Readerotica 3 – Getting Hotter – 10 Erotic Stories for Your Kindle or eReader

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Readerotica 3 – Getting Hotter – 10 Erotic Stories for Your Kindle or eReader Page 3

by PriveCo Inc.

  “Oh, fucking hell,” he groaned. His hands were on her hips, guiding her down, and she could feel the tension lacing his frame and the way he had to keep himself from rocking up into her.

  She lowered herself slowly, loving the way he tensed underneath her. There was so much restrained strength in him, and she knew how much it cost him to keep still.

  “That’s good,” she whispered. “That’s so, so good, sweetheart.”

  Kylies stopped when he was fully seated inside her, sighing with pleasure at being filled. For a moment, she simply savored the feeling, and then Jace’s hand cupped her chin and lifted her face up.

  “I have missed you so fucking much,” he murmured and he pulled her close for a deep kiss. His tongue pushed inside her mouth just as his cock pushed inside her cunt and even that slight movement sent shivers of pleasure through her body.

  “Show me,” she said, her voice catching when he shifted against her just right. “Show me how you want me.”

  His eyes darkened at her invitation and he took a tighter grip on her hips. She heard him growl with pleasure at the feel of her, and then he started to thrust up into while bringing her down on him at the same time. He was strong, almost terrifyingly so, and she felt like a doll in his grasp, a toy to be used precisely as Jace pleased.

  Kylie’s fingers dug hard into Jace’s shoulders, steadying herself as he moved her. She was wet enough that he moved easily; she could smell her own arousal and it made her even more wild. She started moving with him, bringing herself down on him hard and making them both moan.

  Her pleasure swelled and rocked her body, and she realized that she was moaning his name over and over again. She wanted more and more, and the pleasure drew tight like a rope, taut, aching, nearly painful with how much she simply wanted.

  She was startled when he took her hand in his, kissing it lightly before bringing it between her legs.

  “Show me,” Jace growled. His voice was barely controlled, and she knew how close he was.

  “Show me what you did for yourself all those nights when you were missing me.”

  Kylie pushed her skirt aside and shifted so that she could touch herself. Her quick fingers stroked the top of her slit carefully for a moment before pushing deeper and finding her tender clit. She pressed two fingers hard to either side of the sensitive bud before circling it roughly. Her cries grew higher, even more desperate.

  “Come on, baby,” she heard Jace say, “come on...You want to so bad.”

  She arched higher and higher, and then she felt Jace’s lips at her throat, biting and sucking hard enough to to startle a yelp out of her. That little bit of pain and pleasure pushed her straight over the top, and then she was convulsing on top of him, pressing a finger hard against her own clit to make the sensations draw out farther and farther.

  Jace’s hands clenched on her hips even harder and he drove up into her one final time, filling her and making her groan. She tightened around him purposefully, and then they were both clinging to each other, panting and hot underneath their clothes.

  Jace recovered first, feathering soft kisses along her jawline and her neck. She murmured sleepily in response and then she felt his fingers stroke along the sensitive place at the base of her neck where he had bitten.

  “That’s going to be one hell of a hickey tomorrow,” he said, his voice low.\\

  Kylie laughed breathlessly, covering his hand with her own.

  “I don’t care,” she said softly. “I want to show it off.”

  He was still inside her, though softening, and she gently lifted herself off of him. He hissed as she did so, and then he set her on the seat beside him. Jace kept one arm looped around her and she snuggled against his comforting bulk.

  “Well, welcome home,” she said, a smile playing on her lips.

  “Thank you,” he replied. “I suppose we ought to get going. We’re lucky the highway patrol didn’t stop to see what the hell we were doing.”

  Kylie’s laugh turned into a purr when Jace’s hand came up to stroke her face.

  “Lucky us,” she said lazily. “Lucky us getting to screw in the car at a rest stop like horny teenagers when there’s a bed waiting for us at home.”

  “It’s hard to wait when I can touch you, when I can smell you,” Jace murmured, leaning down to put his mouth right next to her ear. His warm breath made her heart beat a little faster, and she pressed her legs together, relishing how easily she responded to his voice, his touch, and his breath.

  “We need to get home at some point,” she said, her voice husky, and he brushed his fingertips over her breast, making the nipple rise up proudly against his touch.

  “At some point,” he agreed. “Some time before dawn, definitely.”

  “Weren’t you just the one telling me that we needed to get back before we got the highway patrol knocking on our rather steamy window?”

  “A few more minutes won’t hurt,” Jace said reassuringly, and she would have protested if Jace hadn’t pulled her skirt up around her waist again.

  This time, he was slow and patient, tracing aimless patterns on her bare thighs and teasing them apart. The steamed windows gave them the illusion of privacy and Kylie sighed and relaxed into his touch, letting him do as he pleased.

  He shifted behind her so that he could more easily touch her body. One arm looped around her waist while the other teased up and down the sensitive flesh of her legs. She held her breath when he slid his fingers through the wetness that still slicked her inner thighs, traveling higher and higher until he brushed against the lips of her cunt.

  “Oh...” she murmured brokenly and just when she was ready to lift her hips up to his questing touch, he stopped.

  “Well,” he said briskly, “Let’s get back on the road.”

  She twisted around to stare at him in disbelief, only to find a hungry grin on his face.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I just thought I’d give you something to keep the ride home interesting,” he said innocently, and she might protested if he hadn’t pulled her close for a deep warm kiss.

  “Just another fifteen minutes,” he whispered. “Just that, and we’ll be at home and in bed.”

  “Just another fifteen minutes,” she agreed, and she happily gave up on getting any sleep at all. to do.


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  Chapter 4 – Light Refreshment

  Good old British rail, thought Faith Ellis. It was the hottest summer since records began and no air conditioning. Faith hated public transport but a flat tire had forced her to take the train to meet her best friend Sarah for lunch. She stood up briskly with the express intention of opening the last window in the near empty carriage, desperately wishing for some fresh air.

  The gorgeous young blonde man opposite turned his head toward her as she yanked at the stiff metal frame, eyeing her holiday tanned legs. His gaze soon traveled up her body to the small breasts nestled bra-less under a silky halter neck top. He was definitely sporty, she thought, and good looking. Under his messy blonde hair and pale eyebrows were eyes the colour of the sea and an upturned nose smattered with freckles above full lips. She flicked her dark bob and flashed him a brief smile from behind the safety of her sunglasses as she settled back into her seat.

  Her appraisal was interrupted by the arrival of the ticket inspector. He was a balding, middle-aged man with large patches of sweat visible on his stiff blue uniform. The blond man shifted from his seat to prise a ticket from the rear pocket of his board shorts, his well defined bottom pushing tantalisingly against the gaudy fabric.

  “A single to Georgeton please,” said Faith.

  “Four pounds please.” Faith’s heart sank as she realised, after much rummaging that her purse was nowhere to be found. There was a handful of change in the bottom of her bag but she was
still fifty pence short.

  “Oh no, I’m sorry,” she said, “I don’t have enough – can you take my address or something and we can sort it out?” Her cheeks burned.

  “Not bloody likely,” the inspector said in a strong Yorkshire accent, “ if you think that I'm going to do you any favours then you've got another thing coming. If I….”

  Just then the blonde man jumped out of his seat, having been watching the proceedings with interest. “Here,” he said, in a distinctly Antipodean accent, rummaging in his pockets and producing a 50p piece. The inspector looked at the cash reluctantly, begrudgingly accepting the coin before moving onto the next carriage.

  Faith’s face was burning with embarrassment. She pushed her sunglasses off her face onto the top of her head.

  “Thanks,” she said, “I normally have money you know, it’s just…”

  “Hey,” he interrupted, with an easy smile that made Faith warm to him immediately, “it happens to us all at some time or another. Anyway, there’s nothing I won’t do for a lady in distress!” She smiled back, easily lured by his charming smile, likeable accent and cheeky demeanour. She guessed that he was in his early twenties, which made him a good ten years her junior.

  Encouraged by her genuine smile, he moved seats so that he was sitting directly across from her instead of across the aisle.

  “Zak,” he offered Faith a huge paw-like hand. His arms were muscular, the veins large and prominent beneath a light fur of blonde hair. His hand was warm and his grip firm. He eyed her up and down. “And you are?”

  “Faith.” They chatted easily as the train trundled on, letting passengers off at several small stations. Zak was a student of marine science and also a keen surfer. He was in the UK for a semester on exchange and by all accounts was loving every minute of it. Faith grudgingly let him know that she was an accountant and was glad that he seemed impressed rather than making the usual assumption; that being good with numbers meant boring.

  “Married?” he asked. She shook her head. “What? A gorgeous, smart, sexy as hell girl like you? Man, if I was married to you I would....”

  Pregnant pause. Loaded silence. Eye contact. With impeccable timing the train shuddered to a halt and the elderly lady two rows down shuffled off with her tartan shopping bag, leaving the carriage empty. Faith was already hot from the closeness of the weather and the impending storm, but now the air was so thick she could only think of one thing that would clear the dizzying vacuum. Already perspiring lightly, she became acutely aware of a different kind of wetness, that of her own juices seeping onto her pale cotton panties. As the train again pushed into reluctant noisy motion, Zak was still looking intently at her. The pause was broken as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, attempting to rearrange his shorts to accommodate his bulging package.

  Later Faith would put what followed down to summer madness, but at that moment she was intensely aware of what she was doing even as she was surprised by her own boldness. Deliberately, she moved so that she was on the seat next to Zak, one leg tucked beneath her and one leg on the floor. She leaned into his ear, one hand softly stroking the hard bulk of his manly thighs.

  “Is there any way that I can repay you for your kindness earlier?” Her hand continued to stroke his thigh, moving up slowly so that her fingers were almost touching his straining cock. He looked at her for a fleeting second in disbelief, then an even bigger grin cracked and spread across his face.

  “Sure can,” he pronounced, gently taking her teasing hand and moving it up his thigh to where his cock was pushing at the fabric of the shorts. Faith slipped her hand into his shorts and he moaned in delight as she freed it from its confines. He shifted in his seat, pulling the shorts down as he did and enabling Faith to see his manhood in its full glory.

  His cock was long and girthy, firmly rooted in a bed of springy dark hair. A single vein pulsed along its length, from the proudly engorged helmet along the clean pink of the shaft. Zak groaned as she slowly and softly ran her hands over the sensitive head, barely touching it. She grasped his cock in her right hand, slowly pulling the foreskin up over the head as a small tear of liquid was wrought from its eye. He moaned in unabashed delight and groaned again as Faith slowly but firmly ran her hand back down his length. As she found her rhythm he turned his attention to Faith, slipping one calloused finger underneath the tie of her pink silky top, pulling it loose from its functional ties. The flimsy halter top crumpled, helpfully falling down so that her firm breasts were exposed.

  Faith was surprised that she was so excited but here and now, with the hungry eyes of Zak upon her and the threat of being caught at any moment she was impossibly excited. He ran an appreciative eye over her breasts, taking in the white triangles left over from her recent Caribbean holiday. This whiteness only accentuated the warm dusky pink of her nipples, which were bullet hard. The same large thumb that had freed them now brushed appreciatively over each nipple in turn, sending little shivers of delight through her.

  Swivelling slightly to face her more, he cupped one whole breast in his large hand, savouring its soft firm feel. His head soon followed his hand, an exploratory tongue snaking out to lick her nipple tentatively, in the same way that she had first explored his cock. Now, as she became more aroused Faith’s grip on his shaft tightened and her strokes became quicker. Encouraged, he used both hands to roughly cup her breasts, his mouth becoming more insistent enclosing her rigid nipple and applying a delicious level of suction. Faith was by now pumping her hand up and down his cock at quite a rate, enjoying the control that she had over him. Hopelessly aroused she pulled one of his huge hands from her breasts and forced it roughly between her legs so that he could feel the wetness of her panties. Suddenly and to her undisguised surprise it became too much for him and he came quickly and without warning, spurting hot jets of semen and shaking uncontrollably with the speed and intensity of the orgasm that he had enjoyed.

  Momentarily disappointed, Faith reasoned that as he was several years younger than her, that he probably would not have had the experience or ability to hold back. Embarrassed for him, she quickly rummaged in her bag to emerge with a small pack of tissues, this time thankful for the paraphernalia that she insisted on carrying around with her. However, as she quickly found out, she had mistaken his age for immaturity. Instead of being embarrassed, Zak appeared to be completely unfazed by the whole situation, watching her languidly as she cleaned him up. As she busied herself around him, he took her arm by the wrist and uttered one utterly commanding word.

  “Stop”. She looked him direct in his eyes and was suddenly embarrassed by her own reaction. Held in his gaze like a rabbit held in the headlights of an oncoming car she was powerless to stop his next movements.

  He slid off of the seat and onto the floor, until he was kneeling reverently in front of her. Still holding her gaze, he gently but firmly pulled her legs apart until she was sitting squarely in front of him, legs spread wide. She was aware that he could see right up her skirt to the triangle of white cotton that covered her sticky, hopelessly excited pussy and this, combined with the intensity of his gaze raised her to a level of hopeless anticipation once more.

  Zak put his hands on her knees, then ran them up the outside of each leg, bunching her skirt around her waist. The rough material of the British Rail seats scratched against Faith’s upper thighs and bottom. Deftly he placed his hands under the waistband of her panties and pulled them slowly down, gently guiding each ankle and flip-flop clad foot through the leg holes until with a dirty grin he raised his cotton prize to his nose and sniffed like a man enjoying a rare delicacy before slipping them into the pocket of his shorts.

  Faith could not help but laugh at this and he flashed his blue eyes at her as he pushed both of her legs up so that he was at eye level directly between her legs. His hands roamed over the tautness of her tan thighs as his eyes greedily devoured the dark strip of soft hair, surrounded by the white shape left by her bikini bottoms. He gently spread her, exposing all
her most vulnerable areas. The same thumb that had touched her nipples in such an exciting way now gently stroked the glistening bud of her clitoris, making her draw in breath rapidly. Still grinning he continued to hold her gently open, her wet slit inviting him and he dropped his head to lap at her pussy like an excited young puppy. The sensation was delicious, and she could not help but gasp as his probing licks applied themselves in the same manner around her clit. His fast, long licks were soon replaced by a circular, probing motion, his tongue encircling her in a deliberate, well-timed motion. He alternated this with burying his head deep within her pussy then returning to apply his lips again to her clit, sucking until it was dragged into a delicious vacuum.

  Faith’s breathing was ragged and harsh now, and it was at this moment that her heart nearly stopped as she looked up to be greeted with the face of the ticket inspector, even redder and shinier than when they had first met but now pressed up against the glass of the door that divided the carriages.


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