Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf

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Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf Page 17

by Kryssie Fortune

  Meena, the Fae queen, pulled Ellie across the room. “Please don’t think I’m being too personal, but can I heal your scars?”

  Still steaming at being left behind, Ellie forgot she talked to a queen. “I don’t know. Can you?”

  Ellie knew she was being flippant, but this was such a big deal that she didn’t dare imagine her face without scars. Tears pricked at her eyes. Meena promised her the impossible, didn’t she? Only maybe… Maybe… Very slowly, Ellie nodded her head.

  Meena laughed. “Who knew my new half sister would turn out to be a member of the grammar police? Okay, bad word choice. May I heal your scars? I can, you know. I’m the strongest witch there is. So, shall I?”

  “Half sister.” Ellie liked that. She already felt like she belonged. Overcome by her new family’s warmth, she nodded. Meena stroked Ellie’s scars, and Ellie felt a tingle of heat run down through her. Her hands flew to her face. All she felt was smooth skin. The lines Broken Nose had carved in her cheek had vanished. “Oh gods, you did it. You really did it.”

  She wanted to run and stare in a mirror, but if Joel was going to war, she’d stay at his side for as long as possible. Inside, her heart raced, and she skipped around like a three-year-old. Outwardly, she stayed calm, determined not to let the day’s events overwhelm her. She swallowed hard and smiled at Meena. “I don’t have the right words, but thank you.”

  Meena pirouetted, her rainbow curls flying around her. “Just call me Super Witch. Listen”—she dropped her voice to a conspirator’s whisper—“if those idiots are leaving Lipstick, just let them go.”

  Tears ran down Ellie’s face as Joel kissed her newly healed cheek, then homed in on her lips. On either side of her, the Lykae and the Fae kings kissed their wives good-bye. Then everyone moved outside.

  Joel pulled Ellie back. “You’re beautiful to me, with or without scars. Now everyone can see a glimpse of the woman you hold inside, I think I’m going to develop a jealous streak.”

  His voice came out hoarse, and he kept it so low only Ellie could hear. “I’ve still got that hard-on, but once I return, maybe you can tend it without any interruptions.”

  He grinned, touched two fingers to his forehead in a farewell salute, and moved to take up position at the head of a column of Lykae soldiers. Lysander and Titus had begged to join the fight rather than wait around like spare parts while other Lykae fought for Jilly’s freedom. At King Caleb’s command, they flashed to the Lykae encampment at the junction of Lykae and Fae lands.

  Ellie felt lost without Joel beside her. She turned to her half sister and her half sister-in-law. “How do you do this? I can’t just wait around until Joel gets back.”

  Lipstick finished a fifth cart of fresh meat, then ambled to Meena’s side. She grinned as he wrapped his tail around her and lifted her onto his back. “We’re not waiting for anyone. Lipstick, be careful with Sylvie. Don’t squeeze so hard she pops.”

  The dragon chuffed his amusement, and a smoke ring escaped from his nostrils. Sylvie paled, but Lipstick was as careful with her as he had been with Meena. He settled Ellie behind her. The saddle was meant for two, but Fae, like Lykae, came in giant sizes, and they liked the comfort. The three women fit easily, despite Sylvie’s rounded belly.

  “Hold on!” Meena yelled. Then they were airborne and heading for the disputed territory. They flew over the Lykae camp and the column of men approaching the castle. To Ellie, it looked as though it belonged in a fairy tale with towers, turrets, crenellations, and fluttering pennants. Heather clung to the Impassable Mountains’ lower slopes and the snow blanketed their tops. The whole effect was charming. Beneath them, men scurried around like ants, preparing for the Lykae attack. As they drew nearer, they saw a woman with red hair pace the highest turret. She slapped a servant, then flashed away to somewhere safer.

  “The woman I saw in Whitby had red hair. I think that’s her!” Ellie yelled.

  Meena called over her shoulder. “We won’t catch her, not now she’s flashed off to who knows where.”

  As though he read Meena’s mind, Lipstick descended and carefully placed his passengers on a rocky mountain plateau behind the castle. They were so high that only a climber would be able to reach them.

  He ran his tongue over Meena’s cheek before soaring upward, then charging full on at the castle’s portcullis.

  Arrows flew around him, bouncing off his scales like flies. A sheet of flame shot from his mouth, and the gateway ignited. Not content with that, Lipstick kept going, his broad shoulders demolishing the walls around the remains of the gate. Then he soared into a victory roll and returned to Meena’s side.

  “Well done,” she crooned. She breathed deeply, and a blaze of warrior magic turned her aura bloodred. A flick of her fingers, and the fires Lipstick started blazed so hot that stones crumbled and more of the castle fell.

  “That’s certainly made things easier for our menfolk,” Sylvie said.

  Open-mouthed, Ellie stared at the carnage Lipstick had caused. Eventually, she grinned. “If this a dream, then I don’t want to wake up. I’ve found my true mate, my family, and the cleverest, bravest dragon ever.”

  Meena stood beside her. “I felt that way too, but it sinks in eventually. Okay, Sylvie, enthralling’s more your thing than mine. Do your stuff.”

  Sylvie stood tall and drew on the Fae power inside her. Ellie didn’t know what she did, but a few moments later, a woman stepped out on the rooftop. She stared over the parapet at the destruction in the main courtyard. Judging by her garb, she was a kitchen servant.

  Meena issued no command. With another lick of her face, Lipstick soared through the air. She shuddered and wiped her face on her sleeve. “I hate it when he does that, and he knows it.”

  As he swooped in to grab the woman in his claws, two solders abseiled down the mountain and onto the plateau.

  “Well, lookee here. New bitches to work in our kitchens.” The first one sneered as he stepped onto the ledge.

  The other swung in alongside him. “And all of them worth screwing once we get rid of that bitch’s whelp.”

  Sylvie paled and closed her hands protectively over her belly.

  Ellie drew the daggers from the belt Pammy had fastened around her waist and threw them without thinking. One knife tumbled blade over hilt through the air. It pierced the nearest man’s heart. He died instantly. The second blade, the one she threw left-handed, skewered the other man’s throat. He stumbled backward. Another step, and he fell down the mountain. Blood sprayed from the artery the knife had opened and stained the rocks as he bounced over them. He bled out in seconds.

  “That was a surprise.” Meena gave Ellie an appraising look and kicked the other body off the ledge. Like the first one, he rolled down the slope and disappeared into a sea of heather.

  “Lykae training, and my chef’s knife skills.” Ellie grinned. Her smile faded and her face crumpled. She started to shake. “I just killed two men. Gods, I just killed them both.”

  Meena put her arm around Ellie’s shoulders. “You heard them. They wanted to harm Sylvie’s baby and rape us. You did what you needed to survive. I’d have turned them into earthworms or something, but you acted before I had chance to gather my magic. You saved our lives, so don’t sweat it.”

  Lipstick zoomed past them. The kitchen servant Sylvie had drawn from the tower screamed from between the dragon’s claws. Ellie still trembled as she watched the dragon settle the woman on the ground near the Lykae soldiers. Lysander and Titus ran to her side, but she didn’t stop screaming.

  Lipstick returned a moment later and carefully placed Ellie and her companions on his back. He carried them to the Tundra Toughs’ territory and again he landed on the green outside the Great Hall. He rested his head on his paws, curled his tail around his body, and slept.

  Ten minutes later, the Fae king, the Lykae king, and Joel flashed back to the green. Each stalked toward their mate.

  “What the hell were you doing?” Leonidas yelled.

/>   “Are you and the pup all right?” King Caleb demanded.

  Joel grabbed Ellie and pulled her into his arms. “Never scare me like that again.”

  “I killed people.” Ellie shuddered in his arms. As the day’s events caught up with her, she wept.

  Joel buried his fingers in her hair and kissed her until they both ran out of breath. Finally, he asked, “Did they deserve it?”

  Ellie nodded.

  “Then it’s not worth getting worked up over. Come on. Let’s get you inside. What will help most? A warm drink or hot sex?”

  She blushed and said, “Can I have both? A drink with my new family, then hot sex with my true mate.”

  He swung her in his arms and carried her inside. “Anything, as long as you’re safe.”

  Her family followed her inside. King Caleb settled Sylvie back in the comfortable chair. “My mate told me what you did. I’d watch out, Joel. If she gets angry, don’t let her get near a knife. Come to think of it, there’s still chance to change your mind.”

  King Leonidas stared at Joel, long and hard. “And if she ever needs to use them on you, I’ll be the first to hunt you down. Well, maybe the second, because Lipstick might cheat and blast you with flames. Take care of my half sister, wolf.”

  Even Caleb’s jaw dropped. “Just like that, you approve their mating?”

  Leonidas smile crinkled around his eyes. “Knife skills, remember? That and Meena would be pissed at me if I messed things up between Ellie and her true mate.”

  Joel hadn’t expected Leonidas to make it easy. The way the Fae king cared for Ellie’s welfare made Joel warm to him. He sat on a ladder-back chair and pulled Ellie onto his knee. “Just so you ladies know, that screamer was Lysander’s Jilly, but she didn’t even know she’s a wolf. Her brother will take care of her once he calms her down, but it’s like someone’s wiped her memory.”

  “The poor girl.” Sylvie sighed and rubbed her belly. “She was only a child when that redhead got hold of her. Where will they take her?”

  Joel looked sheepish. “I told them they could settle in Tundra Toughs’ territory as long as they swore allegiance to me as their new alpha. Surprisingly, Olivia Deerstalker has turned camp follower to stay with Lysander. She was the first to acknowledge me as her alpha.”

  They chatted about nothing for the next ten minutes, then Caleb stared at Ellie. “Feeling better?”

  She nodded and snuggled closer to Joel. Later, after the celebrations, she’d finally get to run from her mate. He’d hunt her and fuck her, then he’d claim her as his with his bite. She couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Leonidas kissed Ellie’s cheek. “You should run, little sister. We’ll keep this lunkhead you’ve chosen as a mate here for a while. We’ll be gone when you get back, but if you need anything, I’ll always be there for my new half sister.”

  Meena’s eyes twinkled. “Shall I use my magic to make you so fast you’re uncatchable? And yes, my new sister-in-law, I got my grammar right this time.”

  Ellie shook her head vigorously. “I want to get caught.”

  Sylvie shoved Ellie toward the veranda. “Run, girl. Make him work for it. I’ll see you after my pup’s born. Now go.”

  Ellie was out the door and running in an instant. She wanted this mating so badly, but no way would she deny Joel the thrill of the chase.

  Behind her, she heard Joel howl, and she imagined him pacing the Great Hall with a hard-on. Maybe that giant thing hung between his legs would slow him down, but she doubted it. He needed to catch her as much as she needed to be caught.

  Unsure how long the others would detain him, she ran toward the river and the cave behind the waterfall. One look, and she knew she’d never make it through that icy torrent.

  A distant howl told her Joel was on the hunt—for her. She flashed to the opposite bank and ran steadily, each footfall sending shivers through her cunt. Her mouth dried, and an adrenaline rush spurred her onward. Her mate was free to chase her, and while she’d make him work to catch her, she wanted the claiming as much as him.

  Her breasts ached for his caress, and her panties felt so damp it was embarrassing. A few steps farther, and she reached the limestone cliffs where Caleb had laid his false trail during that first challenge. Behind her, she heard Joel growl as he reached the water. He’d probably waste time checking out the cave.

  She panted heavily, and she had a stich in her side. She ignored it and kept running. Nothing would make her stop. Her thighs trembled as she headed toward the clearing where the first challenge had ended. She’d heard how Caleb and Sylvie had planned to make out there, and Pamela had shown her the stone circle afterward.

  Finally the clearing was in sight, and she heard footsteps behind her. Joel was closing in. He’d take her hard and fast, sink his teeth in her neck, and claim her. She’d never wanted anything more.

  Just as she reached the stone circle, he closed his arms around her waist. His powerful legs propelled them forward as he leaped into the clearing. He twisted in midair and took the brunt of the fall. She lay with her back on his chest, but before she caught her breath, he rolled her beneath him.

  There was no kissing, no foreplay, just a mutual need for claiming and sex. He extended his claws and shredded her top. Her bra went next, and warm air flowed over her bared breasts. When Joel slid his hand beneath her and stroked her nipples, she sighed. He responded with a rumbly growl that made her want him more.

  His raw emotions sparked a primitive response inside her. Her womb clenched, and jolts of sexual heat spread through her body. When he clawed the rest of her clothes from her body, she wriggled beneath him, wanting nothing between them.

  He mantled her with his body, protective and dominant. His breath tickled the back of her neck. Ellie ground her ass against his groin. She liked that he made that sexy growling noise again. She lifted her hips and offered her behind to him. He slid down her body and laved her cunt through her sheer black panties.

  The fabric felt smooth against her clit, but his tongue was relentless. Finally she trembled and moaned. “Now, Joel, now.”

  He tore off her panties with his teeth, fingered her clit, and kissed his way back up her spine. She took her weight on her forearms and opened her legs as she kneeled before him. He inserted one finger into her vagina. She orgasmed instantly, her hot juices spilling over his hand. He waited until her body stopped shaking, but she knew he’d be inside her in an instant. She’d never needed anything more.

  Desire boiled between them, savage and wild. Hyperaware of her mate, she lifted her hips and waggled her ass in invitation. His cock slammed into her, surging deeper and deeper. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think for pleasure. She moaned at the feel of him inside her, and her fingers curled like claws.

  Another thrust of his cock, and her world exploded into shooting stars. Her orgasm lasted so long she’d thought she’d collapse in exhaustion. She felt as though she bathed in a fire so hot her remaining barriers and inhibitions melted. Sex with Joel was always good, but this transcended anything she’d known before. After today, her world would never be the same.

  Ellie’s heart fluttered when she felt his warm breath on her shoulder. His tongue was rough as he laved it over her flesh. Her skin tingled. She held her breath ready for his bite. Eager, so eager.

  He buried himself inside her, so deep his balls slammed against her cunt. He threw back his head, howled, and sank his fangs into her flesh. A moment of pain, then a heaven of bliss. As he came inside her, their souls interlinked until they were forever entwined.

  Finally he released his bite, and they collapsed in a heap, both spent. Joel rolled onto his back and pulled her against his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder, reveling in the skin-to-skin contact. Joel tangled his legs with hers. The mating bond overwhelmed them, connected them, and thrilled them.

  Finally, Joel nibbled the tip of her ear. “We should go back so I can show off my sexy Fae mate at the party.”
br />   She stretched slowly, arms extended overhead. “We should, but someone shredded my clothes. How about we head to your cabin, then you go borrow me a dress from Pamela. I must owe her a new wardrobe by now.”

  “It’s our cabin, and that sounds like a plan.” Joel stood up slowly, and she devoured him with her gaze. His penis was still semierect, and she wanted to touch and taste, but as the new alpha, he had duties to perform. Her job was to encourage him in any way she could.

  “Eyes up, Sugar Plum. I can feel your gaze on my cock. I think I’ve created a monster, but damn, I’m proud of you. Everything I have is yours. Mom already loves you, but it’s nothing compared to the way I feel about you. When the celebration’s done, I’ll prove it.”

  A delicious sense of belonging suffused Ellie’s heart. She didn’t need anything, not when she had Joel. The pack accepted her despite the way she’d harangued them. She’d found a family, a home, and her mate. Even her scars had vanished—healed by a witch’s touch.

  Joel swept her into his arms and flashed her to his cabin. He tugged on a fresh pair of jeans. “Stay here while I fetch you some clothes.”

  Ellie pouted when he flashed away. A glance out the window, a mischievous chuckle, and she slipped out the door. It was a perfect night for skinny-dipping, and she needed to clean up after the frantic way Joel had mounted her in the woods. Then, with any luck, he’d mount her again.

  She’d never swum naked before. The warm water lapped over her bare skin, and her nipples pearled as she waited for her mate’s return, but she didn’t wait long.

  She heard him howl as he flashed back into the cabin. Seconds later he raced down the hillside, clearly following her scent. He skidded to a halt on the pool’s bank, planted his legs wide, and folded his arms across his chest.

  He tried to look stern, but his lips twitched into a grin. “Woman, you almost gave me heart failure when you weren’t in the cabin. I should put you over my knee for that.”

  “You’ll have to catch me first.” She splashed water at him and set off across the pool. He dived after her, heedless of his pants. Two strokes of his powerful arms, and he’d caught her. He tossed her over his shoulder and waded out of the pool. Ellie squirmed and protested, but inside she loved his dominance. Yeah, my mate’s definitely alpha.


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