Bought for Christmas

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Bought for Christmas Page 3

by Doris O'Connor

  Mama, at least had been on her side, and had encouraged her to go university instead and obtain her midwifery degree, but her mother had never openly defied her husband.

  Leo had avoided Emilia never once looking at her, and her brother just kept reiterating the fact that this wasn’t his fault. She squared her shoulders, and took the last step until she stood in front of Hunter. As usual his heat drew her in. Mixed with the hint of spicy aftershave and virile man it sent longing through her veins. She would do her utmost to please him this weekend, and in turn would be able to forget about her worries.

  “Ready, kitten?”

  She nodded not trusting her voice to work, and he cupped her chin to make her look at him. His calloused fingertips stroked her skin and left tingles of awareness in their place, as she fell further under his spell.

  “If you’re having second thoughts, then now is the time to voice them. I shan’t hold them against you.”

  Leo swore and her father huffed in the background, but she paid them no heed.

  “No, second thoughts, Sir,” she said, and his smile of approval chased the last of her misgivings away.

  “Good girl, then let’s go.”


  Hunter damn well nearly swallowed his tongue. To see her standing before him, head bowed, hands clasped behind her back had made him hard enough to pound concrete. He had taken a chance letting her know in explicit detail what he expected of her this weekend, and her written responses had taken his breath away. It was clear from her list of limits that she had some experience in the lifestyle, and to see her having followed his instructions seemingly to the letter made him slip into full Dom mode.

  Whatever else happened this weekend, he had her signature on their contract. She was his to do with as he pleased, and barring her using her safeword, he would push her to her very limits.

  Emilia turned on the doorstep and looked back at her father and brother, lips set in a tight line that made his gut churn, and got his bear into fighting mode. His beast would like nothing more than to tear those two men to shreds. They should have stopped this. Should have protected her honor, business be damned. Instead, they had thrown her to the proverbial wolves. It would have been quite literally so, had Hunter not intervened in that card game. Jason Lavender had goaded Leo into putting his sister on the table. There was no way Hunter could have stood back and let that wolf get his claws into Emilia. She was his, always would be, and if even if she rejected him, he would look after her from afar. No fucking way was another shifter going to get as much as a sniff of her.

  “Good bye and Merry Christmas.” Emilia’s softly spoken words tore a hole in his gut, and he grasped her by the elbow to steer her outside. Her father, at least, looked as though he was going to say something, but Leo simply looked bored, turned on his heel and went back into his father’s study. When this was all over and done with, Hunter would have to sit that pup down and pummel some sense into him, if need be. Had he been lucky enough to have a sister who loved him he would have moved heaven and earth to keep her safe.

  “Emilia, wait.”

  She froze, and Hunter let go of her, as her father stepped up behind them.

  Robert Duncan glanced up at Hunter, and then raised his hand as though to touch his daughter, but he let it fall back down to his side and stared at the floor.

  “Know this. If there was a different way…”

  Hunter crunched his teeth and swallowed his bear’s growl. Sadness enveloped his girl, and he drew her back against him with one arm round her waist. Emilia trembled, and he willed her to be strong. If she backed out now…

  “Surely what you mean is if Leo wasn’t a drug head, and you had the guts to see him for what he truly was this never would have happened, right?”

  Duncan’s head shot up, and he glared at his only daughter.

  “Leo is not—”

  “Spare me, Papa. I tried, I really did, but you’ve always preferred him and are blind to his faults. Which is fine. I’m used to it after all, but Leo needs help. Not pampering. He’s an accident or overdose waiting to happen. Do something right and get him the help he needs. That’s what Mama would have wanted.”

  Tears welled up in her father’s eyes, and Hunter cleared his throat. Annalisa would be so fucking proud of her daughter right now.

  “Leave your mother out of this.”

  “Why?” Emilia asked, and Duncan shook his head. “She’s always with us, and you know this is not what she would have wanted. You’ve changed, Papa, since she died, and I get that. I miss her, too … so much.” Emilia voice choked up with emotion, and Hunter pulled her closer into him still and dropped a kiss on her hair.

  “She would have wanted us to carry on living, though, and you’re not doing that. If you do one thing this Christmas, then do that for me, please.”

  Duncan opened his mouth to say something, but Hunter shut him down.

  “Enough of this. Let’s get you out of here, kitten, unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “No, Sir, I haven’t. Please, just let’s go.”

  A shiver went through her when the ice cold blast of air hit them the minute they stepped outside. It looked as though the weather forecast was right for a change. They might get a white Christmas yet.

  “It’s warm in the car, kitten. Let’s get you in there.”

  Emilia didn’t say anything, just let him steer her around the car, open the door, and guide her to her seat. He clipped her seat belt on for her, and frowned when she still didn’t respond.

  She stayed quiet and silent, as he drove away from her father’s house. Negotiating the busy roads took up his attention, but when they joined the motorway to take them up north, and she still hadn’t said anything, he knew he had to do something. He set the car to cruise control, and reached inside his trouser pocket to finger the remote to the vibrating egg she ought to be wearing. Time to see how closely she had followed his instructions…

  He flicked the control on and grinned when Emilia jerked and sat up straighter. He slowly increased the vibrations until she grasped the dashboard. Beads of perspiration broke out on her skin, and her breathing grew erratic as she threw him a glance.

  “You have no idea how much it pleases me to see you’ve followed my instructions. Such a good girl, but you won’t come without my permission, will you?”

  “No, Sir … I … oh.”

  Emilia squirmed and panted, as he increased the vibrations to maximum for a few seconds before he dropped them back down again. Eyes closed, lips open, she hung onto the dashboard with white knuckled fists and groaned, and he chuckled to himself. She would be beautiful when she came, but not yet. Time to notch up the stakes a bit.

  The traffic slowed, and Hunter took over the controls of his car again, leaving the egg to vibrate at just the right setting to keep his girl on the edge. He stopped right beside a lorry, as the traffic ground to a halt, and he increased the vibrations again.

  Emilia’s little mewls were music to his ears, and he adjusted his throbbing dick with one hand while he kept her on the edge of painful arousal.

  “Pull your skirt up and let me see how wet you are, kitten.”

  Emilia groaned and shook her head, and he yanked that dial up to maximum again. She jumped and whimpered, the fine sheen of arousal covering her skin, as the vibrations no doubt threatened to push her over the edge.

  “No coming without my permission, girl, and look at me.”

  Her eyes flew open, their usual bright greenish blue darkened by her dilated pupils.

  “Please … Sir … he’ll see.”

  Hunter knew without asking who he meant. As it happened the lorry driver wasn’t looking their way, but should he choose to look down he would have a front view seat of his girl squirming.

  “So, you better give him a show then, won’t you?” Hunter smirked at her outraged gasp that turned into a full blown moan when he reached across and ran his fingers through her wet slit.

  “Hmm, such a
naughty girl. If you leave a stain on these seats you’ll be cleaning them, kitten.” He flicked her clit, and Emilia went rigid.

  “God, please … I need to come, please…”

  Oh she pleaded so prettily, his balls drew tight, and Hunter was in danger of making a mess of his own. He withdrew his fingers and licked them clean, and he knew his bear was showing in his eyes, when he grasped her hair and pulled.

  She went limp, and her mouth formed into a silent “O” when he yanked the dial up to maximum again and pulled her skirt up with his free hand.

  “Come for me now, kitten, and I want to hear you.”

  Emilia didn’t disappoint. Hips bucking, she threw her head back and moaned her orgasm, and Hunter’s beast damn near salivated at the sight of her glistening, puffy, pink cunt.

  “Open your legs more. Let me see my pussy.” He growled the demand, and his claws ran out, not that Emilia seemed to notice, as she hastily complied.

  Seeing her little hole clench in desperate need as she came hard had him transfixed. Her musk filled the air and sent his beast wild. Not caring of their audience Hunter bent down to taste her, and Emilia jerked and buried her hands in his hair as she gushed into his waiting mouth.

  Fuck, she tasted divine. A loud toot brought him out of his sexual daze, and he straightened and wiped his mouth glistening in her juices.

  Emilia groaned and hastily pulled the hem of her dress down, cheeks flaming as it seemed to dawn her that they were holding up the traffic, and she had just come rather noisily in the slow lane of the M1.

  “God, I never…”

  She didn’t carry on with that sentence, just buried her head in her hands, and Hunter laughed.

  “That was one. There’ll be another one every time we crawl to a stop again, kitten.”

  Chapter Four

  Emilia jerked awake when the engine shut off and braced herself for the onslaught on her senses that never came. True to his word Hunter had forced her to come every time they got caught up in traffic, and once in the middle of the service station when they’d stopped for a bite to eat.

  How she’d managed to walk out of there afterward she would never know. Hunter reached across to undo her seat belt, and she flinched when he pulled the hem of her dress up.

  “Shhh, it’s okay, relax. I’m very pleased with you. Let’s take this thing out of you now.”

  Emilia screwed her eyes shut, and bit her lip to stop from crying out, as his fingers gently parted her labia and delved inside her channel. Her over sensitized tissues complained at the invasion of his thick digits, and when he decided to draw lazy circles around her clit, she jumped. The slight pressure was just what she needed, and arousal flared anew. Painful, yet exhilarating and she shook her head not even caring at the incomprehensible noises that spilled from her lips.

  “No, please, not again … I can’t … oh God, yeeeeees.”

  A new gush of her juices aided his questing fingers, and Emilia’s orgasm took her breath away as he pulled the egg out of her. Hunter kept up the gentle stimulation on her clit while she rode out of her aftershocks. When he kissed her she clung to his biceps and moaned into his mouth.

  Hunter buried his hands in her hair, and took charge of the kiss with mind blowing intensity as his curiously rough tongue explored every crevice of her mouth, until she felt thoroughly branded by him. By the time he finally let her come up for air, Emilia’s head spun, and Hunter chuckled and kissed her nose.

  “Open your eyes, kitten, and look around. We’re here.”

  Something about the almost pensive tone in his voice gave her pause for thought, and she opened her eyes and gasped. They were in a small clearing in the middle of a forest, as far as she could tell, and the headlights of his car illuminated a charming log cabin. A wide veranda wrapped around it, and everything was covered in frost.

  “Wow, this is … wow.”

  Hunter smiled and opened the car door to exit. An ice cold draft came in, and Hunter swore and switched the engine on again.

  “Glad you approve. Stay here in the warmth, while I go in and get the fire started. It shouldn’t take me long. The cabin heats up quickly, and it shouldn’t be that cold inside. The central heating is on low, but I like a good fire, don’t you?”

  Emilia could only nod, and his grin deepened.

  “Where are we?”

  Hunter tapped her nose and got out of the car again.

  “Never you mind that. We’re on my private land, and no one is going to disturb us. That’s all you need to know, kitten.” With that he slammed the door shut and disappeared inside the cabin.

  The lights came on, and Emilia watched him roam about inside for a while. She must have dozed off again, because when she next came awake it was to find Hunter carrying her.

  The temperatures must have dropped further because his feet crunched on the ground, as though he was treading on ice, and when she lifted her head to see, an ice cold draft made her snuggle back in. Like her very own electric blanket his body kept her warm and safe. He shouldered the door open, and Emilia gasped in delight. The cabin was as charming inside as it had been from the outside. Rustic well-worn furniture was grouped in a semi-circle in front of the blazing fire. A kitchen galley was separated from the living area by a counter that seemed to have been carved straight out of a large oak tree. A narrow hallway led to the back of the cabin, and Emilia counted three doors. One was clearly the bathroom, and the other two bedrooms. Hunter stopped outside the end door and kicked it open.

  A wooden bedstead dominated the middle of the room, and her tummy did curious flip flops when she saw the many anchorage points situated in the frame and the four posts. Clearly this wasn’t an ordinary bed, and the thought of what he might do to her in this room made her breathing speed up. A huge wooden chest sat at the end of the bed, and Hunter chuckled softly when he saw her reaction.

  Depositing her on the bed, he stepped away and watched her from under hooded lids, and Emilia barely resisted the urge to fidget.

  “Sir?” she asked, and he grinned. An extremely unsettling grin that made her wonder what else he had planned.

  “Make yourself comfortable, kitten. And don’t look so nervous. It’s late, and you’re half asleep. When I fuck you, I want you wide awake for it.”

  “I’m not that tired,” she said, and Hunter’s eyes seemed to glow in the dim lighting of the room. He hadn’t bothered to switch on the light, and she noticed he once again turned slightly so that the light that spilled into the room illuminated only his good side.

  Her heart broke a little for him, but despite her earlier comments, she was too tired to argue this out with him. She tried to hide her yawn, and Hunter flashed her another smile.

  “Of course you’re not. It’s been a long day, and I know I could do with some sleep, so stop arguing, kitten. Take your clothes off, go and freshen up in the bathroom, and then get under those covers.”

  He didn’t wait to see if she complied, just turned on his heel and left the room.

  Emilia stuck her tongue out at his departing back and promptly burst into hysterical giggles. What else was she to do, and as for freshening up … yeah, sure. He expected her to be able to walk. She managed to shrug out of her dress, but the bra fastening was beyond her fumbling fingers right now. She would close her eyes and lie there for a bit. Yes that was much better.


  Hunter quietly closed the outer door to the cabin behind him and shrugged out of his clothes. His bear took over, and he dropped to the floor and let the shift consume him. Bones cracked and rearranged as muscles bunched and shifted. Fur covered his body keeping out the cold, and he leapt off the porch in one fell swoop. It felt good to let his beast run. He cocked his head to listen and grinned. Emilia’s movements had stopped, and her even breathing told him that she was once again fast asleep. As much as he wanted to join her, he didn’t trust himself right now. He needed to run off that restless sexual energy coursing through his veins, and there was only one
way to do that. Hunter hadn’t let his bear out to play in far too long, and he took off at a run. The earth crunched under his paws, and he let out an almighty roar. This was his territory. No one would come too close, but he wasn’t taking any chances, not with his mate sleeping in his cabin. By the time he scouted around the perimeter of his property, the first flakes of snow covered his brown fur, and he picked up speed to return home. Shaking the snow off of him, he shifted back into his human form, and picking up his previously abandoned clothes, re-entered the cabin. The way the snow was coming down now, the whole area would be covered come morning.

  Emilia had loved the snow as a child, and he wondered briefly if she still did. He looked in on her, to make sure she was all right, and his intention to keep his hands off her went out of the window.

  Half covered by the bedspread she lay on her side, the curtain of her blonde hair spread out over the pillows like a golden halo. The gentle curve of her spine called him to taste. To run his claws along the ridges of her vertebrae until she writhed under his touch. His bear rumbled his agreement with this plan, and his cock hardened again.

  Hunter shook his head and groaned. He wasn’t a randy fucking teenager, who got a boner every time he caught as much as a glimpse of a naked woman, but it seemed around Emilia that’s exactly who he was.

  Her dress lay on the floor in a crumpled heap, and he bent to pick it up, ignoring his predicament. She needed sleep right now, not to be pounced on by him. The dress held her scent, and he inhaled deeply and groaned. His girl hadn’t managed to take her bra off. The clasp was half undone and digging into her back. He couldn’t leave her like that. Divesting her of the lacy garment took mere seconds that turned into the most exquisite torture as her breasts fell free, and she rolled onto her back. Arms spread wide, legs open, she looked like an offering to the gods of sex, and Hunter couldn’t tear his gaze away from the dewy wetness between her thighs. The urge to taste her was overwhelming, but he turned his back instead, opened the chest of drawers that held his supplies, and took out a pack of wet wipes instead. It was clear that exhaustion had claimed her, before she’d had a chance to freshen up, so using the wipes Hunter proceeded to clean her up. Starting with her face, he wiped away the remnants of make-up still clinging to her cheeks, and she stirred and tried to wave him away with feeble hand movement.


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