Relentless Desire (Relentless Romances Book 1)

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Relentless Desire (Relentless Romances Book 1) Page 8

by Amber Burns

  “Amos says the bra has gotta go, too.”

  Vanna cupped her breasts, pushing those delicious globes up and forced sexy, cock-numbing spillage to overflow the top of her bra. Along with the mouth-watering display, Vanna was shaking her head side to side, indicating that it was going to take more to get her breasts out of that black prison.

  I acquiesced. The bra would go eventually, but I’d let her cling to it for a bit longer. My sights were now set on something else anyways.

  “Amos says drop the pants.”

  “The door.” Vanna’s protest barely had me suppressing a groan. She was right though. I pictured Violet or Wes, or worse, both two-thirds of the Sterling bunch walking in on our fun extracurricular activity.

  “Locking...” I strode to the door and latched the sticky, finicky lock. “… and locked.” I narrowly missed toppling over a smaller box in my path as I hurried back to pick up where we had left off.

  “Pants,” I growled, dropping the ‘Amos says’ bit.

  “Isn’t Amos supposed to as well?”


  Less angry and more annoyed, I did as she wanted. It was suddenly and glaringly obvious who had been controlling the game all along. I kicked out of my jeans and shucked them to the side with a foot. “There. Off. Your turn.”

  She didn’t have a leg to stand on now. The door was closed, my pants were gone, and I was facing her with a raging hard-on that knew she could see. It was outlined very clearly in my black boxers.

  “Your turn,” I repeated. The words were clenched out, and my hand naturally dropped to my cock. The ache was too much, and I stroked my length through the cotton.

  Vanna’s hands wrung the shirt she still held in front of her.

  That’s it, babe. You know you want it, and we know it’s all yours.

  She dropped the tee and then struggled with the fly on her faded jeans. My laugh was breathy and labored from provoking my stiff dick. As she slowly pulled the fly down, I watched her eyes. They were unmoving, glued to the lazy strokes I took over my briefs. Her hips wiggled to help drop the jeans down over her curvy, fleshy thighs and the ample ass I had fallen in love with from the beginning.

  “Vanna.” Her name was a grunt, and it was a cue for her to look at me now that she was pants-free. “Shit. Do you know what you’re doing to me? Look!” I jerked my length then forced my hand to slow its movement from tip to balls, and then balls back to soaked tip. I felt the pre-cum soaking my thigh.

  She hugged her torso, and her arms plumped her breasts, displaying them along with her matching black panties. Other than the bright red, tiny bowtie in the center, her underwear was as plain as the rest of her outerwear. But it was also covering all those good bits and, fuck me if I wasn’t about to explode with that revelation. We both quickly figured out what was coming next.

  I forgot all about the bra and zeroed in on what was below the bowtie, covered by the black triangle of cotton, and framed by her creamy thighs. I wondered if she shaved, or if I’d be dragging my tongue along an airstrip to her clit. I then realized that I didn’t care either way as long as my face, fingers, and dick could take turns fucking her and bathe in her juices.

  I moved my hand off of my cock and latched my thumbs under the elastic of my briefs. It was now or never, and I needed it to be now. I wasn’t slow or gentle, there was no teasing. It was a quick tug, and I was free.

  Free for her to ogle my goods. I dragged my legs through the boxers and dropped them in the pile of clothes building up beside my feet. I noticed then that we both had our socks on. I didn’t bother removing mine, not with my hand being busy wrapped around my length. I stroked myself slowly, while my eyes studied Vanna.

  “Vanna, I want to see you naked.” It came out as more of a beg than I had intended.

  “Amos says?”

  My snarl gave her a very visible shiver. Her breathing was ragged and filled the distance between us. A distance I’d be closing sooner if she didn’t show me what I wanted to see.

  “Amos fucking wants you naked,” I barked out.

  Vanna squeaked at the words. Her fingers settled over her underwear though, and she was finally pulling the black fabric down, revealing the top of her nearly bare pussy. She bent down as the panties drifted further south and her hair obscured the alluring view. She paused, seemingly frozen again. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to tease me or was having second thoughts. It didn’t matter though. In two long strides, I was in front of her. I lifted her up by the arms and slammed my mouth down over her lips.

  Vanna moaned into the kiss as my hands roamed, exploring all of the flesh she had kept hidden from me for so long. My fingers undoing the clasp of her bra signaled the end of the game we had been playing. It snapped free at the back and the material slacked on her body. Vanna helped me pull it off her, which told me that she was also past the playful stage of our little game. Her need was too strong, and she was too impatient for one last round of Amos Says.

  I had to part our mouths so I could get a handful of her tits. I thumbed her hard nipples then pinched and lightly pulled the taught nubs to extract more of her pleasurable mewls. Her reactions were fuel to my fire, and getting one to my mouth was the natural progression.

  I gently clamped my teeth around one nipple while a hand massaged her other creamy globe. After a few moments I was switching sides, tag-teaming her. My free hand found its way down to her backside, cupping one butt cheek to keep her near. I had no intentions to let her get away. I knew she desired me as much as I did her.

  “Amos,” she said. My name had come out of her like a moan.

  Her hands moved from gripping my shoulders to latching onto my head as I switched my attention between breasts. She pulled me flush to her chest and her pretty pink areola joined her nipple as it slipped into my mouth. I sucked as much as I could while my tongue flicked across her nub. I was fully aware of the saliva that trailed out of the side of my mouth and smeared across smearing her breast.

  I came up for air between her breasts and I’d almost forgotten I was leaning down to reach her chest. My legs were shaking from the strain, and I straightened to relieve the building ache. Vanna took my movement as a signal to slide her hands down to my shoulders and over my pecs. Her nails slowly and lightly drug across my ink.

  “What are the wings for?” she asked, transfixed on the artwork across my chest.

  “So I remember to soar over the crap.” I cupped her hands, stilling their curious search. I couldn’t concentrate with her stroking me and my dick weeping between us. Yet, I wanted the contact to remain to some extent. “I got it just after I transitioned to civvy life.”

  “And the skull?”

  “That was a bit earlier. I’d come back from a tour in the desert. The mission didn’t pan out, and we lost a couple good men to a rogue mine and overturned Humvee.”

  My shudder was involuntary, and my gaze drifted to the window. My jaw was clenched, and I tried to ward off the fear and anger from that faraway memory. I didn’t want to dampen Vanna’s mood. I couldn’t have her stop now. I no longer just wanted this; I needed her to wrap her arms and body around me. I needed her to take me from this time of uncertainty to something real.

  Her mouth called me to the present. She was reaching up, balance swaying, and her mouth pressed against mine in a skewed position. Even on her tip toes, she was mostly kissing my lower lip. I helped her by moving down. The kiss began chaste, but the passion swept us in, and I was very aware my cock pressing against her belly once she was back on the balls of her heels.

  I broke our kiss and my gaze drifted from the lust shining from her eyes down to her bare shoulders and chest. I was admiring the glistening flesh when I noted the shiver that worked its way down her arms and about her middle. Goose flesh dotted her arms, tightened her dark pink nipples, and puckered her areola.

  The window.

  I’d completely forgotten about the window. I released Vanna for a moment, stepped out of her waiting arms wi
th a quick kiss, and nearly lopped my fingers off when the window unstuck and came down hard. Somewhere in the back recesses of my mind I left a memo to let Violet know about that deathtrap of a window. With the chill from outside stemmed, I was back to Vanna. I wrapped her in my arms, hoping to warm her quicker.

  “Sorry about that. Almost gave you a cold.” I kissed her crown, mumbling, “Do you feel better?”

  She hummed her approval.

  I held us there long enough to ensure she wasn’t quaking like an autumn leaf clinging desperately to its mothering branch. Prying us apart slowly, I then pushed her back by holding upper arms while my eyes traveled over her length. My gaze settled over the mess covering part of her stomach. She was slick with my pre-ejaculate, and she never looked yummier.

  “Are you on the pill?” I asked, the urge to take her nearly irresistible.

  Vanna bobbed her head, mumbled something about painful feminine monthly visits.

  “Let’s sit,” I said as I grabbed my shirt and jeans and prepare a makeshift blanket. We were going for easy and simple for the first time.

  I took a seat in the center of my clothes and smacked my thighs, indicating that I wanted her to bring that sexy ass of hers over my lap. Vanna lowered slowly, and with my help, settled her legs around me. We were surrounding each other, our sexes together but not together and my mouth met hers again. I plucked her nipples while remembering to bring one hand to her back to control her natural arching reaction to my caresses.

  “Closer,” I groaned straight out of the kiss.

  My hands joined each other over her ass and gripped her plump cheeks. I lifted her to have her cunt kissing the space between my navel and cock. My dick was now resting under and around to the bottom crack of her ass.

  “Ahh…uhh…” she grunted out, my cock so near her entrance.

  Vanna’s body responded naturally to the pressure of her pussy on the hard surface of my abs. She rocked forward, just as she had done that evening in Wes’ car, and rubbed her clit against me, masturbating on me.

  It was insanely hot.

  Yet not what I want her to do at all. I needed to be the one that made her cum, and I needed to be inside of her. I stopped her rocking and pulled her away so I could get at what I wanted most.

  “No!” her protest was sharp, but I ignored the hissed out word.

  I pulled Vanna to my chest and my mouth latched onto the junction of her throat and shoulder. My sucking provoked her hips to move, restarting their tempo. I clamped my hands around her hip bones to keep her still and almost laughed at her frustrated half-whining, half-moaning response.

  I removed my mouth from its place on her neck and admired the hickey. I hadn’t ever tried it before, but I wanted to mark Vanna. In the future, if she’d let me, I’d do it in more permanent ways. Specifically with a large rock warning off any asshole that came near her. Then, after that, by making her belly round with our kids.

  She had no clue what I had done. Vanna was lost in a haze of lust. She was kissing me again as soon as my lips were free, and her hips were fighting against my hands. I was questioning whether I should let her rub one off on me. Then I could get my revenge and triple the orgasm count I had planned for her tonight. But I knew it was time to sink into her and end the exciting, but torturous, foreplay for the both of us.

  “Wait for me to fuck you, Vanna baby,” I told her as I held her hips firm. “I’ll let you cum then, all around me.”

  “Aaa…mos.” She was hissing my name while her eyes squeezed shut. Her lower half jutted forward, and she arched back, bringing her breasts to my face.

  “What do you want?” I asked, suddenly overcome with the desire to hear her ask for me, beg for me.

  One hand slipped between us and my fingers brushed the stubble of her mound. She was moaning, but I didn’t hear what I wanted. I locked my teeth around a nipple and murmured the question again around the hard flesh.

  “I, uh, I… want… i-inside…” she stammered.

  “You want me inside? Where, baby? Where do you want me?”

  “Inside…” she sighed. Her head stirred up, moving back from her arch. “Me… please.”

  It was an incoherent mess of a wish, and it was exactly what I had wanted to hear since I had met her that fateful day in the display.

  Our position made it an easy wish to grant. I raised her by the support of her ass, freed my erection, and positioned the tip of my wet, throbbing head to her opening. The moist heat rolling off of her nearly fractured my concentration - not a good thing when I was carrying her weight - and I wanted this to be pleasurable for both of us. Hurting myself wouldn’t get me any closer to finding the equivalent of earthly heaven in her.

  I lowered her carefully, warning, “Don’t move.”

  She was impatient as hell for a wallflower, but she did as I told her. I smiled, knowing I was the reason she’d broken from her usual defensive emotional barrier.

  Just before she completely swallowed me, a brief thought flashed through my mind, She’s not a virgin, is she?

  Before I could ponder the answer to my question, Vanna was surrounding me. Her arms mimicked her vaginal walls and hugging me to her. She clung desperately to me as her breathing hitched her tone to a higher pitch.

  We’d barely started, and I was batting back the urge to release. She was so fucking tight that I returned to wondering about this virgin thing, but Vanna moved much quicker than I would have expected any newbie to do.

  I caught up with her, slowly, and started to put her on my pace. I worked to control her movements because I didn’t want to release too quickly and ruin the fun for her.

  “Ahhh… Yes… A-Amos,” she hissed out again as her knees came around me, allowing Vanna’s hips to continue that maddening rocking.

  It wasn’t the greatest position, a chair would have be nice. But it felt fucking amazing to be cuffed by her. It was infinitely better than my hand, and my hand’s been keeping me company longer than it should these past couple years. Getting serious about marriage had destroyed the urge to pick up chicks from my nights out with buds.

  “Fuck, Vanna, like that. Do that thing again,” I begged, and she squeezes herself around me again and again. Each time she tightened me I gasped until she then relaxed the sweet pressure, and I released my breath along with it.

  Her breasts were bouncing wildly, nipples kissing my chest in feather-light brushes that contrasted with the painful indents her nails were making in my shoulders. It was all part of the hazy, heady mix at the back of my mind. I’d most likely come to face her version of love bites in the mirror tomorrow morning.

  And I’d wear them proudly.

  Vanna rose, sliding me out to my tip before I helped sink her back down over me. We continued, up and down, as our thighs slapped together. The wet, erotic sound of our love making helped to build in both of us the mindless oblivion that waited at the end of this blissful journey.

  Vanna’s signal her impending release was a long, low wail. She arched back and her pussy had me in a hold my fist couldn’t ever compare to. It was no surprise when my resolve shattered and I released inside of her shortly thereafter. Her own orgasm lasted through mine and I felt her pulses of pleasure well after she had drained the cum from my body.

  Coming down from the high, I scooted forward to avoid bashing my head against the green-and-white striped wall located a few inches behind our heaving bodies. Our chests rose and fell from the exertion of the sex, and I pressed a kiss to her forehead before I let her slide off me. Though we were no longer connected there, I didn’t want Vanna too far away. I kept her by my side as I basked in that glamorous thing called an afterglow.

  Her moving restlessly beside me after what felt like an eternity, made me realize that I’d fallen asleep. I turned to face Vanna, aiming to figure out what she was up to beside me.

  “What are in these boxes?” she asked.

  She had her back to me, and her finger was running along the label of the bottom box of a
stack I’d built while cleaning out the corner. I noted that it looked dangerously close to toppling. I tugged Vanna back by the waist before answering.

  “More of the stuff you and your siblings collected, I assume,

  I told her. “I didn’t go through the Sterling Dump Yard boxes.”

  “Sterling dump yard?”

  I smiled. “Has a ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  Vanna’s wrinkled nose said enough about my joking. I massaged her arm, then shifted her close enough to trail my free hand over her before I moved it down to cup her not entirely hairless mound. Short dark stubble pepper the area.

  “I forgot to shave.” Her voice was a lower, softer, tone. It was evidence of her growing desire. Her breath hitched in place as my errant finger played over the pink-red hooded tip of her clit.


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