Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf

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Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf Page 15

by Kryssie Fortune

  Damn, she’d just called the Tundra Toughs pack his, but they weren’t anymore. She already loved them for their easy acceptance and friendly welcome, but all she needed to be happy was Joel. He’d lost his friends, his family, and his home. She knew firsthand how much being alone hurt, but for a pack animal like Joel, it would be the worst sort of torture.

  They sat in silence. Even Titus looked sympathetic. Eventually he told them, “There’s more to it than that. Back when your father announced your sham engagement, do you remember how I said I was mated? My mate is Lysander’s little sister, but she was too young for me to claim her. She was only fourteen when that redheaded witch took her. She has my Jilly locked up so tight we can’t get near her. She’s been pulling our strings ever since. The old cow said that if we took over the Tundra Toughs, she’d let me see her. If we killed King Caleb, her captors promised to set her free.”

  Joel leaped to his feet and shoved Ellie behind him. “Touch Caleb, and you’re a dead man. Every Lykae out there will hunt you down. They’ll show no mercy to you or to your mate.”

  Titus kept his eyes downcast. “We know that. We’re no threat to King Caleb. We just wanted to use the Tundra Toughs pack to free my mate.”

  Joel nodded. “Now I’ve found my Ellie, I know just how much finding your true mate means. I’d kill anyone who threatened her. Put simply, she’s mine and I’m hers.”

  Joel’s words warmed her body and healed her heart, but Titus had threatened the Tundra Toughs. Ellie’s temper boiled over. She stepped around Joel and squared up to Titus. “My friends? Joel’s parents? Even young Sammy? You were going to use them as cannon fodder?”

  Titus stared into the distance. “We didn’t know them then, and we tried to stay aloof. They’re good people, and I’m not sure we could do it now.”

  Joel growled behind her, but Ellie was too furious to care. She shoved two-handed at Titus’s chest. “Hurt any one of them, and you’ll answer to me.”

  Taken by surprise, Titus took a step back and tripped over the fallen tree.

  Marcellus’s laugh broke the tension. “Damn, Joel, your mate’s even fiercer than you.”

  Ellie turned on him. “And you’re no better, trying to muscle in on Joel’s pack.”

  Joel wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back. She struggled for a moment, then snuggled closer, enjoying the hard feel of his chest pressed against her spine and the warmth of his embrace. He nibbled on the tip of her left ear, then grinned at the others. “My Ellie’s a firecracker. Listen, sweetheart”—he nibbled at the back of Ellie’s neck—“Titus and Marcellus just helped saved three pups from drowning. Your friend Sammy was among them.”

  “They did? Then I’m sorry.” She moved across to Marcellus and kissed his cheek. He blushed and rubbed his forearm over his face.

  Titus still lay on the ground.

  Joel offered his hand and helped him up. “I’d do anything to protect my mate too. Ellie’s the most precious thing in my world. ”

  She gave Titus an appraising look when she learned how the flooded river had almost swept him over the waterfall. He’d risked his life to save Tundra Toughs’ youngsters. Maybe he wasn’t all bad.

  Everyone gasped when Ellie went on tiptoe and kissed Titus’s cheek. “That’s for saving Sammy. I don’t know if I should be angry at you or adopt you as my new best friend.”

  Rather than flash, the four of them trudged back to the village. Joel forced a weary smile, but his eyes looked empty. He clung to Ellie as though she were his lifeline. She understood too much about misery and rejection. Knowing he needed her touch, she stayed at his side—his arm around her shoulders, her arm around his waist. The crowd shuffled toward the central green. No one spoke. No one smiled.

  Eventually the pack congregated before the dais where their king and queen sat. The atmosphere felt as heavy as Ellie’s heart. She loved Joel, and he loved her, but the Tundra Toughs pack owned part of his soul. Without them, she knew he’d always lack a vital part of himself.

  Tales of Sammy and the other pups’ accidents already rippled through the pack. Lysander stood off to the right of the royal dais, Olivia at his side. The pair of them looked satisfied and smug. Until Caleb officially announced the tournament’s result, the competitors couldn’t touch him. Joel’s hackles rose, and an angry growl rumbled through his larynx.

  Ellie wrapped her arms around his waist. “He’ll get his comeuppance one day. Let’s face it, being mated to Olivia is worse than a prison sentence.”

  Almost, she drew a smile from him. The way his fingers shifted into claws, then turned back to human worried her, and there was a wild look in his eyes.

  He’d lost his dreams, his family, and his home, but she’d support him in any way he could. Hell, she’d stick as close as his shadow if that were what it took. Somehow, she’d make him smile again. Perhaps if we have pups…

  Titus marched across to Lysander and landed a fierce uppercut on his friend’s jaw. “We don’t kill pups, even to save my Jilly.”

  Caleb rose to his feet, and everyone in the crowed stilled. “The third challenge is complete, and only Lysander made it back within the time limit.”

  The crowd groaned. Even Ellie had secretly hoped that the Lykae’s hereditary king could change the results. The Tundra Toughs wanted Joel as their alpha, but not one of them spoke up. He’s just saved their damn pups, for gods’ sakes. He’s a hero, and they’ve already turned their backs on him.

  Joel’s pained whimper chiseled a lump out of her heart. The injustice of it burned white-hot in Ellie’s belly. She couldn’t stand this cluster fuck of disasters any longer.

  Stepping out of Joel’s arms, she stared up at King Caleb. “Hey, king guy, your tournament sucks. Sure, Lysander won the challenge, but his actions almost got three Tundra Toughs’ pups killed. And what the hell’s wrong with the rest of you? I’ve heard about wolves in sheep’s clothing, but you lot are the other way round. Sheep, the lot of you. You know what? Good luck to you. You’ve got the pup-drowning alpha you deserve. Joel’s better off without a spineless mob who are too scared to support him.”

  For a moment Caleb’s eyes twinkled, then narrowed, and his face set into stern lines. His voice rumbled across the crowd like thunder. ”Woman, are you always this suicidal? Joel, are you certain you want this firebrand for your mate?”

  Joel moved behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her so close she could feel his cock pressed against her spine.

  “Mine,” he declared so loudly every member of the Tundra Toughs pack heard him.

  Ellie unconsciously reached back and rubbed his cheek. He’d publically claimed her, a despised Elf with a scarred face. She’d accepted that she was his mate, but she thought he’d wanted her to stay in the background. Then he hugged her and claimed her in front of so many witnesses.

  She remembered his hilarious diatribe back in the Lykae mess. His disgust at the way mated couples pawed each other in public had made the troops howl with laughter, but he’d meant every word. His warm embrace, in front of the pack that should have been his, meant so much more after that.

  He tightened his hold around her waist, looked up at Caleb, and again he growled, “Mine.” His voice lowered, and he breathed in her ear, “Give it up, Ellie. I’ve got you, and that’s all I need.”

  Caleb nodded. “Yours? Judging by the dopey look on your face, I guess she is. So, can you keep your hellion quiet so this king guy can speak?”

  Ellie blanched, glad of Joel’s embrace. She’d insulted his king and the Tundra Toughs all in one breath. If the pack didn’t tear the flesh from her bones, King Caleb would probably have her thrown in a dungeon. “I’m sorry. This whole thing just makes me so damn angry.”

  Leaving her friends would come hard, but she could almost feel the pain radiating off Joel. Her temper subsided into sorrow and hurt.

  King Caleb kept his face stern as he thundered, “Am I the only one who knows the bloody tournament rules? If you�
��d been listening, I stated before every task that the usual rules apply. Centuries of tradition and laws govern any tournament, no matter how rarely they happen. The overriding principle is that the contestants never endanger the pack or its members. Lysander’s actions almost killed three of the Tundra Toughs’ pups, and therefore he’s eliminated from the competition.”

  Excited whispers spread through the crowd.

  Ellie leaned back against into Joel and grinned. “Does that mean you won?”

  He hesitated as he thought things through. “I think, maybe, yes. At the very least, it means I’m not down and out yet.”

  Caleb held up his hands for silence. “Since neither Joel nor Marcellus completed the task, they both score zero. The previous results stand. Joel has eight points and Marcellus six. I declare Joel Blackheart the Tundra Toughs’ new alpha.”

  The crowd went crazy, chanting Joel’s name over and over. Ellie turned, put her arms around his neck, and puckered up for a kiss. He took control, nipping at her lower lip until she opened for him. His tongue swept into her mouth, caressing, exploring, claiming.

  He tasted cool and clean like melting glaciers and fresh, clear water. When he pulled her close, his boner pressed against her stomach. He lifted her from the ground and performed an odd victory dance that had her laughing and begging him to put her down.

  When he finally released Ellie, Joel’s mother ran across and almost smothered her with her bear hug. “Welcome to the family, my dear.”

  Alexander hugged her next. “My son’s lucky to have found a treasure as rare as you.”

  Ellie had never known such acceptance. She rubbed her scarred cheek as pack members besieged her, all welcoming her as their alpha’s mate. She just hoped mating with an Elf didn’t lower Joel’s standing with the other packs.

  Chapter Twenty

  Cheering Lykae surrounded Joel, all relieved he’d won the tournament—all slightly ashamed after Ellie’s impassioned speech. Joel grinned across at her as she stood with his mother. He couldn’t believe he’d ever doubted she was his. Without her beside him, his victory would have been hollow and meaningless.

  Marcellus made his way to Joel’s side. “Congratulations. The Tundra Toughs pack has the alpha they deserve. I’ll be out of here within the hour, but I wanted to wish you well.”

  Joel clapped him on the back. “No hard feelings, especially after you saved the pups. Will you go back to your brother’s pack?”

  Marcellus shook his head. “My brother’s only a few hours older than me, but he treats me as though I’m about twelve. I’m going to hang out in the prairies and consider what I do next.”

  Joel held out his hand. “I’m in the market for a good lieutenant, if you’re interested.”

  “For real? I like it here, and I like your pack.” Marcellus bowed his head and acknowledged Joel as his alpha. “I’d hoped my brother would make me a similar offer, but when he didn’t, I sloped off alone rather than split the pack.”

  “That’s decided then, but less of the bowed-head stuff. We’ll create the blood bond when things quiet down and I’ve claimed my Ellie.” Joel gave him a brief hug, then stepped back, embarrassed. He’d never felt comfortable displaying emotion in public, but with Ellie, he was all about touch and feel. She must be rubbing off on him. Again he glanced in her direction, and his whole body tingled when he thought how he’d claim her later.

  Caleb helped Sylvie down from the dais, and with his arm around his pregnant wife’s shoulders, he joined Joel and Marcellus. “Going all girly on me, Joel? I can’t believe my coldhearted warrior just turned mushy with another male. That mate of yours must be quite something. I take it Marcellus is your first lieutenant. Wise choice. Now get that firebrand mate of yours and bring her inside. Once Sylvie’s comfortable, we need to talk. Marcellus, you should hear this too.”

  Joel knew Ellie was nervous as he led her into the Great Hall. His arm tightened around her shoulders as he made formal introductions. “Sire, this is my mate, Ellie. The most perfect woman on the planet.”

  King Caleb glanced across at his wife. “Almost. Ellie, it’s good to meet you in person. I’ve had glowing reports about your cooking, and now I’ve tasted it, I know everything my men told me was true.”

  Ellie rubbed her hand across her scars. “I apologize if I was rude earlier.”

  “He deserved it,” Sylvie called from the room’s most comfortable armchair. “He shouldn’t have built up the tension that way. I think he’s auditioning to be a talent-show host. You know, and the winner is… Followed by a two-minute pause that feels like it goes on for hours. Right, to business. Ellie, come and sit next to me.”

  Joel brought Ellie a ladder-back chair, then put his own close beside it. He rested one knee against hers, took her hand, and circled his thumb over the back of it. “This seems very serious when there’s a celebration outside.”

  King Caleb settled at the other side of his queen. “Marcellus, grab a chair and join us. Let’s make this brief. I can see Joel’s antsy to get his mate alone somewhere soon. None of the contenders know what a heroine Ellie is. She came to the Tundra Toughs’ territories to warn you about a plot against the pack and against me. She hated being stuck here for the duration of the tournament, but I think things have worked out better than she expected.”

  Joel’s forehead furrowed, and he raised his eyebrows at Ellie. She hadn’t followed him here because of his charms. Nor had she come to shame him. And what did Caleb mean when he called her a heroine? If anyone hurt his Ellie, he’d tear out their throat.

  He never should have left her alone in Whitby. Knowing she’d come here to warn his pack and his king somehow made Joel’s behavior worse. His Ellie was a saint to forgive him—well possibly, but saints didn’t give blowjobs that turned a man’s brain to mush. I need to get her alone and return the favor.

  Joel’s cheeks paled, and his heart raced. “You came to warn me? I mean I thought, well, after what happened between us in Whitby, I assumed you’d come to embarrass me. Gods, Ellie, I’m sorry. I’m an even bigger prick than I imagined. What happened?”

  “I foolishly let some humans see my ears, and they took me prisoner.”

  Joel growled. “I’ll kill them.”

  Caleb’s smile showed the ruthless streak that earned him the soubriquet the cold. “Already taken care of. Besides, your mate has a nasty streak. She fed them poisonous mushrooms, and while they rolled about in agony, she escaped.”

  Ellie’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “They’re dead? It wasn’t my mushrooms, was it?”

  Caleb shook his head. Joel pulled Ellie onto his lap, and she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. It sent shivers down her spine.

  “They should have been my kill.” Joel groused. “Damn it, woman, I’m never letting you out of my sight for an instant, not when you land in that sort of trouble.”

  Caleb’s eyes twinkled. “We’ll argue about it later. Anyway, thanks to your mate, we know one of the People’s Defense League’s leaders is a redheaded woman. Don’t tell Sylvie’s half brother I said so, but that woman sounds just like his mother. The dowager Fae queen could hold her own with Godzilla. Not that she’d plot against any of us, of course. We decided it was best if Ellie told you nothing until you won the tournament.”

  Joel laughed. “I’m glad you were certain. The redhead ties in with the things Titus said about the bitch who has imprisoned his mate. Speaking of which, what should we do about Titus and Lysander? I’m open to suggestions.”

  Marcellus shrugged. “As the new Tundra Toughs’ alpha, you have the right to take Lysander’s throat for almost drowning those cubs.”

  Joel squeezed Ellie’s fingers, then raised them briefly to his lips. “I think my mate might have something to say about that. While I don’t condone his actions, I understand why he’d do anything to save his little sister. Pack and family are everything to a wolf.”

  Caleb considered a moment. “I’ll have my intelligence staff try to t
rack down the girl. It goes against the grain to leave any Lykae imprisoned.”

  ELLIE SMILED ACROSS at the Lykae queen, uncertain if she was supposed to make conversation or wait for the other woman to speak.

  Sylvie leaned closer. “Let the men work out how to rescue that poor girl. Joel, do put Ellie down and let me chat with your mate.”

  Ellie blushed and slid from his knee. The Lykae queen looked so serious Ellie worried she meant to warn her off Joel.

  Sylvie frowned, but she didn’t sound angry. “Had you visited the Tundra Toughs’ territory before you came here to warn Joel?”

  Ellie shook her head. “I’d never flashed anywhere before. It was more an accident than a deliberate decision. I didn’t know I had any sort of magic until then. Earlier today, Olivia almost went wolf on my ass, and I pinned her foot to the floor with a couple of carving knives. One of my military trainers tried to convince me I had crazy knife skills, but I didn’t believe him. I mean, how could an Elf react quicker than a half-turned Lykae? Now the drama’s over, it just doesn’t make sense.”

  Sylvie reached across and patted Ellie’s knee. “Or maybe you’re not an Elf at all. Why are you so certain you are?”

  Ellie brushed back her hair and showed Sylvie her ears. “I thought I was human. I’m certain Mom was, but my dad disappeared before I was born. My mother’s darling Herodotus must have been an Elf. Of course, once the Elves kidnapped me, there was no mistaking my species. They used me the same way they did their drudges. They wouldn’t have dared do that if I’d been half Fae.”

  Sylvie stared at Ellie, and then her eyes glazed. She jerked upright so quickly Caleb came over and rested his hand on her swollen belly. “Are you and the pup all right?”

  The queen covered his mammoth hand with hers. “The baby’s fine, but I think you should all hear this. Ellie’s father, Herodotus, walked out on her mother before Ellie was born.”


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