Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 18

by Lee Morgan

  Mark then stood with his back to the joining garage. “Kara, since we have only one vehicle and it is hard to always pretend that you’re human and need to be picked up, this is the final gift I have for you.”

  All became silent as he raised up the garage door.

  Kara squealed in delight and ran up to kiss Mark on the lips. “Honey, you got me my own Van? And you picked my favorite color!” Sure enough, there was a bright pink minivan sitting stationary inside the garage. She then explained to everyone why she became so excited. “A van is much better to transport my paintings. There is more room and it is climate controlled too.” She turned her eyes on Mark and wrapped her arms around his large torso. “Thank you, Honey, thank you, thank you! I love you so much.”

  “I’m glad.” Mark said while stroking her sandy blonde hair.

  Soon after she calmed down, they had a filling barbeque party. As Mark and Connor grilled the racks of ribs, Kara ripped open the housewarming gift. Sarah bought his little sister a dehumidifier. Kara seemed confused until Sarah explained that it would be perfect for her artwork. Humidity wasn’t a painter’s best friend. When Kara read the instructions, Sarah was hugged repeatedly.

  The party lasted well into the night. They had to go because Darrel and Pearl needed to go to bed. Soon after Sarah and Connor made love and went to sleep.

  While having a calm, relaxing and dreamless sleep, Sarah became aware of her surroundings. It felt like it’s only been an hour after finally falling asleep. Something had awoken her, but what was it? Her eyes tried to focus, but it was black as pitch and nothing could be seen in her room besides still shadows. She felt around for a familiar warmth and solidity, but Connor wasn’t in bed.

  She didn’t know why she did this, but she sat up and crawled out of bed and found the light switched. With a flick of her finger, the light turned on. It was then that her eyes found her mate.

  Connor laid on the floor.

  She rushed up to him, knelt by his side and realized that he was sleeping, but something felt different. It was like he was having a nightmare. Underneath his lids, his eyes were darting at an astonishing rate. Connor’s massive muscles were twitching and layered in sweat as he tossed and turned on the hardwood floor, almost in spasm. His face looked pained and that was enough. Sarah bent closer to touch his broad chest to find that his skin felt sickly hot.

  Waking someone like Connor from this state would be foolish. She had to try something first. With the strength of her mind, it projected and made contact with her mate’s. It was then that she became assaulted from the images of his immense nightmare. All she was able to witness in that moment was fright and seeing teeth and claws trying to kill her.

  She ripped her mind back because it was too frightening.

  “Connor! Connor, wake up!” She began pushing on his shoulder and it worked. The change of his solitary dream ended.

  Connor’s eyes flashed open and he sat bolt upright. His right hand hooked into claws as he placed it over his racing heart. He began panting heavily and his eyes were wide with fright. The brand on his chest looked to be exploding from each rapid breath. Even from the side of his thick neck one could see how rapidly his heartbeat raced.

  As Sarah spoke his wide eyes remained focused on the ground. “Connor, what is it? What’s wrong? Don’t worry, you’re safe here.”

  Connor’s clawed hand moved from his heart along with his left hand. Both hands went to his hair as he grasped his head and he began to shake.

  His entire body quivered uncontrollably.

  There was only one thing she could do. She moved around to his back and wrapped her arms around his sticky neck. It wasn’t a restraining move, but an embracing gesture. His body continued shaking violently and he remained silent unlike his heavy breathing. She did her best to comfort him for over an hour giving off soothing emotions through the link.

  It happened gradually, but his convulsions were beginning to subside.

  Soon he quit twitching and removed his hands from his head, but his breathing remained heavy. Sarah finally unwrapped her arms from his neck and moved around to sit in front of him. Connor still sweated profusely and his eyes were unfocused, but at least they weren’t wild. It as if he was seeing something no one else could.

  She then tested out her voice to gratefully find it comforting. “Connor, are you back?”

  Five silent minutes passed before his hazel eyes finally found hers. His voice sounded quiet and hollow. This was a voice she’s ever heard before nor will ever want to hear again. “Sarah? I… I don’t know?”

  She placed a hand on his calf muscle. “You’re safe… Tell me what is going on. You’ve never acted like this before.”

  “Princess, it’s hard to explain.” He then looked around and realized where he was. “Why am I on the floor?”

  “When I woke up, this is where I found you were having that nightmare.”

  “Oh,” his frightened eyes found hers again. “sorry about that. Something’s wrong, but I’ve never felt so strange before. I feel afraid, but why would I?”

  “Connor, what was with that nightmare?”

  “I’m not sure. It felt like I was in the fight of my life and everyone was out for my blood. Everything felt so…hopeless. It feels like it did last month when the tsunami killed so many innocent lives, hopeless and weak. Something feels very wrong all of a sudden and the answer is still just out of my grasp.”

  She stood up and he watched her movement. “How about we go outside and get you some fresh air.”

  He quietly followed her outside, into the cool night air. After a few silent minutes she could visibly see her mate begin to relax. He sat down in the grass and she sat between his legs and rested her back against his broad chest. His breathing evened and his eyes slowly focused into that of a hunter again. “You were right. This was exactly what I needed to calm my nerves.”

  Since it was such a nice night and she was wearing pants and a nightshirt they decided to spend the rest of the night outside. After what Connor looked like earlier, it became impossible for her to fall asleep. Her husband didn’t sleep for the rest of the night either because he slowly petted her head and ran his fingers through her hair throughout the entire night.

  When sunlight finally revealed the dawn, Sarah broke the silence. “Connor, whatever happened last night will be kept quiet between us for now. Nevertheless, if it happens again we’ll need to get the others opinion.”


  Luckily the rest of the day went on without a hitch. Pearl and Darrel were both fed and had a lecture on mannerisms. They then went by Kara’s again and everyone gathered for another day of fun. No one ever suspected something frightening happened last night with them.

  Three weeks have passed since that frightening night. They found themselves into the late middle of April and Kara pulled a perfect April fools on her brother almost three weeks earlier. Somehow she was able to work around his instincts and slimed him. Pearl giggled the entire day.

  It was the weekend and everyone found themselves off from work so they had a Major League Baseball game party. So their family started having the party at Kara’s house since their TV screen almost make Sarah feel like she’s at the game herself. She’s not as big of a fan as the boys are, but it is enjoyable to be around everyone. Sheriff Burrow and his wife canceled on them today or else they would have joined in the festivities. Whenever Sarah’s arms were free from holding one of her babies she’d help Jenny in the kitchen to prepare snacks for everyone.

  They were having a great time together. Everyone sat inside now because the game was so close to the end and thrilling. Sarah sat on Connor’s large lap, finally getting into the fast-paced game when suddenly he went rigid. She turned her head to see his penetrating eyes narrowed.

  “Connor, what is it?”

  “We’ve got company!”

  Everyone silenced at his words. He stood up and ran outside after making sure that he didn’t make her fall. />
  They all looked between each other and the only noise came from the TV. Everyone looked suspicious and she could hear them following behind her. Sarah walked outside to see Connor standing in the middle of the lawn, looking towards the northern sky. He looked tall and commanding as he waited for something.

  They all hurried to his side as he continued staring. Everyone grew silent as they also looked into the rich blue sky.

  Before any of them, besides Connor saw anything, they heard a mental voice. “CONNOR!!!” It was Veronica, but her shout left all of them stunned because she sounded panicky.

  Before anything else could be said Connor mentally shouted for everyone to hear “Veronica, don’t be a fool! Go to my cottage. The last thing we need is for you to be seen on an open public road.”


  Connor looked at all of them and spoke normally. “Something is wrong. Mom, Grandma, Granddaddy; stay here and keep my children safe.” David held Pearl while Rhoda carried Darrel.

  David leveled his eyes and said “We’ll do no such thing. We’re coming…”

  “You’ll do no such thing.” Connor stated and David finally saw his deadly commanding side. His piercing eyes were unwavering and unbendable. It would be foolish to disregard his explicit orders. “Granddaddy, if Veronica is this worried, that means something has happened to Sorono. Now stay here. When it’s safe, someone will let you know what is going on.”

  Without another word Connor turned around and bolted into the forest.

  Connor ran through the thick forest at a speed nothing could catch, but he forced himself to slow his long strides for everyone else to follow. Mark ran to his right while the girls and Jack were following right behind. Within a minute, everyone made it to the cottage.

  It was clear and empty. Veronica should be showing up right about…now. Right then, Veronica cleared the trees and landed heavily in the yard. She immediately spotted them and they all ran over to her.

  Veronica’s body language looked all wrong. Her eyes were wide with fright. She was panting heavily which meant she’s been hurrying and being rash. Her white robe had splashes of dirt and grass stains. Her shoulders were slumped and above all else she looked defeated. And the closer they approached the stronger her unfavorable scent became. She hasn’t bathed in weeks from the overwhelming odor coming off of her.

  Suddenly they saw Shannon remove herself from her mother robe and dropped to the ground. She too looked frightened.

  Veronica’s mental voice sounded frighteningly terrified. “Connor, please…”

  He held up a hand and said “Be quiet and calm yourself! Take your time and tell me what has happened. If you are like this, it will be difficult to understand you and what’s happened.”

  Veronica knew the truth of maintaining a clear and rational mind. After a minute of collecting herself she then spoke much more clearly.

  “You know that Sorono left to go and track Ranvan and you sent me back home.” Her golden eyes were giving off a smoldering fury and unknown worry. “Well Sorono has been doing fine thanks to the bond we share.

  “That was until twenty one days ago.”

  In the back of his mind he said Three weeks ago? That’s how long it’s been since the dream. This isn’t a coincidence. Something really did happen.

  Veronica didn’t hear his thought as she continued. “On that day, I felt his emotions change from calm to danger. He went in a rage and then something happened only seconds later. His emotions were quelled almost instantly. That only happens if he were to become unconscious by force. Then someone did the unthinkable. They broke the locating part of our bond. Now all I can feel is his emotional climate. And right now he’s given up hope and he’s severely weak.” Her eyes flickered towards Sarah for a moment. “The only good thing I can say for a certainly is that I know he is still alive.

  “The moment I felt his worry I took off after him. I left Shannon in Damian’s trustworthy claws. I went down to where my bond told me where he was last. I spent a week searching and I found some promising trails, but they were all false. Knowing there was nothing I could do, I returned to retrieve Shannon and gave my report to Damian and the other Head Elders. Damian will step in and hold the Head Elder position until his father returns or I feel my mate’s connection… break.” Tears began pouring from her large eyes, but she kept speaking. “Right now their hands are tied. Since I was the first to know about his condition and I couldn’t find him, the Head Elders don’t think it is wise to dispatch an Immortal Guard battalion to search for Sorono. They know I’m a good tracker, and if I couldn’t find anything in a week no one else would.

  “Damian knows that I’ve come seeking your help. Since you are a Harmonizer, like his father, maybe you will have better luck. Please will you help me find my mate?” Veronica then went down on her knees, into a deep bow.

  “Stop prostrating yourself to me, Veronica. Sorono is my brother. I’ll find him for sure.” Her large head came up and they could all see Veronica’s tears still streaming down her face. “Alright, tell me everything that you know.”

  She did so for the next ten minutes. She really didn’t have much to go on.

  Connor turned to look at everyone. He then realized that Mark disappeared. I wonder why he left? Everyone was calmly looking between him and Veronica. From each of their expressions one could tell that they would all do what they could to help.

  “Guy, listen to me. This is going to be dangerous. We cannot go in a group or else suspicion will be too easily drawn to us. I know this is going to sound selfish, but you all are going to stay here…”

  Sarah’s green eyes darkened as she stepped forward. “Think again! Where you go, I go!”

  He held her in his vision and she didn’t back down. “Princess, you need to listen. I’m going and you are staying. No one, but you can keep our children in line. They need you and we cannot just abandon them like that. They might be smart, but they will not understand the gravity of the situation like we can. They need one of us and I cannot stay. Deep down, you already know this truth.”

  Finally Sarah looked away. Her voice wasn’t as strong, but it was clear. “Great, pull the mother card on me. How could I ever say no to that?”

  He walked a step and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry, Sarah. I need to prepare.”

  Everyone went completely silent as he walked away and into the house.

  Once inside, Connor made his way to the bedroom and up to the dresser. He sat down on his heels and said “It has been awhile since you’ve been out to play.” He opened the bottom shelf and there laid his armor.

  He took off his shirt and threw it on the bed. The first object in his grasp was the sleeveless chainmail. It was soon slid on and still fit like a second skin. Next to be slid on were the armguards. They still moved perfectly once they were secured. Then finally the greaves were strapped to his legs.

  “It has been a long time since you’ve worn those.” Sarah admitted from the doorway. Her tone was soft, but her eyes were moist.

  He rolled his black pants over the metal and slid on a fresh black sleeved shirt. As his boots were being laced up he said “It really has been a long time.”

  Soon he stood in front of her as she blocked the door. “Connor, promise me one thing. Please don’t do anything reckless.”

  He tilted her chin up with a knuckle and pressed his lips to hers. “I promise that nothing will make me become reckless.” She knew that he didn’t give a true promise because this rescue is already risky enough. Sarah knew he hated lying and she knew he couldn’t make such a restrictive promise.

  She nodded in acceptance and turned around.

  Before reaching the front door he went to the front desk and retrieved the new Tool and slid it into its loop on his right hip.

  Once they walked outside together he heard Mark’s voice. He’s back?

  “Sweetheart, what did I miss?”

  “Brother is going off to rescue Sorono, but he sai
d that we cannot go with him. Honey, why are you wearing those?”

  Mark stood next to Kara wearing only his leather pants. Jillian and Jack were silently watching all of this. Connor walked closer and asked “I would like to know the answer to that too. What are you up to?”

  “Actually I’m going with you.” He stated calmly, surely.

  “No, you’re no…”

  Before Connor could even finish that sentence Mark rushed forward and put his hand over his mouth. His silver eyes were calm and focused upon Connor’s. He didn’t fight him away as Mark kept him from speaking. “Now, Buddy” his tone grew calm and lighthearted. “there is something you need to hear from me. I didn’t hear you say that no one could come with you, so that means you didn’t say it in my book. We’ve always had each other’s back and that won’t ever change. Now I might not be as fast or as strong as a Harmonizer, but my species is directly right behind you. Then the normal Keepers are behind us.” Then he stepped closer and evened his gazed. “I’m going to follow you no matter what you say. And you will not detain me to stop me from chasing.”

  Then he finally removed his hand and smiled. “Any more questions?” He knew Connor’s silence meant that he could go. He then said “Good.”

  “Honey, I’m going with you!” Kara announced while walking to his side.

  “No you’re not.” Mark stated flatly. He then looked up to Veronica. “Neither are you big girl.”

  “Sorono’s my mate. I’m going!”

  “It is only going to be me and Connor. The real reason he doesn’t want anyone to travel with him is because he needs to think clearly and not worry about everyone if something does happen. If anyone else goes they will only hinder his search because having too many companions means slowing down to stick together. I on the other hand can keep a clear head and not allow my emotions to cloud my judgment. Plus my sense of smell is slightly better than any creature on the planet.” Mark’s speech ended and he looked squarely at his best friend. “When do we leave?”

  He crossed his arms and shook his head. “As soon as you transform, Bud.”


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