BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset)

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BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset) Page 35

by Parker, Kylee

  “You think they’re going to kill him?”

  “I do.” Her statement was so blunt, Niall and James’ heads moved backward on their shoulders as if they had been slapped.

  “Why?” Niall pulled at the hair on the sides of his head again. “I don’t understand any of this!”

  Angela looked at him patiently. She didn’t particularly like Niall simply because of what he was, but she knew she would now have to move past it. How could she build a relationship with James if she hated what he was half of? And building a relationship with James was no longer a choice, it was a necessity. She felt the need coming off of him like fingers reaching for her. His eyes told it all. Niall watched the two of them look at each other from across the room.

  “What kind of fresh hell is this?” Niall looked at each of them with his hands back on his hips. “The two of you are mated?”

  James tore his eyes from Angela to look at Niall with interest. “How can you tell?”

  Niall pursed his lips. “This was poor, stupid timing! The two of you will be a liability now!”


  “Dammit, James, you’re a shifter! You know what it’s like the first few weeks after a mating! A real mating!”

  James and Angela looked at each other. They both shrugged. “Is that why you’re so worked up? Is that why you are basically out of your mind right now?”


  James laughed into his fist. “Well, woo hoo! We loners both found mates!”

  Niall wanted to slap him. Gabriel looked like he wanted to slap him too. At the very least they should yank his red ponytail.

  “You’re an idiot.” Niall muttered.

  Angela crossed her arms readying herself for the backlash of what she was about to say. “I think we need to just wait until we sneak into the gathering.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Niall whispered.

  “I am. We could endanger this entire thing if we try to get her beforehand. I guarantee she will be there.”

  Niall felt the threat of tears. He didn’t want to cry in front of these people, but at the same time, he really didn’t care. A single tear slipped from an eye and ran down his cheek. Gabriel walked to him and held his thin arms up. Niall took the boy into his arms. Gabriel wiped the wetness from his face.

  “I can’t lose her.”

  “I know.” Angela touched his arm, her light colored eyes troubled as she turned back to James.

  Sinclair raised her head and stared blearily at the door. She had heard voices, they had pulled her out of the troubled sleep she was having with her chin resting on her chest. Maybe she had dreamed it.

  She jerked her head up as she heard the voices again. Footsteps were approaching the door. She held her breath as the door opened. Joseph’s woman with the braids squeezed through with a glass of water. Both of her eyes had swelling underneath, and her bottom lip was split. It reminded Sinclair of Claude Monroe’s condition when he had come to Angela’s. She looked at Sinclair and shook her head, mumbling in Creole.

  “Please…” Sinclair whispered. “Please let me go.”

  Latasha shook her head slowly. “You see my face? Want to know why I look like this?”

  Sinclair wasn’t sure she wanted to know, and opted to not reply. She definitely didn’t want to know why the girl had bruising on her neck which looked like finger marks.

  “I look like this because I tried to leave.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Joseph.”

  “No?” Her mouth twisted. “Did Joseph ever just give you to another man to do with as he pleased?”

  Sinclair swallowed and shook her head.

  “Then you’re very lucky.” She handed Sinclair the water, stopping as Sinclair just stared at her. “Sorry.” She held the glass of water to Sinclair’s lips.

  Sinclair was so grateful for the water that she didn’t care that it was dribbling down the front of her shirt.

  “Thank you.” She said quietly after she had finished it all. The woman seemed to be looking at her with pity.

  “I can’t do anything else for you. I’ll have another bruise if they catch me in here.”

  “What’s your name?” Sinclair called after her.

  She turned slightly. “Latasha.”

  “I’m Sinclair.”

  “I know.”

  Sinclair let out a whoosh of air as the door closed. She strained to hear, but the only sound was Latasha’s quiet footsteps. If no one was there, why didn’t she just try and leave again? Sinclair jumped as a shadow passed on the opposite side of the blinds.

  Because she’s not actually alone. There’s guards outside.

  Sinclair worked her wrists back and forth. The rope was tight and rubbed against her skin. She struggled until she felt the raw pain of skin being rubbed away. She looked around to see if there was any sharp edge or something she could grab that might fray the rope. She thought she could work the chair slowly if she found something. There was nothing.

  The room was getting hotter as the sun rose further in the sky. Sweat began a slow trickle between her shoulder blades and between her breasts. She licked her lips and listened.

  Latasha was speaking to someone. More voices joined in and soon the bedroom door swung open. Joseph stood in the doorway, his face impassive.

  “Hello, Sinclair.” He shut the door and came to sit on the edge of the bed, turning her chair so she could see him properly.

  “What do you want?” She asked hoarsely.

  “Nothing really. I mean, I would like my son back, but…nah…actually you can keep him.”

  “Great. Let’s put it in writing before you send me back to him.”

  “Not…quite…yet.” Joseph said, patting her knee with each word. “We’re having a get together tonight…a few of us…and I want you to attend.” He laughed quietly. “I actually really need you to attend.”

  “Why?” Sinclair kept the knowledge of the gathering to herself. If she told Joseph, or even hinted to him that she knew, it could endanger Niall and the others. She wouldn’t risk that, and she hoped Niall wouldn’t risk stopping the purpose of the gathering by coming to look for her beforehand.

  “I think I may have over looked a thing or two with you, Sinclair.”

  “Yeah, you did, but why does it matter now?”

  He rubbed his jaw and lowered his head. When he looked at her he only lifted his eyes. “I know you know about the stone. Guess what…it works best on those who already have supernatural abilities.”

  “I don’t have anything like that.”

  He waggled a finger at her. “Oh, but I think you just might. If you don’t, then it’s no big loss.” His eyes hardened. “To me anyway. But if you do…now that’s a whole different story.”

  “For you, I guess.”

  “Of course. In my world, no one matters but me.”

  “So, your get together…it has to do with the stone?”


  “Won’t Enrique Arrays be a little angry with you for using it? I mean that’s why Niall came here, to retrieve it and you for him.”

  Joseph grinned. “I rolled the dice, babe. I took the biggest gamble of my life. Enrique and I have a new understanding now.”

  “What about me? Is he going to clear my name?”

  “He already did.”

  Sinclair felt her heart skip and beat before thudding heavily in her chest.

  “What? When?”

  “Right after Niall left with you. He said at that point it became a personal matter; the police were no longer needed. Now, it’s all about the stone and what it can do for him.”

  “And you?”

  He spread his hands wide. “I’ll get mine. Don’t you worry.”

  “I’m not.”

  Joseph stood. “I tell you what, I’ll send Latasha in with some food…I know you like that…and you can have a chance to eat and use the bathroom.”

  “That’s so generous of you.” She replied dryly.

�Yes, I thought so too.”

  Sinclair closed her eyes as he left the room. She wanted to weep. Her name was clear! Had been clear, yet here she was tied to a chair and about to be the world’s largest guinea pig in some kind of sadistic supernatural experiment.

  “I just need to catch a break.” She murmured.

  The door opened again, and Latasha came in with a bag from a local fast food restaurant.

  “That was quick.”

  “They brought the food back with them.”

  “I’m not very hungry, but I would love more to drink.”

  She left without a word and returned with a soda. She untied the ropes and handed the cup with straw poking out to Sinclair. Sinclair gratefully took it and sucked the cold soda until her eyes hurt.

  “I’m more of a Coke girl, but Pepsi will do in a pinch.”

  “Root beer.” Latasha said quietly, rubbing her upper arm absently. “I like root beer.”

  “Me too.” Sinclair attempted a smile, but it felt more like a grimace.

  “I’m supposed to take you to the bathroom.”

  “Alright.” Sinclair stood, but fell right back down against the chair.

  Latasha grabbed for her arms. “Easy. You’ve been sitting there for a while.” She helped Sinclair stand again.

  The bathroom was just outside of the bedroom door. Sinclair felt eyes on her as they emerged from the bedroom. Enrique nodded to her.

  “Good to see you again, Sinclair.”

  Sinclair shifted her eyes away and entered the bathroom. Latasha followed her in, an embarrassed look on her face.

  “Sorry, but I have to stay with you. It was either me or one of the guys.”

  “It’s alright. I get it.”

  Sinclair squatted above the toilet and relieved herself, grateful to Latasha once again as she turned her back. There had to be something in that bathroom that they could use as a weapon. She couldn’t think of escape for just herself. Latasha had wanted to escape and had suffered greatly because of it. It she was going to attempt it, Latasha would be coming with her.

  Sinclair stood and washed her hands. There was an old fashioned mirror that opened to a medicine cabinet. Inside was a bottle of Tylenol and shaving cream with a disposable razor. Sinclair took the razor and shoved it into her pants pocket.

  “What are you doing?” Latasha hissed. Her eyes bulged and there was a quiver to her lips.

  “We may need this. We have to try and figure out a way out of here.”

  Latasha shook her head. “It’s too risky.” She pointed adamantly at her face. “Look at me!”

  “Worse might happen if we don’t try.” Sinclair chewed on her lip. An idea came to mind and her eyes lit up. “Hey, do you have a cell phone?”

  “They took it away already.”

  Sinclair felt her shoulders slump. “Great.”

  A heavy pounding sounded at the door. “What are you dames doing in there?”

  Latasha shot her a fearful look before opening the door. Joseph stood there with an arm lifted to grasp the door jamb above.

  “Need help?” His eyes looked past Latasha to land cruelly on Sinclair.


  “Then get her tied back up.”

  The afternoon droned on at a snail’s pace, and Niall was near panicked the entire time. His skin had taken on red splotches and he itched continuously. Angela tried to offer him some kind of bitter tasting tea, but he took one sip and handed it back to her with a grimace.

  “I can’t drink your hocus pocus junk, Angela.”

  “You need to rest and calm down. You’re so wound up, you could possibly become a Tiger if the breeze hits you too hard!”

  Niall shook his head. “No.”

  James patted his shoulder. “It happens that way sometimes, buddy.”

  “Not to me.”

  A light knock sounded at the door, and Angela went to answer it. Niall hovered, half sitting, half standing over his chair. Gabriel jumped up and down clapping his hands. He stopped abruptly and murmured, ‘bullshit’ under his breath as one of Angela’s employees came into the room. She smiled at Gabriel, a basket hanging from the crook of her arm. She spoke to him in a thick accent.

  “We have fun this evening, no?”

  “No!” Gabriel yelled and stormed into the bedroom.

  “He’ll be fine.” Angela assured the woman and Niall. Niall had spread his arms wide and lowered them slowly.

  “What’s in the basket?” Niall asked suspiciously.

  “Treats. A game. I brought my knitting.”

  “No Voodoo nonsense?” Niall asked suspiciously.

  “I will teach the Tarot on the next visit.” She replied dryly.

  James snickered.

  “Alright.” Angela said with amusement. “We need to get going. Claude will call my cell phone just before sundown then we need to call Marcus.”

  Niall walked into the bedroom and looked at Gabriel sitting on the bed chewing his fingertips. He sat beside him and gently pulled his fingers away.

  “I need you to be good for that nice lady, ok?”

  Gabriel shook his head, trying to place his fingers in his mouth again.

  Niall pulled them away with more force.


  “Not coming back.”

  Niall pulled the boy onto his lap. “I promise you that we will come back. You just have to trust me.”

  Gabriel sighed against his chest. “Ok. Bullshit.”

  Niall laughed lightly. “We’ll have to work on your manners later. No biting tonight, or I’ll tell that nice lady to not give you any treats.”

  Gabriel nodded and allowed Niall to carry him back into the sitting room. He set him down in front of Angela and her employee. She looked down at him with a raised eyebrow.


  “I not bite.”

  She smiled with satisfaction. “Good. We get along just fine then.”

  “We need to go.” Angela said curtly. “Niall, you will follow James and I in your car.”


  Niall looked back at Gabriel once more before closing the door to the hotel room. He tucked a change of clothes under his arm. He knew it was inevitable that he would need them later. There was no way he could get through the night without shifting. Sinclair’s life might depend on it.

  We’ll come back for you, Gabriel. Then Sinclair and I will take you far away, and we will be a family.

  Sweat broke out on his forehead. He prayed his silent promise wouldn’t be a lie.

  Sinclair watched the light begin to fade from behind the blinds. The voices from the living room had come and gone throughout the afternoon. Latasha had only been allowed to come take her to the bathroom again one more time. It had only been accomplished by her arguing openly with Joseph concerning his cruelty.

  “You can’t keep her tied up like an animal!” She had yelled close to the door. “Even I get to wander around!”

  A sharp sound that was unmistakable as a slap rang out, and Sinclair heard something hit the bedroom door. The door had popped open and she saw Latasha picking herself up off of the floor, a hand to her already bruised cheek.

  “Alright, bitch! Take her fat ass to the bathroom!”

  Joseph stood at the doorway, his face a mask of anger, as he monitored Latasha untying Sinclair.

  “I’d like something to drink.” Sinclair shot out as Latasha took her past Joseph.

  “Drink the toilet water.”

  “Give her some creature comforts.” Enrique said. He sat on the couch, his face turned to the scene. “As a matter of fact, I would like to speak to Sinclair after she finishes.”

  “For what?”

  Enrique’s eyes became hard. “Don’t push yourself too far, Joseph.”

  Latasha shut the bathroom door and tapped her foot as Sinclair used the toilet. She turned both the hot and cold water on full blast and leaned in close to Sinclair’s ear.

  “Play completely dumb out there. You need
to give me the razor.”


  “They might find it on you.”

  Sinclair looked down at Latasha’s tight jeans. They hugged her hips and left little to the imagination.

  “I think they will find it on you before me.”

  She moved her head back and forth. “Maybe.”

  Sinclair wiped her hands on her capris and stood straight. “Guess I better see what Enrique wants.”

  Enrique patted the couch cushion beside him. “Please, come chat with me.” He had a grin that Sinclair imagined sent a lot of women into a rabid frenzy. She felt like he was a shark grinning at a minnow.

  “Did Joseph tell you the good news?”

  “About my charges?”

  He nodded, the grin grew wider and more maniacal in nature.

  “Kind of me, yes?”

  Sinclair nodded. “It is, but why did you do it right after Niall and I left? The deal was we bring you Joseph and the stone first.”

  “I no longer needed the humans. Police are only but so useful. They usually get in the way.”

  “And my mother?”

  “We had a nice chat late last night, actually. It was what prompted me to send my man after you.”

  Sinclair licked her lips and stared across the room at the gargantuan man who had stolen her from the hotel room. He smiled at her with straight white teeth. It was a stark contrast against his tan skin. “Why did you call her? How did you call her?”

  Enrique patted her arm. “Ah, innocent Sinclair. A simple piece of information such as a phone number is easily retrieved.” He removed his hand and laid his arm on the back of the couch. “She has been given a money transfer far larger than what she originally put up for bond to get you out of jail. So large in fact that it loosened her lips quite a bit.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Enrique flicked his eyes to Joseph. “I wanted to know about you. Your…acceptance of Niall’s condition had me curious. It takes a special person to tolerate such a thing. Claude Monroe said that Angela thinks you have abilities that point to a natural witch. Were you aware of that?”

  Sinclair remembered Latasha’s warning to play dumb. She didn’t dare a glance at her. Since Claude had already blabbered things, playing completely dumb was no longer an option. She decided to go with the ‘less is more’ theory.


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