Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 16

by Lee Morgan

  That couldn’t be said for their friends. Deputy Burrow broke the silence. “Connor, is everything…alright?”

  He nodded slowly and evened his tone. “I really hope so.”

  “Why do you say that? Did you know someone down there?”

  Connor glanced at Sarah meaningfully before answering his question. “Yes, I know of someone when we went on vacation down there last year. He is close to our family, almost like a brother.” He saw recognition hit her like a bullet train. Her mouth opened as color drained from her cheeks and she then looked to the TV, expecting to see something else. “I just hope that he is alright. I also hope the total dead count isn’t going to rise, but that looks like it won’t happen.”

  “If that is the case,” He started. “go ahead and use my phone and see if he’s alright.”

  “I would if I could, but unfortunately I don’t have his number on me.”

  Sarah then gained everyone’s attention by sounding worried “Connor, I left his number by the table next to the front door. Maybe his satellite phone might still be active.” She looked at their hosts and spoke sincerely. “I’m so sorry that we have to cut this short, but we really need to go. If we were in touch with current events we could stay longer…”

  “Nonsense.” Mrs. Burrow’s said while holding her hands up. “Your worry is understandable. You told me about your extended vacation down there and it is only natural to make friends with the locals. We won’t be going anywhere, any time soon. Come back when you can.

  “And bring the babies again.”

  Sarah and Connor grabbed a carrier and walked outside while being accompanied by their worried friends. They put the kids in the backseat and secured them. They waved goodbye and headed down the road.

  Understand and Unknown

  As they hurriedly left the Burrow’s and were in the clear to speak openly Sarah asked “Connor, do you think that it could be this other Harmonizer, Ranvan’s doing?”

  “There isn’t a doubt in my mind.” He stated calmly, but she could feel the sea of rage boiling within him. “I’ll explain why when everyone meets at our home.”

  “Alright then, I’ll contact Veronica and the others.” It was an easy task, finding the minds of those stronger than the surrounding humans. Not only the strength of one’s mind identified them so too did the personality of the mind. The individuality of one’s mind is like their soul, no two are alike. Once she established a link with the individuals, everyone became informed to meet at the cottage, minus David and Rhoda because she remained ill.

  Once they finally made it to the driveway of her parents they unhooked the kids from their carriers and carried them by hand. Pearl was still fast asleep, but Darrel was wide awake as they ran.

  They arrived at cottage to find everyone quietly waiting. Kara and Mark were waiting in their leather battle gear. They must have flown. Then Mark spoke up for everyone. “Sarah, you sounded worried when you had all of us gathered here. What is going on that you would need to meet us so urgently?”

  Sarah looked up at her mate and he began speaking to everyone, but pointedly at Veronica and Shannon. “I know you can feel Sorono in the south.” Veronica’s eyes widened in conformation, but she didn’t get a chance to speak. “The timing was just too exact. You said Damian has been searching for his father for two days. That was yesterday. On the news today, I watched as three days ago a massive and devastating tsunami hit South America. The scientists haven’t a clue as to the cause, but I know of only one possibility that could do something on such a grand scale and not be a natural phenomenon. Ranvan caused the damage because he is the only one powerful enough to do such an atrocity. And there isn’t any way that Sorono could be the culprit because he was here. As of right now there are over two thousand lives lost.” Both Jillian and Jenny gasped.

  “Connor, why are you telling me this?” Veronica asked with pleading eyes.

  “I’m telling you this because I need you to keep me informed of the Elder’s actions. Go home with Shannon. If the elders do something, I need you to come find me. If anything happens you need to warn me.” Connor radiated so much authority that no one would dare dispute the orders.

  “Connor, I’ll do as you say, but you need to know that the Elders are not convened. They have separated around the world once again…”

  “I already know that, but since you’re the Head Elder’s mate they might know something that I might need. The three head elders usually live near each other if ever there is a situation that they are needed. Sorono told me that Amphrite, Poseidon and Raphael all live within ten miles of your northern Alaskan home. Please do this for me. I’ve got a very bad feeling.”

  “Is your Harmonizer’s instinct telling you something?”

  “I wish that I could say no, but yes. There is something very strange going on. When I figure it out, I’ll find you. Fair?”

  Their large friend nodded. She then dropped to one knee. “May I say goodbye to the hatchlings before departing? I don’t know when we’ll return.”

  “Sure.” Sarah said while walking towards her with the still sleeping Pearl. As she approached, Shannon wanted to say goodbye first. The moment the back of her hand caressed Pearl’s cheek, Sarah’s daughter stirred. Shannon spoke to Sarah’s mind and she translated the words to her awaking daughter. “Pearl, Shannon and Veronica have to go away for a little while. Shannon says she will miss you and she’ll come back just as soon as she possibly can. She says she loves you.”

  Shannon’s leathery lips pulled slightly down into a grimace. Pearl looked at her and mimicked the heartbreaking look.

  Sarah then went to Veronica and she too gave a loving farewell.

  Connor allowed Shannon and Darrel to look at each other. But as Veronica said her farewell, something felt strange. There was a feeling that someone was trying to enter Sarah’s mind. She looked around and it seemed like only Connor and the Keepers could feel it too. They were all looking around for the source, but couldn’t find it. The mind was completely alien and not very strong, but they all knew the feel of someone using telepathy.

  “Where…are…going?” the weak voice asked. They could hear the words in their minds, but the voice couldn’t distinguish the sex. It was a neutral voice.

  Sarah looked around and it seemed that everyone heard it too. They then turned when Connor said “No way.” in an exasperated tone. He then looked down in denial. “Darrel? Did you just speak?”

  Her legs moved of their own accord and soon Sarah stood beside her mate and looking at her son. Then the voice said “Daddy, where…going?”

  Connor, along with the rest of them, gasped. When he found his voice he asked “Are you asking where Veronica and Shannon are going?” Darrel nodded with his little head. “They have to help me for a little while. I promise that you will see them again.”

  Darrel’s small eyes shifted over to Veronica’s and even she became slack jawed. “Aunt V, I miss you… Come…soon.”

  Veronica closed her jaw, smiled and then thought to all of them. She really had to focus so she wouldn’t overwhelm his delicate mind. “I will be back as soon as I’m able to, dear one. Stay good and listen to your parents.”

  Darrel smiled toothlessly at his Aunt V, as he called her.

  “Before things become too hard to leave we must depart, Shannon.” Veronica gained her daughter’s attention. “Get inside my robes like a good hatchling.”

  Very reluctantly Shannon scurried to her mother’s side. Veronica opened the front of her white robe and she aided her daughter inside. Once Shannon’s bulge stilled, Veronica waved at all of them and stood proudly. “Connor, if I find out anything, I’ll make sure that you will know immediately.”

  Veronica summoned her energy and soon lifted into the sky.

  Sarah was the first to move after the tender departure. She stood in front of her mate, but her eyes were elsewhere. “Darrel, do you know who I am.”

  He smiled adorably. “Mommy!”

She actually squealed and heart raced with pride and jubilation. Connor started chuckling and then she looked into his eyes. Then he had a look flash in his eyes that said he just realized something. “Sarah,” he said. “shield every part of your mind except for language. He doesn’t need to read our minds and learn things before he is ready.”

  It dawned on her that Sorono once said the same thing about Shannon. “You’re right.” Soon her entire mind sealed away all knowledge, except for English speech.

  Soon they realized that they were surrounded on all sides. Jack was the first to speak. “Darrel, do you recognize me?”

  “Grandpa.” Darrel mentally said and that caused the seven hundred year old grandfather to grin. Then her son reached out and said “Hold?”

  Soon everyone began asking Darrel who they were. Kara was called Auntie K, Mark as Uncle M, Jillian is Grandmama and Jenny went by G’ama.

  Soon after everyone became recognized, Mark walked up to the empty handed Connor. Everyone silenced as he asked “Connor, how could someone cause such destruction on such a large scale? When I saw the news yesterday about the tsunami I didn’t think it was related to our world.”

  Pearl and Sarah were standing close to Jack and Darrel. Everyone turned to see the two men staring at each other. Connor’s jaw locked and the muscles in his neck were straining. He started breathing slow and deeply.

  “Mark,” He started speaking in a tense voice. “I’m furious right now. We Harmonizers are imbued with the sense to set things right, but right now my brother has warped the foundation that separates us from everyone else. He’s destroying everything we stand for. Ranvan has become a destroyer of life, not a protector. I now see just what he is capable of and he must be stopped at all costs, but” Connor then pinched the bridge between his nose and shook his head. “something doesn’t feel right. There is some big piece of information that I’m missing. That was why I needed to send Veronica away. Maybe she might find that single piece of information that could shed light on my suspicions. I also knew Sorono had known that something was missing, but he had to go to South America to see if he could find where our brother is exactly.”

  Jenny then broke the minute of silence. “Connor, I cannot even begin to estimate how strong you really are, but how could a single creature create a tidal wave so widespread and catastrophic?”

  “Mom, would you like to see a simple demonstration?”

  “We all would.” Jillian added. “It is difficult for even me to fathom.”

  Connor nodded and walked away from them all when he knew they were in a safe location. He walked right up to the stream, that ran along the side of their home. He gracefully leapt over it where as a human would have struggled, even at a full run. He turned to them all and spoke clearly.

  “All of you know that the ocean is just a large mass off water. Because of its immense size there are many forces governing how it moves. There are ocean currents that swirl and rotate because of the sun’s heat and even the moon has an effect on the oceans levels. Then you need to understand that the waves of the ocean move in back and forth cycles, called sets. And you need to factor in distance. The further away the wave was from land, the wider the wave becomes. Think of dropping a pebble in still water, it’ll spread indefinitely and grow indefinitely if there weren’t any barriers. To make a wave on the magnitude that occurred three days ago, all you need to do is make the waves build up on themselves until they reach the proper size. Once that is achieved you release all of the wave’s energy, all at once.”

  After his simple explanation ended, the demonstration came next.

  Connor held his right hand over the running water and Sarah felt his energy rising. They all silently watched as the steadily flowing stream stopped at one point beneath his hand. At the stopping point the water level slowly dropped as it dammed and went south, into the thick woods, but it became opposite to the north. They watched as Connor only held one spot of the now completely dammed stream. The flat dam looked invisible as it continued building. The water continued rising and building in on itself. As it rose he said “Liquid and Fire are the two easiest elements to control and they use the least amount of energy. Despite their explicit weakness, if given enough time to build they are by far the most powerful.”

  Soon the water that had been dammed had risen up to Connor’s chest. “This is just a small scale to what had been done!”

  The moment Connor’s energy ceased, the dam broke. The water dropped and rushed down the stream’s path like an angry animal set free of its captors. The water turned white as the torrent rushed off into the woods. Even Sarah’s ears could hear the damage this demonstration did to the woods. Carnage from the watery task would require nature months to repair.

  It took a minute for the stream to return to its measured pace and everything began to calm down once again.

  Then came another strange feeling. Pearl moved in Sarah’s arms and it was followed by “Daddy…strong.”

  Kara chortled “Great, now they can both talk.”

  There was no hiding Sarah’s satisfaction at hearing her daughter’s voice for the very first time. The tone sounded similar to her brother’s, but slightly softer. She clutched Pearl to her chest and kissed her baby’s soft forehead. “You are absolutely right. Your daddy sure is strong.” She admitted to her.

  Soon Connor leapt to their side. He was standing right in front of them. He smiled happily. “Pearl, I’m only as strong as those who love me.”

  She smiled and thought to them all “Then… you strongest…on world. Mommy loves you…and so do everyone.”

  They all began to laugh.

  Then Connor’s expression changed. “Darrel,” he warned “you need to quit that, son. Otherwise I’ll send everyone home and you won’t get to see them for a week or more if you don’t behave.”

  “What’s he doing?” Sarah asked and turned to Jack to see her son smiling.

  Connor crossed his arms playfully and raised an eyebrow. “He’s just trying to learn words quicker by accessing everyone else’s mind to learn that much faster. He doesn’t like how we are the only ones who can portion our minds away. He is in everyone’s mind and learning at an astonishing rate. Unfortunately our son has seen what breasts are also for besides a source of nutrition.” Sarah’s face went red in embarrassment and resentment. She then looked pointedly at her father and Mark, who both took a step away from her.

  Apparently her expression was just that frightening.

  After hearing this, she took over command of the embarrassing situation. “If that’s the case then they will be on the bottle from now on. I’ll need to break out the pump and get it started.” Then she looked at everyone else. “I’m sorry to say this, but can you please return home for today. We cannot afford to let them see something before they aren’t ready. It seems like Connor and I need to lay down a few rules for our children and give them consequences.”

  “No problem.” Jenny stated. “I might not understand what is fully going on, but I do know what it is like to be a mother of unorthodox children. Let us know when we may come back.”

  “We will, Jenny.” Sarah stated and they shared a private smile. At least she knew that Jenny would give her suggestions for raising a child without laughing. She raised a Harmonizer after all, she’d have an idea of what to punish his offspring. Jillian wouldn’t be the first choice now.

  Jack transferred his grandson over to the father without much effort. Just before everyone left Pearl said “Bye Bye!”

  Once Connor and Sarah were alone they walked inside the comfortable cottage. Connor walked over and sat on one side of the couch. He looked up at her and she knew what he wanted. Sarah sat on the other side of the couch, facing him and Darrel. They looked at each other and he smiled.

  “What are you smiling for?”

  His smile brightened the room. “Actually I was thinking about human parents. Every parent wishes to know exactly what their baby is thinking before they are able to talk. P
earl and Darrel are so unique. Most babies cry when they need something, but ours haven’t done it the first time since they were first born. Normal parents never get a full night sleep, but they allow us our rest time. And now they can tell us exactly what their problem is and what they would like.”

  Sarah looked down and Pearl kept smiling up at her. She then began to speak to her. “Your daddy’s right, you know. You and your brother are very special.”

  A few minutes later he asked “Which should we do first, teach them words and images or should we give them rules?”

  “I think we should teach them language first so they will better understand what we explain to them.” He agreed with the assessment.

  Connor looked between their children and they were both intently gazing back. “Alright Darrel, I want you to enter my mind and learn what I have to teach you.” Then his sights shifted. “Pearl, you do the same with your mother.” Pearl and Sarah watched as Connor closed his eyes and so did Darrel.

  The lessons have begun.

  Her daughter’s eyes connected and she smiled. She could then feel the subtle reach of her child’s mind wanting access. After securing away parts of her mind and closing her eyes, Pearl was allowed admission. Her voice was sweet as she asked “What…should learn…first, Mommy?”

  “First we will work on your vocabulary. If you need an explanation ask me for some assistance.”

  Time seemed to fly for their family as they began these lessons. Pearl’s thoughts were soft and tranquil as she read her mother’s mind. Sarah went through the English vocabulary in her mind and paired up many of the words with mental images and objects so that Pearl could better correlate the meanings. Like pairing the word apple with the image of a red fruit that has a sweet taste. Connor was right about how quickly they learned to speak. When their daughter asked a question Sarah would correct her blocky language. She would then repeat her question with the correction and it became more fluid.


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