Hidden in Smoke

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Hidden in Smoke Page 21

by Harper Wylde

  “You don’t like Chinese food?” I gaped. She had to be kidding, right? I could live off of the stuff.

  “Oh, I do.” She wrapped an arm around her middle, and I didn’t even think she realized she was doing it. “Just not in the mood for it tonight.” She shifted in her chair slightly, and I narrowed my eyes, suspicious as I started doing some math in my head. Hiro jogged down the steps catching the end of the conversation.

  What’s going on? He asked telepathically and, thanks to our resident psychic, it rang through our heads.

  What? Is something wrong with Nix? Killian asked, a worried edge to his thoughts.

  She’s going to be fine. Stop worrying. I interjected, trying to lessen my brothers’ worry. It didn’t take a scientist to figure out what was wrong with Nix. Apparently, just a med student who’d grown up with a sister.

  I think she’s focusing on keeping her mental wall in place, and she’s doing a good job. There must be something she doesn’t want us to know. Damien mused while he furrowed his brow.

  I shook my head. Call Theo for dinner. I think he’s blocking us out while he focuses or we would have heard from him now. I knew he was working on that program again. It was the Council’s most significant request when we’d gotten in trouble, but Theo told them that these things take time to code. Luckily, they were willing to wait the allotted amount of time he had asked for, but I knew he’d be working his ass off to get it finished up.

  “Theo! Dinner,” Killian said as he stalked to the stairs and then back to Nix’s side. Well, I guess that would do. What do you know that I don’t?

  Everyone grab whatever the bloody hell you want to eat and let’s go sit down so that we don’t freak Nix out. The last thing I wanted was for my brothers to embarrass Nix when it was apparent she was self-conscious of her situation. I was trying to figure out a discreet way to bring it up—see if she needed any feminine products—without outing her to everyone. The guys and I didn’t keep much from each other. We’d always been very open and honest. It’s one of the reasons we’d grown so close, but it stood to reason now that we were living with a girl that there would be some things that were too private to share. This seemed to be one of those things for Nix. Maybe it would be best to call Rini?

  As we settled at the table, Theo clomped down the steps and joined us. As soon as we were all seated, I filled everyone's bowls as fast as I could, hoping that eating would help divert attention from Nix’s predicament.

  Nix only picked at her food, holding a hand across her stomach as she tried to get more comfortable in the chair discreetly. When a small groan escaped her lips and sweat beaded on her forehead, Killian erupted.

  “Nix, baby, what’s wrong? Are you sick? You’re in pain, aren’t you? Ryder! Fix her!” The Celt demanded, not alright with her in discomfort—hell, neither was I.

  “It’s natural, Kill.” I wasn’t sure how to respond and still keep Nix’s privacy. I saw her drop her head into her hands. Damn, I’d made her uncomfortable.

  What’s going on? Theo was on alert, realizing he was missing some vital information.

  Sighing, I decided to just come out with it, carefully of course. There was no reason not to make my brothers do a little deductive reasoning. It’s been over four weeks since she’s been here.

  Ah. I see. Theo pinked a little. She shouldn’t be worried. It’s an entirely natural process. He turned his attention to Nix.

  That’s what I’ve been trying to say. Was it me or did it sound like a broken record in here?

  I saw the moment Damien understood my comment, but Killian hadn’t caught on, and Hiro was looking at me, cocking his head to the side as he worked out the significance of the timeline.

  “It’s embarrassing.” She said slowly.

  “What could possibly be embarrassing?” Killian just dug himself in deeper, and I groaned.

  “I never know when I’m going to start. Ever since I was young things have been sporadic, and it took me a while to figure out that it was probably tied to my re-births. I mean, it’s not something I can control or plan for. Do you have any idea how terrible it is to never know when you’re going to start? Let me tell you; it can be damned inconvenient. I thought when I moved here things would steady out, but no, I just had to die. Twice. Not to mention this whole thing could be worse as a shifter, or around shifters! Dear God, I didn’t even think of that. I need to call Rini.” She continued to mumble incoherently—face hidden in her palms.

  The look on Killian’s face as he finally understood was priceless, and I couldn’t help my wide smile. Hiro covered his mouth to contain a laugh and Damien’s eyes were lit up as he held his mirth inside.

  There you go. Theo teased Killian.

  Took you all long enough. I ribbed everyone.

  “It’s not a big deal.” Nix gritted her teeth as a cramp wracked her body and she tensed up.

  My Ceraptor reared in frustration. We hated that she was hurting. “Nix, you’re in pain.”

  “There’s really nothing you can do. I’ll take some pain meds. I’m sure that will help.” She clutched her lower abdomen. I could tell her cramping was severe.

  “Baby…” Killian cleared his throat, working his adams apple and he strived to find the right words.

  “I think what Killian is trying—and failing—to say is that we’re not bothered by this. I grew up surrounded by woman. As Ryder has said, this is completely natural.” The pink in Theo’s cheeks deepened, but I gave the man credit as he pushed forward and said, “Do you have everything you need? I could run to the story for you to get your preferred… feminine products.”

  Nix had never blushed such a deep shade before, but she gave Theo a strained smile anyway. “Rini threw what I’ll need in my bag for me, but thank you. That’s very sweet, Theo.”

  “Hey now! I’d go to the store and get you any girly items you’d need too, by the way!” I winked at her, hoping to ease the tension with a little lightheartedness. She smiled, and my Ceraptor pranced. Growing a little more serious I continued, “For real, though, let us help you.” Murmurs of ascent sounded around the table.

  “I don’t think there’s much any of you can do to help, but thank you.” Turning her attention back to her soup, she sipped a small spoonful into her mouth.

  Like hell there wasn’t anything I could do—that we could do. My Nix was hurting, and I’d be a… a fucking unicorn… before I just stood by and let her suffer. Looking at my brothers, I saw the same resolve in their eyes that was in mine.



  I could feel all the guys taking turns glancing my way as I tried to survive my cramps. Why were they all being so damn nosy? I knew they were worried about me, but couldn’t they see that this was hard to talk about with them? I pushed my food away, leaning back in my chair. I wondered if this last death had messed me up more than I thought. I’d cramped before, badly on occasion, but it had never been this bad before. My Phoenix was hissing and writhing, in as much pain as I was. My abdomen burned and ached fiercely, a twisting sensation that was making me dizzy and lightheaded.The cramps had been steadily growing worse as the day progressed and I was quickly turning miserable.

  “Thanks for dinner, guys, but I just want to go lay down.” And die. I didn’t add that part because from the look on Killian’s face he’d probably hurl if I did. I stood, biting my lip to hold back the moan that the movement wanted to tear from my lips. I needed my bed, and I needed to sleep before I either started crying or passed out.

  “Nix.” Hiro’s gentle voice drew my gaze his way. “I’m going to pick you up as carefully as I can,alright? I can tell you’re shaky on your feet, and I’m worried about you climbing the stairs by yourself.”

  I considered for a minute, then nodded. I wasn’t sure if it would hurt more to try and walk all the way to my bed or to have Hiro lift me, but it seemed that logically it would hurt less overall. He cupped his arms around me gently , cradling me against his body as I hissed.
/>   Surprising me, it was Theo who stepped up to stroke a finger down my cheek. “I think I’ve got some painkillers I can grab for you. If you have a preference for your cramps, I can run out. I’m sure I have a heating pad I can bring to you.” He was so sweet, even with the light flush of pink staining his cheeks.

  “No preference.” I murmured, trying to breathe through the cramp.

  I leaned into Hiro, breathing in his scent as I tried to keep my breaths shallow. It seemed the deeper I breathed, the worse the pain flared. Hiro moved smoothly and quickly, barely jarring me at all, though I did have to fight my Phoenix a few times for control. Hiro laid me on the bed, and I turned to my side, moaning as I wrapped myself around my pillow. The bed sank a bit, but I sighed in relief when I felt a warm piece of fabric press against my abdomen. Theo had found the heating pad.

  “Nix, I brought you some strong ibuprofen and some ginger ale. I know it may be hard on your stomach to get these down.” Ryder’s soft words surprised me. Ryder knew I might want ginger ale for my stomach? Well, I guess he was a med student. I turned slightly, swallowing the pills quickly and praying they would stay down and that I didn’t vomit in front of the guys. From my quick glance, I realized they were all gathered around my bed. I wanted to bury myself in a sea of blankets; I was so embarrassed.

  “Thanks, guys. You can go.” I let the words hang in the air, but no one moved.

  Startling me, Ryder knelt by the side of the bed, a brush in his hand. “Allie always liked her hair brushed when she had cramps. She said it gave her something else to focus on and a sensation to enjoy. You know, they say that pleasure travels to the brain faster than pain does. I think that’s why the hair trick always worked for my sister. Would you mind if I brushed your hair? ”

  I had forgotten about Ryder’s sister. I had never asked for details of what happened, and I guess a part of me assumed she was still little when he’d lost her. Theo had a sister too, so I imagine that’s why he knew about using a heating pad. I nodded slowly, confused. It was difficult enough to accept their care when I wasn’t wracked with pain and humiliation.

  I gasped at a pain so sharp my vision began to grey out. Cool hands stroked my forehead while warm ones stroked my legs. “Are your cramps typically this bad, Nix?” Theo’s voice was a mix of cool logic and sharp concern.

  “Never like this.” I spit the words out. Fingers began to thread through my hair, and the brush was stroking through. It really did feel nice, a soothing counterpoint to the cramps. Suddenly, his fingers paused, and Ryder swore softly.

  “Nix, I’m so sorry. I think this may be my fault. I hadn’t even thought to check and see if all the venom was out of your system from the re-birth. I assumed it had all been burned off by your Phoenix. There’s something there, though. It’s faint, but I can tell it’s a kind of venom. Fuck, Nix. Losing all the blood the other day at the clinic probably caused a reaction. No wonder you feel so bad.” Ryder’s fingers tightened slightly before he let go and continued brushing.

  “Not your fault.” I murmured. “I assumed it was all gone too. I’ve never reacted after healing.” I felt myself dozing off, the pills starting to work along with the heat from the pad and the comfort of my hair being brushed. “Guess that explains why I’m not bleeding, just cramping.” Fuck. Stupid mouth. I couldn’t believe I said that out loud.

  “Annie girl, none of that.” Killian’s voice was gruff. “You don’t need to be embarrassed with us. I’m sorry we reacted poorly. We aren’t used to having a female around anymore; we fell out of the habit. You don’t need to hide from us.”

  “We knew that you weren’t bleeding yet, anyway. There’s no extra metallic scent. Shifter senses…” I heard a wack and figured one of the guys had knocked Theo on the head for his comments. Truthfully, I was mortified. Why had I not thought about this aspect of living with men before! Shifter men at that. I buried my face into my pillow as Theo apologized. “Sorry… ” I nodded from my hidden position.

  “I can try to drain the residual venom, but I don’t know if I’m strong enough to.” Ryder’s voice was gruff. I could tell he was hurting from the idea that he was helpless, remembering the loss of his sister. “I don’t seem to be a match for the venom.” The strain in his voice was hard to bear.

  My Phoenix chirped at him. I didn’t want him to worry or feel bad. “We’ll be fine. My girl can handle anything. Just let me rest.” I was so tired. Fighting off the pain all day had drained me, and I sought the peaceful oblivion that sleeping offered.

  “At least let me try to help the pain. Please, Nix. If this is a result of the venom, I may at least be able to ease your pain.” His tone was pleading. Lulled by the soothing strokes of the brush, I murmured my assent. The pain began to edge off and, unable to resist, I let myself slip into a pain-free sleep.



  I settled the rest of the dishes into the sink, trying to keep quiet so I wouldn’t wake Nix. I was so glad she was sleeping. I hadn’t expected how hard it would be to see her in pain. I knew Ryder was nearly beside himself with worry at the thought that not all of the venom was out of her system. Ryder’s comforting her and the simple healing had helped ease her discomfort.

  The ring of the doorbell had me cursing a blue streak, darting to the hallway. I vainly hoped that the noise hadn’t woken our girl up. Hiro and Killian met me in the hall, their faces as hard as mine. No one should be ringing our doorbell in the first place. Hiro peeked through the doorway and swore, fisting a hand in his hair. “It’s Councilman Ishida with his daughter. Game faces.”

  Theo, Ryder. Councilman Ishida is here. With Ahmya. Try and keep Nix asleep if possible. I called up to my brothers.

  Too late, dude. She heard the doorbell. She’s insisting on coming down. Ryder’s mental voice was thick with frustration. She’s shooing me out so she can get dressed, says she’s feeling better.

  “Bloody hell.” I wasn’t sure if Killian was swearing about Nix waking up or about Councilman Ishida.

  “Guys, this is going to get awkward,” I warned before opening up the door. We had already kept the Councilman waiting long enough.

  “Damien. Good. Just who I wanted to see.” Councilman Ishida’s smile was wide. Ahmya was clearly not dressed for the weather, in a short dress more appropriate for a clubbing party rather than for a morning visit with her father.

  “How have you been, son? Hiro!” His grin was wide. “Ahmya was just saying that she hasn’t seen much of you all so far this year. We’ve got a lot of events coming up. We really should be making plans to get together.” Ahmya crossed her arms, purposefully pushing her breasts together and up. On Nix, the move was alluring. On Ahmya, it made me want to gag.

  “Where’s young Ryder?” I moved aside so that Councilman Ishida and Ahmya could enter. I bit my tongue at their blatant disregard of Killian. The action wasn’t unusual as they always ignored Killian and Theo. It made myself and my Gargoyle furious every time they did it.

  “Good afternoon, Councilman,” Ryder called from the staircase. Nix stood beside him, nodding her head at our guests.

  “Ryder! And Nix.” The words trailed off as the Councilman studied them. Ryder wore only his sweatpants and a tank top, gear that was mirrored by Nix. It was clear they had both been laying down only minutes ago. Ahmya’s sneer bordered on feral.

  “We didn’t mean to interrupt your… workout.” The contempt was clear in her voice.

  “May we help you?” Nix ignored the inference and kept her voice polite, but cool.

  “Nix, my dear. Lovely to see you. I was hoping to get some time with Ahmya and her boys.” Her boys, my ass. I bit my tongue to hide my grin. I loved when she got sassy and possessive. “However, I did want a moment of your time as well. Ahmya, dear, do you want some time with your men? I’ll speak to Nix for a moment.”

  “Of course, Daddy.” I nearly gagged. I couldn’t believe she still called him Daddy. It had been one of the warning signs I had mentioned to Hi
ro when she first showed interest in him.

  Ishida has no psychic abilities. His are entirely defensive. Keep your walls down; I’ll listen in and try and help. I waited for Nix to pass me and continue towards the kitchen with the Councilman.

  Don’t let her badmouth Hiro. I don’t think slapping that bitch in front of her father will encourage support from the Council.

  You’re on your own guys. I’m heading up with Theo. I can’t be around this viper. And if that man says something rude to Nix, I’m not the best one to handle it because I will kick his ass, Killian’s mental voice was a snarl as he disappeared up the stairway.

  Hiro, ever the gentleman, directed Ahmya to a seat in the living room. I leaned against the doorway, allowing myself to be removed enough to focus efficiently on both conversations. Ryder and Hiro sat down on chairs opposite of Ahmya, ignoring her encouragement for them to join her on the couch as she patted the cushions and let her dress slide indecently high up her thighs. Now, I was all for a girl dressing however she was comfortable and confident. However, I happened to know Ahmya didn’t dress this way for that reason. She dressed provocatively in the hopes of enticing one of my brothers or me, or even another powerful shifter—she wasn’t exactly picky—into making a pronouncement of intent. She wanted to trap one of us into a mating and pull the others she wanted in as well, discarding any she saw as unworthy of her.

  “Daddy is inviting that—friend—of yours to a party that I’m holding on Saturday.” Ahmya arched her back, thrusting her breasts at us, and I could see Ryder had to work hard to keep from rolling his eyes. “I’d like you three to come as well. I’m going to host it at Daddy’s Anchorage estate. You haven’t been to any of my parties in months.” She pouted prettily, turning herself to her best angle. “All of us have been missing you. Alex said he hasn’t heard from you in weeks.”


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