Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 47

by Lee Morgan

  As the cameramen and reporters took Connor’s warning seriously, they all began moving and holding their questions until later.

  Jack sat beside Sarah and leaned forward to match how she sat. Without either of them looking away from the TV screen he said “That boy sure knows how to get people to listen to him. If it was just one or two people, he could just persuade them to leave. But for a group like those reporters and journalists, a demonstration and a threat was the most logical solution to have them scatter.”

  She sighed as the cameras were moving to get placed in a large circle that had been formed. “Father, please come with me.”

  His azure eyes tore away from the screen and met hers. She stood up and made her way to the window. She looked down to the city and pointed. “Look down there. See all those people running through the city like an anthill that’s just been kicked. We knew this had to be done to save more lives. What is more astounding is how Connor got the President to listen to him. No matter if the person is a lowly citizen or the leader of a nation, he can have them listen to him like no other. He might be young compared to you and me, but he does things somehow that always works in his favor that not even our eldest immortals could do in a year of negations. It isn’t even nine in the morning, but he’s already done much more than anyone else realizes. He might have even saved tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of lives.”

  She continued watching all of New York buzzing and leaving the city. People were pouring out of the buildings and attempting to reach the outskirts of the city or local shelters.

  One thing was for certain, they were ready for the attack.

  As the thirty minute mark passed, all reporters, journalists, cameramen, their vans, helicopters and the like had all left the area and headed to the shelters. They took the warning seriously. The President was adamant about staying up here with Sorono and Connor until things became too dangerous.

  Ten minutes ago Sorono ordered one hundred Keepers to guard the Smithsonian museum and its people.

  Five minutes ago Sorono told the rest of the Keepers to go and hide within the city and to hold their position until another signal was given. It was another spectacular event in seeing the giants either fly to their new areas or make their way their on foot.

  Connor looked around and only saw seventy eight Keepers, beside Sorono, who stayed behind and would guard the immediate location and their Elder.

  During the long morning, car horns were blaring and emergency sirens reverberated throughout the city. It was almost maddening in knowing how much of a disturbance they had caused in this day. His only hope is that the people could get into the shelters, as many as possible at least, before the worst arrived. This is the only option, but at least they were able to get this far as quickly as they have.

  At around two in the afternoon the city’s sounds had lessened by almost half and that was a positive sign for them. It started to feel like nothing was really going to happen.

  It was a vain hope.

  At around three in the afternoon things started to change.

  His instinct told him to look up and to the east. Then he felt a familiar mind reaching. The mind came from Xaon and he shouted “I spotted a foreign aura approaching this location!” Then his roar startled the humans who didn’t hear his thoughts. “This Keeper is flying slowly. I assume he is trying to find this place. He will be here in two minutes.”

  Connor looked at the President and his men. In a truly serious voice he said “Mr. President, it is time you and your men get into your underground bunker. They have sent a scout and once he is eliminated the fight will begin.”

  “Good luck.” The President offered just before he and his men ran for cover inside the mansion and down into the bunker for safety.

  Sorono made his way to Connor’s side as Xaon landed heavily on his back legs. The Head Elder knew Xaon’s disposition and said “Since you found the enemy first, would you like the honors?”

  Xaon grinned at the Head Elder and lifted his katana. “With pleasure.”

  Sorono gave orders for everyone to find a place to hide and they did.

  Only three stood alone on the front lawn of the White House grounds. Connor slid Tool from his right hip and held it comfortably in his right hand. Sorono put on his helmet and checked over his armor one last time. And then there was Xaon looking as excited for a worthy fight as ever. His sword shook with as much excitement as its master.

  Like clockwork, when two minutes arrived his instinct warned of a bloodthirsty intent approaching their location. Then came the feeling of someone using their energy. The three of them all took a stance.

  Suddenly a dark shape flew just above the buildings and it was one of the most hideously deformed Keepers yet to be seen. Once its eyes spotted them, it realized it had fallen into a trap.

  Xaon roared and rocketed to the Keeper before it had time to comprehend what had happened. With one swift strike he cleanly cut the enemy into two separate pieces. They had drawn first blood, now all that remained was to wait.

  Not thirty seconds later there came a loud Dong! The attack of the enemy had begun. Several seconds later the bond had been severed to keep the whereabouts of the signaler safe.

  Connor sighed “Here we go.”

  Slaughter and Save

  They all watched the TV as things were calm throughout the long and stressful day. Outside, the city was a different matter. Everyone still tried to either get out of the city or find an available shelter to get out of sight. Little did they know that if their protectors lose, those shelters would only delay the inevitable because all shelters were made from the elements and that means the enemy can rip the shelters open without any problems.

  Then they watched as a roar filled the room, from the TV. A Keeper dropped on the ground close to Connor and Sorono. Then Sarah saw the President and his men leaving her husband’s side. All of their expressions looked tense and she realized it was Xaon because of his sword. Not too long after Xaon disappeared from the cameras view did her mate begin looking serious and focused on a dangerous situation.

  The next thing that struck trough her, her friends and family was the Call.

  Head Elder Amphrite announced calmly “So it has finally begun.”

  Sarah turned around to see Poseidon and Amphrite holding hands and looking at each other intimately. It was the same for her parents and for her sister and Ben. Only she was the one who didn’t have her love nearby and by her side. She felt all alone and completely helpless.


  All things went silent in the room and it felt like her blood froze in her veins at hearing Connor’s voice and the endearment he always calls her. Sarah’s eyes slowly widened as she searched the room, in hopes to see him once again. Maybe her bond was wrong. Maybe this is all just a bad dream.

  Then her hopes had given up as she did see his face, but it filled the TV screen. He appeared so handsome and that made her heart ache all the more. His warm lips, strong jaw, windblown and tussled hair, and his piercing hazel eyes were almost really in front of her. The way he looked said that he felt the same, but he couldn’t see her like she could with him.

  Her family grew quieter and their attention all diverted to the flat screen. They all listened as he spoke calmly over the live broadcast. He spoke only to her, but everyone was listening.

  “Princess, I don’t know if you are able to hear or even see me, but I love you and hope to see you soon. Good luck on your end and be safe. Oh and kids, I know that you and G’ama are undoubtedly watching all of this.” His smile was so tender that it warmed even her soul. “Be safe and your mommy and I will be home as soon as this is all over… Oh and for everyone else out there listening, the battle has begun. Find somewhere safe to hide and be quick.”

  Connor looked away from the cameras and towards the sky. Then he and the other Keepers slowly lifted off the ground.

  Sarah grabbed the remote and started changing channels, quickly, to those that were
pointed to the sky. It took a minute, but finally found one that came close to seeing his smaller form compared to those giants who surrounded him.

  A few seconds later her attention shifted to the left as there came a sound of shattering glass. Sarah looked over and saw that Ben had shattered the window that overlooked the city. The wind blew in angrily as they heard him say “Sorry Sarah, but we need to focus on the task laid before us. The attack has been sounded and ended and our enemy is undoubtedly on the way. If we are to survive this we cannot sit here idly and watch the TV, your strength is needed. Don’t forget you, me and Head Elder Poseidon have a difficult job to do.”

  She sighed “I know.” and got rid of the distraction by turning off the power to the TV and when the screen went black, she walked over to the ledge to stand with the others.

  Jillian threw her arm over both Sarah’s and Amber’s shoulders and kissed both of their cheeks. She smiled and said “You two girls of mine are so special and loving. You two had better come through this alive because I couldn’t bear it if I’d have to bury another daughter. You two are both strong and don’t forget that.”

  Both Amber and Sarah kissed their mother’s cheek back.

  Amber then looked at Sarah and said “Hey little sister, don’t worry too much. Both me and Ben have you covered if anything should happen.” She pointed to a large stockpile of weapons that laid nearby. “I made just about every weapon in there and they are all ready for our plan.” Then she shook her head and pointed her chin to tell her to turn around.

  Sarah turned to see her father playing with Haunt and Poseidon spinning and twirling his trident like a staff. Both of them were masters with the weapons they held and have used for untold centuries.

  Not even a minute later Amphrite’s energy raised and she said in a scared tone “Uh, guys?” They all turned to her as she said “You all better get over here and see what I do. Use your energy to see the aura along the horizon.”

  She felt everyone raising their energy so Sarah joined them and looked over and across the city’s western horizon. There were many hues of colors growing and it was Poseidon who first said. “No wonder we couldn’t find any traces of them anywhere near the city. They were underground and hibernating underneath our very noses. If we knew of this we could have taken them all out without coming out into the light… Doesn’t matter anymore, we are tired of all this secrecy anyway. Hiding doesn’t do anyone any good.” He moved his head to look at all of them. “It’s time they get started on the plan, but first...” Everyone then began going over everything one last time and Sarah wasn’t an exception.

  She checked the chainmail underneath her long sleeved shirt and felt that it hung in its correct position as it automatically snuggled to her curves. Her leg and armguards were secure. The boots, pants and shirt were all ready as well. Then she checked to see that Fangs were clear in their scabbards.

  Sarah looked at the others and they too were checking their armor as well.

  They were all prepared so they nodded.

  Off in the far distance they all clearly saw that a battle was already underway as a fireball erupted from the roof of a tall building.

  They all looked at each other one last time just before Ben, Poseidon and Sarah leapt out of the broken window and began flying together. Their task was simple. Lure the Keepers to this building and act frightened until the others took the enemy by surprise.

  Within three hours after the fight initiated Connor had already slain seventy six Keepers who managed to make it pass the front lines. Sorono and Connor fought side by side, but he had already defeated one hundred and eleven foes who foolishly chose to challenge him.

  Both his Dark Steel claws and Tool were bathed in as much blood as their wielders. Connor wiped a stream of blood from his cheek, that wasn’t his own, and looked around the city, from the sky.

  Streaks of lightning continued zapping their ways to their intended targets from many locations, even though there wasn’t a cloud in sight. Many colors of fire were flying in all directions, like enlarging streams of all hues. Some Keepers, on both sides, created and manipulated magma from superheating the soil and lobbed the deadly weapons at their enemy. Buildings were constantly being destroyed and used as ammunition, just like the ponds and other water sources were being drained and used for the devastating battle.

  The protecting immortals were holding their own only because the deformed Keepers were easily distracted and couldn’t keep up with an un-mutated Keepers mental faculties and thought processes. There were still some difficult battles because there were Originals mixed in with their deformed descendants. Out of Sorono’s warriors, Connor counted maybe a hundred that had lost their precious lives in battle, but their enemies had lost several thousand, at least.

  To keep his energies from depleting too fast, Connor would touch the scaly skin of his enemies and rip the energy from their bodies just before their lives were extinguished or used a Fire Shield to absorb any flames that were aimed in his direction. This was going to be a long and hard battle and running out of stamina would be the worst thing that could happen. Conserving ones strength is the key to an extended battle such as this.


  Sorono, Connor, along with their contingent, spun in the air to see an approaching female Keeper from their side flying directly towards them in a panic. She was bathed in as much blood as they all were.

  “Calm yourself, hatchling.” He spoke in a calm thought himself as the female came to a stop several yards away. “That is better. Now tell me what you need to, so you can get back to your post.”

  “Sir.” She quickly bowed her head and then said “I’ve come to report that the enemy’s leader has just arrived and I was barely able to get away in time before he obliterated my partners. I am unmistaken that it truly is him. He had a horrible and massive red aura and his speed and strength is undeniable.”

  Sorono and Connor knew this was it, even if they didn’t look at one another. Ranvan had finally revealed himself and now he would face his brothers. Connor’s anxiety and heart rate sped up and it helped to clear his mind for the true task that he would soon face.

  Together the brothers instantly and simultaneously shouted “WHERE?!”

  “He is to the southwest of here. Please hurry before he kills anymore.”

  Sorono left fifteen Keepers to guard over the White House while they and the other seven followed their guide southwest. Sorono and Connor had already spoken about what they should do to face him and hope to succeed. Connor flew directly behind him and hid behind his sibling’s bulk. What felt off during their intense flight-speed is that he could sense that they were being followed, but not from an evil presence.

  Within seconds Connor saw the enemy floating in the sky, from peeking over Sorono’s shoulder. He and ten other deformed Keepers flew close to his side. Connor brought energy to his eyes for verification and saw the crimson aura that everyone has been talking about. It was a large as his own and Sorono’s.

  So it really is him.

  Ranvan looked exactly like Sorono in many aspects, but he looked more like a tyrant rather than proud and kind. He wore a red robe which was hard to differentiate between it and the blood dripping from the ends. He wore similar Dark Steel claws and armor as Sorono, but the chest plate was mostly flat. Ranvan’s eyes were the same color as his and Sorono’s, but they showed only malice and deep seeded hatred for those that were rapidly approaching his location.

  Ranvan raised his hand and revealed a smug smile. Connor felt his mind reaching out and allowed him only enough access to hear what he had to say, but not enough to read any of his own thoughts and alert him to his presence just yet. Even the feel of his mind sent a chill up Connor’s spine.

  “Ah, my big brother has escaped from the prison I left him in. You surprise me, Sorono. I haven’t heard from your jailers in months and my hopes were that you had been a good boy and still remained in your cell, or had died like I honestly hoped. You
must have some loyal servants and some excellent trackers to have found and rescued you.” Then Ranvan’s eyes drifted over the still battling city. “Sorono, do you honestly believe your pitiful force stands a chance of winning against our superior numbers?”

  Proudly Sorono stated “It matters not what you think, Ranvan. Do you honestly believe the true Keepers would just bend over and let you saddle them? I think not. No wonder you chose to brainwash these pitiful creatures. They didn’t know of anything in the new world except what you told them and they let you take control of them. You may think yourself a god amongst the rest of the life on this planet, but you are forgetting that I too am a child of the Hallowed Mother.


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