiancée by turning up late, and he’d make things worse if he left now. His temper rose in proportion to his guilt, and if he’d been a cartoon, smoke would have come out his ears. His inner beasts wanted to lay into the other challengers with their claws and fangs.

  All the wolves had a streak of animal violence inside them, but tournaments were steeped in tradition. The rules insisted that no contender harm another until the tournament was over. If Joel gave in to his animal urges, the rules demanded the pack alpha—his father—disqualify him and banish him from Tundra Toughs’ lands.

  Joel’s scowled and toyed with his braid. Fae-fashioned, the beads were supposed to soothe his psyche—whatever that meant. The damn things weren’t working. His inner beasts still prowled inside him and demanded a no-holds-barred brawl. That or a killer session in the gym to let off steam.

  After that blowjob from Ellie, he seethed with desires he couldn’t fulfill. She needed to belong somewhere, but he’d promised himself to Olivia. Whatever he did, whoever he chose, he’d hurt a woman who deserved better. What the hell was this Olivia Deerstalker doing flirting with another contender?

  The back door opened, and two more she-wolves came in. No. Scratch that. One she-wolf and one Elf. Joel growled low in his throat, but his natural wolf howled with delight. He could practically feel its tail wagging.

  Why does it feel right to see Ellie among my pack? She outshone every woman in the room and moved with confident grace. Everything about her, except her Elven heritage, enthralled him. He took a couple of steps toward her, wanting to ask her to dance, then remembered his fiancée. Talk about pouring cold water on his dream.

  “Hey, guys!” Pamela called to some recently discharged solders. “Look who finally learned to flash. Does that make her a super Elf or something?”

  Ellie? Here? Last time I looked, she’d been heading off in the other direction. Why is she gatecrashing my engagement party? Maybe she’d turned up to embarrass him. Or maybe someone had hurt her after she left him. He’d r
ip their limbs from their bodies if they had. His primal beast wanted her naked, just so it could check her for cuts and bruises, but that would lead to more scorching-hot sex. His hard-on felt like a tree trunk between his legs, but that just showed how much his wolves wanted her.

  His human side admired her body, her resilience, and her brain, but he had sworn to marry Olivia. Seeing Ellie and his fiancée in the same room worried him more than any battle he’d fought. He had to keep them apart, and once the night was over, he’d make Ellie understand she couldn’t stay.

  The music changed from jazz beat to barn dance, and soon Ellie do-si-doed around the dance floor. Has she come to cause a scene? She must want to shame him in front of his new fiancée, and he couldn’t allow that.

  He leaned over to his mother. “That Elf’s trouble. Can you have someone escort her outside and keep her quiet until I can reason with her?”

  His primal wolf roared inside him, furious that he maligned Ellie. Even his natural wolf turned tail and ignored him. Torn between meeting his fiancée and hustling Ellie out of here, he sat back and stared. Maybe his mother, the pack’s dominant female, could make Ellie leave.

  After what he’d just said, he expected his mother to physically force Ellie outside. He hated that he’d just made thing worse for her, but he had to keep a clear head to face his fiancée.

  When this was over, he’d persuade another alpha—one who already had a mate—to adopt Ellie into his pack. Her new alpha would protect her until she found her feet. That, or Joel would turn feral and tear out her new alpha’s throat.

  Joel’s eyes narrowed, and there was nothing brotherly in the growl that grumbled through his larynx. His temper rose at the thought of another male touching Ellie.

  The music finished abruptly, and as the potluck supper opened, his mother homed in on Ellie. Pamela hurried over to join them. Ellie dropped her head and let her hair hide her scars. His mother listened to what the two women told her. Has Ellie told Mom that I fucked her? Eventually his mother beckoned Alexander over.

  Joel’s stomach churned, and he started toward them. Ellie didn’t deserve to feel the pack alpha’s wrath. He’d only wanted his mother to bundle Ellie out of the Great Hall. Instead, he’d landed in a whole heap of trouble.

  Chapter Nine

  As Alexander ushered Ellie into a side room, she spotted Joel forcing his way toward them. She increased her pace but still didn’t move fast enough.

  Joel grabbed his father’s arm. “Dad, about Ellie—”

  “Butt out, son, and take over as host.” Alexander shut the door in Joel’s face.

  Again Ellie repeated her story, but she carefully edited out her time with Joel. Alexander listened intently, then summoned his lieutenants, and for a third time, Ellie told them about the redhead who was plotting against the Lykae. “I’ve told you everything, so could one of you help me return to the human world? My flashy thing isn’t working, and I’ve got things to do.”

  Alexander shook his head. “I’m sorry, my dear, but no one leaves the Tundra Toughs’ territory until the alpha challenge is complete. Surely you can spare us three days? King Caleb’s messenger will deliver the task list by noon tomorrow. Tradition dictates the entrants have three days to complete them.”

  Ellie hated that Joel had to fight to lead the pack he loved. If things were different, she’d stay and support him. Not that he’d permit it. Even if she stayed, watching him with another woman would destroy her. She shook her head. “I need to go back to the mundane world immediately. I’ve got a new life to build.”

  Alexander put his arm around her shoulders. “Our laws are quite clear. No one leaves until the new alpha takes the reins. I didn’t want to retire this way, but even I can’t change the law. It seems harsh after you came here to warn us, but if it helps, I will see that the pack reimburses you for your time. I’m sure Pamela will take you in for the duration. Really, my dear, you did exceptionally well to flash here at all. Are you absolutely certain you’re an Elf?”

  Ellie tipped her head, showed him her unscarred cheek, and pulled back her hair, “See. My ears prove my lineage, but I didn’t know I was half Elf until the Elves kidnapped me.”

  Gently, Alexander brushed her hair back from her other cheek. “Apparently you are as fierce as you are clever. Didn’t your parents tell you anything about your lineage?”

  Ellie hated personal questions. How could she tell him her mom just downed endless bottles of cider or gin when she could afford it while Ellie had made do with secondhand clothes?

  She didn’t know how to answer Alexander Blackheart’s question. Finally she told him, “I don’t think Mom knew much about the otherworld. Honestly, she’d rather down a bottle of gin than take care of me. I started cooking and cleaning house before I started school. She never said anything about the otherworld or my Elven heritage.”

  Alexander studied her for a moment. “Would you permit me to talk to Queen Sylvie about you?”

  Ellie’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. “Please don’t. It’s not like she can change anything.”

  Alexander looked ready to argue, but the door opened. The pack’s lieutenants stood taller, alert for any danger.

  Pamela gave them all a pinky wave. “Just me, guys. You’ve monopolized my friend long enough. Some of the unattached males are demanding Ellie come back to the party so they can claim their dances.”

  Alexander ushered Ellie toward the door. “Go enjoy yourself, my dear. Please keep your information to yourself until the tournament finishes. I’ll have some people look into it, but until something is confirmed, let’s not worry Joel.”

  Ellie wanted to stay and ask questions, but Pamela dragged her outside. “You’re lucky I came home to celebrate Joel’s inauguration as pack alpha. Of course that’s a bit delayed because of the tournament, but he’ll still win. Anyway, you should be glad you have a silver-tongued friend like me. I’ve persuaded my mom and dad to visit with relatives so we’ll have the place to ourselves. It’ll be our very own sorority house, well sort of. We’ll drink wine, swap clothes, and partay. You up for that, girl?”

  Fired up by Pamela’s enthusiasm, Ellie smiled. Anything was better than spending three days drooling over Joel. “Party on, sister. So, what’s happening with Joel and this tournament I keep hearing about?”

  Pamela frowned. “He didn’t come home soon enough, and others moved into the vacuum his absence created. He needs to compete in a tournament to win the pack that should be his by right. Alexander is waiting for King Caleb to decide the challenges, but tradition demands the first one takes place tomorrow. So, are you going to dance with Paulus or not?”

  Ellie would rather dance with Joel, but he’d already made his feelings clear. Part of her wanted to sit on the sidelines and watch him, but her pride told her not to be so dumb.

  Rather than moon over a man who didn’t want her, she spent the night laughing and flirting with former soldiers. Best of all, no one—not even the nonmilitary Lykae—mentioned her scars. If she hadn’t let Joel use her for casual sex, she could have happily lived here.

  As her partners swung around the dance floor, she stole the occasional glance at Joel. Only his clenched fists showed his concern, but every time he caught her gaze, he scowled. Ellie had no sympathy for him. Screwing him had cost her everything, so she stayed silent and let him suffer.

  He’d win the tournament, she was sure of that, but his future wife clearly preferred chatting with Lysander to dancing with him. That woman was an idiot, but that only deepened Ellie’s pain. It was hard to keep smiling when Joel chose Olivia instead of a woman who truly loved him. She wanted to curl up in a corner or turn tail and run, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Instead she ignored him and flirted with the former soldiers. If her laughter sounded brittle or her eyes shone a little too brightly, whose fault was that?

  Don’t think about him. Not when he threw me out right after I sucked his dick. Well, this girl’s learned her lesson. You sta
y away from me, Joel Blackheart, and I’ll stay away from you.

  The next three days would seem endless, even with Pamela for company, but it beat heading off into the mundane world and opening a cake shop on her own. She hadn’t come here to shame Joel, whatever he thought. All she could do was to keep her distance and hope nobody saw her inner pain. The only thing she knew for certain was that she’d never let him use her again.

  Back in the mundane world, she’d be so alone—a monster who made people wince when they saw her scars. So far no Lykae had made her feel self-conscious or uncomfortable—apart from that loud-mouthed new cook, of course. She loved the Tundra Toughs for their easy acceptance. For the next three days, she’d enjoy the pack’s hospitality, and she’d do it with a smile on her face.

  Alexander led his lieutenants back into the room, then stood on the dais and clapped his hands. The band fell silent, and heads swiveled in his direction.

  His smile warmed everyone, even Ellie. “These are difficult times, but tonight we’re here to celebrate my son’s engagement to Olivia Deerstalker of the Desert Marauder pack. Come, both of you. I’m sure the Tundra Toughs would like to witness your first kiss.”

  Joel’s scowl deepened. Across the room, Olivia blanched and whispered something to Lysander. Then she raised her voice so everyone could hear. “I’m afraid that’s not right. While I’m grateful to the Tundra Toughs pack for their welcome, I came here to wed their next alpha. I will marry whoever wins the tournament.”

  Titus pushed his way to the front of the room. “I’m mated. No way will I marry her.”

  As Ellie watched, Lysander raised his glass to Olivia, smiled over the brim, and shook his head. The look on his face showed he was as hot for her as she was for him, but he kept his distance. That didn’t make sense to Ellie.

  Marcellus looked thoughtful. Joel’s color rose, and anyone who’d ever served under him knew he struggled to hold in his temper in. Any minute now, he’d explode. Ellie tried not to grin, but after the way he’d treated her earlier, he deserved everything he got.


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