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Eternal Night (Skeleton Key)

Page 12

by Marian Tee

  The rest of the day passed in a blur, and soon it was only some minutes before the clock chimed six in the evening and Hecate would take her to the throne room. It was there, in front of all the subjects of the Underworld, where she would make the traditional solitary walk required of one who would be crowned queen.

  “Do you wish for a few moments alone, milady?” Hecate asked.

  “Is it okay if I do?” She smiled sheepishly at the goddess, who for tonight’s coronation had turned herself into a full-figured brunette reminiscent of Elvira.

  “Of course. I’ll come back when it’s time.”

  When Ever was alone, she slowly stood up and walked to the bedside table and, pulling the drawer open, she took the skeleton key out. It was nearly completely invisible now, and she tightened her fingers around it.

  Thank you.

  She didn’t know where it came from or how it came to help her, but even so, she still felt that she needed to thank it.

  After putting the key back in the drawer, she impulsively decided to go out to the balcony, wanting a breath of fresh air. Voices drifted from below her as soon as she came out.

  “Surely you believe it now, milord.”

  Thanatos, she thought. Not wanting to eavesdrop, she was about to turn around when she heard the other voice answer in obvious exasperation, “Why does the answer to this question matter so much to you?”

  Ever froze.

  It was the god of the Underworld.

  “Because your happiness matters to us,” the winged demon replied simply.

  “I am happy.”

  Ever’s heart skipped a beat. Hades was happy!

  “Then why not answer my question?”

  Her smile faded. What was Thanatos’ point?

  She expected the god to make light of it, but instead Hades’ voice was terse as he muttered, “You are dangerously close to committing insubordination, demon.”

  “My lord, if you cannot---”


  Ever flinched.

  “I don’t give a damn if the prophecy is not about her, and I don’t give a damn about the consequences. I love her. I am happy with her. So the prophecy be damned, tonight I will make Ever my queen.”


  Hades loved her.

  Ever started to sway.

  But he didn’t believe she was the queen the prophecy foretold.

  Persephone’s last words echoed in her mind.

  The kingdom…the people…all of it will be destroyed if someone else other than the prophesied queen is crowned.

  Hades’ revelations of the past had made her think they were lies, but now---

  Ever had the most inexplicable urge to laugh, but she quickly covered her mouth to keep it from coming out.

  She remembered that day in the library, remembered how devastated she had been to find the room empty after allowing herself to hope that her life could change---

  Déjà vu, she couldn’t help thinking, and the wild urge to laugh became even stronger.

  Below the balcony, she heard Hades and Thanatos begin to discuss the coronation and the guests that had come.

  “Does she know all the Olympians are present?” she heard Thanatos ask.

  “No.” Ever could almost see the god grinning. “It shall be my engagement gift for her. Once she’s crowned queen, I will ask her to be my wife.”

  The tears slowly started to fall as she continued to listen to the two.

  Why, God?

  I know You have a reason to make me feel this---

  Ever’s tears fell faster.

  So please just tell me why.

  Hades loved her.

  She loved Hades.

  But she was not his rightful queen, and because she loved him, she knew she could not let the god risk his kingdom for her.

  If he did that, and something happened, she knew he would not be able to forgive himself---

  Why, God?

  And she would not be able to forgive herself either for letting Hades take the risk in the first place.

  You are Hades, god of the Underworld, an Olympian, and second in power only to Zeus. Hades reminded himself forcefully of these facts, but it didn’t work. A disgusting sense of trepidation continued to gnaw at his insides, and it did not help that all eyes inside the throne room were on him.

  Even without looking, he could feel most of the other Olympians grinning and clearly enjoying his discomfort, and Hades’ teeth gnashed. Damn it. He didn’t even know why the hell he was nervous. It wasn’t like he was getting married or anything. This was Ever’s coronation, and so if anyone needed to be nervous---


  He almost stiffened, having recognized the voice. Turning around, he said politely, “Demeter.”

  Persephone’s mother inclined her head in acknowledgment, but her tone was wry as she said, “I know you’ve only sent me an invitation out of courtesy.” Unlike her daughter, Demeter was known to call a spade a spade.

  “Your presence will always be considered an honor.” Since he wasn’t the god of truth, Hades had no problem lying, if only to keep things civil.

  “I thought I should take the opportunity to right the wrongs my daughter has done to you.” Seeing the god’s brow arch slightly, Demeter said with a sigh, “I love Persephone, but it does not make me blind to her faults. I knew she had been spreading mostly lies about you, but it has always been my belief that a marriage is only the business of two people. I considered it neither my duty nor right to interfere.” Her lips twisted. “It is not common knowledge, but ever since my daughter left you, she and I have not been on speaking terms either.”

  “That is a surprise.” Especially since for as long as he could remember. Demeter had doted on her daughter.

  “I can be forgiving on a lot of things, but she crossed the line with what she did to your people. I am sorry for that, and I have always wanted to atone for it---”

  He shook his head. “I have never blamed you for it.”

  “Even so, I consider myself partially to blame at the least, which is why I am here now to show support to your future queen. Let us hope that the world is smart enough to read between the lines.”

  “Let us hope it is so, but Demeter---” Hades smiled. “What the world thinks of me has never mattered, and it still doesn’t now. But if it means anything to you, I want you to know that I am happy.”

  She blinked. “Are you saying---”

  “Yes,” he said simply. “I love her.”

  “In so short a time?” she said dubiously.

  Hades answered good-naturedly, “Our Aphrodite can tell you that time is immaterial when it comes to her domain.”

  “Then I suppose this only leaves one thing. Congratulations---”


  Hecate suddenly appeared in front of them, and even without her speaking another word, the anguished expression on her face told him everything he had to know.


  He transported himself to her chamber, and the moment he saw where she was, Hades roared, “No!”

  She looked at him, crying, her lips forming two words.

  I’m sorry.

  And just like that, the room was empty, leaving not a single trace of her existence.

  He blasted the bedside drawer open, knowing that it was where she kept the skeleton key, but nothing fell out of it.

  He ripped the air with his hands, willing it to show him Ever’s whereabouts, but all it revealed to him was darkness.





  He shouted her name over and over.

  “Come back!”

  Hecate appeared in the chamber together with Thanatos just as Hades fell to his knees.

  “Milord!” The two rushed to his side to help bring him back to his feet.

  “She left me,” he said dully. “I don’t understand.” It was almost like Persephone all over again, only this time he was
not glad it was over.

  Instead, he despised every second of it, and he wanted her back.

  He goddamn wanted her back.

  “I tried to stop her,” Hecate confessed painfully, “but she was crying and adamant. I tried to ask her why, and all she could tell me was that she had heard you and Thanatos---”

  The winged demon jerked in realization, and Hades whitened.

  “What is it?” Hecate demanded, seeing how the two had reacted.

  “She must have overheard us,” Thanatos said bleakly.

  “Overheard what?”

  “It’s my fault.” Hades’ voice was harsh with self-loathing. “Thanatos asked me if I believed she was the prophesied queen…and I said no.” His eyes closed as his mind conjured an image of Ever the moment she heard his words---

  He must have made her cry.

  His fists clenched. “I told her I blamed myself for what happened in the past, and she must have left to prevent me from going against the prophecy.”

  Ever’s tear-ravaged face flashed in front of him.

  He remembered her lips start to move.

  I’m sorry.

  And yet, she had mouthed the words like she knew she was also saying goodbye and that they would never see each other again.

  “I have to get her back,” he said tautly. And he had to do it now. To use mortal methods to look at her would take too much time when the only things he knew of her were practically useless, such as the fact that her name was Ever, she was from England, and she had an aunt he would like to kill.

  By the time he found her, anything could have happened---


  “I need to be alone to think,” Hades said tautly under his breath. “Do not dare follow me.” Not bothering to wait for an answer, he transported himself back to the temple where he had first met Ever.

  Now that the party was over, the temple was once again abandoned, its location remaining unearthed and undiscovered by mortals. The silence in it was tomb-like and the darkness oppressive, but none of it had any effect on Hades.

  Memories rushed to his mind the moment he stepped foot inside the temple---

  Of Ever falling out of the door like manna from heaven---

  Of Ever accidentally rubbing herself against his body---

  Of Ever making him realize that he could choose to turn her into his prophesied queen---

  Hades went still.

  A long ago memory seemed to wake from him, of the One above whispering to him and his brothers that even though every second of their lives were foretold, it all still came down to free will.

  It – life – would always start and end with a choice.

  And he had chosen.

  The lord would fall because of her.

  And had he not, at that moment, chosen to believe it meant the way he had fallen literally on his back because of her?

  The lady would disappear because of him.

  And Ever, too, had made her choice by using the skeleton key to leave him.

  And when these two came to be,

  The Underworld would have made its choice.

  Hades’ head jerked up, and he suddenly knew what he had to do.

  “The pastor will be coming to our house at seven o’clock,” Arisa warned her niece sharply. “Make sure you show proper gratitude that he’s been understanding about us canceling on the dinner a week ago.”

  “Yes, Aunt.” It had been one week since she had come back to a world without him, and as the days passed by, it was also getting harder and harder to believe that what she had experienced was real.

  It didn’t help at all that when she woke up in the library, not even five minutes had passed, and when Ever returned to her aunt’s home, she had come to realize that nothing had changed.

  Arisa still believed she owned the right to enslave her niece.

  She was still caged in poverty.

  And the only Hades she knew was the one who loved Persephone between the pages of a book.

  “I will never forget the shame that you have forced me to endure, having to lie to Pastor Nolan about an emergency, when really, the only reason we can’t entertain him is because your cooking---are you listening to me?”

  Arisa’s scream startled Ever out of her thoughts, and she said quickly, “I’m sorry, Aunt.”

  Heaving an irritated sigh, Arisa muttered, “You’re getting worse every day.” She didn’t know what had changed, only that something had happened to her niece. Every day, the girl was growing paler and steadily losing weight.

  Could a spirit have possessed her niece?

  The thought came out of the blue, but as soon as it occurred, Arisa had a feeling it was exactly the problem. Thank heavens the pastor was coming over! She would tell the good pastor of her suspicions, and she was sure the pastor would know what to do.

  “May I leave now, Aunt?”

  Even with her looking so gaunt, Ever also had never looked lovelier, and the thought so incensed her that Arisa couldn’t keep her jealous anger from spilling over. Grabbing the Bible from the bedside table, she threw it at her niece, snarling, “Stop acting like you’re my prisoner!”

  A cry escaped Ever as the thick Bible came flying at her, and she quickly lifted her arms to shield her face. She was only able to partially block it, one corner of the book still managing to hit her left eye.

  When Ever lowered her arms, Arisa was privately aghast at the way her niece’s eye had started to turn red. “It’s your fault,” Arisa charged defensively.

  And of course it was, Ever thought numbly. It always was, and she really had to get used to that.

  Her life with Hades had been a dream.

  This was her reality, and Arisa would end up killing her one day if she didn’t get herself back to her emotionally distant self.

  Without looking at her aunt, she hurried out of the bedroom and shakily pulled the door close.

  Pain seized her chest, and she suddenly had a hard time breathing. A part of her wanted to burst into tears, the same part that wanted to fly to the heavens just to ask God…why?

  Ever blinked furiously and squared her shoulders.

  Crying is a waste of time, Ever Carlisle, so repeat after me.

  Your life with Hades is a dream, and this is your reality.

  She repeated the words over and over in her mind as she ran down the stairs, hoping that one day by doing so she would even manage to completely forget that once upon a time, she had thought she could be the queen of the Underworld.

  Entering the kitchen, she began to wash this afternoon’s pile of dirty dishes.

  Your life with Hades is a dream, and this is your reality.

  She scrubbed and scrubbed, and when it was time to rinse the soap off the dishes, she turned the tap on.

  Your life with Hades is a dream, and this is your reality.

  Tears started to fall, mingling with the tap water, but she bit her lip hard and forced herself to concentrate on what she had to do to survive.

  Your life with Hades is a dream, and this is your reality.

  Behind her, she heard Hades say, “It’s time to come back.”

  She bit her lip harder until she drew blood, trying to use the metallic-tasting liquid, hoping it could cure her from her seemingly growing insanity.

  Your life with Hades is a dream, and this is your reality.

  Hands settled on her shoulders.

  Ever froze.

  And then she was being turned around---

  She started to sway, or maybe it was vision.

  She wasn’t really sure. The only thing she did know was that someone – something – who looked very much like Hades was standing in front of her.


  So repeat after me---

  The imaginary Hades started pulling her towards him.

  Your life with Hades is a dream---

  His mouth closed over hers.

  And this is your---

  His tongue dove into her mouth.

bsp; Her eyes flew open.

  She was still being kissed.

  Hades lifted his head. “Now, milady,” he purred, “do you believe I’m real?”


  The god of the Underworld stood in front of her, dressed entirely in black, just like the first time they met.

  He was even more handsome than she had let herself remember, his hair and eyes the same impossibly dark shade of black that couldn’t ever exist in this world.


  Was he really here?

  When Ever only continued to stare at him, Hades smiled crookedly at her, but his voice was hoarse as he asked, “How do you want me to prove to you I’m real?”

  Tears started to form in her eyes, and she asked brokenly, “Are you…really…here?”

  When her voice caught in the end, he could no longer help it, and Hades snatched her back into his arms.

  “I love you,” he whispered fiercely against her hair. She started to cry, and his arms tightened around her. “I’m sorry you had to go through this.” Pulling away, he cupped her face and said rawly, “I am so damn sorry, Ever.”

  She shook her head, still crying. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

  From above, they both heard her aunt demand, “Ever? Who are you talking to?”

  Ever immediately tried pulling away, but Hades’ arms had turned into chains that kept her imprisoned in his embrace.

  Wiping her tears away, he said quietly, “You no longer have anything to fear, my queen.”

  Ever jerked. “I’m not your---”

  From the upstairs hallway, Arisa cut her off with a screech, “Who are you talking to, Ever?” The sound of her heavy footsteps followed as she came barreling down the stairs. “Answer me! Did you let a man come into my house?”

  Ever’s eyes flew up to Hades in horror. “Let me go---”

  Arisa stopped dead at the kitchen’s doorway upon seeing her niece locked in a stranger’s possessive embrace.

  A stranger who was quite positively the most handsome man she had ever seen, and that he would belong to her poor idiot of a niece---

  “Leave this place at once if you don’t want me calling for the police.” Arisa’s voice shook with a mixture of anger and jealousy.


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