Eternal Night (Skeleton Key)

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Eternal Night (Skeleton Key) Page 8

by Marian Tee

  “No.” He grinned. “But you get my point?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes.” But she was smiling as she spoke, and when she crossed her legs, Hades drew a deep breath. If this continued, he thought, he really wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her.

  He asked abruptly, “Did Hecate make you wear that?”

  Unaware of the way Hades was struggling, she looked down at her sleeping gown. “It was this or none at all.”

  “I see.” He was definitely going to punish the demigoddess for this.

  “Is it too much?”

  Hades gave her a strained smile. “I may be a god, milady, but I am also a man. If it is for my eyes alone, there is no such thing as too much.”

  She grunted. “I see.”

  “Did I embarrass you?”

  She coughed. “No.” The way his eyes gleamed told her she wasn’t fooling anyone and she hurriedly said, “You must be tired. Hecate told me you had a lot of work waiting for you today.” Coming to her feet, she gestured to the dressing chamber, asking awkwardly, “Would you like a massage, do you think?” His look of surprise compelled her to explain, and Ever said matter-of-factly, “I came to live with my aunt when I was seventeen. She was a…sickly person, and she paid for me to have lessons so I could help relieve her pains.”

  Hades said slowly, “But you must be tired as well---”

  She shook her head, and even as shyness threatened to overcome her, she managed to insist, “I’d r-really like to do it.”

  Seeing there was no graceful way to refuse, Hades allowed himself to nod.

  “G-good. Please follow me then.”

  Watching the sway of her voluptuous hips as she walked away, his body began to harden in anticipation of having her hands on him, and he said lightly, “As you wish, milady. I’m all yours, after all.”

  She tripped over her own feet, and she made a face at the sound of his husky chuckle. This was not going at all as she planned!

  The dressing chamber was as elegant as the rest of the room, only this one had a few magical touches that had Ever gasping and laughing the first time she saw it. For one, the marble bath in the center, filled with whirling, scented bubbly water that was just the right side of hot, was entirely natural, with water coming from the river Lethe.

  “If you soak in this, you will forget all your worries,” Hecate had told her.

  Another magical feature were the floating divans on the side, and it was there that she led the god of the Underworld. “You’ll, uhh, have to strip.”

  “Of course.” And just like that, Hades took off his coat and began to unbutton his shirt.


  She quickly turned her back to give him privacy.

  “There is no need to be shy, milady, for this, too, is yours.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “You are so impossibly different from what I imagined.”


  And then he was suddenly standing behind her, whispering devilishly into her ear, “But you like it, don’t you, milady?”

  Ever couldn’t answer, her senses had gone in a riot the moment she realized that the god of the Underworld was completely naked behind her. He pressed closer to her, and she shuddered at how hard and hot he felt.

  If she were Persephone, she would have never let this man go.

  His tongue started licking her ear, and she whimpered. His mouth moved down to the side of her neck, and she couldn’t help arching and giving him more access.

  “May I make a request, milady?” he whispered against her skin.

  “W-what is it?”

  “If you give me a massage, I would like you to be naked as well.”


  Ever swallowed.

  And then she heard herself say, “Okay.” And at that moment, she realized what the god said was true for her as well. Everything of hers was also his to command.

  As she heard him walk away, she began to strip herself of her clothing with shaking hands. She heard Hades draw his breath when the last of her clothing fell quietly to the floor, and a rosy color swept all over her body as she realized that he had been watching her the entire time.

  It should have angered her, but it did not, and beneath the embarrassment was a feeling of eager need.

  It felt heavenly, she thought feverishly, to want and know that she was wanted just as much.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned around to face Hades, and she gulped again when she saw him seated on the divan, strong, proud, and naked. Although she had watched snatches of porn with teenage friends when she was young, she had never actually seen a naked male until now.

  He was bronzed and muscled all over, making her wonder absently if he was born that way because of his godly genes or if he also had to work out and go to tanning salons.

  “There’s that look on your face again,” Hades murmured. “The one that’s worth a thousand bags of gold, no doubt.” He chuckled when her face flamed, and he invited huskily, “Can you not tell me what you are thinking?”


  He sighed. “You appear to be as sadistic as I am.” Hades’ gaze roamed her body once more, and when its sweet curves made his body ache with unquenched arousal, he wondered if perhaps he was also a little bit masochistic as well.

  He only had to kiss her and he knew she would be his.

  So why was he not making a move?

  When she started walking towards him, Hades wordlessly lay on his back, saying, “This is the position you wish for me to take, yes?”

  “Yes.” Upon reaching the divan, she uncapped the bottle of aromatic oil on one of the floating tables and began spreading a liberal amount on his smooth, muscled back.

  Taking a deep breath, she slowly started kneading his muscles. He felt even hotter and harder, and her body reacted to it instinctively, her breasts swelling and nipples hardening while moisture began pooling between her legs.

  Hades’ teeth gnashed against each other as her arousal scented the air. “Tell me of your life,” he commanded, even knowing it was but a futile and temporary distraction. With the way his cock was, tonight could only have one outcome.

  “There isn’t much to tell about my life.” Her voice was just a bit breathless, with Ever preoccupied by the way her body had started to ache so deliciously.

  “Tell me all the same.” Hades listened to her story, knowing that despite its sorrows, it was no different from what other human beings suffered. But even so, there were a few things that still set her apart.

  The way she could still laugh, the way she had stayed pure and kind, the way she had still been able to dream---

  Even with the world doing its best to despoil her, Ever had survived with her innocence intact.

  When she finished speaking, he said quietly, “I am sorry for what you have suffered.” He surprised her by turning around and yanking her to him. As she fell on top of him with a gasp, he closed his arms around her. “I promise you, milady. You will not suffer again. I will keep you safe.” His lips touched the top of her head. “I will strive hard to ensure the only tears you shed are of joy.”

  She bit her lip hard, knowing that what Hades was promising should be more than enough. He was going to keep her safe. He was going to make her happy.

  That was more than enough, she told herself, so don’t even think about asking for love, too.

  When Ever remained silent, he asked quietly, “Do you not have any questions for me?”

  She shook her head. “If there is something you need to tell me, I’m sure you will, when the time is right.”

  Ah. His hand moved over her back, stroking it softly as he murmured, “You are too good for me.”

  “You’re the one who’s too good for me,” she muttered.

  “Because I’m a god?”

  She nodded.

  “Gods are overrated.”

  She choked back a surprised giggle, which caused her to squirm. Her legs became even more entangled with his, and his cock rubbed against he
r belly. When she felt Hades stiffen, she froze as well, asking worriedly, “Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” Hades’ voice was rough. No longer able to keep himself from touching her, he reached for her bottom, and curving one palm over each cheek, he squeezed her hard. A whimper escaped her.

  He expected her to protest or struggle, but instead she stayed on top of him, her heart beating so hard he could feel it racing against his chest.

  Hades inhaled deeply.

  Her fists curled between their bodies.

  His hands moved to her hips and he slowly began to rub his cock between her folds.

  “You’re already wet,” he muttered.

  She moaned.

  “I’m beginning to think you planned this all along.” The mere thought of it made his fingers tighten around her hips, and he began rubbing himself faster against her folds.

  “I-if I did?” Her voice was faint and tremulous, and even as she spoke, Ever couldn’t stop herself from slowly moving on her own, pressing her body to his.

  Their bodies began to grind against each other.


  Oooooh. It was the first time the god ever spoke her name, and a shudder racked her body, making her press harder against him. This time, she rubbed her breasts against his chest as well, and she bit back a cry when she heard Hades growl.

  “Did you, milady?” The feel of her tight hard nipples rubbing against his chest was too much and releasing her hips, he reached up to cup her breasts.

  Ever cried out.

  His hands went back to her waist and he lifted her up. Her breasts jiggled above him, and he lifted his head to draw one pink nipple into his mouth.

  Ever screamed and buckled, and as he started to suck, her screams turned into sexy little moans that made his cock throb violently.

  He did the same to her other breast and by the time he released her, she was mindless with need.

  Capturing her gaze with his, Hades whispered roughly, “Tell me the truth, milady. Did you plan to seduce me?”

  She wanted him so much she could only speak of the truth, and she sobbed out, “Yes.”

  His fingers bit into her hips. “Why?”

  “B-because if this was a dream, I w-wanted to make the most out of---”


  Before she could react, the god had already taken her mouth in a kiss.

  “Hold on,” Hades muttered against her lips.

  A moment later, and she found herself falling on the huge bed, and she gasped, completely disoriented at the way they had transported from one place to another.

  But before she could even try to think of what had happened, Hades was kissing her again as he rolled on top of her. She surrendered to his kisses with a moan, her arms going around his neck.

  When his mouth began to trail down her body, Ever found herself clutching desperately at the sheets. His tongue began to lave around her nipple, and she clutched at the sheets more tightly. But then his teeth closed around it, biting the sensitive bud, and she arched against him, moaning, “Hades.”

  A shudder racked the god’s powerful body, Hades caught off guard by the agonizing pleasure that went through him at the sound of his name on Ever’s lips. Digging his hands under her body, he cupped the cheeks of her bottom as he rose to his knees.

  When Hades pulled her lower body up until she was practically suspended from his hold, she stammered, “H-Hades?”

  Instead of answering, he lowered his head and began to devour her sweet core.

  Ever screamed.

  Her fingers clawed at the sheets and her head began to toss and turn as Hades continued to lap at her, his tongue tracing her folds with tormenting slowness. And just when she thought there couldn’t be anything more sweetly excruciating, the god of the Underworld proved her wrong as he thrust his tongue inside of her.


  She screamed his name again and again as she felt the pleasure slowly rise inside of her, building and building until she started to see stars.

  Sensing her pending orgasm, Hades pushed his tongue as deep as he could inside of her.

  Ever came with a scream, the strength of her first orgasm taking her completely by surprise. She shuddered with every stream of wetness that gushed out of her, her pleasure prolonged by the way Hades continued to eat her.

  When he finally lowered her back to the bed, she was a limp and aching doll and she could only spread her legs open obediently when she felt his knees gently nudge them apart.

  He settled on top of her, his beautiful face looming over her.

  “This is real, Ever.” His voice was hard and guttural. “So I will give you one last chance and ask – do you want this?”

  There was only one answer to that, and she gave it to him by placing her hands on his shoulders. Her fingers dug into his back, and as he hissed in reaction, she whispered, “Take what’s always been yours.”

  He sank into her in one smooth deep stroke, and she closed her eyes at the terribly beautiful pain of it.

  She was his.

  He plunged into her again and again, his strokes slow but deep, gentle but firm, and the thought echoed inside her mind like a melody.

  She was his.

  Her eyelids drifted closed even as tears began to form.

  She was his, and oh, how wonderful it felt, knowing that she belonged to someone who wanted her back.

  Soon, she felt the familiar rush of pleasure inside of her and her hands moved about his back restlessly. Hades seemed to understand, and this time his hips began to pump faster and harder over her, making Ever catch her breath and clutch at him more tightly.

  She began moving her hips, wanting more of his possession. “H-Hades!”

  “I know, milady. I know.” His voice was guttural. “And I will give it to you.” He reached in between their bodies, and his fingers found her sensitive clitoris in a moment. He pinched it hard, and she buckled against him with a scream. Pulling out completely, he started rubbing on her clit before driving back in one deep, fast thrust.

  She came with a gasp, her eyes rolling back, and the sight of it made him groan. Taking her mouth with his, he absorbed her cries of ecstasy in his kiss even as his hips began to move wildly over her, his cock pounding hard into her.

  “Ever.” He spilled his seed inside of her as he groaned her name out, and his hips refused to stop moving even as his cum continued to flood her walls.

  Ever woke to find herself alone in the massive bed and her body once again covered in the sleeping gown she had worn the night before. If not for the way her body ached all over, she would have thought everything that happened was all a dream.

  As she rubbed her eyes, she heard a vibrating sound and realized sleepily that it was what had woken her up in the first place. Turning to her side, she saw that the skeleton key she had placed on the table was vibrating hard against the surface.

  She reached for it, and the moment her fingers came into contact with its glass body, blinding white light blazed in front of her.

  She let go of the skeleton key with a gasp, but the light still remained and it took her several moments to realize that it was the same door she had fallen into – only there was something different.

  The door was now partially closed, and her heart slammed against her chest as she realized that if the door did close itself, there would be no way for her to go back to her world.

  She looked at the skeleton key and swallowed hard when she realized that it, too, had changed. It appeared slightly faded now, and she couldn’t help thinking that in a few days it would completely disappear – just as the door would forever remain closed to her.

  Tick tock, she could almost hear a voice inside her head say mockingly.

  Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

  Your time is running out, Ever Carlisle.

  Shall you stay in this dream forever?


  On the day Persephone left Underworld and its king, the woman that had once be
en its queen let it be known that she had lost her love for her husband because of his cruelty. An eternity spent in the company of one who placed his duty over his marriage was unbearable to her, and whereas once she had thought his grim resolve and reserved ways were charming, she now knew that they were but a mask to hide the uncivilized brute underneath.

  He was cruel, so impossibly cruel, that even though she knew he loved her, she could no longer abide being by his side.

  These were the stories she would sob out in every ball she attended in the outside world, and when the god of the Underworld did not utter a single word in denial, most immortals came to believe Persephone’s words as the truth.

  That a minor goddess such as her could have broken the heart of such a powerful Olympian was infinitely fascinating, and soon everyone was vying for the right to throw a ball in her honor. For so long, lower-ranking immortals had quietly resented the power that the Great Twelve wielded over them.

  When would the day come that one of the Olympians would be bested?

  It was a question many of them feared could only result in dashed hopes – until Persephone.

  Upon learning of how she had brought the mighty Hades to his knees, men competed for the right to be her husband, and Persephone more than welcomed the attention.

  In the eyes of the lesser-ranking immortals, Persephone could do no wrong, and the former queen allowed it to get to her head. She began playing humiliating pranks on those she considered beneath her, and over the years she had succeeded in refining cattiness into an art form.

  By the time the immortal world realized they had created a monster, it was too late. Persephone wielded so much power over their society that those who dared cross her were treated like pariahs.

  And so it continued until the day of Hades’ party, and a new prophesied queen was revealed.

  Such news traveled fast and the night of the party had barely been over when it reached Persephone, was at that time having her own ball as well.

  With all eyes turning towards her, Persephone forced herself to smile, saying, “I wish her well, of course.” Her lip curled. “But I do believe this is a desperate ploy of Hades. Have you ever heard of a prophecy that involves a pure mortal?”


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