Hidden in Smoke

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Hidden in Smoke Page 14

by Harper Wylde

  Nix dropped her hands and shook her head, starting to laugh, easing all of us. “Well, no wonder that bitch feels so entitled!”

  Hiro chuckled. “Pretty much sums it up.” He rubbed a hand down her spine and she leaned into the touch.

  As Nix’s tension alleviated, so did ours. We didn’t butt heads often, but we were five powerful male mythologicals living under one roof; we were bound to rub each other the wrong way sometimes and argue occasionally. Nix had been good for us. We may have been a close-knit group before she arrived, but her mere presence united us further. We felt more like a family with her around, bringing us together every day because we all wanted to be near her. She was quickly becoming the center of our bond. The realization was startling but welcome. It would be a cold day in hell before I lost her because some old assholes had a mind to rip her away from her life. Away from me. My Puca thumped loudly in my head, agitated. Yeah, right there with you buddy. An idea of how to help Nix started to form in my head, but I kept one ear on the conversation while I formulated a plan for the afternoon.

  “Alright, so what about the others? I can’t even pronounce most of these words guys.”

  Damien met my eyes and I just shook my head. Some of our mythologicals were downright terrifying. It was also why they held strong places on the Council. Their strength and powers instilled fear into anyone who broke—or considered breaking—the Council’s laws. “Well, these are a little harder to explain. Use the literature Theo gave you to get a better grasp, but I’ll give you a basic run down. A Manananggal is, well, sort of like a vampire.”

  “A really, really gross and sadistic one.” Muttered Ryder, shuddering. I knew Ryder freaking hated that guy. The shifter creeped him out. Fuck, he wigged me out too. Nix arched an eyebrow, moving her fingers in a gesture asking for more information. “They aren’t the Dracula style vampire. They don’t drain blood. They dismember a body and consume it from there.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, you forgot the part where they shift and fucking divide in half to devour their prey through their middles.” I pulled a face.

  “Ugh.” Nix blanched. I wanted to swear, to hit something, but I didn’t want to disturb her or frighten her anymore than I already had. This was why we had wanted to bring her in slowly. To show her the wonders and beauty in the world, rather than the nightmares, the corruption, and the imbalance. This felt like we were throwing her off the deep end and hoping she would choose to swim. I prayed she wouldn't run after this, or if she did that she’d let us go with her.

  “An aqrabuamelu is basically a giant scorpion. Their powers are basically the same as the scorpions you know about, but just on a much larger, more dangerous level. As for the Koschei… they're kind of the hardest to describe. I guess the closest explanation would be a grim reaper. They control death and the dead.”

  “Oh shit. Well, that’s terrifying.” I could tell Nix was trying to hide the shiver that wracked her body, playing it off as nothing, but I caught it.

  “The last one, as you already know, is a basilisk.”

  “Basilisk. A giant snake that kills by sight. I can’t believe those things are real.” She wrapped her arms around herself, pressing the stacks of papers tightly into her body.

  We nodded. “Don’t like snakes?”

  “Yeah, no. I’m not their biggest fan.”

  “Well, now you know them all. Our world is full of fantastic beasts.” Ryder wiggled his eyebrows, motioning to himself, but when Nix cracked a smile and then a little giggle, I wanted to kiss the dude.

  Ryder threw a wink in my direction and puckered his lips, blowing kisses in my direction. Damn you, D. I wasn’t being fucking serious.

  Damien didn’t respond but his lips quirked to the side. I grumbled but let it drop. It had lightened the mood and Nix gave a genuine laugh when the inside joke was shared with her.

  “Just don’t stare at the guy and you’ll be fine.” I wanted this meeting to finish up. I had things I wanted to do, and they involved Nix.

  “That was a lot of information, guys. Do they put all the seriously creepy shifters on the Council on purpose?” Smart girl. Many never thought to ask why members were on the Council. To them it just was.

  “Yes, Nix,” I interjected, stretching the kinks from my back. Even in her fear and insecurity, her eyes tracked my movements and my Puca and I wanted to preen. Apparently, she was good at compartmentalizing, or was slowly finding her courage to face tomorrow. Her eyes were hungry as they watched my muscles ripple against the thin material of my shirt. “It’s partially because they’re strong, that they’re going to be feared at least a little. If there’s fear as well as respect, the chances of anyone breaking the laws go down.”

  Walking toward her, I reached for the paperwork in her hands. “I’ll take these to your room. Let Ryder and Damien explain the social dance. I avoid that portion as much as I can. After that, we’re going outside to do some training.”

  The look on her face made my whole day. Color seeped back into her skin, excitement making her come alive again.

  “What kind of training?” The enthusiasm in her voice was contagious, making us all grin.

  “You’re going to be seeing some very powerful shifters. I don’t have enough time to teach you human self-defense, and honestly, when faced with the kinds of creatures we’re talking about, it really wouldn’t do you any good. I can teach you the bare minimum of how to use your fire power though. Enough to give you some sense of protection.”

  She considered me for a moment and then grinned, hopping up to wrap her arms tightly around my waist. “Thank you, Bugs! I would have just been sitting around worrying all day. I've been wanting to let my power loose. This is going to be great!” She nearly squealed. I pulled her in tight, savoring just having her in my arms again. My Puca was content, settled for the first time all day.

  I left her to my brothers, intent on getting what we needed. There wouldn’t be much. We all had call bags packed. I’d let Nix pack her own since I doubted she would appreciate me rifling through her belongings. I ducked into each room, grabbing the ready bags we all kept in our closets. I figured that while the Council was grilling Nix, their staff would want information on what we had been up to. I grabbed Theo’s progress report on his database and quickly printed off our current progress reports for our classes. I was so grateful to be in an era where everything I could need, even in the middle of nowhere, was at my fingertips. I shrugged out of my jeans and debated whether or not to leave on my sweatshirt for the training session I was going to run Nix through. With a wicked grin, I pulled a pair of black sweatpants and a black tank top out of my drawer. I would be cold, but both my Puca and I loved the way she stared at the muscles in our arms and chest when we flexed. It would be worth every minute of being cold to see the heat in her gaze.

  I headed back downstairs to the sound of her and Ryder laughing together. I thought my Puca was trouble, but those two were going to need a babysitter. At this rate, Ryder was going to end up helping her fly off a mountaintop just because she batted her eyelashes and pouted her lips at him. “Ready for this?” I asked, making sure to lean back against the door frame. I knew that if I leaned just right, this tank clung and would show every muscle in my abdomen, chest, and arms. Nix glanced over, froze, and did a double take. Even from here I could her swallow as she struggled to pull her eyes up to my face.

  You did that on purpose. Damien’s mental voice was full of laughter. I was glad we were over our tiff from earlier. You’re going to freeze your ass off out there.

  The look on her face was completely worth it. I shot back.

  With a wicked grin, Damien sent me an image I assumed was running through Nix’s head.

  With a grin, I held out my hand, “Come on, Annie girl. We’ve got some work to do.”



  “Try again.” Kill’s voice was somewhere between gentle and hard. I wasn’t sure how to describe it, but this was the one-millionth time
he had corrected me and told me to start over, and I was getting frustrated. Not so much at him, but my lack of control over my power. How the hell was I supposed to protect myself when there was every likelihood that I’d kill myself or someone innocent in the process?

  The fire warmed my fingertips as I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of heat crawling through my veins. I could literally feel the energy coursing down my arms, ready to explode from my hands. I cracked my eyes open to look. My hands were glowing a molten red. It was fascinating and scary all at the same time. My hands were weapons, and I wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

  “You need to focus. If you don’t block out the mental saga you’ve got going on, you’re never going to be able to hit the target. You’ll throw wide and singe the damn forest.” There was no menace in his voice or frustration, but his statement was spoken with a confidence that made me believe every word he spoke was the truth.

  Taking a deep breath, I exhaled, clearing my mind. I set my sights on the target ahead and tried to control the rapid pace of the fire that burned in my fingers. Fisting one hand, I hoped it would be enough to contain the blaze within as I raised the other, prepared to let the fire energy fly. I aimed, narrowed my eyes on the bullseye, and let the power burst forth.

  A blaze of red and orange was all I could see before the target was engulfed in flames. And the grass around the target. And the small tree five feet to the side.

  “Fuck.” I dropped my hands, rolling my shoulders in an attempt to loosen the knotted muscles within. Throwing my head to the sides, I swung my arms and tried to limber up, knowing that Killian was going to demand I try again. And again. And again.

  Kill jogged to the other end of the clearing, extinguishing the target, grass, and tree in a cloud of white and exchanging the charred target out for a fresh one before he returned to my side.

  This hadn’t been exactly what I’d had in mind when I came outside for training. Weren’t training sessions always sexy time for guys and girls to get close while she learned to kick some ass? Could I change my mind and convince him to help me with human self-defense instead? I grinned at myself as I pictured tackling Killian to the ground. Now that would be fun.

  “It won’t help you to fight off a dangerous shifter, though.” Damien stepped onto their back porch, watching us practice on the safe side of the barrier. I could only catch sight of the spelled wall if I focused hard enough, and even then it looked like a slight waver in the air. I knew a regular human would never notice it. The Gargoyle was right. I needed to master this, and deep down I wanted to. It was just discouraging to fail time after time.

  “What’s she thinking about?” Killian took a swig of water from the plastic bottle in his hand, and I watched his adam’s apple work. Wiping a hand across the back of his mouth when he was finished, he cocked his head at me as Damien filled him in.

  His eyes squinted mischievously as a joyful look appeared on his face. He was so cute when he smiled. “Well, Annie girl, that can be arranged.” He sauntered in my direction, and I placed my hands on my hips, readying myself for his playful attack. He didn’t tackle me as I’d anticipated, but he did toss the bottle in his hands onto the grass. “If it’s my nearness you want, my hands on your body, all you have to do…” he trailed off as he stepped up close, sliding behind me as he placed his hands on my hips. Slowly, I felt him angling my body before he leaned forward, letting the scruff on his face lightly scratch my skin as he whispered in my ear, “… is hit that target.”

  “I can hit it.” Hell, hitting it wasn’t the problem.

  He chuckled, “Only the target, Annie girl.”

  I sighed. Bloody hell—I tried the phrase on for size. It felt right. He might as well have asked for the damn moon.

  “Focus.” His voice was still soft as he caressed his hands down my arms, bending to accommodate for the height difference. The bare skin of his arms made me wish I didn't have my black cotton jacket between us. The fresh, magical scent of him surrounded me, and I was comfortable, free of triggers or flashbacks. I leaned into his embrace as he lifted my arms and flipped my hands over so I was staring at my palms.

  “Your fire lives here.” He traced a finger down the center of my palm, igniting all the nerve endings as he went, that simple touch awakening my body. “Your Phoenix holds the power, Nix. I don’t think you’ve been asking her for help. Without her, you’re just a human. She’s the source, the well of all your magic. Have you acknowledged her power? Her place in your life?” The light wind from his breath tickled my neck where the loose strands of hair escaping my messy bun hung down, swaying against my skin with each word he spoke.

  Something resonated deep within, and I realized I hadn’t brought my Phoenix into my training session with me. I’d been focusing past her, trying to get the fire to cooperate. Everything that Killian said made sense. I reached within myself, hoping to bring her forth.

  Hey girl. I cooed as I tried to talk to her. I should have figured out that you are the source of our power. It makes sense, though. You’re a powerful mythological creature. You know this is my first time trying my hand at this. I felt her ruffle her feathers, appeased by my apology. I realized that she had been a little annoyed by my accidental slight, but she and I together created one being, and I knew we could be kickass if we worked together. There was no other way to move forward other than as a united front. Whatever happened to me tomorrow also happened to her, and vice versa.

  “That’s it. Do you feel those sparks between us, baby?” He rubbed his hands up and down my arms, letting our magic scintillate together. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder as the sensations ran down my body. His Puca was close, and my Phoenix was interested; very interested.

  I could picture the green in his eyes growing luminous as his creature pushed through, trying to mingle with mine. I wanted to open my eyes, turn in his arms, and take in the sight, but his soft caress felt so good that I stayed in place. I had been deprived of such touch all my life, never able to enjoy the comfort, joy, and pleasure it could bring thanks to the rough life I'd led, but now I was blossoming under my five men’s care and attention. No one had ever taken the time to work with me through my issues until now. The heat level in the house was almost boiling hot, but none of the men had ever pressured me or tried to take advantage. That was more than I could say of any other guy that had ever been in my life.

  “Pull your Phoenix forward and let her guide you.” He turned my palms face down and angled them up in the direction of the target, bringing his hands to my shoulders when he was done positioning me. His thumbs dug into the tight muscles underneath, and I moaned out loud. His gentle massage felt like heaven, but I knew I’d never be able to concentrate enough to hit the target if he didn’t stop touching me.

  “Enough. Hands to yourself for a minute.” I gently brushed him off and took up my stance once more. Raising my hands, I closed my eyes and called on my Phoenix—she truly did need a name. She cawed in agreement as she stepped up, pushing just below skin level. She wouldn’t show herself, but she was with me as much as she could be without shifting. The zings of power expanded, playing with Killian’s and Damien’s. Feeling his power reminded me that he had been on the porch, watching every second of Kill and I’s interaction together. I shut the mental link down. Focus.

  This time, when the heat suffused my fingers, I felt my Phoenix lending control. It was like taking a torrent of energy and power and forcing it through a funnel, shaping and pinpointing it, preparing to aim it where I so desired. The power that zipped down my arms didn’t pertain to fire this time, but the overwhelming dominion I held over said power. My Phoenix cried out in jubilation as I narrowed my eyes at the target in the distance, feeling indomitable.

  Blazing fire energy shot from my glowing hands, this time burning a hole straight through the center of the target. I whooped, my hands returning to their regular color as I reigned in the energy.

  Clapping and cheering rang out
from behind me. I turned, throwing my fists in the air in glory, to spy Killian clapping and hollering just steps away while Damien and Ryder celebrated with me from the wooden porch.

  “Not bad, huh Rainbow Dash?” I teased with a wide grin.

  He just shook his head, letting me have my victorious moment. “No, not bad at all, little bird.”

  My Phoenix preened under his praise. She wanted him to step off the porch and shift for us. I wouldn’t lie. I wanted that too.

  “I’ll put out the fire.” Killian jogged away again.

  “Good, and I’ll start this one.” Checking me out, Ryder whistled. “You look good in yoga pants, but I can’t wait to get you into La Perla.” He held his hands up, framing me between them.

  “Don’t they mostly make lingerie?” I scrunched up my nose as I thought about it, sure I was right.

  “That they do.” His grin could only be described as carnal.

  “You couldn’t even go two minutes without making a sexy joke, could you?” My scolding was playful as I climbed the few steps onto the deck.

  Sliding his hands into his pockets, thumbs out, he leaned into me. “Who said it was a joke?” His eyes were bright, and I was grateful for this break in what had turned into a stressful day.

  “On that note, I think the jacuzzi tub upstairs is calling my name. I need to wash the sweat and soot off of me.” It was true. After practicing for a few hours this afternoon, the smell from the charred targets clung to my clothing and hair. I needed to bathe, and then I needed to read up on everything Theo had given me. I was determined to go into tomorrow as prepared as I could possibly be, so with the exception of a relaxing bath, I’d spend the rest of the night with my nose buried in the paperwork.


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