Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 14

by Lee Morgan

  “I’m out of here!” Connor and Kara shouted simultaneously, after looking at each other with terrified expressions. Every one of them were confused as they ran directly for the trees. Once in the confines of the forest they were hidden by the shadows. What is the matter with them?

  Soon it became all too clear.

  They all turned to the heavy steps that belonged to Veronica. Her large hand wrapped around Sarah’s middle and before she knew it her feet had left the ground, all in a rush. Veronica kissed the entire side of her face with warm leathery lips. It felt hot, wet and it luckily didn’t have a foul scent.

  Everyone started laughing and Sarah now knew what it was like to be congratulated by a Keeper. Connor and Kara already shared that fate once before.

  For the next few hours everyone had gotten a turn with the children. Connor looked up and stated “It’s just after midnight. They need to be fed and we all need some sleep. We will see everyone in the morning.”

  No one wanted to leave, but they could see how tired they actually were. Connor confiscated Pearl and Darrel was already with Sarah. They then went inside the cottage as everyone said goodnight.

  Once inside, they went directly into the babies’ room. It smelled remarkably pleasant inside and the room was entirely clean. The birthing table had pushed to the side as were the medical supplies. Connor laid Pearl in her crib. He walked past Sarah and said “I’ll be back soon. We are both tired. You try and feed them while I fix something for us to eat.”

  She then remembered. “There isn’t too much left. We need to go by the store tomorrow. I kind of fed Shannon and Veronica earlier because the wild game is scarce around here, right now.”

  “Alright. I’ll go out in the morning and get enough for us all.”

  He then left them in the room, but the door remained open and she could hear him cooking. While he did that, she walked over to her rocking chair with Darrel.

  Once they were comfortably seated and all became quiet, the first nursing was a success. So was the second.

  As she returned a satisfied Pearl to her crib, Connor said dinner was finished. They both ate the rest of the food in their home because they were both so drained. Before going to bed they checked to see if they were asleep and they were. Their family had the most stressful day of them all. At last, her body had fully regenerated.

  Before they went to bed Connor took a shower himself.

  Once in bed her wish had finally been granted. Sarah was able to snuggle up against her mate like she had always been able to do in the past. It was even better than remembering it. His smell and their closeness put her to sleep. Now it was time to recover from the painful day’s ordeal. At least she could sleep like she wanted to from now on since the danger of snuggling had left her body.

  Monotonous and Thrilling

  Connor remained quite tired when his eyes eventually opened early the next morning. Because of yesterday’s events nothing would ever be completely the same. His energy reserves were still low because of Tool’s finished form. Sarah was probably just as depleted from all the energy she gave over to the children. And as long as she breastfeeds she will still give over copious amounts of energy. Jillian once said that a Balancer’s breast milk is laced with the mother’s own reserves.

  Since his eyes had only just opened, he looked down. It felt great to have Sarah back where she is meant to be. They’ve both detested not being this close in months. She was finally able to cuddle up beside him without worry. Her head rested on his chest, just as her left arm and leg where thrown over his body. The rest of her pressed against him in an almost desperate need for closeness. And then he heard her soft and pleasant snoring. It was as cute as ever.

  Knowing how much needed to be done, he reluctantly had to wake up his mate. When she finally lifted her head she smiled so beautifully and said “You have no idea how much I’ve missed cuddling like that.”

  “I think I’m the only man who does.” He tapped his temple.

  Sarah then giggled and conceded on that fact.

  They both got up and dressed. The very first thing they did was make a beeline straight to the twin’s room. Once they silently went inside, they were both sleeping so peacefully. They were really sleeping this time because their eyes were gently moving under their precious eyelids. Neither of them moved from where Sarah left them in their individual cribs. Sarah wove her arm with his as they watched them breathing ever so peacefully. They were both so beautiful and they really did have a lot of their mother in their features and they held a lot of him in their eyes.

  Sarah spoke at a whisper. “What are our plans for today?”

  “Knowing our family, they will all be here shortly. I need to go shopping for us because you and I are still tired from yesterday’s events.”

  Their eyes met and she looked so perfect. “Then go on ahead. I can hold down the fort until you come back.”

  Connor knew she wanted time alone with her babies and it was easily granted. She walked with him into the living room while he slid on a pair of boots. He grabbed his leather wallet and before leaving the house Sarah stopped him. When he turned around his wife had jumped and their lips connected. It was a kiss of happiness rather than a prelude to intimacy. Even without entering her mind he knew she was so thrilled to have finally had the children. She was looking forward to becoming a loving mother.

  Once she finally allowed him to go outside, it remained dark. They had only gotten four hours of sleep at most, but they were lucky to have gotten that. Their families would have kept them up all night if he didn’t end it. There would still be another half hour until things began brightening. Off to the side of the yard the bonfire had been extinguished without water, so that it could be reused again.

  He didn’t feel anyone coming in this direction and took it as a sign of fortune. Running through the empty woods felt refreshing. The night air was cool and comforting. Within a few short seconds Connor had to slow down. After passing the tree line, his eyes saw the backside of Jack’s house and the front of his mom’s. All of the lights in each house were off and dark.

  His steps were silent while crossing the yard. In the Branderson’s driveway stood his large green truck. Last week it was refilled with water and seven depleted car batteries were replaced. Now it would be the time to go. He walked right up to it and his senses alerted him to a nearby presence.

  Connor spun around and saw Jack sitting on the trunk of Jillian’s red sports car. He smiled and slid off the car. “Good morning, Connor. What are you doing up so early?”

  His senses relaxed and so did the danger of his voice. “I could ask you the exact same thing, Jack.”

  “Actually I couldn’t sleep at all after we left and I didn’t want to bother Jillian. By the time we made it home, she about collapsed on the bed. By the way you didn’t answer my question.”

  “We’re out of food at the cottage. I’m going to resupply and go by the butchers to buy three cleaned cattle for Sorono’s family.”

  “Mind if I come with?”

  “Sure. I could use another pair of hands.”

  He smiled and soon they were off.

  The truck ran silently down the road and the peace in the cabin was almost as eerie. Jack stared out the passenger window for nearly an eternity while Connor’s focused on the road. Since none of the local stores would be open for business at this hour they drove into the city which was an hour away.

  When they were three quarters there Jack finally broke his streak of silence. “I know you were probably wondering why I had a hard time sleeping. After all the centuries of waiting I’m finally a grandfather, yet I strangely feel like a first time father all over again.” Connor remained quiet and allowed him the time to speak his mind. “It is strange to say aloud, but that is exactly how I feel. I’m scared and happy all at the same time. I don’t know exactly how to be a grandfather, but David said it’s easy. He said whenever you get fed up with them you can just pass them along to their parents.
” Yeah, that sounds like Granddaddy alright. A smile touched the corners of Connor’s lips. “Then there is this latest development. I have been expecting granddaughters ever since my daughter Pearl first came into my life. Now I am blessed with both a grandson and granddaughter. With all these thoughts, it became impossible for me to get any sleep. Jillian was the opposite because the only thing she did when we got home was to go directly to bed.” Jack cracked his own smile. “That rarely happenss.”

  Connor had to downshift while going up a steep hill. “Try being in my position.” They didn’t need to look at each other to pay attention. “I’m still extremely new to this strange world and yet I’m doing all I can. Somehow I have to deal with the fact that my children will be something new and unique to the world. They will be like Keepers and from what Sorono and I have surmised they will be stronger than most Keepers and most certainly more powerful than Balancers. Somehow Sarah and I will need to properly raise two children who will become the fourth race.”

  “The fourth race? What do you mean?” Jack finally looked away from the window to look at Connor with a strange expression.

  After overtaking the hill he finally answered. “In time, Pearl and Darrel will become Elders of the new race. Right now there are three classes, but in time Sorono will allow my children to become the leaders of their descendants, just like he does as the Head Elder of the Keepers and similarly with Raphael of the Changers. One day instead of their being thirty elders there will be forty. I know Sorono will one day do this, but setting something up that grand will take some time. And I haven’t a clue as to how my children will turn out. I just hope that they become passionate and caring, rather than demeaning and malicious. You know what happens if a child is over-spoiled.”

  Jack and Connor went silent as they contemplated what had been said.

  Once they reached the city they found a twenty four hour supermarket and they filled up two carts and paid for the purchases. It took up just the right amount of time for one of the butcher stores to finally open for business. Connor bought three large cows and had them wrapped in wax-paper and had them stuffed into the bed of the truck with the rest of the groceries. The butcher became shocked to see Connor lift the cow like a sack of potatoes and transport it to his truck, but he never said anything.

  By the time Jack and Connor made it back to their street the clock read ten minutes after nine, on the stereo system. Already everyone arrived. Mark’s brown jeep and David’s red truck sat in Jenny’s driveway yet no one waited outside. He pulled into his parking spot in Jack’s driveway. No one was around here either as Jack opened up the tailgate. They pulled out all of the groceries out of the truck and laid them down on the cold concrete driveway.

  Connor focused his mind and used Pressure to create a solid platform beneath the groceries and lifted all of the items like an invisible forklift. Jack walked with Connor into the woods while the food followed effortlessly behind. About halfway there, they smelled burning wood.

  Jack and Connor entered the clearing to see that the bonfire was relit. Everyone sat in a wide circle of chairs, but not surrounding the fire. Everyone sat just like they did two days ago.

  Upon arrival he saw that his mom and Jillian were each holding one of his children. It looked like Jillian held Darrel and Jenny held Pearl. Only this time they were both wearing one piece clothes that covered everything on their bodies except for their heads. Pearl wore a pink piece while Darrel wore a blue one. Someone had gone out and bought a blue one because they didn’t have one for him yesterday.

  “Hey Sorono, I’ve got something for you and your family.” He and everyone turned to see Jack and him coming towards them. Connor focused and brought forth the wrapped cattle. He grabbed two while Veronica grabbed one.

  He unwrapped one and smiled. “Thank you for this, Connor. This is just what we needed.”

  He told everyone that the food needed to be put away. As he entered the cottage he saw Sorono placing the three cows over the fire to get cooked. Shannon sat by his side and watched as he began cooking their meal.

  After they ended the day with everyone Connor and Sarah ate like a human in terms of quantity, but were both still very hungry. At least the edge had been taken off till they produced enough over time. Darrel and Pearl kept studying and listening to everyone in silence. And whenever Pearl saw her daddy, she immediately reached for him and wiggled her adorable little fingers. She really is a daddy’s girl. And Darrel quickly became fascinated with Mark when he showed his abilities as a changer. Mark had grown his hair long and allowed her son to play with it. And before everyone relaxed in the morning, Mark and Connor managed to remove the birthing bed and they broke it apart to put it on the burning pile.

  Before they called it a night, Jack said he would have a surprise for them in the morning.

  Connor and Sarah awoke after a very restful night. As he made breakfast, Pearl and Darrel were woken up to have their morning feeding. Sarah also changed their wet diapers. After their bellies were full, they went right back to sleep like she didn’t even interrupt their sleep cycle. Connor and Sarah ate together and his skills as a cook were still very adept.

  Just as they finished cleaning the dishes there came a knock on the front door. Sarah walked to the door and opened it to reveal her mother. She looked as stunning as ever in a ruffled red top and a classy skirt. Her dark hair was pulled back with a hair tie. Her golden eyes were searching as she saw Sarah wearing a fresh t-shirt and long pants. Jillian looking as buoyant as ever. “Good morning, Sarah. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes I did. It is still very early. Especially for you, Mother.”

  “You’re observant.” She said nonchalantly and with a smile. “Actually your father had to go do a few things this morning. I didn’t have much to do except wash a load of laundry. That didn’t take too long and I wanted to come see my delectable grandbabies.” She then smiled like she did when she handed over Pearl for the very first time.

  “What else are you neglecting to tell us, Jillian?” Connor asked while coming up from behind.

  Jillian smiled and looked up into his eyes. “Your mother said she was called into work this morning. She didn’t sound very happy being called to work during this time of day. Oh and she said Kara couldn’t skip any more class time and she would be here when she could.”

  “Anything else?” Sarah’s husband’s tone became suspicious and he only gets that way when someone is hiding something from him.

  That in turn made her a little suspicious too.

  “Nothing you need to concern yourself with.” Jillian said cryptically. “Oh and I would appreciate it if you didn’t try and read my mind.” When she added that little detail she knew Connor wouldn’t infringe because of his ethics against intrusion without permission. He would only break them if there was a threat.

  Sarah glanced to see him give her mother a heartfelt smile.

  They stepped back and allowed her to enter. She shut the door and asked “How are they doing this morning?”

  Sarah smiled and explained “They were just fed and burped about thirty minutes ago. I suspect they will still be asleep.”

  Jillian grinned and pointed. “Let me check for myself.”

  Connor went into the back bedroom as Sarah followed her mother into the twin’s room. To her immediate surprise she was remarkably silent. Both Darrel and Pearl were silent. Connor had explained to Sarah how to tell if they were really asleep or faking it. Jillian walked to the separating bar that individualized each of their cribs. She then leaned forward and rested her arms on the rails and propped her chin on those arms. Her eyes had calmed as she took in the sight of her first grandchildren.

  Sarah walked to her and wrapped her arm around her mother’s shoulder and joined her in watching the newest generation of their continuing bloodline. She spoke at a soft whisper. “Since you have forbidden us access to your mind, what are you thinking about, Mother?”

  Jillian’s tone matched hers. “Actu
ally I was just marveling at how absolutely beautiful they are. Even when I imagined what my grandchildren would look like…they were hideous images compared to the real things. They are both absolutely perfect.” Then Jillian’s golden eyes shifted to meet hers. “So how does it feel to be free of them? Does it feel good to have your figure back?”

  “It does, now that I have a figure to look at.”

  Jillian grinned with her and then she poked her daughter’s left breast. “You’ve definitely filled out quite well.”

  While they were on the subject she just had to ask “Mother, will they go back to the way they once were, like the rest of my body has?”

  She shook her head slowly, pointed to her chest and said “Mine haven’t. I never told you that my original sized breasts looked once like yours. I might have quit lactating, but these babies haven’t changed in any way since having all three of my girls. The best part is we don’t sag afterwards.”

  “Sweet.” She smiled a little more with Sarah.

  As Jillian and Sarah continued speaking in a subdued tone, Pearl was the first to open her eyes. She looked around, almost groggy. Then she met her mother’s eyes and Sarah smiled warmly. Pearl blinked a few times and then she made Sarah gasp at what she did. Her three day old daughter smiled toothlessly back to her.

  “Connor. Connor!” Her mate flew into the room at her call. He looked worried until she pointed at the crib. “Look.” Sarah said in a normal tone.

  Connor stood at her side and peered down. Pearl looked down slightly herself and saw her daddy and her smile became even more pronounced. Their daughter had the cutest dimples any parent could ever ask for. “Would you look at that…” He said while wrapping his arm around Sarah’s waistline.

  Jillian jumped in by saying “Pearl, would you like to get up and go for a walk outside with grandma?”


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