Eternal Night (Skeleton Key)

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Eternal Night (Skeleton Key) Page 11

by Marian Tee


  His wild, uncontrolled need for her spurred her own desires, and her fingers began to move faster as well.

  “I’m about to come,” Hades rasped out.

  She sucked hard on his cock as she moved her fingers to her clit.

  A moment later, and the god of the Underworld grated out, “Ever!” And then he was coming in her mouth with a low growl, his cum filling her mouth, and she moaned. Her fingers moved furiously on the nub, and soon, she, too, was coming, her body jerking almost in rhythm with the way Hades continued to shoot his load into her mouth with his pounding cock.

  When Hades finally found the strength to pull away, she slumped against his legs, her eyelids drooping. Her sweet look of exhaustion made the god chuckle and sinking back into the water, he drew her to him, making her sit between his legs.

  Ever could only sigh in sleepy bliss when she felt Hades start to scrub her body with a soapy sponge. It sure was convenient to have magic, she thought drowsily. His hands were gentle as he cleansed her body, but she couldn’t help stirring in embarrassed protest when she felt him reach for her womanhood from behind.

  Her eyes fluttering open, she whispered, “Hades---”

  “Sssh.” He licked her ear, crooning, “Just let me take care of you, milady.”


  His hand went back to her folds, and she bit back a moan as he began to sponge her between her legs. By the time he was done, both of them were panting, and when he turned her around to impale her with his cock, she didn’t even think of protesting. She curled her arms around his neck as his hands grasped her hips.

  He lifted her up and down on his cock, and all she could do was ride him the way he wanted. Slow, fast, shallow, deep---

  It didn’t really matter.

  Each thrust was wonderfully hot, and when they both came, their bodies arched against each other as their mouths fused in a wet, deep kiss.

  When Hades carried Ever back to her bed, he expected her to fall asleep immediately but instead, he heard her whisper, “Hades?”

  She was lying on her side, her golden hair framing her lovely face.

  “What is it, milady?”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He let his eyes widen, and his tone was one of surprise as he said, “I didn’t expect this of you.”

  Ever was confused. “Expect what?”

  “That you’d want a third time---”

  He was already reaching for her when she realized what he was saying, and she turned red. “I’m not!” She hurriedly moved back to keep herself out of reach. “I can’t.” If they did it a third time, she didn’t think she would ever find the energy to move again.

  The pleading tone of her voice made him grin. “I was only joking, milady.”

  She was torn between amusement and exasperation, and she made a face at Hades. “You’re really dreadful, do you know that?”

  “Dreadfully sexy, yes, milady, I have known this for several millennia.”

  This time, laughter won out. “Dreadfully arrogant, you mean.”

  “Only because I know how much I can drive women crazy.” He looked at her under hooded lids. “Would you like a demonstration to prove this?”

  Even as her breasts swelled at the suggestion, she shook her head vehemently, saying quickly, “No thanks, I’ll, err, take your word for it.”

  He laughed. “You really are quite entertaining, milady. I cannot recall having laughed this much---”

  Ever couldn’t resist the opening Hades had unintentionally given her, and she blurted out, “Even with Persephone?”


  He looked at her, asking lightly, “Is that what you’ve been wanting to ask?”

  A small nod.

  Raising himself on one elbow, he cocked his head questioningly at her, murmuring idly, “Is it because the former queen visited you this morning?”

  Her eyes widened. “You know about it?”

  Hades was not the type to roll his eyes, but he did so now because there was no other way to answer her question.

  She turned red. “Okay, I get it, stupid question, but…” She slowly shook her head. “Why didn’t you ask me about it?”

  “I was preoccupied.”

  “Oh.” Her face turned even redder.

  He touched her cheeks, asking in genuine fascination, “Do you practice this? How can you blush so easily?”

  “What? No!” It was her turn to roll her eyes back at him, but even so her face continued to heat up, and she muttered, “It’s your fault, anyway. You keep saying embarrassing things.”

  “I probably always will,” he said truthfully, “since I like seeing you blush.”

  She covered her cheeks with a moan. “Will you stop it?” Her gaze narrowed. “Or is this your way of distracting for me?”

  He said playfully, “Maybe.”

  Ever scowled. “It’s not going to work.” She lifted her chin. “T-this is important.”

  “Because you’re jealous?” he teased. “There is no need for it. You are my prophesied queen.” He expected her to argue or blush again, but instead her face paled, and Hades frowned. “What is it, milady?”

  “Am I? Am I really your prophesied queen?”

  “Why are you asking this again? Is it not enough for you that I say you are?”

  She didn’t answer.

  Hades became grim. “Persephone spoke to you of this, didn’t she? She convinced you that you are not who the prophecy foretells, did she not?” When she still didn’t speak, he tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at him. As their gazes met, he said fiercely, “You are my prophesied queen.”

  And as soon as the words left his lips, Hades realized one thing.

  He did want her to be his prophesied queen.

  The…reason didn’t matter. All he knew was that he needed her to be the queen the prophecy foretold, and if what it required was speaking of the past---

  “What do you know of my story with Persephone?” he heard himself ask.

  “The usual.” Turning on her back, she stared fixedly at the ceiling, mumbling, “That you fell in love with her at first sight, then kidnapped and took her to the Underworld. It caused Demeter to grieve for her, which then made the world suffer. Persephone felt torn because by then she had fallen in love with you, too. In the end, a compromise was reached, and Persephone gets to live with you half the year then the other half with Demeter.” She turned on her side again, facing him. “Did I get that right?” she asked with a fake bright smile.

  The god’s answering smile was even more dazzling, but before she could even figure out whether the sight of it made her feel even more hurt, she heard Hades drawl, “You got it perfectly, but unfortunately only half of it was true.”

  “You didn’t love her at first sight?” She held her breath hopefully.

  Hades winced. “That, unfortunately, was true.”

  She forced herself to laugh. “I knew that.”

  “The part about Persephone loving me back, however, is not true.”

  She said uneasily, “But when I talked to her---”

  “She seemed like she still loved me?” he asked shrewdly.

  She nodded.

  “That’s no surprise,” he murmured cynically. “It took me a humiliatingly long time to figure out that when it comes to self-preservation, Persephone can be extremely cunning. Contrary to what you’ve read---”

  “And I’ve read a lot,” she warned him.

  “Then you’ve read a lot of inaccurate stories,” he retorted. “The truth is, I did fall in love with her because she was, at that time, everything I wanted.”

  “Do you think I should know what that is?” she asked seriously.

  “Not really.” He had the grace to flush as he spoke.

  “Oh.” She tried very hard not to read anything from his words, but it was impossible. He may be a god, but he was, as he had once reminded her, also a man. And after meeting Persephone, it was quite easy to know exactly wha
t it was about the goddess that had attracted him to her.

  “Do you still want to hear the rest of the story?”

  “Not really,” she admitted, “but I think I need to.”

  Hades sighed. “You are a masochist.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Also, you blush even more quickly when you lie.”

  “I do not.” But her heated cheeks were proving her wrong right that very moment.

  “But if this is really what you want, let’s go back to the story then.” He reached for her as he spoke and placed her on top of him. When she tried lifting her head, he pushed her head back down against his chest.

  “This way,” he murmured lazily, “I can comfort you every time you feel sad.” He paused. “Or jealous.”

  The words made her laugh and choke, the way only this beautiful man could, and she whispered helplessly, “Be honest. You’re also the god of sadism, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe,” was the only teasing reply he gave Ever, and as his hand swept down her back, he continued with the rest of his story.

  “After her party, we no longer spoke, we no longer shared a bed – we didn’t even share a life. By the time she decided to leave, I was just glad it was over. I couldn’t even make myself give a damn about the lies Persephone spread about me. She went as far as making historians rewrite our story – and that’s what you’ve been reading. Her version of the truth, because she’s so damn vain, she wants the world to remember her as the woman I found irresistible over everyone else.”

  When his hand stopped at the small of her back, she said tremulously, “I’m sorry.” Biting her lip to stop it from trembling, she said again, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you had to suffer---”

  “If there’s anyone you should be sorry for,” the god said bitterly, “then it’s for my subjects, to have a king like me.”

  Hearing the pain in the god’s voice made her hurt, too, and Ever felt tears sting her eyes. Unable to help it, she turned in his arms, whispering, “It wasn’t your fault, Hades. You have to know that.”

  “I am their king,” he said tonelessly. “I should have known they were suffering.”

  “You’re not perfect,” she protested, “and I know – I believe – your people don’t expect you to be either.” She raised herself on his chest and, looking straight into his eyes, she said fiercely, “What’s important is that you care for them, and your people know this.”

  Hades didn’t answer.

  “Don’t be dumb.” The words were out before she could stop herself, and cringing, she stammered, “I mean, obtuse. You can’t be so obtuse to continue thinking that your people blame you for an innocent mistake---”

  “No, milady.” The god’s tone was bland. “You did mean dumb.”

  “Stop obsessing over the word,” she muttered. “My point is, even smart people like you can make mistakes.”

  “Is that so?”


  “And I am truly smart in your eyes?” he asked musingly.

  “Of course!”

  “Smart enough to know what is right for my people?”


  Hades was looking at her with an unreadable expression. “Enough to swear on this?”

  “I so solemnly swear---”

  The god’s lips curved in a satisfied smile. “Good.”

  In a blink of an eye, the god had suddenly reversed their positions, and Ever was flat on her back while Hades loomed over her.

  Bloody hell, she suddenly had a feeling she had fallen for a trap so cunningly laid out that even now, she had no idea what she was in trouble for. She just knew she was.

  “As you have sworn to believe in my cognitive abilities---”

  “Now you’re just showing off,” she couldn’t help accusing him.

  Hades only smirked, not even bothering to deny the truth. “All the same, you did swear,” he purred, “and so I expect you to agree when I tell you---”

  His mouth brushed against her ear, and she bit back a whimper.

  “My people’s rightful queen…”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Is you.”



  He bit her ear. “Remember that you swore, milady, and those who do not stand by their words are severely punished in this kingdom.”

  She looked up at him with a scowl. “Stop threatening me.”

  “I am not. I’m merely stating a fact---”

  “But Hades.” Her teeth sank painfully into her lower lip. “I’m mortal.”

  “Ambrosia will solve that in a second.”

  “But the prophecy---”

  “Has been fulfilled,” he finished.

  “How can you say that?” she cried out. “The first line says very specially---”

  “The lord would fall because of her,” he quoted, “and I did. I literally fell.”

  She stared at him blankly.

  “I’m serious.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Are you bloody kidding---”

  “No. I am not, and now that I have addressed your baseless doubts---”

  “They are not baseless!”

  “This discussion is over.” And to punctuate his declaration, he cupped her face and kissed her hard. She tried to push him away, but he was relentless, and so was his tongue, laying siege to her defenses as it stroked against her tongue and explored her mouth.

  When he raised his head, the god was satisfied to see only a look of surrender on her face.

  “You are my prophesied queen,” he told her commandingly, “and tomorrow you shall be crowned my queen.”

  The tears finally fell, and she whispered, “Are you certain?”

  “I have never been more certain.”

  A fragile smile touched her lips, and she whispered, “Then…yes. I will be your queen.”

  When Ever woke up, she expected the other side of the bed to be empty, just like it had been on the past two mornings. But when her eyes opened, it was to see Hades lying on his side, head propped up---

  Hades’ brows shot up at her shriek of surprise. “What?”

  “I didn’t expect you to be here,” she stammered, her heart still beating hard at the shock he had given her.

  “Ah.” His lips twitched. “I am sorry for that, milady. I didn’t think I’d be the first thing you’d look for the moment you woke up.”

  “I did not---”

  He murmured against her lips, “I promise to be always there when you wake up.”

  She started to protest, but then he was kissing her and she forgot what she wanted to say.

  This was going to be a good day, she thought dreamily as she kissed Hades back.

  But only an hour later, and she realized she was wrong.

  It wasn’t a good day.

  It was the best day ever.

  After making love, the god took her to the bath and they made love in the water once more. Following that, Hades took her to the morning room, where she nearly had a heart attack upon seeing the goddess of wisdom waiting to take her measurements.

  “Athena has kindly agreed to weave your dress for the coronation.” Hades grinned. He hadn’t even finished speaking when Ever started jumping.

  Athena grinned, too. “And so the rumors are true,” she murmured in their ancient tongue. “Your future queen does resemble a living trampoline.”

  He choked.

  Ever froze. “What is it?”

  “Ah, nothing, milady. Please allow Athena to take your measurements now as we have many other things to do.”

  It took ten minutes for Athena to finish taking her measurements, but another thirty minutes for Hades to drag Ever away from the goddess and put an end to her fangirling. Ruffling her hair, he said exasperatedly, “I shudder to think how you’ll act when you meet Zeus and Hera---” He stopped speaking and blinked.

  It was still there.

  He rubbed his eyes.

  It was still there.

  There were actuall
y stars in Ever’s eyes!

  “Are you okay?” Ever asked nervously.

  He slowly shook his head. “I’m not quite sure.” A smile tugged at his lips, and he admitted wryly, “And I actually think that’s a good thing.” Because with Ever, life would never get boring.

  Following breakfast, Hades entrusted her to Hecate, who would assist Ever in choosing the accessories she would wear for the coronation. But when he was about to leave, Hades felt her tug at his sleeves and he turned around to face her again.

  Seeing the uncertain look on her face, he told her dryly, “You have an impressive ability to find something to worry about.”

  “Practice makes perfect,” she quipped, “when you’re poor.”

  His face went grim. “Once this coronation is over, I will make your aunt pay for---”

  “There’s no need,” she protested.

  “There’s every need,” he countered flatly, “since I cannot allow the world to think that anyone who dares hurt you can get away with it so easily.” That said, he smiled and asked pleasantly, “Now, what are you worried about?”

  Telling herself she had to solve problems one at a time, she decided to concentrate on the most pressing one and asked hesitantly, “Is there a reason why we need to have the coronation now?”


  Stunned at his swift answer, she said blankly, “There is?”

  “Mortals cannot spend more than seven nights in the Underworld without dying, and I cannot offer you ambrosia unless you are my queen.”


  “I can swear it on the Styx if you wish,” he offered gallantly.

  “Oh my God, why didn’t you tell me?” she cried out.

  “Shall I take that as your agreement to tonight’s coronation?” The murderous look she gave him made Hades laugh, and he yanked her to him to take her mouth in a quick, hard kiss. When he raised his head, he asked, “Any more questions?”

  “N-no.” She couldn’t even remember her name, much less think of something to worry about.

  “Good.” Stepping away, he bowed at her elegantly, but his smile was pure devilry as he murmured, “Until later, milady.”

  And of course, her heart skipped a beat at that, just as the god intended.


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